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Everything posted by AegisFX

  1. I believe a few of us over the years have said or thought similarly about having an AI super hornet. Maybe as an alternate/modern navy tanker. It all sounds easy enough. But who knows how or if ED will ever get to the other models for this.
  2. I'd prefer if we had the C so carrier players can have more variety. And the B would be only the 2nd STOVL. If we can't flu either, we absolutely need them to be AI units
  3. i 100% hope this comes to pass. It seems like a smart series of changes that can really improve the "quality of life" for those of us that make extensive use of the carrier.
  4. Oooh wee! Now we can begin working on the Hornet 2 like the black shark and Warthog! See ya in a few years!!!!
  5. AegisFX

    Indian Ocean

    Wait. There's no water for carrier/naval use right now? Jolly bad show. We don't need a lot of details but I'm surprised this is happening considering how popular the 18c module has seemingly been over the years.
  6. I'm not exactly great at explaining or troubleshooting but I want to help. Were you only looking at the attk rdr page? I would suggest you have the az/el page going as well. It would help show the sort of "cone" for your radar view. Otherwise: Radar on A2A mode Make sure it's looking at the right altitude. *Are you approaching directly from their 180°? If so, see if things change if you come behind them at a bit of an offset angle. Like having them to your front 1-3 o'clock area. Good luck. If you figure it out please let me know
  7. I think everyone knows how exciting and useful having this new feature set will be., so I won't really focus on that too much. But it has been a while. Some newsletters mention ongoing work. My hope here is that we will soon be able to see this system in action. Or at least have news that can go into detail about what it will do and how the workflow will be for the community to make use of it.
  8. "nothing" as in no radio communication to reply to you? Check the frequency to make sure you're on the right one. If they did respond, it takes maybe 170 seconds before they do it.
  9. While I can't confirm, I believe I may have bumped not the recce switch, but the "goggles on-off" may have been bound to a button somewhere.
  10. No. Nothing that I am aware of. If so I feel I would have experienced this sooner.
  11. I was taking off from a carrier deck, went to align the hmd in flight, and the hmd disappeared. knob to turn it on/off still seemed to affect the mfd showing/hiding the HMD page where you couuld select into alignment, mids setup, etc. It seemed like the HUD recognized that I was in the hmd because I was entering into HACQ I was playing in VR. Normally I try to have an idea of what's going on or the logical chain of events but i'm honestly stumped with this one. Trackfile: https://file.io/bHp46wZvmtlj
  12. Nah. This teeters too much on the edge of tedium vs "immersion". I could give depth to my view but ultimately most of us would immediately skip it. A lot of workload for devs and for us for so little reward that it would genuinely be easier to just hang out at your local airport FBO and ask the mil pilots that come thru for selfies
  13. I absolutely second this. It would cut down on resources needed for the main page too. Load all VR things as part of mission/server loading please.
  14. What about the visuals are off for you? And what about the last turn is bothering you? If you're doing your final turn as well as you should (and as you may be implying), this should be close to where you need it be and you should be able to get consistent results.
  15. While this topic has yet to be directly addressed by ED membership, today's update showing the Hornet's improved data link functionality gives me hope that the target data page will also see some future utility.
  16. Not to be "that guy", but one of the first things that happened in the most recent conflict this planet has been closed to was the destruction of one of the biggest logistics aircraft ever built. Blowing up, capturing, or cutting off warehouses, factories, depots, etc have been some of the most important missions to be undertaken in any conflict. If you're one of the people begging for a dynamic campaign, then you know it's not very dynamic without moving all of the equipment.
  17. It's a different version of the e2-d. Hopefully that means it wouldn't be the most complicated AI plane to add in for the naval environment
  18. For people wondering about this: it's primarily a player respawning after crash/death. The plane respawns on a catapult, engine on and crew giving runup signal. Chocks on. It also raises the JBD, and seems to not account for another player moving over the JBD or close to beginning their own launch.
  19. I can't think of the correct place to ask this: Airfields have warehouses for the weapons and equipment and I guess even fuel supply. Are there specific buildings at each airfield that have the warehouse tied to it? I hope there are universal buildings/objects that I can look for during multiplayer sessions on others' servers as well as know what to look for when I create my own missions.
  20. It's been nearly one year. As the sim continues to expand it has become even clearer that having the tgt data page reflect more information would make an excellent addition to the Hornet's functions.
  21. But..are those modes supposed to affect the ACLS?
  22. I was unsure but thank you. Glad to hear I wasn't missing any option on this.
  23. For example, I'm in coupled autopilot towards waypoint 1. I am given a target and coordinates. Am I able to put them in at a different waypoint while still being in autopilot? So far I haven't found a way to do so.
  24. I remember we actually had it. Back before the modules were together in DCS:World. *Thanks for that one ED!* If it was some sort of option and we could still do it from the unified exe as well I'd be happy for people that want it separate too.
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