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Everything posted by Stubbies2003

  1. Well if you are going to ask to get then since the EF-2000 is incoming I'm not sure why we wouldn't ask for an E model.
  2. Yeah at what point did I say they were subordinate to the Navy? I said they were a sub set of the Navy. If you want to pick nits then sure department. That doesn't address the whole point that was being discussed in the first place.
  3. These are facts. Doesn't matter if someone doesn't like the facts.
  4. Very true on the elevator stick as there is no elevator on the F/A-18. More like a horizontal stabilators. This doesn't change the fact that the F/A-18 the ailerons will be the primary roll control surface and the horizontal stabilators will be primary for pitch control surface. Yes other surfaces can and will move to assist ala rudders for pitch and horizontal stabs for roll. Yes but if you are suggesting that the surface don't move on the ground in response to pilot input you would be wrong.
  5. I think the justification for the pods was Marines using them on their hornets and the Marines aren't a separate service but a sub set of the Navy.
  6. Now I cannot speak to the realism of the dispersal area or effectiveness of it but to say they are useless is straight up hyperbole. I use the rockeye every time I fly the F/A-18 and as long as I stay within parameters I get one kill per drop on all but perhaps the M-1 Abrams or a T-90.
  7. Ah good to know. :)
  8. You aren't going to get a dispersion of a CBU-99/Mk-118 large enough to kill three trucks with one CBU unless they are standing on top of each other. Most of the time vehicles are separated enough that that only way you are getting that many kills off of one CBU would by like a CBU-97/105. Which the 18 doesn't carry.
  9. Also use the AMPCD for the SA page. GREAT way to maintain SA of what is going on around you and I leave it like that regardless of the mode I am in. I also only have 2 TM MFDs so any clicking on the AMPCD would have to be manual but I don't need to change anything on the SA page so not an issue.
  10. F-16 also goes to boresight so I'd say yes that is by design.
  11. That pilot came to our squadron on one safety day and told us about the incident. He was hella lucky to survive it.
  12. My favorite part of the AV-8B is having the GAU-12 which is a sniping beast. It can't carry as much as the A-10 and the cannon isn't quite as hard hitting but it does it at much better speeds than the A-10 could ever do.
  13. Not talking about take offs as she is always WAAAY too heavy for VTOL on take off. Specifically talking about VTOL landing and a few of the vids I watched in the tutorial section specifically stated a VTOL crosswind landing could bring problems.
  14. Definitely FLCS BIT check. The only direct control the pilot has over the LEFs is the auto/lock function. Only locked out when there is an error in the system which is pretty rare. Otherwise they schedule automatically and that was the FLCS BIT testing them out. The easy way to see what is BIT and what is pilot commanded is that during the FLCS BIT check the CC out front was only standing at attention. After the BIT was done and the pilot was commanding surface positions was when the CC put his arms out and move his hands to communicate to the pilot what was going on.
  15. Never heard of a Stored Heading alignment into an Enhanced Interrupted Alignment. Don't even know if that is a thing in the real jet. Pretty sure it is not. Even if so then the EIA requires a change in heading of a certain number of degrees from the initial alignment heading which you didn't mention at all.
  16. Just as a future thought. Not even sure if the functionality is in DCS yet but the Norm/Wings First switch is precisely for this reason. If in norm it drains the centerline then the wing tanks but if you are just going to dump the tanks anyways then put the switch to Wings First (if it is even coded yet) and the system will drain the wing tanks first leaving the centerline for last of the externals to drain.
  17. BTW that is already below the minimal safe fuel for landing before you even take off.
  18. This step isn't required. Missile Override or Dogfight will override any mode that was active. No need to have hit the A-A master mode button. It should work from A-G or Nav modes just fine.
  19. Not like that IRL.
  20. Apparently time to beat a dead horse. To quote WAGs from an EA post: "Note that this is all very much subject to change for our mid-2000s F/A-18C USN Hornet." Note in the statement that the aircraft we are flying is based on a mid 2000s USN hornet. Not a RAAF hornet with a system delivered in 2016.
  21. Well I've done missions where I was RTB to the carrier and had dialed in the carrier TACAN prior to even launching and when initially selecting TACAN for display on the HUD on RTB it was fine (30-40nm away) and updating distance and at some point after that is when it locked up and required a power cycle. Just anecdotal though. I haven't tried to test anything specific on it.
  22. The last time I tried to do a VTOL kind of landing I just gave up since the aircraft wasn't helping me. Once I got into an initial hover I looked at the weather vane and it was pointing to my front left. Alrighty rudder a bit over to point it into the wind and get stable again. Now suddenly the weather vane is pointed clear off to the right and she wants to just spin like a freaking top while in hover. I just applied power and got into normal flight mode and landed it like a normal aircraft at that point.
  23. In reference to watching the OP video that is just WAY more than you hear when wearing earplugs and wearing the helmet. Put earplugs and a helmet muffle onto that gopro then we can talk about how real it sounds. For Cav yeah I get both sides of the discussion. We definitely miss the feedback that is just natural in the real deal like AB and dropping bombs. I fly the F/A-18 the most at the moment but for me to know I'm in AB I have to look at fuel flow. To know I've actually dropped a bomb I have to look at the DDI or see the aircraft start rolling due to the now assymetrical load out. So for some bits I can see why some of these sounds are desired but in relation to people who (like the OP) just take the full sounds of the cockpit and say give me that it is just over the top and beyond real at that point. Like several other bits I think what you are suggesting is a good point. Just install it as an option for the sound freaks who must have it and the rest can ignore it.
  24. It isn't as simple as that. Speed and dive angle play a HUGE roll in how well the Rockeye works in DCS atm. Just for clarity sake since people tend to agree the VT for the Rockeye on the F/A-18 is hard coded to 1,500 regardless of aircraft setting so I also set my VT to the same 1,500 to match the bomb line and pipper to what the bomb itself is going to do. I love the Rockeye and use it all the time in MP. If you come in too steep of a dive thus also too fast you won't have much dispersion at all. You can make those drops work but you'd better be a nail driver to do so. If you come in too shallow and slow then it has huge dispersion but tends to not work at all. My best success has been to keep the speed between 400-475 and 30-40 degrees on the dive angle. It has enough of a spread to knock out the target as long as you aim it well enough in those parameters. Even some MBTs like the LeClerc will fall to one Rockeye this way.
  25. Yup happens common in MP. As stated recycling power to TACAN clears it up.
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