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Everything posted by Stubbies2003

  1. Completely true that wen have no direct control over the height that the weapon opens we do have direct control over speed and angle on weapons release which indeed has a marked effect in DCS on the footprint. Steep and fast drops result in very concentrated footprints that drive up your need to be accurate to score a hit. This makes sense with the 1500 feet + 1.2 seconds. The weapon has traveled farther prior to opening on fast drops thus smaller footprints. Steep dive angles also add to this effect by not having much movement over the target while dispersing compared to shallow dive angles. Slow and shallow drops can produce a very big footprint indeed.
  2. I also drop in singles. The Mk. 20 is one of my favorite weapons for the hornet and I use it all the time. Including the aforementioned-M-1-/ T-90 tanks. If I get a good hit in I can take out a LeClerc in one shot but not unusual for me to have to make two passes with singles against the big boy tanks. Now if I have the choice I will use the AGM-65F against the big boys but it doesn't always pan out that way. You must be pretty accurate with the rockeye to get good damage.
  3. I've seen the tank pressure low warning many times in MP but oddly enough ONLY on the default Caucasus map. Have flown many a Nevada/Persian Gulf/Syria map but have never seen this there. Also haven't ever seen any kind of negative effect with the error so have just ignored it.
  4. Not true. I've used Mk. 20 rockeyes on M-1/T-90 all the time in MP. Odds are you will need two to get the job fully done. However calling them "pretty useless" against anything with armor is completely hyperbolic/wrong.
  5. OK reference https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=283532 I had to watch your video a few times and IMO you confused the system. You initially selected ground alignment then you selected stored heading alignment which is a 90 second alignment but then immediately selected NAV mode and shortly thereafter selected IFA. It looks like it did the IFA style alignment but IMO you confused the system by selection everything BUT the CV align mode. Especially since the ground alignment is 8 minutes versus the 10 of the IFA my suggestion would have been to just leave it in ground align mode for the 8 minute alignment then nav mode then IFA to include the GPS. Stored Heading I would have only done if I know that INS drifting isn't going to be an issue/not coded in DCS. Stored Heading alignments will drift more than standard and probably IFA as well. So IMO what should have happened is going straight to IFA for the IFA alignment or leaving it in ground for 8 minutes then nav then IFA for a standard alignment or ground and stored heading and waiting 90 seconds for that alignment mode to complete then nav then IFA.
  6. One work around is after going into guns mode go SCS left which will still be ACM but WACQ mode which is working.
  7. From the OP "Is there any tips or techniques people use to look around the cockpit with ease to simulate a TrackIR 5 kind of thing?" Other types of HT would fall directly into the scope of the OP and I did mention SOME kind of HT not necessarily TrackIR.
  8. Well I did both when I was using TIR5. I have a triple 27 inch monitor setup and prior to VR I was using TIR with that. The triple screen is nice but it doesn't replace HT.
  9. I flew BMS for 10 ish years using Track IR but once I got into VR now that has become my mandatory method of flying. If you are serious about flying you will need some type of HT. Regardless if it is TrackIR or some other combination to get the job done it is a game changer. Just as going from not HT to HT so is going from HT to VR. It steps up your ability to prosecute a WVR fight big time.
  10. Well you not giving a time line for how long you have been flying the 18 versus this re learning makes this less than useful. Especially since I use the Mav F all the time and haven't had to re learn it so must disagree with that being a "waste of time". Now perhaps you are referencing that in conjunction with TGP use. That wouldn't be the fault of the Mav F itself as that hasn't changed in awhile now using it's own sensor.
  11. Imacken those look fine to me. For a time it will bloom after an explosion then get back to a normal look. Now one of those you might be looking at a smoke marker which, for some reason, will also bloom the display badly as well. Doubt that would be realistic but that is what the display does at least in the 18. The color of the smoke changes how badly it blooms too. Like chrisofsweden that is nothing like I am seeing now. Looking at the ground at 10nm is nothing BUT black.
  12. Sigh. Welp now the MavF using it's own sensor is basically useless as a stand off weapon until fixed. The display at 10 nm is completely black on the ground. If you drive in to less then 5 nm than you can start to see the normal display. Tried messing with both contract and brightness. The only thing contrast seemed to do was to change the DDI text color from green to yellow when turned up. Turning it back down would change the color back to green but no noticeable change in the MavF sensor display what so ever for the ground display. It did change what I was seeing above the ground but at 10nm it is nothing but a sea of black on the ground. This was on a Nevada MP map with overcast weather but clear below 10k feet and obviously I was staying below the clouds.
  13. 1 vs 2 guns only? You avoid that fight like the current pandemic. You are at a disadvantage unless you are talking different generations of aircraft and even then that is not a fight I would advise.
  14. The surprise loss of fuel is a dead give away that he was indeed damaged by the missile.
  15. I have seen this one as well but oddly enough I only ever see it when flying on the Caucus map. I don't ever recall seeing this warning on Nevada or PG.
  16. More of a simulation of real world limitations. Not every runway you can land on will be equipped with ILS. Reference what mvsgas said above. You might have been landing on the wrong runway for an ILS approach there.
  17. That is a TACAN thing not an ILS thing. ILS in the aircraft doesn't transmit a signal.
  18. Smudoo is probably on this one. Sounds like you have an erroneous pitch input from another device. That is standard AP behavior for it getting kicked out of AP by a large-ish control input. I use BALT AP a fair amount and don't see this issue.
  19. Pay attention to your fuel flow. That is the true indicator of when AB is engaged.
  20. TACAN issue is well known if you had done a search at all for it. Recycle power and it will fix itself.
  21. No I got the point. My point being that even if it wasn't just shown but also simulated this way for drag etc. that is the only possible effect that could even be worried about. Thus why worrying about the gear retraction is a rather silly point when there is so much more that this module doesn't even have yet.
  22. Well TBH that is an apples to oranges comparison. Gear speed retraction will have no effect on flying for those who don't forget the gear. As long as you have positive rate of climb and enough airspeed to deal with the flap change the gear should be coming up. Which is way before 300 knots.
  23. The EPU spins up hella fast so I would be surprised if that is the reason.
  24. +1 I do get amazed at how in the weeds some of these subjects get on a very incomplete module.
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