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Everything posted by QuiGon

  1. QuiGon

    Trolling scripts

    Das obliegt den Server-Admins sich darum zu kümmern. Manche Server haben solche Scripte, während auf anderen Server die Admins sich eigenhändig um solche Spieler kümmern.
  2. That would bring a whole new set of issues with it if a 3rd party dev would be responsible for a core piece of tech in DCS (thinking of support, maintainance and ownership here). I guess it would still be better than nothing though.
  3. While this is a very low effort "fix", it's definitely a step in the right direction. I hope more steps will follow to actually create a more realistic ASP simulation.
  4. With more and more third party devs developing their own custom IFF system, it is really really getting time for ED to actually implement an IFF system to the core of DCS that everybody can use in order to avoid having lots of different but incompatible third party solutions for proper IFF simulation. Just my 2 cents.
  5. The JDAM's INS is being aligned based on the aircraft's INS though. Now if GPS is available that shouldn't matter, but in GPS restricted scenarios this is a different story.
  6. The X-Ray damage model is only used for WW2 warbirds as of now. It's not been ported to the jets yet.
  7. Da bin ich anderer Meinung. Mir ist in Chuck's Guides alles viel zu simplifiziert dargestellt. Da sieht man dann zwar welche Knöpfe man drücken muss um was zu tun, aber die ganzen Zusammenhänge was da genau passiert und wieso man das so drücken muss fehlt da oft komplett.
  8. joy.cpl sagt mir nix. Ich meinte die Achseneinstellungen im Steuerungsmenü von DCS selbst, wo man die Achsen nach eigenem Gutdünken einstellen kann (invertieren, Kurven einstellen, Todzonen einstellen, ...).
  9. Das solltest du in den Achseneinstellungen in DCS dann entsprechend anpassen können, so dass es für dich passt.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lima_Site_85 Quite an interesting read
  11. Die aktuellsten Anleitungen findest du in den allermeisten Fällen im Spielverzeichnis selbst (DCS World/mods/aircraft/modulname/docs). Es gibt hin und wieder mal Außnahmen von der Regel, wenn z.B. ein Third Party Entwickler in seinem Discord ein geupdatedes Manual veröffentlich, weil es das z.B. nicht mehr in einen Patch geschafft hat oder so, aber in aller Regel sind die neuesten Versionen im Spielverzeichnis zu finden. Dabei gilt es zu beachten, dass die übersetzen Versionen (also die nicht-englischen) da oftmals hinterherhinken und nicht unbedingt auf dem gleichen Stand sind wie die englische Version.
  12. There's a bug in the current version that prevents it from working properly. You can fix it as a workaround by toggling the GPS time to OFF and back to ON on the DL page on the DED.
  13. The test switch might not work at all. At least I don't see anything happening when I switch it nor is it's exact function described in the manual. It might even be something that is only relevant for maintenance by the ground crew
  14. They are implemented on some DCS aircraft like the MiG-21 where you can lower a darker tinted visor from the helmet.
  15. Verursacht es denn bei dir Probleme? Ich habe diese roten Ausrufezeichen auch bei manchen Bindings, aber funktionieren tun die Bindings bei mir trotzdem alle, von daher ignoriere ich die Ausrufezeichen einfach
  16. The switch was implemented quite a while ago so that its setting changes the pitbull distance for the AIM-54. After the AIM-54C was overhauled last year, the switch lost it's functionality for that missile, meaning it only impacts the behaviour of the AIM-54A now.
  17. How can it be a misguided opinion? It's how I myself feel when flying FC3 aircraft. It's not an opinion, it's how I feel. Other people feel different.
  18. Not for me. Not being able to directly interact with all the knobs and switches in the cockpit and having no in-depth modeling of the various systems just takes me out of the immersion.
  19. Oh, so that's why there is no keybinding. Thanks for the explanation! I better continue to keep my hands off of FC3
  20. News zum DCS Tornado: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/news/newsletters/aafb5eb2c13e2529fae26bf92990ba23/
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