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Everything posted by AlphaOneSix

  1. I was never quite sure why they waste their time making the struts able to move. The only time we hit one hard enough to actually stroke the piston, it wasn't pretty.
  2. Fahrenheit makes perfect sense to me. So does Celsius, and so does Kelvin.
  3. It's a knock-off and this particular knock-off has the second hands backwards. Such attention to detail!
  4. Once I actually get my setup working I should probably check on this.
  5. Well, it was designed in the late 1970s and first fielded in the early 1980s, if that helps give some context.
  6. AC-powered miniguns went away a long time ago, thanks to Robert's Ridge, although I'm willing to concede that I don't know the state of the Dutch military. Certainly by the time period covered by this version of the CH-47F, all miniguns in the U.S. were DC-powered with a battery backup that's capable of firing the whole can of ammo without aircraft power.
  7. Your assumption is exactly correct. If you check the battery voltage with no load, they sometimes show a higher voltage than they really have. Turning on the two fuel pumps is purely for the purpose of putting an electrical load on the batteries in order to make the voltage check more accurate.
  8. Is the JTAC using two lasers at the same time? Because the laser used for sparkling is not a designating laser, and the designation laser is not visible under NVGs.
  9. The video doesn't show any IR suppressors installed. Assuming you are referring to the IR jammer behind the APU. It is not modelled in DCS because there are no missiles in DCS that it would be effective against.
  10. Well, in an ideal world, I think ED would just add keybindings for the pedal microswitches, and people can implement those physically however they see fit.
  11. The Missile Advance button should only work if you are in manual mode *before* you WAS the missiles. If you find yourself in this situation again, you could try de-WASing the missiles, placing it in manual mode, then re-WAS missiles.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's the AFCS system select switch. It goes OFF - 1 - BOTH - 2 - OFF and is normally in BOTH which will have both AFCS systems operating at 50% authority (gain?) each. If you put it in 1 or 2 it will activate just that system only at 75% authority. OFF turns off both systems.
  13. Because their hand is already on the collective, which is where the CHOP button is.
  14. Yes, it's rather pointless in DCS.
  15. The real aircraft does not have any kind of tint to the widows, either the glass ones or the plexiglass. In AirSenpai's images, the "tint" comes from the reflection of a blue sky.
  16. Yeah I was waiting about 30 seconds after the engine RPM reached zero before I tried another start.
  17. That's only necessary if you've got unburned fuel in the combustion chamber, which doesn't happen when he does it the way he is describing. Unless by "overhead fuel valve" he doesn't mean the red levers above the pilot.
  18. Works fine for me. How long after the RPM reaches 0% are you waiting before attempting a restart?
  19. Well, the Mi-8 knows how much you move the cyclic, so anytime you move the cyclic, the attitude setting changes, too. Without hitting the trim button.
  20. Well, fine, but it's the exact same dispenser as on the A-model.
  21. McD didn't buy Hughes until 1984.
  22. You mean design choice by Hughes, of course.
  23. Several kinds. Mi-8MTV-1, Mi-17-1V, Mi-172, Mi-17V-5, Mi-171. Some with the dolphin nose, some without...some with a ramp, some with clamshells.
  24. Color weather radar, mostly. Additionally, extra room for other avionics.
  25. My documentation indicates that the KZSP indicated airspeed controller doesn't start working until 150km/hr IAS.
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