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Everything posted by rem27

  1. You are the beste man Thank you so mutch
  2. Hi Crazyeddie, I use your wonderful mod from the begining. I've noticied on the fuel m978 HMETT truck gives some problems with the liveries. Wenn I remove the HMETT .edm file from your folder static vehicles mod I can see the default liveries. Thank you for your mods. Best regards
  3. Merry Christmas to all ! from Switzerland
  4. After new patch laucher says I have to instal 6 other moduls but the screen is empty... any info ED?
  5. Nice work Massun92. Should we uninstall your mod from our saved game folder? thank’s in advance Rem27
  6. Cannot download the F-4. DCS updated to version redeem my Heatblur Vaucher for the F-4 in my DCS account, but still cannot download the F-4 nice…. EDIT now the download options appears…nice
  7. Yes, server back. Thank you
  8. Access to dcs server is down. Fail to login
  9. Very nice thank you, 3D model are very nice!
  10. Thank you Trigati, I'll give it a try
  11. Streamdeck stuttering went Winwing Simapp pro is on. settimoute to 0 or export script interval to 0,5 didn’t improve Sté stuttering of my Streamdeck (dcs takes a lot of time to respond to my Streamdeck commands). any advise? thank you
  12. Radio Menu don't change. Not in easy mode I have my radio in AM mode I use microphone on the throttle I ask to the ATC startup I ear ATC answer but then the radio ATC menu still in ask for startup...the ATC menu don't change...
  13. runnig it as admin did the trick. Thank you! Yes you're right I did forget to modify my shortcut for non MT to run it as admin. That did the trick. Thank you Bignewy.
  14. Cannot run non mt DCS.exe here! null
  15. rem27

    Wheel Brake Bug ?

  16. Thank you pete_auau Nam you’re just the best ! thank you
  17. Thank you Razbam, very nice 50th birthday present for me
  18. Yes I did and seems OK in my account. Thank you for the help anyway.
  19. There is no box to check and no modul
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