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Everything posted by Chrinik

  1. Depends entirely on the range it needs to travel. The engine has fuel for about 65 seconds of continuous burn, after that it is dry. It can also shut off it's engine when it reached it's desired speed to reach it's target. It's a liquid fueled rocket, it does not continue to burn unnessecarily. No burn should mean no smoke. The video I've seen they shut off their fuel at about 61000 feet, and produce a smoke trail until then and no further, as expected. I can not reproduce your problem in DCS either. It keeps smoking as long as it is burning.
  2. Why? It's a ballistic missile, it has to stop burning before it reaches apogee or it will overshoot it's target...
  3. Joa, klingt gut. Bin dabei.
  4. I noticed the Airbrake button binding disappeared...or am I missing something.
  5. Technically the COO mode should be used to hit PP targets like a precision guided GPS bomb, BUT the missile will simply do loops indefinately. So yeah. Hope this gets fixed soon.
  6. Press the "power on" MPCD button on the right side before wishing to use them...
  7. Not meant to, or not able at all?
  8. Quick question...how fast are you going and what is your angle and range to target when the bomb seperates? Are you climbing? You can make the bomb miss the laser if you incorrectly loft, release too late, etc. Not trying to insult or anything, but it is pretty hard to mess up since the laser cone is relatively lenient, but I have tossed bombs over my intended target. Are you locking the ground "behind" the vehicle, or the ground below the vehicle? Are you masking the pod before impact(I assume not) or otherwise disrupt the lasing?
  9. No problems here. Make sure on LGBs that: The M-fuze is off and the E-fuze is INST a valid lasercode is typed into the pylon Mavs you select by clicking the MAVF button on the DDI twice. You can then uncage it like normal, or mark a target with the TGP which will then slave the Mav-seeker to the target. Wait for lock and rifle.
  10. Wenns nicht schon zu spät ist, reservier für einen mehr. Ich glaub ich gesell mich auch mal wieder zu euch. war lang nicht mehr dabei.
  11. In my experience, the covers are shaped in a way that if you close them, you actuate the switch back with them. Hence I was confused why we can't just close the cover, and it puts the switch back into normal.
  12. Nach langer langer Zeit freut es mich zu sehen das der Stammtisch noch aktiv ist, hoffe das der nächste Termin bald kommt und viele Zeit haben, wollt mich auch mal wieder blicken lassen XD
  13. You don't get an X because you are in AUTO mode, which is CCRP. If you want to drop them CCIP, you have to select that mode. Try not selecting an E-fuze setting.
  14. Reduce Civilian traffic, reduce tree distance a bit, chimneysmoke density, resolution of cockpit displays. Oh and SSAA...Super Sampling AA increases your render resolution by this amount, then scales it back. 1.5 means you are effectively rendering in 3975x2160p, so slightly more than 4K, and I don't feel like it's worth it. I got MSAA running at 4 times. Heatblur I also turned off, the effect itself is nice to look at, but it blurs the damn HUD for some reason when you are taxiing behind a buddy, and it just shatters immersion alot. Motion Blur and Depth of Field are similarily artificial looking effects and so I turned them off. All of these bog down your performance alot without actually looking all that much better when maxed out (IMHO). I run a 1080ti, which should be roughly on par with a 2080, on a 3440x1440p monitor, and I run 75-100 fps... DCS still looks awesome, but a fluid experience looks more awesome than a stuttery mess with some extra little bit of eye candy. Especially if you have a 144hz monitor, I would use that...
  15. Here is some of mine.
  16. People forget that ARBS and DMT are seperate systems that work together... The Harrier has a weapons computer that takes information from the ARBS, but doesn't need it to give you a CCIP calculation, because it uses other parameters, like angle, altitude and such, like in other aircraft. The ARBS is meant to enhance that data, and automatically release bombs when the currently locked target parameters are sufficient to hit when you set it to auto.
  17. Slightly off topic, but russia apparently had designated points to drop tanks during excersises. People would then go in and collect the tanks because they could build stuff out if it, like rain collectors etc. Apparently russia didn't care for it's tanks much XD
  18. I just did some drops with snakeeyes, 1600feet agl, 700 kts. Got the pipper out infront of me with the warning cross of course...but snakeeyes provide plenty of time to pull out of harms way after the drop. There is a good 3 seconds between pickle and impact, at that speed I just pull up and am at 3000feet before they impact... I do not know what the problem is using them in CCIP? https://imgur.com/a/C8ozZNn
  19. Funny, I don't have to trim, I put the nose where I want and it stays there<.< And yes, Autotrim and FBW are not the same system. The F-15 has Autotrim, but no FBW, the Hornet and Mirage have FBW, but not Autotrim... I still have no issues with my nose wandering off tho. Are you talking about asymetric loads because of weapons deployment?
  20. I would much rather like to know why we can only carry 4 Sparrows max? Is this actually the case? I could have sworn the inboard wing pylons can also carry Aim 7s but I can't for the life of me find any pictures, as Hornets seem to be deployed with wingtanks 90% of the the time.
  21. If you don´t ground lock the maverick seeker, it will keep moving, since it is initially slaved to the FPM. During slewing, it is not ground locked. It is easier to slave it to a different sensor, IE DMT, to have a better chance to lock the target you want. Don´t forget that this is not the A-10C...it functions differently.
  22. Disregard, overread details in your post.
  23. When deploying Mk 83 bombs from the dual racks and attempting to drop 2 or 4 or all one pylon ejects its bombs while the other stays attacked, resulting in massive assymetrical load. The weapons also do not show up as weapons anymore, the station shows as empty. Only way to get rid of them is to jettison the entire rack. Will post screenshots later when back from work.
  24. A similar switch is the CMS on the Warthog Joystick...it has four ways of travel (forward,back, left, right.) and you can click it down like a button...
  25. It´s a TV sensor. If the target contrast is not high enough, it will not lock. I have employed them sucessfully from the AV8B so they definately work, the issue is on your end. If you followed the typical maverick procedure and it still doesn´t work for you, I can´t help.
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