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Everything posted by blackbelter

  1. Name ONE element in official DCS description that is fictitious in nature. I am afraid you can't do it, because realism is DCS's thing. Campaigns can be anything, fictitious or realistic, but the official description of ED products has always been focusing on realism. What's the difference between DCS: (insert your aircraft name here) and DCS WWIII: (inset your aircraft name here)? Other than the name, there is no difference if it is about the same aircraft. So what does it bring to label DCS products WWIII? Nothing. I don't know about other people. But if one day DCS WWIII materializes, I would wonder: Huh? Is ED taking the route of EA?
  2. It's like what was said in the new movie 'The Wind Rises', flying is a beautiful dream of the human kind, but it is also a cursed one, for beautiful airplanes are built to kill. Fortunately humans are capable of being hypocritical. They do what the major character in the Movie did: pretend that killing never happened, and continue to build his 'beautiful' killing machine.
  3. In contrary to WWIII, WWII is real...
  4. That I know. My point is that there is no point labeling anything 'DCS: WWIII'. That sounds like a game developed by EA.
  5. One thing that I am happy about is that NaturalPoint finally meets its true competitor. I feel that OR is gonna win. NP should have died in shame long time ago.
  6. "The most detailed and realistic simulations of machines used in a fictitious war".
  7. People can claim something to be perfect/real when they intuitively feel that the thing is perfect/real. No point imposing your opinion on others, especially when your opinion is based on comparisons between apples and oranges. Speculating on others (such as calling them fanboys) when their opinions are different from yours is just... too much, too far... To me, the new pictures are simply awesome, or, loosely speaking, 'perfect'. They look much closer to videos of the views of real world pilots that I've watched than the current engine. The only thing I am concerned with is the hardware requirement for a smooth gameplay.
  8. See my post at http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2019907&postcount=6 Anybody else experiencing the same thing?
  9. You really have to ask? Seriously? Of course it's gonna be alien invaders. Have you seen any of the movies? :smartass:
  10. With that AND air combat, you may be able to run at 0.0001 fps with a 9500; maybe 0.01 fps with a 680. I am exaggerating, yes. But you get the point... Unfortunately, computing power available to average gamers is still limited, so each simulator has to focus on a particular aspect of life.
  11. Hats off to this Great-great-grand-father of my Geforce 680. But honestly, it is time for him to retire and enjoy his final days (in a box or something)... Poor 9500...:cry:
  12. Geforce 610 is far from being 'very good'... Unless you have made a typo there, I would suggest you to upgrade your graphics card, as it is clearly the bottle neck of your system. Aim for 650 at least, or above, if you want to enjoy DCS world...
  13. Are you using a modern Nvidia card? If so, did you update the driver recently? My personal experience is that only 332.21 version is stable in DCS. The newer drivers, i.e. 334 and 338 (the latest), both cause instabilities in DCS. What happens is the following. Once I update the driver to 334 or 338, I constantly get random crashing in DCS. If I revert to 332.21, DCS crashes almost certainly in the FIRST mission after the reversion. But that's it. DCS runs rock solid afterwards.
  14. Anyone else expecting to see the non-beta version of the update released before/during this weekend? :P
  15. There are two types of joystick profiles. One type is to be loaded in-game, the other is to be loaded using joystick programming software. Maybe you used the wrong way of loading it...
  16. It has become the usual practice of ED to release an update before giving a changelog... it feels like receiving a gift that is not allowed to be opened... for some time. Still, it is better than no gift at all.
  17. For OP, the problem with 670 SLI is the limited Vram... since he wants to go for 4K display. I have no idea how much Vram that will require, but 2GB is probably not enough for higher settings. 2 X 670 2GB in SLI is effectively a much more powerful 2GB card, but it is still 2GB nevertheless. I would advise OP to look at cards that come with at least 4GB of vram. There are not too many choices to choose from.
  18. Ok. How about Su-27 AFM? Will it be in 1.2.8? Thanks :D
  19. F-15 AFM, Su-27 AFM, EDGE, 1.2.8, can someone give an estimation of the order of release?
  20. It stands for advanced flight model. It calculates the reaction of an a/c under given conditions using a mathematical model in real time, and takes into account the force from each and every control surface of the a/c. In contrast, the standard (or simplified) flight model (SFM), which is what F-15 and Su-27/33 have now, consults a table of numbers for the determination of the reactions of a plane. The SFMs treats each a/c as a single object, and do not consider the forces of each control surface independently. At least that's my understanding of the subject... Hope it helps.
  21. Great news... F-15 with AFM will be awesome. Now it needs a worthy foe... I wonder where that is now... Any news?;)
  22. I think I've posted this somewhere already... But here goes: Sit closer to the TIR camera than you would like to, press TIR center view; then resume your normal sitting distance from the camera. You may have to do this a few times with different initial distances and angles in order to get proper views in your normal sitting position, but this for sure works, for obvious reasons.
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