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Everything posted by Calinho

  1. Don't buy until they update.
  2. Today Nvidia updated the display driver to 555.99, but my DCS MT still crashes on startup with 555.85 and 555.99. My DCS only opens with 552.44 DCS open beta with no mods, new saved games folder build, repair done, DDU RTX 4090 + I9 13900K + 32GB RAM + Win 11 dcs.log-20240604-233934.zip
  3. Today Nvidia updated the display driver to 555.99, but my DCS MT still crashes on startup with 555.85 and 555.99. My DCS only opens with 552.44 DCS open beta with no mods, new saved games folder build. RTX 4090 + I9 13900K + 32GB RAM + Win 11 dcs.log-20240604-231259.zip
  4. yep, another abandonware
  5. Nvidia 552.44 solved my problem. With 555.85 DCS.exe MT crashes on statrtup
  6. Ok, this issue only only happens with MT dcs.exe, i will roll back my nvidia driver
  7. No mods, crash on start, after today update. Repair didn't solve dcs.log-20240522-221500.zip
  8. Nice work! Can you make templates with units? Egipt template, Israel Template
  9. same for me
  10. What engine will be equiped: F100-PW-220 or F100-PW-229? What Radar will be equiped: AN/APG-70 or AN/APG-82?
  11. and no Magnitude F4U corsair
  12. yep, for me NIS is better for the cockpit, the rest is the same: terrain, performance. My dream for VR is viable anti aliasing option, maybe one day
  13. Are you runing Steam VR Beta and WMR for Steam VR beta? for me Steam VR Beta and WMR Beta for Steam VR causes random crashes. Stable Version of both programs work 100%. I9 9900K + RTX3080TI + G2 + 32GB DDR4 3733mhz + NVME 970 EVO PRO + Win 11 I sugest you to follow this guide
  14. SteamVr: There is difference in performance between stable and beta?
  15. go to: Users\[windows user]\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\DXCache and delete all content of \DXCache folder
  16. Maybe when DCS go to vulkan, ED can contact Nvidia to enable support to Resizable Bar. Another feature that DCS can benefit a lot is Direct Storage, but i don't know if vulkan support this technology
  17. Another interesting option in NVCP is MFAA, I think it doesn't work
  18. At this point i guess that NVCP changes don't work in VR, thanks for test. GPU frametimes on test 75 are very good, the delta from baseline 25 is from DCS 2.7.6 or windows 11 itself?
  19. Can you test Nvidia low latency on NVCP?
  20. New modules like Mi-24 and mosquito are very demanding, because they are very detailed with high resolution textures. F-16 and F/A-18 i can get 50% more FPS than mi-24 in VR
  21. Robi Hobby shared this link, you just need to drop the modified sceneVr.lua from Jharvis at DCSWorld\Scripts\DemoScenes\ now the VR menu hangar is completely gone, saved more 200 mb of VRAM. Just WMR and Steam VR (following the first post video tutorial) = 3,5 GB of VRAM WMR + STEAM VR + DCS MENU = 5,0 GB of VRAM Final result WMR + STEAM VR + DCS completely Black VR menu = 4,3 GB of VRAM
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