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Everything posted by Hobel

  1. See the bug report, there is basically no difference between 3 modes that changes the behavior of the AGM-88. it is always active 40nm before target and 180°Seeker search Area
  2. Wingman https://theaviationgeekclub.com/a-10-pilot-explains-why-warthog-drivers-often-boresight-the-agm-65-maverick-on-wingman-rather-than-on-a-ground-target/amp/
  3. Things like this are basically going to be global so yes we can assume that
  4. Okay if it only happens with the old miz it should only be limited to "old" f16/18 and new ones fix it completely? Thx!
  5. Thanks I could finally reproduce it with this miz! So for new F18/16 too? What do I have to set in the f16/f18 so that the own data link is displayed, when I test it with new ones I have not yet been able to reproduce this.
  6. that's basically my point i would be in favor of a different method because that way, you can't shoot at helicopters in DCS no matter how optimal the conditions would be and the seeker can Lock this target, here i would be more in favor of a relative dynamic distance limit than a hard Line,because you can currently Track and shoot at tanks at 15-20nm with these old Mavs. with the other things i agree with you about and thank you for the interesting documents!
  7. I didn't refer so much to the different missles, in fact I was more focused on the modern version. when it comes to the older missles you are of course right that the limitations should be greater in terms of pure tracking. I think and your document shows this very well(and thus you have provided direct proof), the pilot might still be able to roughly recognize the target but the seeker has problems to distinguish the contrast at such a large distance, which is why he can hardly or no longer Lock the target from 5nm, thanks for that. but I would still say that you can shoot at a helicopter within 5nm if the contrast is high enough for the missle and that the targets do not exceed the kinematic limits for an immobile maverick the thing here is, why are there speed gates? if the target is within 5nm(or depending on the size of the helicopter 3-4nm for small and 5-6nm for large) even the older misses should be able to lock a helicopter, how does an IR/TV seeker know how fast the helicopter flying directly towards you is ? it only sees a contrast that hardly moves.
  8. Hello it seems there have been changes here, tracks One and Three the Missle Hits now can you test it again and share your experiences? The values in which the Aim120 can reacquire the target 2 times have probably changed from my observation and also seem more dynamic, the closer to the ground the more difficult. that means before the rv was ~100knots and now the missle can reacquire the target in track 3 scenario already at rv:36 knots
  9. The fact that you can display the RWR on another screen without breaking the IC is very important, especially for cockpit builders
  10. Other sensors? For example, can I create a track with the TGP and then I or a wingman can shoot an Aim120 on it? Is it also possible to triangulate several RWRs with each other and create a track and shoot it?
  11. Ah, okay, that might explain it. Also that it's not visible on some servers. So if servers are still using "old" f16/18 they just need to be recreated it, in the ME and the error doesn't appear? I hope that's it. Are these "old" f16/18 in your miz?
  12. In some tests when I was in the blind spot of awacs the onw ship link disappeared. Here is an example from the MP Server Buddy Spike pg Modern. What the exact trigger is is still a mystery to me, I couldn't reproduce it in the sp
  13. This is also not necessary, the Seeker should recognize a contrast and a helicopter as well as a tank offer this contrast and 5° is more than enough If the helicopter flanks you at 250 km/h, the Maverick should have problems, but if it flies directly or at a slight angle towards you? and it is precisely these limits that can be observed with the Laser maverick. Here are examples. Once the best and the worst scenario for the Maverick. In the first bad scenario, I Lock a helicopter with the Laser Maverick that flanks me and flies at 250km/h, the Missle catches the laser and also tries to fly towards the target, but cannot reach it because the limits of the Missle are simply reached, which is shown very well here, if the helicopter had been slower and closer, the missle would have had a better chance. However, if the helicopter is flying straight towards me, the laser missle has absolutely no problems. If I try the same thing with the IR Maverick, it can Lock the target on the station and hold it, so is Contrast are Valide here, but immediately after firing it loses the target? A helicopter flying straight towards me is basically a stationary object for an IR sensor In your opinion, what are the limitations in this situation?
  14. from the pure testing of the last version there are 2 new main features that I have observed. -9m PF -less wobble(Significantly less) Less wobble roughly means that the missle no longer makes extremely hectic movements when it loses a target and Lock it up again, it is now much smoother, thus saves energy and leads more cleanly to the target here i one scenario: in this example the AIm120 loses the F16 in the notch and changes to a new target, the change is now very smooth, as you can see the Old missle was always thrown around Left New. xr5piv.mp4 Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to testing it in detail yet, but from what I've seen so far, it's already a small Aim-120 revolution for me. the wobbling has caused a lot of misses i'm looking forward to the future tacview evaluations!
  15. Well, if the host radar is burnt through ECM, range information is available and so there is no reason for the aim120 not to loft. I think that's what he was trying to say
  16. So just to be clear, there is no option for the red side to have the same GPS quality as the blue side? I thought it was the same for both sides, especially if you use this option?
  17. have you tested it again? with the new landing gear change, something seems to have changed well
  18. could have been a K4 in DCS it is similar
  19. yes, you can slave to the STP in FCR-GM mode, then make the FCR-GM side SOI and slew the FCR minimally and then the bottom is marked directly under the STP. personally, i would always enter the STP ALT to save future work, but that's how it works too
  20. Ja das wäre sonst sehr schade gewesen, die F15E ist schon ein verdammt tolles Flugzeug mag die System Logik von dem jet auch extrem. Hoffentlich können wir trotz allem auch noch die mig23 sehen, weiterhin Daumen drücken.
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