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Everything posted by Banzaiib

  1. If he's less than 15 miles behind you and trying to kill you, re-engaging is going to be very difficult if he's fully loaded with death sticks. It's possible you could turn back and fire an emergency mad dog amraam at him then immediately disengage, hoping he's target fixated (this works on the 104 pretty well), but you're going to need at least 10 miles separation distance for that, because as soon as your Vc drops (indicating you're turning), he's going to fire... i would, anyway. Your mileage may vary...
  2. several Marine hornet pilots have stated on these forums that they carried it on the cheek station any time they carried the LITENING pod.
  3. Can you drain the wing tanks before the centerline tank? Or do you drain them all evenly?
  4. They don't prefer it on the center line. Not sure where you got that idea.
  5. (30 x 2) + 60 = 120 = the total slots in the picture flare are released in pairs, so you're actually getting 60 flares when the loadout screen says 30
  6. No litening, but maybe AIM-7 fix
  7. this is simply not true. 18's regularly land with the same impact force at an airfield as they do on a carrier. They do not carry LITENING pods on carrier deployments for financial and logistical reasons. That's it.
  8. you are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct :)
  9. They call it "mad dog" for a reason... when it goes active, it's like a dog looking for a squirrel, the first thing it sees, it chases.
  10. what bomb has a radar receiver in the nose?
  11. LITENING pod was not a planned feature... it's a stop-gap because they're taking forever to develop ATFLIR The LITENING pod can be mounted on any pylon (except the wingtips, of course) /thread
  12. It's a great question you asked in the OP. Care to enlighten us as to what you found?
  13. 43 lb / sq. ft wing loading... that's nearly 1/2 of the f-15. Sure the 15 has better thrust to weight, but when it gets slow, the f-14 really out turns it.
  14. uhm... how do we show up for the match? Do we log into a certain server? Hop on a discord channel? Shouldn't there be instructions either in the main post or on the merge website? Or maybe i just missed them, but I don't have time to read this forum 100%
  15. No, the stabilators do not rub against the exhaust nozzle petals.
  16. You still get the "PULL UP" bitching betty if you're inverted... and if you're inverted, your radar altimeter is pointing at the sky... so I think it's either that's a bug, or it's INS based, or ED is just cheating (not really rendering the system, just the effect).
  17. it's a photo of a Super Hornet in the VF-11, FYI, taken October 31, 2016. Much Higher Resolution version:
  18. And no one flew the SU-25 ever again...
  19. that's a great shot... you should be a photographer
  20. If i read the OP correctly, he's worried about people trolling or incorrectly assigning friendly to tracks on purpose. The same was said for RIO's ejecting in the F-14. I frequent DDCS a lot and have been exclusively engaged in multiplayer DCS for 5 years. (I literally have 0 time in single player). I don't think this is a great concern. Especially in DDCS, there is a pretty good respect for the community, and if you get black balled, it's not like you can just go find another server like that to troll around on. There's blue-flag, and then the 104th when they're running a campaign style map, TAW has a good continuous campaign server, and that's about it. It's a tiny community (compared to many other online games) and with that means there isn't as much troll-anonymity as typical of a lot of gaming communities. You get identified pretty quickly, and the consequences are pretty severe. Just my 2 cents (which is all its worth).
  21. Banzaiib


    Will TWS work when EA begins? Or will it be a later add-on?
  22. What? Are you serious? If you look at your video and the Heatblur video directly above, I'd say HB did a great job! (maybe I misunderstood your post?) As said previously, our eyes adjust automatically and see with greater dynamic range than any imaging sensor (camera). You have to calibrate your camera with great precision to capture things as your eye would see them, and even then, this can be very difficult or impossible as ambient light decreases. You also have to take into account the ability of a display media (monitor or photograph) to display dynamic range. Even if a sensor could accurately capture image data like your mark-1 eyeball, that doesn't mean you'd see it on your monitor. Developers have to choose a fairly limited dynamic range to display, and again, this is most apparent when rendering the transition to low light conditions (dawn and dusk). Source: been a photographer for over a decade.
  23. Almost all of this is wrong, aside from the atflir being a bit lighter and more expensive. to be very clear, the Lpod (LITENING) can be carried on the cheek stations on the F/A-18C
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