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Everything posted by Veteran66

  1. SSD habe ich Strg+Alt+Entf muß ich machen sonst startet DCS auch nach 30min nicht. Das Phänomen habe ich schon seit DCS 2,0 und bestimmt 10 Jahren, daher dachte ich das es "normal" ist. Es stört auch nicht so sehr, wenn DCS einmal gestartet ist sind die folgenden Starts schneller, bis zum nächsten PC Neustart. Ram habe ich zZ 40 Giga, daran sollte es nicht liegen. Dachte es gibt eine Einstellung oder Tricks die mir nicht bekannt sind
  2. mal ne kurze Frage wie startet man DCS schneller? fast immer muß ich DCS mit Strg+Alt+ Entf beim Erststart abbrechen und noch mal starten
  3. i make a small Android tool for Navigation Link https://filehorst.de/d/egqAAbmp
  4. in FW190A8 it was the same, after last Update it was fixed
  5. From Leatherneck https://www.facebook.com/leatherneck.simulations
  6. yes i know the follow option, mix the Plane Group like the Vehicles will be a great option.
  7. Hi all, it is possible to use two Plane Types in one Plane Group. For Vehicles it is possible in Missions Editor, for planes in Missions script? I try it but i get Missions Errors.
  8. schreib doch mal Reflected Simulations mal direkt an hier im Forum https://forums.eagle.ru/profile/51152-reflected/ oder auf Facebook https://www.facebook.com/reflectedsimulations/
  9. i get a error not work with it get anyone 3Ds Max 2021 work for DCS export? ok, ignore the Reder Error and it will work. Now i use 3Ds Max 2022 and the edm-plugins-190327
  10. Max 2021 do not have Standard Material, other Materials do not work after Make Cool and export as edm file, the shapes have only 1KB
  11. Historical Magnetic Declination: https://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/historical_declination/
  12. yes i try all,"Make Cool for the edm export and Blend or Alpha Test in the Settings.
  13. i try all settings, no Alpha in DCS Game, you have a sample file for me
  14. in 3Ds Max it is transparent, in DCS Editor not see pictures
  15. Hi all i use 3DS Max 2016, my objects have no Alpha channel in DCS game. So how i must make it? Amy samples or Instructions here?
  16. in the Trigger Editor in Actions, load a dummy sound file and than after save the Mission your sound file. sometime the Missions scrips do not overwrite the "old" sondfile with the "new" one (same name)
  17. danke dir funktioniert jetzt es waren zwei 3D Modelle von mir in den Saved Games\DCS.openbeta Ordner
  18. Hallo ich wollte auf mich auf dem Storm of War server einlocken bekomme aber die Meldung "Client ist modifiziert" diese Meldung kommt auch nach bereinigen meines DCS open Beta Install. habe dazu .\DCS_updater.exe cleanup und .\DCS_updater.exe repair durchgeführt. meine Mods wurden erkantn und gelöscht, was muß ich noch machen?
  19. Hi, it work fine for "Player", how i can add "Groups with Name"?
  20. hi all i find this script, it work fine for "Player", how i can add "Groups with Name"? -- Advanced Tools for Mission Editor -- Generic Areas sound module local thisModule local moduleName = "SoundInAreas" -- Sound player of area, can be a blanck sound file (no noise, but here squelsh) -- if duration <= 0 just played once -- Necessary local outOfArea = { file = "squelsh.ogg", duration = -1, } -- List of sounds one per area, indexed by dcs zone name (in that mission Z1 and Z2) -- if duration <= 0 just played once local myAreas = { ["Z1"] = { file = "fifteen.ogg", duration = 2, }, ["Z2"] = { file = "thousand.ogg", duration = 2, }, } local function outOfAreaPlay(player) if outOfArea.duration > 0 then player:soundStart(outOfArea.file, outOfArea.duration) else player:soundStop() player:soundOnce(outOfArea.file) end end local function onTimer(events) for _id, _ in events:pairs() do if events:isCoreEvent(_id) == true then local typeEvent = events:getCoreEventType(_id) if typeEvent == "AREA_AIRCRAFT_ENTERS" then local datas = events:getCoreEventDatas(_id) if myAreas[datas.area:getName()].duration > 0 then datas.unit:soundStart(myAreas[datas.area:getName()].file, myAreas[datas.area:getName()].duration) else datas.unit:soundStop() datas.unit:soundOnce(myAreas[datas.area:getName()].file) end elseif typeEvent == "AREA_AIRCRAFT_LEAVES" then local datas = events:getCoreEventDatas(_id) outOfAreaPlay(datas.unit) end end end end local function onCreatePlayer(player) -- Add tracking to new player local found = false for _zoneName, _myArea in pairs(myAreas) do _myArea.area:setAircraftTracking(player) if player:isInArea(_myArea.area) == true then found = true end end if found == false then outOfAreaPlay(player) end end local function onStart(areUnitsAndPlayersInitialized) if areUnitsAndPlayersInitialized == false then for _zoneName, _myArea in pairs(myAreas) do if ATME.getDCSZone(_zoneName) ~= nil then _myArea.area = thisModule:createNamedArea(_zoneName) _myArea.area:add(_zoneName) end end end end -- MAIN do local newHandlers = { onCreatePlayerHandler = onCreatePlayer, onDeletePlayerHandler = nil, onUpdatePlayerHandler = nil, onTakeoffPlayerHandler = nil, onLandingPlayerHandler = nil, onStartEnginePlayerHandler = nil, onStopEnginePlayerHandler = nil, onCreateAIUnitHandler = nil, onDeleteAIUnitHandler = nil, onDisableAIUnitHandler = nil, onTakeoffAIUnitHandler = nil, onLandingAIUnitHandler = nil, onStartEngineAIUnitHandler = nil, onStopEngineAIUnitHandler = nil, onCreateGroupHandler = nil, onDeleteGroupHandler = nil, onDisableGroupHandler = nil, onCreateStaticObjectHandler = nil, onDeleteStaticObjectHandler = nil, onTimerHandler = onTimer, onModuleStartHandler = onStart, } thisModule = ATME.C_Module(moduleName, newHandlers, true) end Link:
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