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Everything posted by MRaza

  1. How do you find average fuel burn?
  2. How do you calculate bingo fuel? It's different for every aircraft because each aircraft consumes fuel differently, but is there like a standard way (equation or something?) to calculate the bingo fuel for any military aircraft? Something I can use in both DCS, Falcon BMS, and any other sim...
  3. Forget the boom man I know what that is XD I'm talking about that payload lol
  4. Guys wth is this XD (check 1:40)... https://youtu.be/JDdy0y0nWCQ
  5. Sorry but what's the exact difference between IAS and TAS?
  6. Not saying your wrong but that goes against everything I've ever learned. I've always been taught that air gets denser the LOWER you go because of other molecules above pushing them down. And that air gets thinner/less dense as you increase altitude so that's why mountain climbers have trouble breathing?!
  7. why does speed decrease as altitude increases?
  8. Last I checked it was but might've changed idk Edit: nope still the same, you can check on gadget.buddyspike.net
  9. can we plz have this issue fixed before release on main dcs world version...i wanna have deferred shading on for nice outside world, but i want the cockpit inside to look normal (which is does but with DS off which makes trees look like crap) and not be all dark and blurry
  10. can we plz have this issue fixed before release on main dcs world version...i wanna have deferred shading on for nice outside world, but i want the cockpit inside to look normal (which is does but with DS off which makes trees look like crap) and not be all dark and blurry
  11. global cockpit illumination helps make the cockpit a bit less dark but just so you guys know maybe it needs some tweaking because the text on the MFCDs and on all the A-10C's panels and CDU screen is still very thick and blotted. *Look specifically at the blotted text in the highlighted areas in the 2nd picture!*
  12. What does global cockpit illumination do
  13. Not sure I'll test that setting when I get home in about...9 hours XD
  14. Glad to see many others are having the same issue as me. Look at this thread for more images with Deferred Shading on and off https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=200806&goto=newpost With DS off, the cockpit looks great but terrain and trees are crappy. FLIR also doesn't work as well With DS on, terrain and FLIR work well but cockpit is too dark and text on my A-10Cs MFCDs is all thick and blotted
  15. above 5 images were with deferred shading turned on, this image is what trees look like with it off
  16. turning off deferred shading seems to fix the issues with the colors in the cockpit, but make the trees outside look crappy, will try to post a screenshot later
  17. I know this is on Open Beta, just wanted to say though that the colors are severely messed up. Take a look at the attachments, specifically the A-10C's left and right screens (MFCDs). Everything is all blurred out and thick Seems to be an issue regardless of gamma settings.
  18. YES!!! seems like 2.5 has fixed FLIR
  19. Excited to get home and try it out. Any performance issues yet?
  20. +1 +1 +1 +1 NO F-18 RELEASE TILL THE FLIR GETS FIXED!!! Won't be purchasing Hornet or any other modules till this is fixed, either
  21. guys i am a bit confused in how radio freqs are set up... i know that there are ATC and GCI channels on UHF, but how are interflight comms set up? is there one frequency shared between all strikers, one for all helos, and one for all fighters?
  22. Well it is true that any large, long range high altitude SAMs like SA-6, 10, 11s, etc would be taken care of with SEAD and DEAD before Hogs are allowed to operate correct?
  23. Why do missions have such unrealistic air defenses? A-10s will never go up against SA-6/11/15s. The plane was designed to perform and thrives in a low-threat environment. The most an A-10 will ever encounter is an SA-9, 13, MANPADs, and AAA. I'd personally like to see more of a push towards a bit more realistic missions, loadouts (no 6 mavericks :D), etc. Any thoughts?
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