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Everything posted by kotor633

  1. Nice that they have secured the rights. And those who bought this campaign are now stupid. Spent the money for free ...!
  2. Okay, dann weiß ich bescheid. Thx
  3. Na das spiegelt sich doch auch darin wie sie ihre Module pflegen/weiterentwickeln. Sollte Razbam wirklich die Entwicklertätigkeit übernehmen, ist dieses Modul ein NoGo für mich.
  4. kotor633

    AAR in F/A 18

    Hi, dann bist du noch zu weit vom Tanker entfernt. Du darfst nicht mehr wie 0.1nm vom Tanker entfernt sein. Erst dann bekommst du vom Tanker ein 'Clear Contact'. Lies dir doch einfach Chucks Guide zur FA-18, Part 16, durch. Gruß
  5. Guten Abend, ich habe mal eine Frage zu den beiden Störbehältern die wir in DCS für die A-10C nutzen können: Macht es grundsätzlich einen Unterschied ob man den AN/ALQ-131 od. AN/ALQ-184 im Spiel nutzt? Gibt es da irgendwelche Unterscheidungen (bspw. der eine stört etwas besser als der andere oder so?) Der einzigste Unterschied der mir bisher im Spiel aufgefallen ist ist das der ALQ-131 ein paar Pfund mehr auf die Wage bringt. Deshalb benutze ich den ALQ-184 wenn ich zocke.
  6. The recently implemented cockpit update made me really want to devote myself to the A-10C (what makes such a graphics update ...). And I don't care about modules like F-14, F-16, JF-17, ... either. Anyway, I was quite surprised today when I saw your revised Chucks Guide for the A-10C. I scanned it shortly. And you did a really great job! No comparison to the old version. That you generally addressed the topics in more detail was exactly what the old version was missing. For me, who is still struggling with the handling of the A-10C module, it is a real help. I will work through it for the next few days. Thanks for your effort.
  7. Echt ist das so? Okay, dann danke für den Hinweis.
  8. Guten Abend, Habe heute, nach längerer Abstinenz mal wieder das FA-18 Modul gezockt. Geht's nur mir so oder kann über den Waffenauslöseknopf keine AIM-9 sowie AIM-120 mehr abgefeuert werden? Ist mir bei diesen beiden zumindest aufgefallen. Die HARPOON bspw. löst über den Waffenauslöseknopf aus. Das Update hatte ich vorgestern eingespielt. Habe die Tastenbelegung gelöscht und wieder neu belegt. Auch Cleanup und Repair in der DOS Box durchgeführt. Bringt nichts. Hat sich da ein kleiner Bug eingeschlichen?
  9. Would be nice if the manufacturer would give current information about the further development of the Gazelle. You haven't heard anything since last October. Please polychop, give us a corresponding update on the Gazelle.
  10. I will not buy the module. For one thing, I already have enough EA modules, would be great if they were implemented first. On the other hand, the upcoming helicopter modules are more fun.
  11. Doesn't seem to be the case. RB shines through absence ...
  12. I also think the whole thing reads very, very well. There is a lot we can look forward to in 2020 and beyond. I am very excited about the implementation of the Vulkan API, I am VERY happy that the helicopter modules are moving forward and the new, free island map also looks like a treat. 2 other highlights I think are the planned improvements in weather and clouds and the finally long-awaited further development of the ATC. This should then be implemented even more realistically.
  13. No Please not! Totally unnecessary.
  14. Of course I don't know it 100%. But if you let yourself through the following, it could be that the KA-50 A2A can carry missiles. KA-50 Handbuch (German) Page 16: In addition to the guided anti-tank system and the cannon, the Soviet military wanted to use a larger number of weapon systems. The armament of the V-80 was therefore expanded to include rocket launchers, UPK-23-250 cannon containers, bombs, KMGU canisters and the option of upgrading to more modern air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles. Which is supported by the following sentence from the article https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/ka-50.htm It also carries guided air-to-air missiles IGLA-V (Needle C), already extensively tested and sold to buyers abroad. However, here it is written: https://books.google.de/books?id=qt47BAAAQBAJ&pg=PA80&lpg=PA80&dq=ka-50+igla&source=bl&ots=7q7zktRh9b&sig=ACfU3U3HgFcpdqaIZbq7B3L6cDupiX7Aiw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNicmz-PTmAhXLUlAKHX4VB5UQ6AEwFXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=ka-50%20igla&f= false that the KA-52 can carry Iglas. There is no mention of the KA-50 here. On this website: http://www.aviastar.org/helicopters_eng/ka-50.php The Igla is listed under the ARMAMENT section at the bottom and even the R-73. But isn't KA-50 meant here, but perhaps the KA-50Sh and / or KA-50-2? It's kind of an exciting topic. And ED manages (wanted or unwanted) that maybe more gamers deal with the Ka-50. I personally look forward to it. Among other things, I'm already full of HIND fever ...
  15. What I'm also interested in is whether Republic Campaign and Memory of a Hero will continue to be playable with the BS 3 module. Without its extensions. Or will both campaigns be adjusted so that they can only be played with BS 3? But apart from that, I think it's just great that the KA-50 is finally brought up to date. I am extremely happy about that!
  16. Thanks for the feedback. I keep my fingers crossed that you can get on quickly and well with the OH-58. What we did on December 28th seen in advance makes your heart beat faster. But please, please don't forget the gazelle. It is a great module and deserves attention!
  17. When and how will the Gazelle continue after the announcements from Polychop? Yes, they are currently working on the OH-58. But the Gazelle should continue now. What updates can we expect in the near future (FM, damage model, ...)? Would be a nice move from Polychop if they gave a current status to the Gazelle.
  18. Depends on. If you just want to gamble a little bit, you don't value quality so much and you also don't value the module's demands, then you can get hold of it. If this is not the case, I would personally advise you on products from ED, Heatblur, Deka Ironworks or Leatherneck.
  19. Ah, yes you are right: https://www.aviationtoday.com/2003/11/01/new-hud-for-the-tomcat/ https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=144440 Very sad… So my questions have been answered.
  20. I'm talking about JDAMs. Not GBUs. I know that the DCS Tomcat can throw GUBs. On the other hand, our current DCS Tomcat has a front cockpit (like the F-14A). While the B variant had a conventional HUD. Okay, sorry about the 20x20 PTID. That was only the D variant.
  21. ... developed by Heatblur ... definitely a dream!
  22. I also wish everyone a nice Christmas. And also to the developers who came to the update on December 18. have really stepped on the gas again, a big 'thank you'!
  23. kotor633


    Hallo, das Buch über die F-14 habe ich mir besorgt und muss sagen ich finde es sehr informativ (und nicht nur blahblah)! Ich denke das es auch daher kommt das der Verfasser Tony Holmes wohl 2 Jahrzehnte viel auf Flugzeugträger unterwegs war und sich intensiv mit dieser Maschine auseinander gesetzt hatte. Ich lese dieses jedenfalls aktuell mit Begeisterung. Mich würden noch die Bücher über die Mi-24, A-10C, Su-27 und die Bo 105 interessieren. Daher meine Frage in die Runde: Kennt jm. diese Bücher? Sind die auch so gut geschrieben wie das Buch über die F-14?
  24. Hello everybody, First I have to say that I got my information from the book 'Grumman F-14 Tomcat' by Tony Holmes (I have to admit, I wanted to learn more about this machine through the DCS Tomcat. So I have to buy this book.) Here it is that the F-14B had a HUD, could drop JDAMs and the WSO had a 20x20cm display. I don't know if the F-14B has gotten this gradually through upgrades or had it from the beginning, but is there a possibility that the DCS Tomcat will get these things as well?
  25. Why should we as buyers make our own module or make sure that the existing one gets better? That is Razbam's job. They want to earn money with it. And if you want DCS players to continue to buy their modules in the future, it would be an advantage if they deliver decent quality. My claim as a customer / buyer is to get decent quality for my money. Fortunately, there are examples of how other developer studios can and should run in DCS World. For example there is still no updated manual for the Harrier. We are still waiting for the SEAM fashion for the Sidewinder. And what is also annoying is the fact that bugs are fixed, 2.3, ... new bugs are added. Wasn't that the case in the past, wasn't it? But announce umpteen new modules: • South Atlantic Map • F15-E Strike Eagle • Mig-23 Flogger • Super Tucano • FRS1 Sea Harrier I'm really excited to see whether 2020 will bring about a turnaround and they will be able to bring the M2C and the Harrier to a satisfactory conclusion.
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