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Everything posted by asparagin

  1. ..nvidia works only on x32 right? or they got something new?
  2. Let the turkeys burn! (..just crispy..)
  3. Yes tried today before reading this. win7 x64 doesn't work (nvidia). Too bad.
  4. Not directed to your reply only EtherealN, but in general to this hardcore definition discussion: pushing buttons is one thing, which I don't care so much about, I mean yeah I used to start the A-10 from ramp, most of the fun is still flying and hitting targets. One thing that got omitted in this discussion is that the difference between DCS flyables like the A-10C and FC flyables is not only the knobs pushing. I've even seen some of the 3-rd party devs "bragging" on how their product has a bunch of knobs like this only would fulfill the "DCS standards". So, here comes what has been forgotten: it is the fidelity. Missing fidelity in the radar operation modes, missing HUD symbology regarding 120 launch parameters. These are all features that really help in the "chaotic mess of the aerial battlefield", really add to the situational awareness but are lacking.
  5. Have you considered the possibility that you are just too AWESOME?
  6. I wish they stop calling everything beta. But then you couldn't play the beta card over and over again, don't you? Whining at beta or release, honestly what's the difference? There will always be whining. Some betas were better then some released patches.
  7. Thank god they´re gone. Didn't look natural at all before. I thought it was a bug.
  8. ^^ Just admit you were trolling, it´s ok.. :D
  9. For FC3. Nate Never heard of it :smartass:
  10. Please stop proving your sexual orientation!
  11. Finished today. ..great game: gameplay-wise and atmosphere
  12. Kommt mir bekannt vor :music_whistling: Ich musste 2 Monate lang warten wegen Umzug und sie versuchten mich zu überzeugen dass meine Adresse nicht existiert. :doh: toyojoe, wenn du eh den CPU und mainboard neu kaufst, dann wäre auch die Alternative für den Aufpreis von 80€ i72600K zu kaufen. - ganz einfach auf 4 oder 4.4 GHz zu übertakten, keine schlechte Investition mmn.
  13. Good photos. Better good lens on old camera than the other way around.
  14. I think also in most of the cases it is so (linear) and it should work well when comparing processors with at least same architecture (like your example with the clock). But for different CPU´s you might encounter irregularities. For example a 64 bit processor can process larger numbers then a 32 bit processor. *- I think that is why they recommend to use 64bit systems.
  15. Looks like a useful tool. Question: why did you assume a linear relationship between gflops and FPS in DCS?
  16. Disagree. OCíng is still the way to get your FPS in ED´s products up, however it will pour with posts afterwards telling you that graphics has gain weight in the equation. Went from 3.6 to 4.4 Ghz, believe me: fps boost you can count on. The question is what`s next for DCS World: OC to 5 Ghz? Will the next version of DCS require you to oc your CPU?
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