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Everything posted by Raz_Specter

  1. The HOF function is indeed in the sim and working, i haven't tested the dispersal height yet so cannot comment but its certainly there in the Weapons DDI, its under MFUZ and then select YT and once the screen goes back to the main view HT appears at the bottom. Cheers Specter
  2. I'd suggest maybe upping your graphics settings as the Tarawa is a great model and the textures look excellent on my 4k display running with everything max'd out Cheers Specter
  3. Exactly my point, why would i think to look in the ED forums to get an update from an order i placed with a company mate - they should have sent out emails, i have received nothing from them. Not to worry, they either want my business or they dont :) up to them
  4. Hello All I would just like to share my experience of VIRPIL over the past 4 months About 4 months ago my Warthog stick snapped off. So I started to look round for another flight system as TM were not very helpful. After looking at VKB and VIRPIL i chose to go with the latter as the customer services reviews where pretty good from what I had read and I had already contacted VKB via email and the response wasn't great at all I placed my order 1 x Mongoose T50 stick 1 x Mongoose T50 Throttle until (Said not available till june 9th, which i was happy to wait) 1 x Desk mount for the stick Total cost I spent was in excess of 700 Euros I received the stick and the mount within 10 days of ordering 9th of June came and went, no communications from VIRPIL about any delays, checked the order status just after the 9th and the delay had been updated to end of July (this should have been communicated via email, shouldn't be my responsibility to chase them) I have just checked the site today and order is still being processed, its now August, I have waited and waited for this product with no communication from VIRPIL (unless I log a ticket and complain, then i get a response) So today I have created a ticket stating that if the product is not shipped within 7 days, just give me my 355 Euros back as I think i have been more than fair Anyways that's my experience with the product Cheers Specter
  5. the Height of the Farp comes from the x,y placement of the model in 3dsmax. all models, i.e buildings always normally extend under the 0 y pos so that when they are placed they will always connect with the ground and have no gaps under. The model can also be corrected using the LUA code also Specter
  6. If using option 1 it will replace the standard farp, we made these 2 mods as Suntsag said a 2 step process and each step can be used in its own right. So essentially if you want just AM2 matting use option 1 if you just want a replacement for the in game FARP with AM2 matting use option 2, if you want both use both We have tested these extensively but as always cannot test in every location on all maps. Cheers Specter
  7. I personally sold my Rift due to not being able to spot anything on the ground or in the air, hopefully the next generation of HMDs will improve the resolution
  8. I would certainly recommend purchasing the harrier - excellent fun to be honest
  9. Hey all Made a PG mission last night, set the weather to Summer clear sky, set cloud dens to 8 Spawned on the carrier with a buddy in parking hot, then moved to the Cat and attached, full throttle, plane just sat there on the cat with afterburners running, wouldn't shoot the aircraft, Has anyone worked out why this happens as I would like to try and understand why, so that I can avoid in the future Thanks Specter
  10. Hey chaps Flew last night and noticed something that may be a bug twice i spawned on the Stennis and requested a rearm / refuel (although I only required fuel as I didn't change the load-out on the weapons from the default i had set in the mission editor) pulling away after the success message for refuel where you get, "Hey what are you doing" messages. attached to the cat and duffed off, near the target area went to fence in and setup the weapons, couldn't select any of the ground weapons, I had MK83 and RET onboard, tried selecting the 83's but no box appeared, only thing that changed on the screen was the words "step" appeared on the right middle. Happened to me twice, the second time I had requested re-arm / refuel and went to the bathroom, came back and I thought it was done. anyways just thought i would post this. Ill upload a trackfile tonight when i get in if required Cheers Specter
  11. Excellent detail and great feedback for the devs to take into consideration +1
  12. I personally use the press in on the mic switch on the warthog hotas, works a treat
  13. you need to post the missions so that the devs can reproduce this. if validated then it will be added to the list of issues and corrected in the future.
  14. i modified mine but am selling them as bought the Virpil
  15. I just started putting a mission together today and have had no end of crashes with the latest update. It can be just selecting the Tank icon and clicking the map, can be after that and selecting a separate unit category, also happened at various other stages dump files attached to the post. No Mods used within the map cheers Specter dcs.log-20180701-185305.zip
  16. I am intrigued, I bought the rift when they first came out and being a ground pounder after about 12 months with the rift I sold it and went back to track IR, the visuals in VR were just not up to standard, trying to see targets from an A10C at angels 8 was impossible. Texture quality was really poor also, even with max game settings I would be interested to see some videos of the Samsung with DCS Cheers Specter
  17. We will discuss this internally and update accordingly Cheers Specter
  18. The assets will be included with the map purchase, so a single purchase will give you the map and also the units As always things are subject to change Cheers Specter
  19. I pre-purchased the Harrier and would say that this airframe is a very capable addition to your inventory, even in its current early access state, we have all of the weapons that you could use in most situations, SideArms for SAMS, Mavs for Ground attacks along with bombs and rockets. I would defo recommend the Harrier as a MUST purchase Really enjoying this module Thanks Specter
  20. all the testing for the new assets will be done in existing maps, when we are ready we will display the new map :) We will also be including different paint schemes so that the units can also be used in the existing maps. Cheers Specter
  21. Here are my settings for a sold 60 FPS while hosting a mission
  22. i am running at 4k and every setting maxed out and averaging around 50 to 70 fps I am running a 1080Ti though
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