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Everything posted by WildBillKelsoe

  1. If I set AI to fly 3 feet above a point, the AI usually climbs up more then descends after passing that obstacle. What is the safety obstacle evasion altitude coded to AI models? For minimum speed set over waypoint to maximum speed over waypoint?
  2. I wouldnt care about them but for the simple fact that you have unobstructed cockpit view because you are always sitting on top of everyone inside the helo.
  3. isnt LST part of DMT master mode? the coming and going X? Or are you referring to the TPOD LSS function? For DMT I believe you require a JTAC lasing the correct code for your LST SSS aft function to work. IIRC RedKite says it merely slews DMT to that LST but no weaps could be released via CCRP being fed by LST. I could be wrong.
  4. practice practice practice...
  5. Thanks. Well I was really pissed by the looks of it. So I took it in my own hands.
  6. we want this bad boy in DCS. No I want this in DCS.
  7. my guess is that in no wind conditions the plane is slated to fly at published speed hands off. If there is windage then that speed will vary. In regards to procedures in flight of calculating TSD and navigation, and since mission 2 is VFR flying, I would suggest you attempt to open the map and take screenshots of your route and print them. That should keep your eye on the road as per VFR scenic flying while keeping one eye on your instruments. There is no sweet spot where you actually could fly it hands off, IMHO. What I do to adhere to the strict parameters imposed is to trim nose down so that during level flight I am slightly pulling back on stick. VVI becomes neutral but speed changed so I manipulate throttle alone, while using stick to control my VVI since its vey responsive. So when speed is reached I keep throttle always moving and not static. Allow me to refly it with a video.
  8. EDIT: here is version 2. Please let me know if things like charts can be added and I'll add them. Spitfire V2.0 manual.pdf
  9. put your velocity vector ahead of the meatball emplacement. because that 150 meter strip is constantly moving to your right, you need a reference in horizontal plane. The best reference that combines the two (landing strip orientation, and leads meatball) is the crotch. The forward part that joins the landing deck with the continuation of cats 1 and 2. If you are high you should see it than if you were low, you wont.
  10. Please turn off the word processing notes before you publish the pdf!! version needs more work but consistent and centered to pages. removed side notes. DCS Spitfire manual correction ver 1.0.pdf
  11. I dont think RN or any other navy had the luxury of moonshine bootlegging during wartime, especially during the perilous times on the Pacific/Atlantic. I just watched destination tokyo and cary grant says to his Exec officer "it will be a long time between bers now" as a fleet boat was crossing San Francisco bridge. mind you a full fledged island country that was having her supplies always bottomed to Davy Jones' locker by persistent uboat skippers. Nevermind Gallands champaigne deliveries across bases on the French marina, but no simply not possible on Allied side. Besides, the sailors needed to be vigilant to spot things on all sensors and thru lookouts, far promoting to seamanship.
  12. now if mission builders get Keg in zone *rubs hands together while eyebrows assume a devilish mastermind slant*
  13. I have to run some more tests then because the winds were 3 m/s and the stable hover value was 15 knots airspeed.
  14. you are right. Its there :doh: just as you said. Mods please kill thread.
  15. I downloaded both Mi-8 and oilfield and NS430 and even checked NS430 special options that it is enabled to Mi-8 yet it is not in the copilot side. Open beta 2.5, the last update not todays.
  16. The game was running fine when the hornet was released earlier this month. Now the Mi-8, AV-8 stutter especially during campaigns or missions having many ground units. I have to go to F3 view to unstutter and if I am not lucky, the game crashes, sometimes sending a message as it crashes, other times blunt force trauma to desktop. Where to find crashlog?
  17. On returning from mission, I am in parameters for VTOL. I come to a complete stop (well 1,2,3.. 3,2,1 on the little S speed indicator in VTOL master mode as I balance out. However, the top left speed number on HUD opposite altitude numbers (be it Balt or Ralt) shows 15 and stays so in air, even as I am hovering without apparent speed changes. Shouldnt these numbers match during a hover?
  18. Razbam continually upgrades the module now. Some systems are still WIP. I am really enjoying VTOL with this module. Ground missions especially SEAD are a blast thanks to the Sidewinder ARM. Recently E variant of Maverick has been added. I tried firing but couldnt hit the spot probably because I was using TGP instead of DMT (Drainage Mean Time). All kicks aside, it is every flight a challenge because you dont know the hover stop position, but with practice you can become better. Best challenge I can recommend is to fly VTOL from F3 view like a R/C plane. Chaff and flares work too. Dont know about jammer though, even if it is stuck to my 4/A-4/B station. GBUs miss if your TGP is tracking behind target. TGP is a blast to use. At night, best sensor I use is FLIR and it really shines on the HUD. Bottom line, Get it!
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