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Everything posted by paco2002

  1. Thanks to both of you for the quick reply!
  2. They act different, because they are laser guided bombs, so they have some gap to actuate, since they're going to impact on the laser, there is no need to limitate as much as a Mk82 series
  3. I will be direct, i've been trying to use the C101CC TACAN, but I cannot found how to turn it on and use it. Is there any quick tutorial to learn how to use the TACAN on the C101CC? I know how to use it on the EB
  4. That's a good idea, but I would say to put a checkbox on the "Specials" menu in DCS. Maybe people with perf purposed cockpit doesn't have issues with fog.
  5. There is night mode in HUD? show me a picture please
  6. You can do that already, just, open your rearm and refuel menu, and select "Dismount Pylon" and that will work
  7. What? How did you do that? I have been doing that to see what happens, and the wheels wont come up thanks tho the Weight On Wheels
  8. That happened to me a couple of times, but I think is something internal of DCS maybe. Next time, if you see that happening, don't use Point tracking. Try to only use Area track (Weapons will work the same way in Area)
  9. I recommend you to read the changelogs from the moment you stopped flying. Link: https://forums.eagle.ru/forum/english/licensed-third-party-projects/deka-ironwork-simulations/259225-dcs-jf-17-chinaassetpack-changelog
  10. The radar notch is there, the radar can be notched, but it doesnt need to be a "Target is notching me" or "target is not notching me". The radar can be changing frequency to avoid notch, or can enter certain submodes to avoid notch. That was what I was trying to say.
  11. Why it has to be notched? We no longer live in the 80s. Modern radars have special submodes, to avoid that for example
  12. Same here with my Lenovo Explorer, If I tab out, the game Works smooth as butter, but when I click again on DCS, everything goes to hell
  13. I never had that issue, but I guess that if you press the Reset button in the FCS panel that would solve it
  14. The ladder is retired by the ground crew when thee pilot is on cockpit, I think it's good to leave it like that
  15. It will appear automatically at spawn. It will be removed automatically couple of seconds after spawn
  16. Oh, then, that's a yes, I was thinking you were speaking about only one pylon.
  17. No, there is no effect for mirrors, but anyway, the fire was fired in front of me, so the cockpit would protect the mirror. Anyway, I see the effect in the mirror maybe excessive for the DCS engine maybe? All of us we have to keep in mind that DCS has some limitations, maybe one of those is modifiying what the mirrors sees.
  18. Ese halo de luz que ves, es el efecto de "Bloom". Lo puedes desactivar en los ajustes gráficos
  19. I use VR, and please, buy it. It is really easy to use, you have everything in the same place. Are searching for lights? Well, they are in a panel that says literally LIGHTS xD. As a VR user, I recommend this module, for people that use VR, and for those who not use VR. 10/10 module Deka!
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