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Everything posted by schurem

  1. It seems indeed that the non AAA units miss a lot more. I tested with an A-10 and a Mozzie. Not flown a chopper in harms way yet.. I strafed a bunch of BMP-2's (those used to straight up 360 no-scope me in that run) and they shot at me, and it was scary, but they didn't tear off both engines and knock off the wings. Great! If this gripe is actually taken care of, ED should do well to make bit more of a fuss about it. I know I will
  2. secksay, dem gears! I wonder if that will tame the MiG-29 Be ashame if it did
  3. Sometimes the first ship will die passively, but often it will brrrrt the missile. The 2nd ship always fires with unnatural accuracy at missiles, wingmen and me. So if it just works for you, can you tell me your secret? When I told my wingmen to attack the boat via F10, they just went in and died. FWIW I love what you done with the music and the way you script the F10 menu. It is awesome.
  4. How do I destroy the ships in M05? They zap all missiles launched at them as well as the planes launching them. Little corvettes are way too dangerous if you ask me. Perhaps set them to not engage munitions?
  5. huh! so it shrank by a good two hundred GB!
  6. I'm on hop 5 I think, the one where you have to hit the corvettes. And they are kicking my ass. First they shoot the missiles, then they shoot the wingmen's then they shoot the wingmen themselves and then they shoot me. In-F'in-vincible little boats. I need a Kh-22, not and AGM-65!
  7. yup, it's a toggle now. Nice. More options always better. Love the new looks of the cities and towns in south america, too bad they don't LOD correctly yet (eat a lot of frames they do)
  8. Haha, friendzoned by a corporation XD Anyway. I do love DCS dearly as well and feel very grateful for the continued effort put in by all involved. Cheers.
  9. Of the three, if I had to pick one, I'd pick Harrier. Why? Here's the pros: * It has a great view. Big old bubble, with pretty low edges. * It is agile and zippy, with a great thrust-to-weight ratio and a very nice roll rate when light. * It has this awesome noise when you pull back the throttle. * It can do some very interesting and hard to learn things such as vertical landings. So what sucks about the Harrier? * The targeting pod is a monster, being tacked on and shoehorned in by creative crayon eaters IRL and every maddening UI weirdness is faithfully recreated by Razbam (is this really a con then? ) * It's neither as supersonic fighter jet-y as the Hornet, nor is it as brrrrrrrrt, you die-y as the Warthog. It's a bit of both. So there you have it. Harrier for the win, all day long baby.
  10. I like the thought of coherence. Through sheer mad mass we'll get there anyhow so yeah, let's just keep plugging. As for core wishes, well... I'd like better, more human-like AI behaviors, especially from ground units. No more sniper BMP-3's. 2.9 is great when it comes to looks and performance. With a little polish here and there, it's just perfect. And to think the future is bringing even more improvements when Vulcan hits. I love what ED are doing with the VOIP. Never asked for it, love it anyway. Can't wait to see what other monkies uncle Wags has up his sleeves
  11. Having spent some time getting the settings just so and having had the sim rebuild its fxo and metashader libraries, I can only react with this to 2.9:
  12. Also update your nvidia driver to latest, turn of dlaa.
  13. Man I'm looking forward to a long, hard bout of tweaking to get it all to run perfectly on my rig I love PC gaming!
  14. Ground unit accuracy is acknowledged as problematic by ED. I don't expect a fix in 2.9 however.
  15. I wonder if there’s any movement on this issue. Is it investigated, is it on a to do list? Internally fixed mayhaps?
  16. Maybe me, but I reflew the old Georgia intercept instant action to see if the radar gunsight fix is real, and it seemed hella deadly. One short burst put the fokker down, where it used to take almost all of the ammo to down it.
  17. It is really great. The book alone is worth the price of admission imo. Such a generous add!
  18. If anything, the F-4 backseater should quip and joke even more (and way filthier) than jester, as fighter pilot culture got way more serious towards the end of the cold war until it became the church going eagle scout troop it is today.
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