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Overview Several months ago, @tobi and @Eight Ball released a little gem known as the OH-6A Cayuse. Immediately my small group of DCS friends downloaded and consumed it like someone was going to take it away. We already had a Marianas playground mission we used for all things Vietnam era and naturally dropped this helo down and started cruising through the jungle on make believe jungle ops missions in a multi-player scenario. It didn't take long for us to brainstorm a random environment providing unexpected encounters centered on the South portion of Guam simulating the jungles of Vietnam. From those early ideas, the original "Into The Jungle" mission concept was born. Since then, we've played this mission for 100's of hours and it remains fresh. No exaggeration. Over the past 10 months we've refined the experience and at this point, have something we're proud to share with the community. Anyone following @Devil5O5Youtube channel knows what I mean as he often posts videos our MP Jungle experiences. Download For those who want to jump right in, the TLDR experience is right here - Get the download here [] Required Mods OH-6A: by EightBall & Tobi - Vietnam Assets Pack: by EightBall & Tobi - Seaking: by EightBall - A-4E-C: by Community Project - OV-10A: by Split Air - Simple Mission Restart - [Required for your Dedicated Server, not Client installs] Civilian Asset Pack - Naval by 8Ball - Vietnam Boats by upaut - see this video for instructions on wh ere to download Original forum post from 2014 - Details First and foremost, this is designed for MP dedicated servers. Yes, you can play this solo if you want and it’s pretty fun that way, but I highly recommend sharing it with friends on a local or public server. You'll have an absolute blast. If someone wants to toss this up on a public server, please do. Have fun with it, make changes, let us know how its received. From the beginning, we wanted to create a dynamic jungle environment where we could take off from a Jungle FARP and scout the surrounding area for "VC" soldiers and equipment. 8Ball's Vietnam Assets Pack (VAP) made an excellent source of period appropriate assets. Using the Cayuse to mark and attack these random groups drove collaborative cooperation – there’s nothing better than marking targets for your buddies coming in with firepower. Concentrating both helo and fast movers on targets in a real-time randomized environment just never gets old. This cooperation fueled our weekly MP experiences and fed our desire to improve the mission and ultimately share with the community. Currently, this mission supports 18 different "groups" ranging from some "VC" soldiers in the brush all the way up to village level camps. Each group has a probability of spawning at mission start. It is rare for back to back missions to start with same number of spawns which makes scouting an important element of this experience. More on spawning below. All the action is centered on the southern portion of Guam [inside the yellow box on the map below]. This box is roughly 85 square miles of territory making it large enough to require scouting, yet small enough to experience action almost immediately. Most of the activity takes place in the general vicinity of Fena Lake which is the only significant water landmark on the island. This results in an easy to reference directional aid for all players. Additionally, there are two significant spawn points on the lake. They are labeled Alpha Hill and Bunker Hill and again aide in MP coordination. You’ll hear ejecting pilots reference these landmarks further assisting players in finding them if they’re interested in CSAR. CSAR The more we played, the more we longed for the ability to perform CSAR on the map. This was mostly driven by us getting shot down and thinking it would be cool to go and rescue ourselves. It didn't take long for us to find @Ciribob's excellent CSAR script from all the way back in 2015. It still works brilliantly today! Immediately on insertion, we were getting CSAR missions spawned whenever we'd crash/die making the experience comical as we'd getting missions to rescue ourselves - often over very hostile areas. From there, we wanted the ability to ensure CSAR missions that didn't rely on us dying and creating one ourselves. This idea fostered the concept of random CSAR events similar to the random group spawns at the beginning of the mission. Now, along with CSAR being naturally triggered by players getting killed, we added random F4-E shootdowns occurring periodically over the first 2+ hours of gameplay. Once we got those working, we went back in and added custom voiceovers for any random spawned CSAR event to further liven up the mission experience. Lastly, along with the base CSAR text messages in Ciribob's script, we added pilot voiceovers for all relevant CSAR messages. With all these gameplay elements we've managed to create a darn compelling Jungle experience that hasn't gotten old – at least for us it hasn’t. We've had so much fun with this mission we felt obligated to share with you. But before doing so, we wanted to put a little more icing on the cake. That icing comes by way of assets. From our original hidden jungle FARP we expanded gameplay into 4 jungle FARPS, a militarized airstrip, a carrier strike group and Andersen AFB. Each is a spawn point and each is as authentic as we could go without overtaxing our PCs. With the exception of the VAP, all assets are base DCS. Lastly, with recent announcement on immersive weather and fog coming to DCS, we tested the legacy fog option and were pleasantly surprised/pleased with the results and included that as a final piece of eye candy for you. I sincerely hope you get many hours of fun out of this mission. My only ask, in return for this, is your feedback in this thread. We plan on building on this experience and would love to hear thoughts from folks who've played. Additional Details Performance The guys in our small group all play exclusively in VR (Pimax 8K, 8KX, Crystal) and are lucky to have fairly beefy machines including RTX4090s. We have not experienced any issues playing this mission (I host on a private dedicated server). If you experience performance issues, we'd appreciate hearing about it, so we can adjust accordingly for future updates. Supported Aircraft - A-4E-C Skyhawk - OV-10A Bronco - F-4E45MC Phantom II - F-5E-3 Tiger II - OH-58D Kiowa - OH-6A Cayuse - UH-1H Huey Contributors A huge thanks to my partners in crime here Devil505 and @Wulf103. This creation is the result of many different play sessions over many months. Couldn’t have happened without the three of us. Known Issues There are a handful of known “issues” or limitations in the mission. None are show stoppers. - Some [N.Jungle] spawns are blocked due to static placement. This happened late in the development and we've opted to leave it "as-is" until we get the ME grouping features in the next patch enabling a cleaner debugging environment. Hopefully this won't be too difficult to correct. Corrected. - Not an issue per se, but something players should be aware of. Whenever a random CSAR spawn happens, I block future random CSAR events from triggering so we don't oversaturate the AO with downed pilots. When players return CSAR pilots to MASH locations, the mission resets the trigger allowing new random CSAR events. [see F10 Radio options] - A4 Tacan needs LUA update to work - - OH-58D in state of limbo due to "half patch" release by ED. Should be fixed whenever official patch from PC released properly. ED corrected. MASH locations There are two MASH locations on the map. When rescuing downed CSAR pilots (random spawns or fellow players), the CSAR helo player must deliver the rescued pilot to one of these two locations to get credit for rescue (and resetting the CSAR trigger flag). After playing the mission a bit, you'll know exactly where these locations are on the map. Until then, use the map below for guidance (the 2 locations have ** after the name). Note: the MASH tents are identified by the + marking on the tent and is easily identified from the air. F10 Radio Menu There are a handful of player options available via the F10 radio menu. - Restart Mission: Using a handy script from @cfrag, this menu option restarts this mission on the server. This ONLY works in a dedicated server environment and requires his script on the server itself. See [Required Mods]. - How many groups: This is a handy way to see how many active groups exist on the map. This number is the real time count of groups remaining on the map. Once all originally spawned groups are eliminated from the map, all remaining groups spawn. - Spawn all groups: The number of groups that spawn at the beginning of the mission is based on a probability calculation made for each group (18 total) in the mission. If, at any time, players want all possible groups on the map, this option brings them all in. - Reset CSAR spawns: As described in the Known Issues section, random CSAR spawning is turned off until a rescued pilot is returned to MASH. If, for any reason, a player can't return a pilot to MASH (most often due to death), this option resets the trigger and enables a new CSAR spawn chance - CSAR: This is the base CSAR menu from Ciribob Random Spawning All random spawn are handled in ME triggers (not LUA code). Within the mission itself, there are 2 types of spawns, enemy ground units and friendly ejecting pilots. Enemy Ground The probabilities of each group's spawn are handled in the initialization trigger in the ME. For example the probability of Group 1 [RANDO1] spawning is 50%. At the beginning of the mission each random unit is assigned a random number between 1-100. The group will spawn if that random number is greater than the probability percentage number. If you wish to change the probability of spawning, you simply have to change the spawn percentage number. Whenever an entire spawn group is destroyed the mission creates an explosion and smoke marker over the main unit of the group. This is an easy indication that the group is dead and to move onto other areas of the map. Ejecting Pilots Whenever a pilot survives an ejection, the CSAR script creates an event. Unlike the random ground units, this mission always spawns at least one downed pilot. This event always happens 25 minutes after the mission begins. There are 4 total downed pilot events that can trigger during gameplay but come with a degree of randomness to minimize redundancy. During play testing there were times when we had far too many pilots raining down on us and I added a governor to the trigger system to reduce the number of CSAR missions. Some features of the governor are: - Scripted downed pilots are paused until a pilot is rescued and delivered to MASH. - If players decide to leave downed pilots in the field and forego rescuing, the mission ceases generating downed pilots. Should players get shot down, the CSAR script will generate a rescue event regardless. - If a player dies while carrying a rescue pilot to the MASH and the death doesn’t trigger a CSAR event, there’s a chance the governor logic never triggers another random CSAR. There’s an F10 radio option allowing players to re-start CSAR events to cover this condition. Scripts included in mission - Splash Damage 2.0 by Grimm from Dec 2022 + small power nerf by me - MIST v.5.126 - CSAR v1.9.2 plus some changes by me. All my changes are mod marked and commented - Simple Mission Restart: a tiny server script that allows any mission to restart when they set flag "simpleMissionRestart" to 1 by Cfrag Installation Run it on a dedicated server like any other mission. You can also play solo by running this like any other mission. Recommend you play the mission as a multiplayer option, however. Future expansion(s) We have lots of ideas for future expansion which may or may not see the light of day. We’ll see where this goes and what type of feedback we receive. Below are some ideas we’ve discussed. -New Fog: When this is released, I want to revisit the fog settings and have the fog dissipate as the sun comes up. We can definitely make this happen along with re-appearing sometime in pre-dawn for those that keep the server up and running. Released -CAS on my location: We’ve kicked around this concept a time or two. When no one wants to hop into a fast mover and perform CAS, we imagine it’d be nice to spawn in an AI CAS flight to attack units near the helo that called for CAS on the F10 radio menu. I am no scripting guru, so this may be something beyond my skills and/or not worth the time and effort. -Logistics: If/When ED gets this into the base game, there might be value in resupplying weapons to FARPs. We’re thinking we could limit weapons stores at FARPs and require replenishment from Chinhooks from time to time. Might be an interesting gameplay element. - Further CSAR randomness + voiceovers: Depending on staying power of this mission, the spawned downed pilots might become redundant and while there is randomness to them, there’s only 12 possible outcomes. I may opt to add additional planes and appropriate voiceovers to expand replayability. - SEAD: We do have 2 SA-2 batteries up at Tinian if anyone wants to venture up there with Phantoms or Skyhawks. You can spawn up on Saipan if you want to engage via helo’s. There’s really nothing else up there which makes the experience pretty light. We’re considering expanding gameplay to those northern islands and may focus on SEAD for that expansion. Have fun!!
- 178 replies
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Hello, We regularily have our dedicated servers randomly quit the mission with this error message in a dialog box (meaning that, additionnaly, we need to connect to the remote server to click on the button): The last error in the log (with no other error or context linked to it) is: ERROR ASYNCNET (12668): The session has expired (401). Exiting... This is not related to the latest version, we've been having this behavior since a few weeks/months. We started a log of the date and time it happens. Can you please help us? We've got 4 servers up, and a specific one that can be used to test. Cheers, Zip.
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- dedicated server
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DCS ist great game and ED doing a great job to expand it with new features. But: The amount of wasted ressorces is huge in DCS. The dedicated Server leaking memory like hell. I know, how complex c++ is (no garbage collector). Especially with such a big codebase like DCS ... Gigs of sourcecode to maintain. Great job! I could only image, how hard this must be. But please: Dont push your coders so hard. Give them time to fix stuff. We startet with 32 GB of RAM last year in the summer. Now we are at 128GB of RAM and need to restart every 12h. The instances consume the same amount of RAM after startup (okay, maybe 200-300MB more). The increase was necessary only to fix the leakage - and its getting worse with every Patch. 1) This is our Server after starup (11:57 AM) . Pretty good for a complex game like DCS! 2) This is the Server at 8:55 AM, next morning (21 hours): 3) Lets terminate the dcs.exe processes: 4) Dive into the nonpaged pool: 5) Definitly from DCS.exe - no driver or OS issue. 66 GB wasted in 17h. Thats a total of 500 MB per Instance per h. I know, there are worse things out there. But DCS schould not be like "just restart every 6h". So ED, please! Put some effort into fixing memory leakage. It is getting worse with every patch. Throwing more and more Memory at Leakage is not the way to go.
Hey DCS Server Admins! I wanted to pick your brain(s) if possible because I've run into an issue hosting a dedicated server that both works and doesn't work at the same time. I first noticed the issue when I would fly low-resource Liberation maps. I'd take off, complete roughly a half-hour of mission and then I would start to notice aircraft just stopping mid-air. It was akin to a lag-spike but the communication to the server remained unaffected. After roughly a minute or so I would find myself still flying in the direction I was but all the aircraft around me started flying backwards (I'm assuming to sync what's on the server vs what's on my end). Seconds later I'd be a crater and I'd press 'Tab' to look at the action log where it says I was downed by a Manpad or another aircraft. Regardless of how complex or simple the mission is, these 'skips' still occur... so onto the things I've tried! So again, I'm thinking latency issue... so I remote connected to my dedicated server/VM and noticed every few minutes the DCS Open Beta server window will go to a 'Not Responding' state for a few minutes then return just to repeat the process a few minutes later. During these moments I checked the task manager and CPU workload is roughly 40% and Memory consumption is close to 40-50% used. The DCS.exe task itself would also go back and forth from running to 'not responding' just like the server window does. So if it isn't DCS workload (running out of resources) then the next thing to try is the Event Viewer. I opened up the event viewer and I saw hundreds of 'info' and 'warning' messages but no actual errors under any of the sections (Application, Security, etc.). If it's not an event then maybe it's in the DCS logs themselves. My first response was "Oh I bet the server is trying to process everything (which would cause massive slowdown because there's no video card on the VM) however judging by the logs above it IS running --norender --server so that isn't an issue either. Running a ping to the server from my flight PC returns a ping of 12ms so I know it isn't that either, and running a speed-test I'm getting 100+ Upload and 350+ Download so it isn't bandwidth. I checked all my open ports using telnet and just basic online port checkers and I'm able to hit the server on 10308, 10309, and 8088 without issues. So at this point I'm really lookin' for help from anyone willing to assist. If it isn't system resources, ping/latency, or an application error I'm completely out of guesses. Thanks ahead of time gang! dcs (1).log
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- liberation
- dedicated server
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To successfully join and fly multiplayer, how much bandwidth is required for the client computer? To successfully operate a dedicated server, how much bandwidth is needed per player? I'd appreciate anybody who could shed a little light on this for me. Thanks! Mark
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- bandwidth
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Dedicated server had a crash, first crash in a long long time 2022-10-31 14:26:13.633 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): _________________------ RED AIRBASE CLEANUP HIT -------________________________ 2022-10-31 14:26:13.930 INFO Scripting (5192): event:weapon_type=1974535,type=shot,initiatorPilotName=bendypilot,t=6602.234,initiator_unit_type=Su-33,initiator_object_id=16795652,weapon=S-8TsM,initiator_coalition=2,initiator_ws_type1=1,initiatorMissionID=2614, 2022-10-31 14:26:14.260 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): SCH_battle_monitor Q is empty 2022-10-31 14:26:14.602 INFO Scripting (5192): event:weapon_type=1974535,type=shot,initiatorPilotName=bendypilot,t=6602.919,initiator_unit_type=Su-33,initiator_object_id=16795652,weapon=S-8TsM,initiator_coalition=2,initiator_ws_type1=1,initiatorMissionID=2614, 2022-10-31 14:26:14.797 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): 2022-10-31 14:26:14.807 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): bendypilot is flying Su-33 2_1 A2G 2022-10-31 14:26:14.884 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): +++ Mission time 13:53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2022-10-31 14:26:14.884 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): ++++ Players current 1/3 max -+- ground = current 187/187 max -+- Ship = current 14/14 max -+- heli = current 1/2 max -+- planes = current 9/12 max ++++ 2022-10-31 14:26:14.884 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): 2022-10-31 14:26:14.891 INFO SCRIPTING (5192): 106390( -1)/I: AIRBOSS06379.function(AIRBOSS forrest | Players: none) 2022-10-31 14:26:15.137 INFO EDCORE (5192): try to write dump information 2022-10-31 14:26:15.151 INFO EDCORE (5192): # -------------- 20221031-142615 -------------- 2022-10-31 14:26:15.175 INFO EDCORE (5192): DCS/ (x86_64; Windows NT 10.0.14393) 2022-10-31 14:26:15.199 INFO EDCORE (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponBlocks.dll 2022-10-31 14:26:15.215 INFO EDCORE (5192): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 2066EB7F 00:00000000 2022-10-31 14:26:15.247 INFO EDCORE (5192): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta;D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*;', symOptions: 528, UserName: 'ss' 2022-10-31 14:26:15.271 INFO EDCORE (5192): OS-Version: 10.0.14393 () 0x110-0x3 2022-10-31 14:26:17.859 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000001CEB7F (WeaponBlocks): wVStartAutopilot::simulate + 0x97CF 2022-10-31 14:26:17.887 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000038E12 (WeaponBlocks): wDSeeker::setSeekerDelay + 0x7622 2022-10-31 14:26:17.913 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000000FFE36 (WeaponBlocks): wClusterStarter::simulate + 0x4B96 2022-10-31 14:26:17.928 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000001BB75 (blocksim): wSimulationSystem::simulate + 0x1D5 2022-10-31 14:26:17.943 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000000624FD (WeaponsBase): wAmmunition::simulate + 0x13D 2022-10-31 14:26:17.956 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000005F28A (WeaponsBase): wAmmunition::Class + 0x9A 2022-10-31 14:26:17.972 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000000039E5 (World): wSimTrace::CommandsTraceDiscreteIsOn + 0x4B5 2022-10-31 14:26:17.996 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000003EFD (World): wSimCalendar::DoActionsUntil + 0x1FD 2022-10-31 14:26:18.009 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000080CCB1 (DCS): SW + 0x3CD771 2022-10-31 14:26:18.034 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000080CA0E (DCS): SW + 0x3CD4CE 2022-10-31 14:26:18.061 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000082D349 (DCS): SW + 0x3EDE09 2022-10-31 14:26:18.085 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000007ECA54 (DCS): SW + 0x3AD514 2022-10-31 14:26:18.100 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000007ED924 (DCS): SW + 0x3AE3E4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.114 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000022820EB (DCS): AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance + 0xF5B0E7 2022-10-31 14:26:18.138 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000BDA842 (DCS): SW + 0x79B302 2022-10-31 14:26:18.153 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000008364 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 2022-10-31 14:26:18.177 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000067091 (ntdll): RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 2022-10-31 14:26:18.621 INFO EDCORE (5192): Minidump created. 2022-10-31 14:26:18.621 INFO Lua::Config (5192): stack traceback: 2022-10-31 14:26:18.622 WARNING LOG (4360): 3 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2022-10-31 14:26:18.622 INFO APP (5192): enumerating loaded modules 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\DCS.exe, 24799584 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.28.32, written 28:10:2022-16.28.32, accessed 28:10:2022-16.28.32 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, 1886856 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL, 700936 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.53, written 31:5:2018-5.34.53, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.53 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll, 2213760 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll, 424640 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edCore.dll, 5361504 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edObjects.dll, 257536 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Terrain.dll, 276480 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll, 357984 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll, 1177688 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll, 652344 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.9, written 31:5:2018-5.35.9, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.9 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll, 634824 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\WLDAP32.dll, 352256 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll, 998912 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll, 206088 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll, 1566552 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll, 1461200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll, 114192 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll, 22207944 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll, 259848 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\, 7217072 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll, 2916720 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll, 431296 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll, 301680 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll, 333640 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll, 48608 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.24, written 16:7:2016-13.18.24, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll, 681304 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.50, written 31:5:2018-5.34.50, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.50 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll, 69264 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll, 1852200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\MSASN1.dll, 59416 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll, 343472 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\imagehlp.dll, 104336 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll, 1277816 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll, 773200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll, 633216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\World.dll, 4416864 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.59, written 28:10:2022-16.29.59, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WorldGeneral.dll, 5610336 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Inter.dll, 4470624 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.59, written 28:10:2022-16.29.59, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Flight.dll, 5165920 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\FMBase.dll, 1242112 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\GraphicsCore.dll, 952320 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\GraphicsVista.dll, 337408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\enlight.dll, 530432 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\wRadio.dll, 675328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Input.dll, 649216 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Weapons.dll, 1833472 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.33, written 28:10:2022-16.31.33, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.33 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponsBase.dll, 828928 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.30, written 28:10:2022-16.30.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\zlib.dll, 114688 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua.dll, 175104 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL, 219040 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ImGui.dll, 2157568 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.36, written 28:10:2022-16.31.36, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.36 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Space.dll, 1511936 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.39, written 28:10:2022-16.31.39, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.39 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui.dll, 1110528 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\uiBaseRenderer.dll, 82944 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.dll, 175672 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui_win_adapter.dll, 57856 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\gui_map.dll, 216064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Weather.dll, 250880 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Scripting.dll, 4598624 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.58, written 28:10:2022-16.29.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\renderer.dll, 93184 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\metaShader.dll, 1240064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\CockpitBase.dll, 4916224 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.18, written 28:10:2022-16.30.18, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.18 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ed_api.dll, 10752 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Base.dll, 732672 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Su25.dll, 32256 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Su39.dll, 32256 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Visualizer.dll, 1675264 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.35, written 28:10:2022-16.31.35, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.35 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\blocksim.dll, 829440 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Transport.dll, 2502656 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.26, written 28:10:2022-16.30.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponBlocks.dll, 3619328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.24, written 28:10:2022-16.30.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\AIFM.dll, 774656 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Sound.dll, 1962496 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ed_sound.dll, 196608 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edWebviewBrowser.dll, 375296 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\IngameOverlay.dll, 152064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rts.dll, 1184768 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.30, written 28:10:2022-16.31.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\animator.dll, 657408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.25, written 28:10:2022-16.31.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edDebugDraw.dll, 188416 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll, 571312 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.30, written 10:6:2022-18.52.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll, 30504 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll, 2576216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll, 1656832 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NETAPI32.dll, 81184 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll, 98736 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.32, written 10:6:2022-18.52.32, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll, 38304 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.30, written 10:6:2022-18.52.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll, 142616 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll, 124552 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\animator_logic.dll, 232960 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dbghelp.dll, 1869264 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rendererUtils.dll, 256000 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\assimp-vc140-mt.dll, 6530048 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.11, written 28:10:2022-16.30.11, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.11 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll, 210432 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DCOMPILER_47.dll, 4476416 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\freetype.dll, 600064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\offshore.dll, 910336 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ZweiBlau.dll, 118272 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\PostEffects.dll, 291328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-terrain.dll, 52736 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\SpaceRenderer.dll, 59392 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Effects.dll, 471040 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Effects2.dll, 940544 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\openvr_api.dll, 598816 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\VarjoLib.dll, 144896 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Pathfinder.dll, 81408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\LandVehicle.dll, 111104 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\libcef.dll, 118102016 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.4, written 14:4:2021-17.51.4, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\libsndfile-1.dll, 2311168 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.6, written 14:4:2021-17.51.6, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.6 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll, 32592 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.16, written 16:7:2016-13.18.16, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.16 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll, 168424 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll, 237072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\COMDLG32.dll, 991232 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll, 164264 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll, 81176 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\tbb.dll, 212480 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll, 635864 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll, 28160 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll, 115744 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEACC.dll, 391168 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll, 64112 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.58, written 16:7:2016-13.18.58, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UIAutomationCore.DLL, 1709056 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.47, written 31:5:2018-5.34.47, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL, 34816 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\chrome_elf.dll, 968704 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll, 1600112 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DWrite.dll, 2475520 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll, 128864 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV, 527360 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll, 79360 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll, 587264 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll, 1609920 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxva2.dll, 131248 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.26, written 16:7:2016-13.18.26, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll, 2828384 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\credui.dll, 47104 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll, 1779200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll, 818176 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTUI.dll, 600576 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL, 85504 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll, 24312 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll, 2896896 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ESENT.dll, 3054592 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dbgcore.DLL, 175056 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.DLL, 31080 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll, 2762264 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL, 172536 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NETUTILS.DLL, 43416 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WKSCLI.DLL, 80088 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SAMCLI.DLL, 79360 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll, 202992 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll, 1416216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cscapi.dll, 52736 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.30, written 16:7:2016-13.18.30, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll, 631176 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.33, written 16:7:2016-13.18.33, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.33 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, 43008 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wbemcomn.dll, 470016 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll, 62976 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll, 977920 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll, 357216 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll, 646680 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll, 412160 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.28, written 16:7:2016-13.18.28, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll, 16896 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.20, written 16:7:2016-13.18.20, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.20 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Riched20.dll, 599040 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.59, written 16:7:2016-13.18.59, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll, 214016 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.54, written 16:7:2016-13.18.54, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\tech\SouthAtlanticAssets\bin\SouthAtlantic.dll, 32768 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.22, written 28:10:2022-16.24.22, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.22 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\AV8BNA\bin\AV8B_AI.dll, 89088 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\C-101\bin\C101Core.dll, 102400 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\ChinaAssetPack\bin\CAP_AI.dll, 227840 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.57, written 28:10:2022-16.23.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\ChinaAssetPack\bin\JF-17_AI.dll, 116224 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\Christen Eagle II\bin\CE2_AI.dll, 139264 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.55, written 28:10:2022-16.23.55, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\bin\F14-AI.dll, 138240 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.58, written 28:10:2022-16.23.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\M-2000C\bin\M2KC_AI.dll, 87552 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21bis\bin\MiG21_AI.dll, 132608 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.54, written 28:10:2022-16.23.54, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\Mirage-F1\bin\MirageF1Core.dll, 158720 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\CaptoGlove\bin\edCaptoGlove.dll, 685056 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.17, written 28:10:2022-16.24.17, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.17 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.dll, 4387168 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.32, written 16:7:2016-13.18.32, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.32 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\BluetoothApis.dll, 120832 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll, 151904 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\LeapMotion\bin\edLeapMotion.dll, 83456 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\LeapC.dll, 11448176 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.4, written 28:10:2022-16.30.4, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CONCRT140.dll, 317320 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.26, written 10:6:2022-18.52.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\SensoryxVRFree\bin\edSensoryxVRFree.dll, 66560 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\VRfreeC.dll, 214016 bytes, created 16:6:2021-21.44.36, written 16:6:2021-21.44.36, accessed 16:6:2021-21.44.36 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mscoree.dll, 387072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.8, written 16:7:2016-13.18.8, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll, 630408 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.3, written 31:5:2018-5.35.3, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\VoiceChat\bin\VoiceChat.dll, 239616 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.5, written 28:10:2022-16.24.5, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.5 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\webrtc_plugin.dll, 13189120 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.53, written 28:10:2022-16.29.53, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.53 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msdmo.dll, 33064 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\jsAvionics\bin\jsAvionics.dll, 1171968 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.30, written 28:10:2022-16.31.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8.dll, 16108544 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8_libplatform.dll, 123392 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8_libbase.dll, 182272 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\Mods\tech\Supercarrier\bin\edSupercarrier.dll, 4540928 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.58, written 28:10:2022-16.29.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll, 128648 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll, 170496 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL, 32584 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rendererStub.dll, 69120 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\AVIMaker.dll, 92160 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\vorbis.dll, 1197056 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ogg.dll, 23040 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\theora.dll, 209408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\png.dll, 196096 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\jpeg.dll, 152064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\NGModel.dll, 592384 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSTA.dll, 332144 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.58, written 16:7:2016-13.18.58, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui_edge_render.dll, 86528 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-dxgui.dll, 251904 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL, 67072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-dxguiWin.dll, 61440 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-textutil.dll, 22016 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-minizip.dll, 17920 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-socket.dll, 40960 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Mods\tech\DCS-SRS\bin\srs.dll, 19968 bytes, created 24:4:2021-11.12.59, written 24:4:2021-11.12.59, accessed 24:4:2021-11.12.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll, 67584 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll, 31744 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.34, written 16:7:2016-13.18.34, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.34 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll, 80896 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrain4.dll, 6624096 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.38, written 28:10:2022-16.29.38, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrainCore.dll, 64000 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrainExtra4.dll, 368128 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): try to write track file 2022-10-31 14:26:18.645 INFO APP (5192): 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\dcs.20221031-142615.crash' deleted successfully 2022-10-31 14:26:18.727 INFO APP (5192): 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\dcs.20221031-142615.dmp' deleted successfully 2022-10-31 14:26:18.727 WARNING APP (5192): track file empty 2022-10-31 14:26:18.727 WARNING APP (5192): packing mission instead 2022-10-31 14:26:18.804 INFO APP (5192): dxdiag.exe /64bit /whql:off /t "C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\\dxdiag.txt" 2022-10-31 14:26:23.292 INFO APP (5192): failed to open 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\dxdiag.txt' for reading 2022-10-31 14:26:23.292 INFO APP (5192): trying dxdiag.exe /64bit /whql:off /t C:\Users\ss\AppData\Local\Temp\dxdiag.txt 2022-10-31 14:26:26.592 INFO APP (5192): 'C:\Users\ss\AppData\Local\Temp\dxdiag.txt' deleted successfully 2022-10-31 14:26:26.592 INFO APP (5192): failed to open 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\voice_chat.log' for reading === Log closed.
Dedicated server had a crash, first crash in a long long time 2022-10-31 14:26:15.137 INFO EDCORE (5192): try to write dump information 2022-10-31 14:26:15.151 INFO EDCORE (5192): # -------------- 20221031-142615 -------------- 2022-10-31 14:26:15.175 INFO EDCORE (5192): DCS/ (x86_64; Windows NT 10.0.14393) 2022-10-31 14:26:15.199 INFO EDCORE (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponBlocks.dll 2022-10-31 14:26:15.215 INFO EDCORE (5192): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 2066EB7F 00:00000000 2022-10-31 14:26:15.247 INFO EDCORE (5192): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta;D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*;', symOptions: 528, UserName: 'ss' 2022-10-31 14:26:15.271 INFO EDCORE (5192): OS-Version: 10.0.14393 () 0x110-0x3 2022-10-31 14:26:17.859 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000001CEB7F (WeaponBlocks): wVStartAutopilot::simulate + 0x97CF 2022-10-31 14:26:17.887 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000038E12 (WeaponBlocks): wDSeeker::setSeekerDelay + 0x7622 2022-10-31 14:26:17.913 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000000FFE36 (WeaponBlocks): wClusterStarter::simulate + 0x4B96 2022-10-31 14:26:17.928 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000001BB75 (blocksim): wSimulationSystem::simulate + 0x1D5 2022-10-31 14:26:17.943 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000000624FD (WeaponsBase): wAmmunition::simulate + 0x13D 2022-10-31 14:26:17.956 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000005F28A (WeaponsBase): wAmmunition::Class + 0x9A 2022-10-31 14:26:17.972 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000000039E5 (World): wSimTrace::CommandsTraceDiscreteIsOn + 0x4B5 2022-10-31 14:26:17.996 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000003EFD (World): wSimCalendar::DoActionsUntil + 0x1FD 2022-10-31 14:26:18.009 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000080CCB1 (DCS): SW + 0x3CD771 2022-10-31 14:26:18.034 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000080CA0E (DCS): SW + 0x3CD4CE 2022-10-31 14:26:18.061 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x000000000082D349 (DCS): SW + 0x3EDE09 2022-10-31 14:26:18.085 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000007ECA54 (DCS): SW + 0x3AD514 2022-10-31 14:26:18.100 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000007ED924 (DCS): SW + 0x3AE3E4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.114 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x00000000022820EB (DCS): AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance + 0xF5B0E7 2022-10-31 14:26:18.138 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000BDA842 (DCS): SW + 0x79B302 2022-10-31 14:26:18.153 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000008364 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 2022-10-31 14:26:18.177 INFO EDCORE (5192): 0x0000000000067091 (ntdll): RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 2022-10-31 14:26:18.621 INFO EDCORE (5192): Minidump created. 2022-10-31 14:26:18.621 INFO Lua::Config (5192): stack traceback: 2022-10-31 14:26:18.622 WARNING LOG (4360): 3 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2022-10-31 14:26:18.622 INFO APP (5192): enumerating loaded modules 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\DCS.exe, 24799584 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.28.32, written 28:10:2022-16.28.32, accessed 28:10:2022-16.28.32 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, 1886856 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL, 700936 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.53, written 31:5:2018-5.34.53, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.53 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll, 2213760 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll, 424640 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.623 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edCore.dll, 5361504 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edObjects.dll, 257536 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Terrain.dll, 276480 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll, 357984 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll, 1177688 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll, 652344 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.9, written 31:5:2018-5.35.9, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.9 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll, 634824 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\WLDAP32.dll, 352256 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.624 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll, 998912 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll, 206088 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll, 1566552 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll, 1461200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll, 114192 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll, 22207944 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll, 259848 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.625 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\, 7217072 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll, 2916720 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll, 431296 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll, 301680 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll, 333640 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll, 48608 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.24, written 16:7:2016-13.18.24, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll, 681304 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.50, written 31:5:2018-5.34.50, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.50 2022-10-31 14:26:18.626 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll, 69264 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll, 1852200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\MSASN1.dll, 59416 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll, 343472 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\imagehlp.dll, 104336 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll, 1277816 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll, 773200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll, 633216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\World.dll, 4416864 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.59, written 28:10:2022-16.29.59, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WorldGeneral.dll, 5610336 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Inter.dll, 4470624 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.59, written 28:10:2022-16.29.59, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Flight.dll, 5165920 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\FMBase.dll, 1242112 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\GraphicsCore.dll, 952320 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\GraphicsVista.dll, 337408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\enlight.dll, 530432 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.627 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\wRadio.dll, 675328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Input.dll, 649216 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Weapons.dll, 1833472 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.33, written 28:10:2022-16.31.33, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.33 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponsBase.dll, 828928 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.30, written 28:10:2022-16.30.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\zlib.dll, 114688 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua.dll, 175104 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL, 219040 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ImGui.dll, 2157568 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.36, written 28:10:2022-16.31.36, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.36 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Space.dll, 1511936 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.39, written 28:10:2022-16.31.39, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.39 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui.dll, 1110528 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\uiBaseRenderer.dll, 82944 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.dll, 175672 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui_win_adapter.dll, 57856 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\gui_map.dll, 216064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Weather.dll, 250880 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Scripting.dll, 4598624 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.58, written 28:10:2022-16.29.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\renderer.dll, 93184 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\metaShader.dll, 1240064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\CockpitBase.dll, 4916224 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.18, written 28:10:2022-16.30.18, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.18 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ed_api.dll, 10752 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Base.dll, 732672 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Su25.dll, 32256 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Su39.dll, 32256 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Visualizer.dll, 1675264 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.35, written 28:10:2022-16.31.35, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.35 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\blocksim.dll, 829440 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Transport.dll, 2502656 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.26, written 28:10:2022-16.30.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.628 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponBlocks.dll, 3619328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.24, written 28:10:2022-16.30.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\AIFM.dll, 774656 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Sound.dll, 1962496 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ed_sound.dll, 196608 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edWebviewBrowser.dll, 375296 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\IngameOverlay.dll, 152064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rts.dll, 1184768 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.30, written 28:10:2022-16.31.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\animator.dll, 657408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.25, written 28:10:2022-16.31.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edDebugDraw.dll, 188416 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll, 571312 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.30, written 10:6:2022-18.52.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll, 30504 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.629 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll, 2576216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll, 1656832 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NETAPI32.dll, 81184 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll, 98736 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.32, written 10:6:2022-18.52.32, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll, 38304 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.30, written 10:6:2022-18.52.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.630 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll, 142616 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll, 124552 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\animator_logic.dll, 232960 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dbghelp.dll, 1869264 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rendererUtils.dll, 256000 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\assimp-vc140-mt.dll, 6530048 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.11, written 28:10:2022-16.30.11, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.11 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll, 210432 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DCOMPILER_47.dll, 4476416 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\freetype.dll, 600064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\offshore.dll, 910336 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ZweiBlau.dll, 118272 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\PostEffects.dll, 291328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-terrain.dll, 52736 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\SpaceRenderer.dll, 59392 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Effects.dll, 471040 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Effects2.dll, 940544 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.631 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\openvr_api.dll, 598816 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\VarjoLib.dll, 144896 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Pathfinder.dll, 81408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\LandVehicle.dll, 111104 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\libcef.dll, 118102016 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.4, written 14:4:2021-17.51.4, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\libsndfile-1.dll, 2311168 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.6, written 14:4:2021-17.51.6, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.6 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll, 32592 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.16, written 16:7:2016-13.18.16, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.16 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll, 168424 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll, 237072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\COMDLG32.dll, 991232 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.632 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll, 164264 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll, 81176 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\tbb.dll, 212480 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll, 635864 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll, 28160 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll, 115744 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEACC.dll, 391168 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll, 64112 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.58, written 16:7:2016-13.18.58, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UIAutomationCore.DLL, 1709056 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.47, written 31:5:2018-5.34.47, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.633 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL, 34816 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\chrome_elf.dll, 968704 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll, 1600112 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DWrite.dll, 2475520 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll, 128864 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV, 527360 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll, 79360 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll, 587264 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.634 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll, 1609920 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxva2.dll, 131248 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.26, written 16:7:2016-13.18.26, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll, 2828384 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\credui.dll, 47104 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll, 1779200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll, 818176 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTUI.dll, 600576 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.635 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL, 85504 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll, 24312 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll, 2896896 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ESENT.dll, 3054592 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dbgcore.DLL, 175056 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.DLL, 31080 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll, 2762264 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL, 172536 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NETUTILS.DLL, 43416 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.636 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WKSCLI.DLL, 80088 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SAMCLI.DLL, 79360 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll, 202992 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll, 1416216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cscapi.dll, 52736 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.30, written 16:7:2016-13.18.30, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll, 631176 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.33, written 16:7:2016-13.18.33, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.33 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, 43008 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wbemcomn.dll, 470016 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.637 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll, 62976 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll, 977920 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll, 357216 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll, 646680 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll, 412160 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.28, written 16:7:2016-13.18.28, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.28 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll, 16896 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.20, written 16:7:2016-13.18.20, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.20 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Riched20.dll, 599040 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.59, written 16:7:2016-13.18.59, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.638 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll, 214016 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.54, written 16:7:2016-13.18.54, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\tech\SouthAtlanticAssets\bin\SouthAtlantic.dll, 32768 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.22, written 28:10:2022-16.24.22, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.22 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\AV8BNA\bin\AV8B_AI.dll, 89088 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\C-101\bin\C101Core.dll, 102400 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\ChinaAssetPack\bin\CAP_AI.dll, 227840 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.57, written 28:10:2022-16.23.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.57 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\ChinaAssetPack\bin\JF-17_AI.dll, 116224 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\Christen Eagle II\bin\CE2_AI.dll, 139264 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.55, written 28:10:2022-16.23.55, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\bin\F14-AI.dll, 138240 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.58, written 28:10:2022-16.23.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\M-2000C\bin\M2KC_AI.dll, 87552 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21bis\bin\MiG21_AI.dll, 132608 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.54, written 28:10:2022-16.23.54, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\Mirage-F1\bin\MirageF1Core.dll, 158720 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\CaptoGlove\bin\edCaptoGlove.dll, 685056 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.17, written 28:10:2022-16.24.17, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.17 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.dll, 4387168 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.32, written 16:7:2016-13.18.32, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.32 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\BluetoothApis.dll, 120832 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll, 151904 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\LeapMotion\bin\edLeapMotion.dll, 83456 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-10-31 14:26:18.639 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\LeapC.dll, 11448176 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.4, written 28:10:2022-16.30.4, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CONCRT140.dll, 317320 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.26, written 10:6:2022-18.52.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\SensoryxVRFree\bin\edSensoryxVRFree.dll, 66560 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\VRfreeC.dll, 214016 bytes, created 16:6:2021-21.44.36, written 16:6:2021-21.44.36, accessed 16:6:2021-21.44.36 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mscoree.dll, 387072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.8, written 16:7:2016-13.18.8, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll, 630408 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.3, written 31:5:2018-5.35.3, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.3 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\VoiceChat\bin\VoiceChat.dll, 239616 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.5, written 28:10:2022-16.24.5, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.5 2022-10-31 14:26:18.640 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\webrtc_plugin.dll, 13189120 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.53, written 28:10:2022-16.29.53, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.53 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msdmo.dll, 33064 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\jsAvionics\bin\jsAvionics.dll, 1171968 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.30, written 28:10:2022-16.31.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.30 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8.dll, 16108544 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8_libplatform.dll, 123392 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8_libbase.dll, 182272 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\Mods\tech\Supercarrier\bin\edSupercarrier.dll, 4540928 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.58, written 28:10:2022-16.29.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll, 128648 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll, 170496 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL, 32584 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rendererStub.dll, 69120 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\AVIMaker.dll, 92160 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\vorbis.dll, 1197056 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.641 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ogg.dll, 23040 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\theora.dll, 209408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\png.dll, 196096 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\jpeg.dll, 152064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\NGModel.dll, 592384 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSTA.dll, 332144 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.58, written 16:7:2016-13.18.58, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.58 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui_edge_render.dll, 86528 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-dxgui.dll, 251904 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL, 67072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-dxguiWin.dll, 61440 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-textutil.dll, 22016 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-minizip.dll, 17920 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.642 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-socket.dll, 40960 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Mods\tech\DCS-SRS\bin\srs.dll, 19968 bytes, created 24:4:2021-11.12.59, written 24:4:2021-11.12.59, accessed 24:4:2021-11.12.59 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll, 67584 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll, 31744 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.34, written 16:7:2016-13.18.34, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.34 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll, 80896 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrain4.dll, 6624096 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.38, written 28:10:2022-16.29.38, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.38 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrainCore.dll, 64000 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrainExtra4.dll, 368128 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-10-31 14:26:18.643 INFO APP (5192): try to write track file 2022-10-31 14:26:18.645 INFO APP (5192): 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\dcs.20221031-142615.crash' deleted successfully 2022-10-31 14:26:18.727 INFO APP (5192): 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\dcs.20221031-142615.dmp' deleted successfully 2022-10-31 14:26:18.727 WARNING APP (5192): track file empty 2022-10-31 14:26:18.727 WARNING APP (5192): packing mission instead 2022-10-31 14:26:18.804 INFO APP (5192): dxdiag.exe /64bit /whql:off /t "C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\\dxdiag.txt" 2022-10-31 14:26:23.292 INFO APP (5192): failed to open 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\dxdiag.txt' for reading 2022-10-31 14:26:23.292 INFO APP (5192): trying dxdiag.exe /64bit /whql:off /t C:\Users\ss\AppData\Local\Temp\dxdiag.txt 2022-10-31 14:26:26.592 INFO APP (5192): 'C:\Users\ss\AppData\Local\Temp\dxdiag.txt' deleted successfully 2022-10-31 14:26:26.592 INFO APP (5192): failed to open 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_ca\Logs\voice_chat.log' for reading === Log closed.
Server crash, maybe caused by Harrier ? 2022-11-01 21:50:20.786 INFO SCRIPTING (1424): +++ Mission time 08:42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2022-11-01 21:50:20.786 INFO SCRIPTING (1424): ++++ Players current 4/6 max -+- ground = current 265/265 max -+- Ship = current 3/3 max -+- heli = current 0/0 max -+- planes = current 16/20 max ++++ 2022-11-01 21:50:20.786 INFO SCRIPTING (1424): 2022-11-01 21:50:25.497 INFO EDCORE (1424): try to write dump information 2022-11-01 21:50:25.499 INFO EDCORE (1424): # -------------- 20221101-215026 -------------- 2022-11-01 21:50:25.501 INFO EDCORE (1424): DCS/ (x86_64; Windows NT 10.0.14393) 2022-11-01 21:50:25.502 INFO EDCORE (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\AV8BNA\bin\AV8B_AI.dll 2022-11-01 21:50:25.504 INFO EDCORE (1424): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0B5BB441 00:00000000 2022-11-01 21:50:25.510 INFO EDCORE (1424): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta;D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*;', symOptions: 528, UserName: 'ss' 2022-11-01 21:50:25.511 INFO EDCORE (1424): OS-Version: 10.0.14393 () 0x110-0x3 2022-11-01 21:50:25.857 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000000B441 (AV8B_AI): (function-name not available) + 0x0 2022-11-01 21:50:25.857 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000000B222 (AV8B_AI): (function-name not available) + 0x0 2022-11-01 21:50:25.858 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x00000000001102BD (Sound): Sound::AircraftSounder::update + 0x30D 2022-11-01 21:50:25.858 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000011B625 (Sound): Sound::PlaneSounder::update + 0x75 2022-11-01 21:50:25.858 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x00000000004C1C0B (DCS): SW + 0x826CB 2022-11-01 21:50:25.858 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000077A6E8 (DCS): SW + 0x33B1A8 2022-11-01 21:50:25.859 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000077618B (DCS): SW + 0x336C4B 2022-11-01 21:50:25.859 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x00000000000039E5 (World): wSimTrace::CommandsTraceDiscreteIsOn + 0x4B5 2022-11-01 21:50:25.859 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x0000000000003EFD (World): wSimCalendar::DoActionsUntil + 0x1FD 2022-11-01 21:50:25.859 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000080CCB1 (DCS): SW + 0x3CD771 2022-11-01 21:50:25.859 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000080CA0E (DCS): SW + 0x3CD4CE 2022-11-01 21:50:25.859 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x000000000082D349 (DCS): SW + 0x3EDE09 2022-11-01 21:50:25.860 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x00000000007ECA54 (DCS): SW + 0x3AD514 2022-11-01 21:50:25.860 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x00000000007ED924 (DCS): SW + 0x3AE3E4 2022-11-01 21:50:25.860 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x00000000022820EB (DCS): AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance + 0xF5B0E7 2022-11-01 21:50:25.860 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x0000000000BDA842 (DCS): SW + 0x79B302 2022-11-01 21:50:25.860 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x0000000000008364 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 2022-11-01 21:50:25.860 INFO EDCORE (1424): 0x0000000000067091 (ntdll): RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 2022-11-01 21:50:26.081 INFO EDCORE (1424): Minidump created. 2022-11-01 21:50:26.081 INFO Lua::Config (1424): stack traceback: 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 WARNING LOG (4108): 3 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): enumerating loaded modules 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\DCS.exe, 24799584 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.28.32, written 28:10:2022-16.28.32, accessed 28:10:2022-16.28.32 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, 1886856 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL, 700936 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.53, written 31:5:2018-5.34.53, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.53 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll, 2213760 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edCore.dll, 5361504 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edObjects.dll, 257536 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.082 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Terrain.dll, 276480 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll, 1461200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll, 114192 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll, 206088 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll, 1566552 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll, 998912 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\World.dll, 4416864 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.59, written 28:10:2022-16.29.59, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.59 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll, 22207944 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.083 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll, 634824 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll, 259848 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\, 7217072 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll, 2916720 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll, 1177688 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll, 431296 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll, 301680 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll, 652344 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.9, written 31:5:2018-5.35.9, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.9 2022-11-01 21:50:26.084 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll, 357984 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll, 333640 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll, 48608 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.24, written 16:7:2016-13.18.24, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WorldGeneral.dll, 5610336 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll, 681304 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.50, written 31:5:2018-5.34.50, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.50 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll, 69264 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll, 1277816 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll, 424640 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua.dll, 175104 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\WLDAP32.dll, 352256 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\zlib.dll, 114688 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Inter.dll, 4470624 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.59, written 28:10:2022-16.29.59, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.59 2022-11-01 21:50:26.085 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Flight.dll, 5165920 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.57, written 28:10:2022-16.29.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.57 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll, 1852200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\MSASN1.dll, 59416 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll, 343472 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\imagehlp.dll, 104336 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll, 773200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll, 633216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\GraphicsCore.dll, 952320 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-11-01 21:50:26.086 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\GraphicsVista.dll, 337408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll, 571312 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.30, written 10:6:2022-18.52.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll, 98736 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.32, written 10:6:2022-18.52.32, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll, 38304 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.30, written 10:6:2022-18.52.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\FMBase.dll, 1242112 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Space.dll, 1511936 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.39, written 28:10:2022-16.31.39, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.39 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\renderer.dll, 93184 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\enlight.dll, 530432 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\wRadio.dll, 675328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Input.dll, 649216 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll, 30504 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll, 124552 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.087 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Weapons.dll, 1833472 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.33, written 28:10:2022-16.31.33, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.33 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponsBase.dll, 828928 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.30, written 28:10:2022-16.30.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.30 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dbghelp.dll, 1869264 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ed_sound.dll, 196608 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL, 219040 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ImGui.dll, 2157568 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.36, written 28:10:2022-16.31.36, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.36 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ed_api.dll, 10752 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\uiBaseRenderer.dll, 82944 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui.dll, 1110528 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui_win_adapter.dll, 57856 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.dll, 175672 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\gui_map.dll, 216064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Weather.dll, 250880 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Scripting.dll, 4598624 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.58, written 28:10:2022-16.29.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.58 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\metaShader.dll, 1240064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\CockpitBase.dll, 4916224 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.18, written 28:10:2022-16.30.18, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.18 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Base.dll, 732672 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Su25.dll, 32256 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Legacy_AFM_Su39.dll, 32256 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.088 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Visualizer.dll, 1675264 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.35, written 28:10:2022-16.31.35, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.35 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\blocksim.dll, 829440 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edDebugDraw.dll, 188416 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Transport.dll, 2502656 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.26, written 28:10:2022-16.30.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\WeaponBlocks.dll, 3619328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.24, written 28:10:2022-16.30.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\AIFM.dll, 774656 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Sound.dll, 1962496 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edWebviewBrowser.dll, 375296 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\IngameOverlay.dll, 152064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rts.dll, 1184768 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.30, written 28:10:2022-16.31.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.30 2022-11-01 21:50:26.089 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\animator.dll, 657408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.25, written 28:10:2022-16.31.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.090 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll, 2576216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.090 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll, 1656832 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.090 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NETAPI32.dll, 81184 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.090 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll, 142616 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.090 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\animator_logic.dll, 232960 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll, 164264 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rendererUtils.dll, 256000 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\assimp-vc140-mt.dll, 6530048 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.11, written 28:10:2022-16.30.11, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.11 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll, 210432 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\libsndfile-1.dll, 2311168 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.6, written 14:4:2021-17.51.6, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.6 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll, 32592 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.16, written 16:7:2016-13.18.16, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.16 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DCOMPILER_47.dll, 4476416 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\freetype.dll, 600064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\offshore.dll, 910336 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.28, written 28:10:2022-16.31.28, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.28 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ZweiBlau.dll, 118272 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-terrain.dll, 52736 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\PostEffects.dll, 291328 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\SpaceRenderer.dll, 59392 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Effects.dll, 471040 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Effects2.dll, 940544 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.26, written 28:10:2022-16.31.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.091 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\openvr_api.dll, 598816 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\VarjoLib.dll, 144896 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\Pathfinder.dll, 81408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\LandVehicle.dll, 111104 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\libcef.dll, 118102016 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.4, written 14:4:2021-17.51.4, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.4 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\COMDLG32.dll, 991232 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll, 168424 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll, 237072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll, 81176 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\tbb.dll, 212480 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dbgcore.DLL, 175056 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-11-01 21:50:26.092 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll, 635864 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll, 28160 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll, 115744 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UIAutomationCore.DLL, 1709056 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.47, written 31:5:2018-5.34.47, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.47 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEACC.dll, 391168 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll, 64112 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.58, written 16:7:2016-13.18.58, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.58 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL, 34816 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\chrome_elf.dll, 968704 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.3, written 14:4:2021-17.51.3, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.3 2022-11-01 21:50:26.093 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll, 1600112 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DWrite.dll, 2475520 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll, 128864 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.44, written 31:5:2018-5.34.44, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.44 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV, 527360 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll, 79360 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll, 587264 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll, 1609920 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxva2.dll, 131248 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.26, written 16:7:2016-13.18.26, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.094 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll, 2828384 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.095 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\credui.dll, 47104 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.38, written 16:7:2016-13.18.38, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.095 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll, 1779200 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-11-01 21:50:26.095 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll, 818176 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.095 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTUI.dll, 600576 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-11-01 21:50:26.095 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL, 85504 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.095 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll, 24312 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-11-01 21:50:26.095 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll, 2896896 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ESENT.dll, 3054592 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.48, written 31:5:2018-5.34.48, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.48 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.DLL, 31080 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll, 2762264 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL, 172536 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.1, written 31:5:2018-5.35.1, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.1 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NETUTILS.DLL, 43416 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WKSCLI.DLL, 80088 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SAMCLI.DLL, 79360 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.096 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll, 202992 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.42, written 16:7:2016-13.18.42, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.42 2022-11-01 21:50:26.097 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll, 1416216 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.097 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll, 631176 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.33, written 16:7:2016-13.18.33, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.33 2022-11-01 21:50:26.097 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cscapi.dll, 52736 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.30, written 16:7:2016-13.18.30, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.30 2022-11-01 21:50:26.097 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, 43008 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-11-01 21:50:26.097 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wbemcomn.dll, 470016 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-11-01 21:50:26.097 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll, 62976 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-11-01 21:50:26.097 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll, 977920 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.46, written 16:7:2016-13.18.46, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.46 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll, 357216 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll, 646680 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll, 412160 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.28, written 16:7:2016-13.18.28, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.28 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll, 16896 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.20, written 16:7:2016-13.18.20, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.20 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Riched20.dll, 599040 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.59, written 16:7:2016-13.18.59, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.59 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll, 214016 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.54, written 16:7:2016-13.18.54, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.54 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\tech\SouthAtlanticAssets\bin\SouthAtlantic.dll, 32768 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.22, written 28:10:2022-16.24.22, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.22 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\AV8BNA\bin\AV8B_AI.dll, 89088 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\C-101\bin\C101Core.dll, 102400 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\ChinaAssetPack\bin\CAP_AI.dll, 227840 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.57, written 28:10:2022-16.23.57, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.57 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\ChinaAssetPack\bin\JF-17_AI.dll, 116224 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-11-01 21:50:26.098 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\Christen Eagle II\bin\CE2_AI.dll, 139264 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.55, written 28:10:2022-16.23.55, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.55 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\bin\F14-AI.dll, 138240 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.58, written 28:10:2022-16.23.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.58 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\M-2000C\bin\M2KC_AI.dll, 87552 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21bis\bin\MiG21_AI.dll, 132608 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.23.54, written 28:10:2022-16.23.54, accessed 28:10:2022-16.23.54 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\aircraft\Mirage-F1\bin\MirageF1Core.dll, 158720 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\CaptoGlove\bin\edCaptoGlove.dll, 685056 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.17, written 28:10:2022-16.24.17, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.17 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.dll, 4387168 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.32, written 16:7:2016-13.18.32, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.32 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\BluetoothApis.dll, 120832 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll, 151904 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\LeapMotion\bin\edLeapMotion.dll, 83456 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.27, written 28:10:2022-16.24.27, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.27 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\LeapC.dll, 11448176 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.30.4, written 28:10:2022-16.30.4, accessed 28:10:2022-16.30.4 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CONCRT140.dll, 317320 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.26, written 10:6:2022-18.52.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\SensoryxVRFree\bin\edSensoryxVRFree.dll, 66560 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.099 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\VRfreeC.dll, 214016 bytes, created 16:6:2021-21.44.36, written 16:6:2021-21.44.36, accessed 16:6:2021-21.44.36 2022-11-01 21:50:26.100 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mscoree.dll, 387072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.8, written 16:7:2016-13.18.8, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.8 2022-11-01 21:50:26.100 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll, 630408 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.35.3, written 31:5:2018-5.35.3, accessed 31:5:2018-5.35.3 2022-11-01 21:50:26.100 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\VoiceChat\bin\VoiceChat.dll, 239616 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.5, written 28:10:2022-16.24.5, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.5 2022-11-01 21:50:26.100 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\webrtc_plugin.dll, 13189120 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.53, written 28:10:2022-16.29.53, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.53 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msdmo.dll, 33064 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.49, written 16:7:2016-13.18.49, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\CoreMods\services\jsAvionics\bin\jsAvionics.dll, 1171968 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.31.30, written 28:10:2022-16.31.30, accessed 28:10:2022-16.31.30 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8.dll, 16108544 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8_libplatform.dll, 123392 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\v8_libbase.dll, 182272 bytes, created 14:4:2021-17.51.8, written 14:4:2021-17.51.8, accessed 14:4:2021-17.51.8 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\Mods\tech\Supercarrier\bin\edSupercarrier.dll, 4540928 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.58, written 28:10:2022-16.29.58, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.58 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll, 128648 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.54, written 31:5:2018-5.34.54, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.54 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll, 170496 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL, 32584 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.43, written 16:7:2016-13.18.43, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.43 2022-11-01 21:50:26.101 INFO APP (1424): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Mods\services\LotAtc\bin\Qt5Corelotatc.dll, 6148608 bytes, created 27:10:2022-18.50.38, written 27:10:2022-18.50.38, accessed 27:10:2022-18.50.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.102 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MPR.dll, 101776 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.49, written 31:5:2018-5.34.49, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.49 2022-11-01 21:50:26.102 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140_1.dll, 25520 bytes, created 10:6:2022-18.52.26, written 10:6:2022-18.52.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.38.4 2022-11-01 21:50:26.102 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SRVCLI.DLL, 112632 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.102 INFO APP (1424): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Mods\services\LotAtc\bin\Qt5Sqllotatc.dll, 203776 bytes, created 27:10:2022-18.50.38, written 27:10:2022-18.50.38, accessed 27:10:2022-18.50.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.102 INFO APP (1424): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Mods\services\LotAtc\bin\Qt5Positioninglotatc.dll, 311808 bytes, created 27:10:2022-18.50.38, written 27:10:2022-18.50.38, accessed 27:10:2022-18.50.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.102 INFO APP (1424): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Mods\services\LotAtc\bin\Qt5Networklotatc.dll, 3649024 bytes, created 27:10:2022-18.50.38, written 27:10:2022-18.50.38, accessed 27:10:2022-18.50.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.102 INFO APP (1424): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Mods\services\LotAtc\bin\lotatc.dll, 5997568 bytes, created 27:10:2022-18.50.38, written 27:10:2022-18.50.38, accessed 27:10:2022-18.50.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HTTPAPI.dll, 31232 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.52, written 31:5:2018-5.34.52, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.52 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll, 18432 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.48, written 16:7:2016-13.18.48, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.48 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\rendererStub.dll, 69120 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\AVIMaker.dll, 92160 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\ogg.dll, 23040 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\vorbis.dll, 1197056 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\theora.dll, 209408 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\png.dll, 196096 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\jpeg.dll, 152064 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\NGModel.dll, 592384 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.26, written 28:10:2022-16.24.26, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.26 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSTA.dll, 332144 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.58, written 16:7:2016-13.18.58, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.58 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\dxgui_edge_render.dll, 86528 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.103 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-dxgui.dll, 251904 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.24, written 28:10:2022-16.24.24, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.24 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL, 67072 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.41, written 16:7:2016-13.18.41, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.41 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\system32\explorerframe.dll, 4708352 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.56, written 31:5:2018-5.34.56, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.56 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\ActXPrxy.dll, 3542528 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.46, written 31:5:2018-5.34.46, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.46 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-dxguiWin.dll, 61440 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-textutil.dll, 22016 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-minizip.dll, 17920 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\lua-socket.dll, 40960 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Mods\tech\DCS-SRS\bin\srs.dll, 19968 bytes, created 21:4:2022-19.3.2, written 21:4:2022-19.3.2, accessed 21:4:2022-19.3.2 2022-11-01 21:50:26.104 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ondemandconnroutehelper.dll, 65024 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.47, written 31:5:2018-5.34.47, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.47 2022-11-01 21:50:26.105 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll, 67584 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.47, written 16:7:2016-13.18.47, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.47 2022-11-01 21:50:26.105 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll, 31744 bytes, created 16:7:2016-13.18.34, written 16:7:2016-13.18.34, accessed 16:7:2016-13.18.34 2022-11-01 21:50:26.105 INFO APP (1424): C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll, 80896 bytes, created 31:5:2018-5.34.55, written 31:5:2018-5.34.55, accessed 31:5:2018-5.34.55 2022-11-01 21:50:26.105 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrain4.dll, 6624096 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.29.38, written 28:10:2022-16.29.38, accessed 28:10:2022-16.29.38 2022-11-01 21:50:26.105 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrainCore.dll, 64000 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.23, written 28:10:2022-16.24.23, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.23 2022-11-01 21:50:26.105 INFO APP (1424): D:\games\DCS_dedi_beta\bin\edterrainExtra4.dll, 368128 bytes, created 28:10:2022-16.24.25, written 28:10:2022-16.24.25, accessed 28:10:2022-16.24.25 2022-11-01 21:50:26.105 INFO APP (1424): try to write track file 2022-11-01 21:50:31.106 INFO APP (1424): 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Logs\dcs.20221101-215026.crash' deleted successfully 2022-11-01 21:50:31.232 INFO APP (1424): 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Logs\dcs.20221101-215026.dmp' deleted successfully 2022-11-01 21:50:31.232 WARNING APP (1424): file 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Tracks\Multiplayer\server-20221101-194822.trk' skipped due to large size, 31.033600 MB 2022-11-01 21:50:31.232 INFO APP (1424): dxdiag.exe /64bit /whql:off /t "C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Logs\\dxdiag.txt" 2022-11-01 21:50:34.974 INFO APP (1424): failed to open 'C:\Users\ss\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_vaf\Logs\dxdiag.txt' for reading 2022-11-01 21:50:34.974 INFO APP (1424): trying dxdiag.exe /64bit /whql:off /t C:\Users\ss\AppData\Local\Temp\2\dxdiag.txt 2022-11-01 21:50:38.285 INFO APP (1424): 'C:\Users\ss\AppData\Local\Temp\2\dxdiag.txt' deleted successfully === Log closed.
- 1 reply
- 1
- av-8b crash
- server crash
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Heyo, I found a reproducible bug: The server web GUI of the dedicated server v2.7 is not responding when the server window is minimized. It still appears to be online tho. The connect to server popup will eventually time out and show an error. When the minimized window is restored visible the console imediatley connects. When words aren't enouth: (Similar things happen whenever you keep the window in move mode - for example while moving the window to the side, afterwards not actually sending a button release to the window, so tecnically the window would follow your cursor forever. happened to me once when the remote connection to the physical machine was lost - anyway, in this case not only the web GUI but the whole server is not responding any more) server owners: don't minimize dedicated server windows atm, happy bug fixing ED, have a nice day everybody, Eld0r - fixed with openbeta dedicated server
I got a strange behaviour on my dedicated server. Whichever mission I choose in the list, it is the "mission 1" (according to the numbering of mission list in optionsServer.lua) that is launched. (Look at the current mission on server details, and the one which is tagged as running in the server list...) If I modify myself the [1] mission in the list, to change the mission, the behaviour is the same. I cannot either remove line in the mission list. I can only add... I have fully reinstall the server, including the saved games, top start with a clean setup -> same behaviour. Everything was OK in last OB.
- 28 replies
- 1
Currently have 4 servers running on beta with different missions all are crashing with the same/similar crash logs Sadly cannot post a track file as they are all above 5mb. The servers seem to be crashing at random times in the missions. sometimes 10 mins, sometimes 2 hours. Any help with this would be wonderful Thanks - 4YA woj dcs.20210416-101150.crash If required i can post the crash logs for all the other servers aswell
How can someone retrieve the number of online players in their server and put it on a website?
This is my first time trying to host a server on one of my PCs. I have the ports being forwarded 10308 and 8088 for the server and acceptations in my firewall for DCS but it still will not show up on my other computer in the server list. I followed the steps in the link. I have the open beta server and everything for each computer is up to date. Anyone have any suggestions or something that I'm missing?
- 3 replies
- dedicated server
- server
(and 2 more)
Tagged with:
Hi, some friends and I hosted a dedicated server a few days ago. We made a mission with some F/A-18C and A10s. We now have problems with random system failures appearing from time to time. The system failure option in the mission had already been disabled. We also checked the client options. Has anyone an idea how to fix this problem??
- 1 reply
- randomsystemfailures
- systemfailures
(and 2 more)
Tagged with:
So currently the dedicated server has the local admin panel which as far as I can tell there is no way to expose remotely, and then we have the admin panel via logging into the DCS website. I would love to have the ability to expose the local panel to the network, main use-case being running multiple DCS servers for a group and would like to be able to pull all of them into a dashboard that I can control access to. Would greatly simplify administration for myself and those I trust with access and be much cleaner that the current approach of sharing VPN configs and RDP credentials etc. A step further if the backend comms of the admin panel could be exposed in such a way that users can write their own apps to talk to it that would be even better
- 1 reply
- dedicated server
- administration
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
hi all, i don't know if this subject are already asked, but i don't find anything about that... well... Here is my use case. i have a network with some different subnet, a router/firewall (pfsense), and wan subnet with my ISP box. the requirement is the TCP/UDP port must be NAT to dedicated server, in server setting i choose 10309 (so that this one is different from my client I'll talk about it right after). well, now i try to describe my network setting. mys ISP box are config in DMZ mode, all traffic receive in public IP are forward to my firewall. in my firewall i config a NAT with this setting => all traffic received in WAN interface for the 10309 port in TCP/UDP are forwarded to my dedicated server in the SUBNET 2. to allow my client contact server into private subnet i config a NAT when the client tries to contact the public ip on port 10309 the firewall sends the traffic directly to the dedicated server, which allows me to play without leaving my private network. there are some firewall rule to allow traffic througt the subnet my client (gaming PC) in the SUBNET 1 launch the game, and in the multiplayer part i don't see my server in the list. the windows firewall client and dedicated server is disabled for all network private and public. for information the client and server are the game version and the issue is here, why my dedicated server don't appear in the list. in my web profile game server section in digitalcombatsimulator i see my server with the mission name, number player, publique IP port etc.. and information is correct. when i try from online web site check if my 10309 are open from internet, the test is OK and my port is open. however, in my client i don't see the server .... there is a explanation for this ?? thank for your help ps: sorry for my english level, i french
- 3 replies
- networking
- multiplayer
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Hello everyone, i'm trying to host a DCS Dedicated Server on my computer but no one can see my server. I do see it (two times, with my local IPs), but my friends don't. This post is my last resort, i tried to read a lot of forum threads, watch tutorials and learn from friends but nothing works. My network setup is : My PC > RJ45 cat.8 cable > TP-Link Archer MR400 router (4G LTE mode) with 89% signal. Port triggering (10308) is ON, DMZ is ON, but "canyouseeme" don't.. see me. I call for your help and i'm a patient man.
- 15 replies
- dedicated server
- server admin
(and 1 more)
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