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Flight Simulators





  1. I've looked for an answer, but can't seem to find one. I just got into flying helicopters. I've been flying the F-18 exclusively for about a year. I'm running WinWing HOTAS stick and throttle. My question is this: When I fly the helo, I have to keep constant forward pressure on the stick (cyclic). The WinWing stick has a return to center feature. I know in helicopters, the cyclic does not do this. So, is there a setting that I can tweak, or something I need to push to keep from having to keep constant pressure on the cyclic? It gets pretty tiring after about five minutes, and takes all the fun out of it. I know it's possible, as I've seen plenty of YouTube videos of people flying helicopters with this stick, but no one explains how to set up a "jet stick" to fly helicopters. Thanks for the help.
  2. IN VR when i move the mouse the frame rate drops rapidly if I don't move it I have a constant framerate is this a known problem. I adjusted the polling rate to below 500 and it works for a while until I leave the game. When I restart DCS back to square one. Using Pimax Crystal Sim at 72hz
  3. Translate from Swedish: "It cant find the procedure start adress in DLL file" C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\bin\DCS.exe.
  4. Hello all! While editing the position of the AI Gunner indicator and Controls Indicator overlays for the Mi-8, I noted this Crew Status indicator (bottom left corner of the screenshot). How would I be able to move it from its current position to the space indicated by the empty yellow box? I moved the AI Gunner Indicator & Controls Indicator overlays by modifying the following files at their respective locations: D:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\Cockpit\Scripts\AI\ControlPanel\g_panel_page.lua (AI Gunner) D:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\Cockpit\Scripts\ControlsIndicator\ControlsIndicator_page.lua (Controls Indicator) I was unsuccessful in editing line 7 in the crew_indicator_page.lua file located here: D:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\Cockpit\Scripts\CrewIndicator I was moving things around because of my multi-monitor setup and thought it looked cool to see. Otherwise, it would be hidden. My search for a similar topic yielded no results. Has anyone else played with the position of this overlay? Any advice or links to share would be appreciated! Thanks in advance for your input.
  5. Moxica

    Set back years.

    The situation was perfect with the G2's and the latest update.. Sparkling sharpness, and 90 fps! But due to MS bricking that set, I got the Pimax Crystal lights. Now I'm back to the days of 3060 and Quest 2 With hundreds of frustrations, crappy image and low framerate. I went straight from 90 FPS to 60 and below. Looks great though, but I can't even land straight in that slide show. So I started from scratch; Plowing through en endless array of Youtube intro's "welcome to my channel. Today I'm gonna teach you.. But first be sure to.." eventually presenting the "good" advice. I've dialed all the deteriorating settings, and now it looks like crap, and I gained 6 frames. Not good. Not good at all, and straight out depressing.
  6. As per title. No mods. I have been testing the NS 430 since the update today and it has been still acting up. The first flight I was using the Persian Gulf map, about a 30 minute flight with 5 waypoints. Frame times would spike to over 500ms about every 30 seconds or so. I kept playing with the terrain mode and if finally quit. Made it through the flight. The second flight was Nevada with 8 waypoints that was supposed to be a 45 minute flight. The frametime issue never came up this time, but I had a CTD about 8 minutes in. Just as I was going to hit waypoint 2. When it crashed, Steam and the DCS crash window started fighting each other. (this has never happened before) I had to end task via task manager to get control of my computer again so I did not get the crash log. I do have the video though if you think it would help? I will try to get this to crash again and attach logs/tracks. I just wanted to give you the heads up and see if anyone else has experienced any issues. Also, the terrain view is still all black until I change the range setting. I will have terrain color until I takeoff then it goes black again for some reason. I noticed I changed the range from 10nm to 5nm about 5 mins before I hit waypoint 2 and the terrain color came back for a second. Maybe this caused the crash?
  7. There is no context radio menu (F1-F12) after airborn - "\" shortcut. Easy comm off or on. Single and multiplayer.
  8. 2 Things. First really small. Kneeboard says I have two bags of fuel, when I have 3. 2nd is when the convoy is moving into the town, I said I would destroy them. Hit the lead guy with my MAV. Wingman said 3 left. Then dropped a gbu12 on the group of 3, killing the first two in the column of 3. Wingman said one left. Leaving only the trailing vehicle. Decided I was far enough from the town, and proceed to kill it with guns. The mission didn't progress after that. Didn't register I killed the last one. Could just be DCS not registering the kill, because I don't recall getting a kill message on screen. I figured I would relay this anyways. I'll try again this weekend.
  9. About two or three updates ago, the rear view mirrors no longer show up for me. Occasionally I see them on other Mi8s on servers or other units on mission editor, but anytime I place Mi8s on mission editor, or spawn into one on multiplayer servers, there are no mirrors. Are they gone, or is this something that needs to be equipped via a setting now?
  10. I had the 1st crash Blue screen of death hard reboot after the latest update. 2nd crash both developed a report. Both instances Syria Map Rotor heads server, ANV8 Harrier jump jet. PiMax Crystal Graphics look like an issue with MSAA. Which I do not run dcs.log-20241106-083654.zip dcs.log-20241106-091921.zipdcs.log old dcs.log cef_log.log after old dcs.log trak SYRIA_TPE_v1_RUN1-20241106-004531.trk.writing tracks https://www.mediafire.com/file/jxy3pafpltte6uw/Multiplayer.rar/file
  11. Hi~ I have problems mission 06. DCS Patch version AI leader Drop the Two GBU-38 to AAA Target. but he didn't anyting word. example "Drop Bomb" or "gbu's away". I dropped the bomb 30 seconds later. and leader turn left Back to South Holding posistion. but......he just circle flight. nothing i can do. I'll try to play 4 times but always SAME. Please check the Mission 06. 20240810_Gamblers_M06_Bug.trk
  12. Since the update a mission that was working fine now crashes when run on our dedicated server. The same mission when run from my machine using the Mission / start multiplayer option works fine. So assume issue with Dedicated Server now for some reason. The mission uses the DML tool box by @cfrag which has previously caused no problems. Does the dedicated Server now handle scripts differently? EDIT I was typing this when the patch update was announced dcs.log-20240411-170318.zip DDServerPersianGulf-1000hrs.miz
  13. This sounds odd, and it's not happened anywhere but in this campaign, but I can be flying along and then all of a sudden the map appears and then AUTOSTOP gets triggered. This then stops me from flying and I crash. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does it seems to be just after a flight lead reaches a turnpoint. Sometimes it happens in a mission and sometimes not. I've flown a lot in the Huey, for instance I've completed Paradise Lost and plenty of time on servers in the UH1 and it's not happened there. It's happened on 4 missions in a row (9-13) Any ideas are welcome? Any Cheers
  14. You're going to find all you need to know in the link below : https://www.wikihow.com/Change-Mouse-Polling-Rate **If your mouse has no software, no problem, in the link you'll find one universal software, I installed, super easy, works! I've underclocked my mouse, 1000hz to 500hz (HZ IS NOT DPI). **You may still experience some fps drop and stutter for many other reasons.
  15. FDR Mbuccia does not work. Eye tracking does not work Quadviews its a downgrade with worse graphics and performance. Solved: Uninstall MBuccia DFR, then re install it , start game, and go to VR options and check Quadviews option, it gives you an extra 10 to 15fps like always with DFR, and you can adjust your focus and peripheral values to your liking. Look at this picture, this is why DFR is better than the rest, top picture is stereo all the screen is high resolution, then Quadviews, which is better, and lower is Quadviews and Foveated Rendering, even better, no wasted performance on the areas your eyes dont see.
  16. Hi, I am a newbie and trying to solve a problem of undesignated target when using JDAM in TOO mode with instant fuse.This is my procedure: SCSW RT TO GET DIAMOND IN TOP RT OF FLIR SCREEN PRESS NOSE WHEEL STEERING 3 TIMES TO CLEAR ANY TARGETS AND GET DIAMOND INTO TOP OF FLIR SCSW ONCE FORWARD TO SNOW PLOUGH HUD WITH DOT IN CENTRE OF HUD SYMBOL NOW HUD SHOWS TARGET CIRCLE WITH VERTICAL LINE AND AIMING CIRCLE ( BUT IT DOES NOT !) THIS ALSO DOES NOT APPEAR IN HELMET AIMING SYMBOLOGY OF COURSE ! POSITION TRIANGLE ON TARGET AND DEPRESS THRT /DESG ONCE TO LOCK TARGET NOW BACK IN FLIR SCSW RT TO GRT DIAMOND WORKING IN FLIR SCREEN NOW PRESS SECOND TIME TO GET TRACK MODE IN FLIR SCREEN. I cannot get this far as the the circular target aiming symbol never appears. My understanding is that pressing nose wheel undesigate button three times clears out any previous settings and makes way for new target position to be dealt with. Is that correct because I cannot get it to work for me. Any help welcome thank you.David
  17. Have previously flown the BS 2 with many flight hours with no Laser problems; upgraded to BS3. Use DCS Multi-thread. Unable to get a range to target from my Laser Stby/on switch, tv camera up and running, etc. All switches from Laser on to weapons panel powered up including side laser arm panel switch, etc. Have reset the laser both on the side panel and the front panel (switch near left knee cap on front panel). Everything tracks and zooms good with the laser switch on and off - just no range in KM to target indicated and there is no lock-up on the target either. Laser 'inop' on both the Black Shark 2 and 3. Yet there was no problem with the Black Shark two in the past (now Laser is inoperative also on BS 2) . Have checked all pages of this forum and others, checked the BS 3 manual, etc. but nothing related to the when the range to target should be indicated on the HUD and TV screen. Possible bug? (in Multi thread maybe?). Hopefully, it is me and some switch I have not turned on around the cockpit somewhere... Thanks in advance for any help provided. Will post the solution in order to help others when someone is able to help. If not, I'll post a ticket and let everyone know here. I also deleted, then re-installed Black Shark 3. Same problems. Frustrated. Max
  18. Frame spikes have returned. I've provided every bit of information I can think of so hopefully we can figure something out. Testing.mp4 dcs.log DxDiag.txt vTF-77 Dynamic Training V1.2.6-20241002-185319.trk
  19. When communicating with ATC, selecting message F1 switches the radio station selector from R-863 (UK1) to NF (UK2). Is it just me or has anyone else encountered this?
  20. Hi In all missions of the MAIN CAMPAIGN there are critical errors displayed in the caution panel: DOM and USEL and BECS among others. Same procedure I follow does not display any error in free flight mode. note: Before FBW test I already move the controls. Therefore is not this problem... In addition during take off maneuver the M2K is uncontrollable. It's clear a bug situation. Other people with same problem? cheers
  21. I have tried playing it several times, but no matter what I do the mission won't end after the final landing. I've decided to just skip it, but I reckon that really should get fixed. Attached is a track file in which I try numerous post-taxiing landing spots. Huey Helo Landings UN Campaign Wont End.trk
  22. Hello, I used to add the sentence: OPTIONS_ADD_COMMAND_CODES_TO_TOOLTIP = true on the MissionEditor.lua file, to get the Command codes of each clickable binding, but the current DCS version does not take that sentence anymore. Is there an alternative way to get the Option -> Controls screen to show these codes? ... like this: Thanks
  23. Hello, I am using a PSVR as my VR headset. The problem I'm having is that I've been trying to complete training mission #1 (Cold and Dark Start), but when I reach the part where I have to press and turn the switches/knobs in the intercom panel, nothing happens with the yellow squares that indicate what I'm supposed to click and I cannot continue the mission. What makes matters worse is that the yellow squares make it almost impossible for me to see what I'm supposed to click. I've lowered my head to see if I can see through them and I've also used Chuck's Guide as reference, but to no avail. I will be really, REALLY grateful if anyone can help me. Also, is there someway to turn off the squares temporarily during the mission? I want to turn them off or make them (preferably) less visible so they don't block my view. Once again, thanks.
  24. I have an external audio interface for music production (Audient EVO 8 ) and it is connected to my main speakers. Combined With HP Reverb G2 I have to also use the onboard Realtek soundcard. (To HP reverb headphones) All DCS sounds goes to the EVO8 except for radio comms, which is sendt to the Realtek. Sometimes I had no sound from speakers, and had to restart PC to fix. Turns out, applications had "exclusive control" activated for the EVO8. Problem appeared after using the Music recording software (A so called Digital audio Workstation, commonly known as a DAW) Here is the fix: How to disable Exclusive Mode Exclusive Mode requires you to go to the device’s additional settings within the Sound Settings panel. It’s always good practice to disable it on both the Input and Output devices. Follow these steps to disable Exclusive Mode. Right-click the Speaker icon on the Windows toolbar, and select Open Sound settings. Click Device properties located underneath Choose your output device, then click Additional device properties located underneath Related Settings. In the Line Properties window, click the Advanced tab, then uncheck Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device. Click Apply, then click OK. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for your input device.
  25. Using a trigger, that includes a soundfile into a mission, I am using the action "Sound To All". The action includes the possibility, to select a soundfile from disc (the attached picture). When pressing the "Open" button, no file selection screen appears, nothing happens. This is true for all actions in the category "Sound to xxxxx". Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
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