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The A-10C Basic Flight Training Qualification campaign puts you in the cockpit of the A-10C Warthog, and it will test your ability to fly the aircraft successfully. Based on real world qualification requirements, you will fly 12 performance check rides to execute against pre-defined performance objectives. If successful, you will earn a Qualified rating and proceed to the next performance objective.


You will be rated on the following areas, and these results will form your final rating:


General knowledge, airmanship, and safety

Pre-takeoff and takeoff

Navigation and maneuvers

Approach and landing

Communications and task prioritization


The campaign covers a number of key areas that include Start-Up and Shutdown, Takeoffs and Landings, Traffic Patterns, Basic and Advanced and Aerobatic Maneuvers,Emergencies, Formation Flying, and Instrument Flight Plan Navigation.


There are over 2,300 voiceovers and over 170 pages of briefing material. This includes the A-10C Amplified Checklist, Maps, Diagrams, and Mission Data cards.


Also included are 14 Single Player Practice missions that can be played through the Missions menu.


All the missions both Campaign and Single Player are available under this path:


<your drive letter>:Program FilesEagle DynamicsDCS WorldModscampaignsA-10C - Basic Flight Training Qualification


The Inter-Active Start-Up and Shutdown missions are particularly helpful in learning the location of the various switches, buttons and dials.


Documentation for the campaign (including the A-10C Amplified checklist) can be found under this path:


<your drive letter>:Program FilesEagle DynamicsDCS WorldModscampaignsA-10C - Basic Flight Training QualificationDoc


Hints and Tips:

This campaign is for experienced players. Read the flight manual and execute the in-game training missions before starting this campaign.


Follow the Flight Examiner's instructions closely. If you deviate from the flight plan or fail to perform the instructions indicated you will fail the Performance Objective.

Study the diagrams and review the mission briefings which are critical to mission success.

The practice missions have extra dialogue to help explain the tactics, techniques and procedures to help pass the Qualification mission.


If you are having trouble compare your experience to


If the triggers are not firing correctly ensure you are patched to the latest DCS World version and reinstall the Campaign module.

Email us at mapleflagmissions@gmail.com if you continue to have issues.


BFT01 - Ensure you press and hold buttons for a 1 second count as the game engine has trouble recognizing the key press if done for less than that.

BFT03, BFT04, BFT09 - Do not leave the pattern or pattern altitude until instructed by the ATC or Flight Examiner.

BFT06 - Study the diagrams closely for the Spiral Dive and Lazy Eight. Use the practice missions to get familiar with the techniques. For the forced landing attempt you must land at the emergency divert airfield north of Batumi (X shaped).

BFT07 - Study the diagrams closely as the maneuvers are measured based on heading, speed and altitude.

BFT08 - The CDU failure will not appear immediately or may not appear at all (game engine bug) so perform the emergency procedure immediately once instructed.

BFT10 - Watch that you don't stray outside the Military Operations Area (MOA) as described in the Arrival mission. You can circle back to stay within the MOA as you work towards the next NAV point.

BFT12 - Do not exceed the low level flight restrictions. The FE aircraft may climb or dive in an attempt to get you to follow them and break the altitude restriction.


A-10C Pilot Qualification Course

The A-10C Pilot Qualification Course has the following phases


Phase 1: Academic Classes and Pre-Flight Training

Phase 2: Basic Flight Training Qualification

Phase 3: Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification

Phase 4: Tactical Training Qualification


Phase 1 Academic Classes and Pre-Flight Training: Initial Qualification Training (IQT)

Is a pre-requisite for Phase 2. To complete Phase 1 execute the in game training missions and fly some test missions. Read the A-10C Flight Manual to become familiar with the A-10C aircraft systems and instruments.


Phase 2 Basic Flight Training Qualification: Basic Aircraft Qualification (BAQ).

This qualification phase measures your ability to fly the aircraft and work the navigation systems. It is a pre-requisite for Phase 3.


Phase 3 Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification: Basic Mission Capable (BMC).

This qualification phase measures your ability to execute basic mission capabilities including air to air refueling and evading threats as well as working all weapons systems. It is a pre-requisite for Phase 4.


Phase 4 Tactical Training Qualification: Combat Mission Ready (CMR).

This qualification phase measures your ability to execute more advanced mission capabilities including working with JTACS and Airborne FACs, using Wingmen, performing CAS, CSAR and Deep Interdiction mission types.


Campaign Details:


Phase 2 - Basic Flight Training Qualification contains:


Contact Stage (VFR):

1. Perform Ground Handling

2. Perform Take-Off and EFATO

3. Fly Traffic Pattern

4. Perform Approach and Landing

5. Perform Basic Maneuvers

6. Perform Advanced Handling

7. Perform Aerobatics

8. Respond to Emergencies


Instrument / Navigation Stage (IFR):

9. Instrument Approach (Landing)

10. Instrument Flight Plan Navigation


Formation Stage:

11. Fly 2 Ship as Wingman


Low-Level Stage

12. Fly Low-Level Flight Plan


Phase 3 - Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification contains:


Advanced Flight Training Stage


AFT01 - Air to Air Refueling Day

AFT02 - Air to Air Refueling Night

AFT03 - Countermeasures and Threat Avoidance

AFT04 - Target Area Ingress Preparation

AFT05 - Illumination Flare Employment


Air to Air Combat Stage:


AAT06 - AA Gun and Missile Employment


Surface Attack Stage:


AAT07 - Gun & Rocket Employment

AAT08 - Unguided Bomb Employment

AAT09 - Guided Bomb Employment

AAT10 - Missile Employment


Phase 4: Tactical Training Qualification contains:


Close Air Support Tactical Stage:


TAC11 - FAC / JTAC Coordination

TAC12 - Stationary and Moving Target Tasking

TAC13 - Danger Close Tasking

TAC14 - SEAD Tasking


Battlefield Air Interdiction Tactical Stage:


TAC15 - Deep Interdiction Tasking Day

TAC16 - Deep Interdiction Tasking Night

TAC17 - Deep Interdiction Tasking Special Forces Coordination


Airborne Forward Air Controller (AFAC) Tactical Stage:


TAC18 - SADL Datalink Engagement

TAC19 - CAS Mission Management Day

TAC20 - CAS Mission Management Night

TAC21 - BAI Mission Management Day

TAC22 - BAI Mission Management Night


Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) Tactical Stage:


TAC23 - CSAR Management Day

TAC24 - CSAR Management Night


Tactical Summary Stage:


TAC25 - Simulated Combat Mission


We hope you enjoy these campaigns. We believe they will make you a better pilot helping you to succeed in future combat missions. Good luck!


Please watch our blog for updates: http://mapleflagmissions.blogspot.ca/

Edited by Sabre-TLA
  • Thanks 1


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

Posted (edited)

It appears the practice mission package was omitted from the current download package. I'm following up with ED to see what happened and will post an update as soon as I know.




EDIT: The installer had a problem with the single player missions so we have decided to add them to the campaign. We will have to wait for an update from ED to correct this. We apologize for this issue.

Edited by Sabre-TLA


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates


I am new to these Maple Flag missions. I just heard about them recently. And I am a little confused as to what missions are actual training, which are qualification tests, and which are campaigns?


The title of this is "A-10C Basic Flight Training Campaign". But the description calls it "A-10C Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaign". So, I am confused as if this campaign trains you, and then gives you a qualification test? Does it do both?


I would be interested in something that would train me and then test/qualify me.



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DCS can be very intimidating to new users.


Many of the modules are considered "study" sims that require in depth knowledge and training to be able to make full use of them.


Our Qualification Campaigns are a set of missions to test your knowledge and techniques to operate the various aircraft or vehicles. They should be attempted after you have some knowledge and understanding of the aircraft or vehicle systems.


We recommend training in this order:


1. Read the DCS aircraft or vehicle manuals and review our Amplified Checklists provided with some of the Qualification Campaigns.


2. Watch the training videos and watch other videos that others have done.


3. Do some test flights or test missions of your own using the in game missions or Fast Mission Creator.


4. If practice missions are provided use them to get good at understanding what the Qualification missions will be like and what you need to do to pass.


Then when you feel ready, do the Qualification Campaigns to earn your Qualification.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates


What is advantage to purchase this campaign over the default ED training missions? Why should I buy this campaign?


This is not trolling question but there is no such information to convincing me to buy it. Maybe is worth it to by but I don't know that yet.

What is advantage to purchase this campaign over the default ED training missions? Why should I buy this campaign?


This is not trolling question but there is no such information to convincing me to buy it. Maybe is worth it to by but I don't know that yet.


Check out this thread.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

What is advantage to purchase this campaign over the default ED training missions? Why should I buy this campaign?


This is not trolling question but there is no such information to convincing me to buy it. Maybe is worth it to by but I don't know that yet.


The big difference is that you are assessed on your performance in the Maple Flag missions. It is one thing to fly a training mission, but without any kind of feedback, how do you know if you're actually achieving anything?


The two things are different animals entirely. You need to do the training, and then get checked out. Maple Flag is the check ride.

Will this campaign be available for the NTTR map? I hope it will! :)


Yes we are planning to port all our A-10C Campaigns to the NTTR map once there is good ATC and the map moves out of Alpha to Beta.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates


Hi Terry,


I already own all 'Maple Flag Missions for DCS A-10C', from 'Basic Flight Training Qualification' ... to 'AFT03 - Countermeasures'.


Will I get a key to be able to install the new DLC/ Training Campaign 'A-10C Basic Flight Training Campaign' via DCS Module Manager?


Thanks and regards

Hi Terry,


I already own all 'Maple Flag Missions for DCS A-10C', from 'Basic Flight Training Qualification' ... to 'AFT03 - Countermeasures'.


Will I get a key to be able to install the new DLC/ Training Campaign 'A-10C Basic Flight Training Campaign' via DCS Module Manager?


Thanks and regards


Unfortunately not. ED won't allow a key swap for these campaigns.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates


I have purchased and successfully installed the new A-10C BFT on DCS 1.5 beta.


Where can I find the documentation package (checklists, maps etc)?


Before start up one has to call ATC for start-up clearance.

This doesn't work in BATUMI before or after engine running.

Posted (edited)
I have purchased and successfully installed the new A-10C BFT on DCS 1.5 beta.


Where can I find the documentation package (checklists, maps etc)?


Before start up one has to call ATC for start-up clearance.

This doesn't work in BATUMI before or after engine running.


The documentation is available here:




For the Batumi ATC issue.


Are you tuned to the correct frequency for Batumi? 131.0 Mhz AM


Also make sure you have the APU running and the APU Generator Switch to ON. We just re-ran the mission and the comms with Batumi were fine once the APU Gen was on.


Edited by Sabre-TLA


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

Yes we are planning to port all our A-10C Campaigns to the NTTR map once there is good ATC and the map moves out of Alpha to Beta.


Great! Looking forward to it!


Newbie question, where do I find the documentation for the missions? I found a miz file but I have no clue how to open it. I'm assuming the briefing material is available as a PDF ? Thanks.


Hello Sabre. Although I bought the older version and I understand the frustration between other buyers I'm ready to support you again in order to get a more complete ED package. BUT I would like to know if by purchasing the new BFT will I receive the NTTR version for free? Or should I wait to buy it then?

The documentation is available here:


For the Batumi ATC issue.

Are you tuned to the correct frequency for Batumi? 131.0 Mhz AM

Also make sure you have the APU running and the APU Generator Switch to ON. We just re-ran the mission and the comms with Batumi were fine once the APU Gen was on.


Meanwhile I found:

If calling ATC for start-up clearance BEFORE engines are running ATC won't answer.

If calling ATC just after engines have cranked up fully ATC will give clearance to start-up (which seems to be non logic)

The check list requires an ATC call for start-up BEFORE engine start (as the name implies)


Another question:

The checklist is quite extensive. How do I know which steps of this list have to be done (are must) in order to pass the test?

e.g. "clock = SET", is this a MUST?


Back to the basic's. Ground Handling BFT01. I have done the shut down several times and get fail to turn off ILS. When it indicates off.

I remember this being a bug where a change was required for:





elements["PTR-ILSCP-PWR"] = {

class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB, class_type.LEV},

hint = _("ILS Frequency MHz / Power. Right mouse click to cycle power. Rotate mouse wheel to change frequency value"),

device = devices.ILS,

action = {device_commands.Button_1,



arg = {247, 247, 248},

arg_value = {-1, 1, 0.1},

arg_lim = { {0.0, 1.0},{0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 0.30}},

relative = {false, false, false},

animated = {false, false, true},

animation_speed = {0.0,0.0, 0.5},

gain = {1.0, 1.0, 0.1},

cycle = false, ---change to true



Before I make a change, just checking


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Hello Sabre. Although I bought the older version and I understand the frustration between other buyers I'm ready to support you again in order to get a more complete ED package. BUT I would like to know if by purchasing the new BFT will I receive the NTTR version for free? Or should I wait to buy it then?


Now that ED has the content any bundled dealings or discounted pricing would be up to them.


We can't commit to anything related to the NTTR version at this time.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

Meanwhile I found:

If calling ATC for start-up clearance BEFORE engines are running ATC won't answer.

If calling ATC just after engines have cranked up fully ATC will give clearance to start-up (which seems to be non logic)

The check list requires an ATC call for start-up BEFORE engine start (as the name implies)


Another question:

The checklist is quite extensive. How do I know which steps of this list have to be done (are must) in order to pass the test?

e.g. "clock = SET", is this a MUST?


In answer to your first question make sure you have the APU running and the APU Generator Switch to ON and the radio tuned to 131.0 Mhz AM. You don't need to wait until engines are running.


In answer to your second question the requirements are detailed in the mission briefing text (and copied here). The order is not important but each item must be covered. We also recommend pressing any push button switches for a least a 1 second count as the game engine sometimes doesn't record the key press if you do it too quickly.


To pass the startup procedure test your checklist must include the following items:

Battery Power, Battery Inverter to Standby,

Signal Lights Test, Fuel Test, O2 On, O2 Test, T/O Trim Test, Radios On, Boost Pumps On, APU Off, APU Generator Off,

AC Gen Power On, CDU On, EGI On, CICU On, IFFCC to GUNS, SAS On, DTS LOADALL Selected, Flaps Cycled, Pitot Heat Test, Flight Plan Selected, CMSP On, CMSP MWS On, CMSP JMR On, CMSP RWR On, CMSP DISP On, JTRS On, CDU Nav Selected, EAC Armed, Radar Alt On, Anti-Skid On, Ejection Seat Armed.


To pass the shutdown procedure test your checklist must include the following items: Anti-Skid Off, Ejection Seat Disarmed, Pitot Heat Off, TACAN Off, ILS Off, IFFCC Off, CICU Off, Left MFCD Off, Right MFCD Off, CMSP Off, Flaps Up, EGI Off, CDU Off, Left Engine Shutdown, Right Engine Shutdown, Radios off, Battery Inverter Off, Battery Off, Oxygen Supply Lever Off.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

Back to the basic's. Ground Handling BFT01. I have done the shut down several times and get fail to turn off ILS. When it indicates off.

I remember this being a bug where a change was required for:





elements["PTR-ILSCP-PWR"] = {

class = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB, class_type.LEV},

hint = _("ILS Frequency MHz / Power. Right mouse click to cycle power. Rotate mouse wheel to change frequency value"),

device = devices.ILS,

action = {device_commands.Button_1,



arg = {247, 247, 248},

arg_value = {-1, 1, 0.1},

arg_lim = { {0.0, 1.0},{0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 0.30}},

relative = {false, false, false},

animated = {false, false, true},

animation_speed = {0.0,0.0, 0.5},

gain = {1.0, 1.0, 0.1},

cycle = false, ---change to true



Before I make a change, just checking


This issue seems to fool many users and I believe it's just the way the switch graphics are set. Check this thread to make sure you have it set in the correct position.


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