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Battery overtemp management


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Hi guys, 

Hope you're well. 

I've some problems regarding the C-101 battery management to avoid the overtemp. 

I fly her since November and I never noticed that until last week.

After 40 minutes flying (max continuous, Angels 20) the both battery isolation switches illuminate "TEMP" in red. 

As per manual, it says that they will illuminate at 57+/-2.8°. And I isolated both batteries. 

But I did 4 time the flight with various conditions (3 with the EB and 1 with the CC) even with a quick free flight mission (caucasus, without touching any electrical panel buttons) and the batteries always came too hot. I've tried a 60 minutes max continuous engine operation on ground (795° ITT, parking brake pulled) to see if the problem will appear. And nothing happened, both battery have worked fine. 

So I made a new flight with only one battery switched on (Max continuous. 15 angels) and again. I had the problem with the 'On' battery. The 'Off' battery was ok.

So i think there is a problem with the load or the unload electrical current when the battery is connected to the bus.

My question is about the management of those batteries. Do anybody have the same problem with that ? Or do I make mistake with the management of those batteries.  

Thx and fly safe.


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  • 1 year later...

*bump* Happened to me in the 101CC in Nevada. 23°C OAT. Climbed and was cruising at FL250 and after about half an hour the battery overtemp warning was on and later the battery warning on the caution panel too. Isolated one battery and later descended to FL130 but this not change anything until landing.

I know you're still busy with the Mirage, I guess 😉

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  • 1 month later...

Since I experienced such again just now, what actually is supposed to heat up the batteries like that?

I've tried isolating one of the two batteries right after take-off, so there is no load on it but also no loading happening anymore, at least as far as I understand electricity. Still after about half an hour of flight both batteries started showing the overheat warning and it never went away again.

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  • 2 months later...

Just had the same issue.. did the mission wich starts hot in the runway with everything set.. took off and climbed to 30K and began cruising.. about 40m into flight got the temp warning on both batteries 70ºC.. nothing i tried would cool them down

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  • 2 months later...

Still going on and today i switched off both batteries when the warning came 70ºC temp and they never went away to the end 45m later


Edit: I just redid the mission but as i was with everything running taxing for take off i switched off both batteries (including warning) and despite this about  >40m into the flight still got the temp warning on both..and it never went away


Edited by SparrowLT
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  • 1 month later...

I've seen this issue several times in the last couple of weeks and also heard from squad mates seeing the same issue (we're getting ready for our first class of trainees that will do the IQT on the C-101 instead of the aircraft they've joined us for, like A-10C or F/A-18C).

Some notes regarding the attached track:

  • DCS Stable MT
  • Track length in-game is about 55 minutes
  • I'm using fast forward a lot; watching the track should take some 15 minutes
  • The jet is set to start from ramp and I'm using the autostart cheat (for time compression, and because it eliminates me doing something wrong during startup)
  • Air Cond. is checked and verified to be on (didn't do it in the track, but just double-checked to be sure)
  • Roughly 45 minutes after take-off, the battery TEM lights come on
  • I then disconnect both batteries and also switch them off via the BATTERY switch
  • Roughly 6 or 7 minutes later, the master caution and BATTERY caution light (70°BAT) illuminate even though the batteries are still disconnected
  • (I might delete the track at some point in the future when it's no longer needed because 5 MB eats into my allowable uploads)

It is worth noting that before recording this track I tried numerous times to get the battery overtemp to happen, but it only did when I had PITOT HEAT ON. With pitot heat off I did not get the overtemp in my tests, though that doesn't necessarily mean that only pitot heat on will cause the issue to appear. Either way, all checklists I've read say to put pitot heat on, so this should not result in a battery overtemp.

If I've made any mistakes like too high N1 or N2 RPMs, too high ITT (I made sure to stay below 795° max continuous after take-off) please let me know so that I can re-check if the issue still happens without making those mistakes; I believe I flew the jet within allowable parameters, but I'm still fairly new to it and haven't (yet) studied the manual in detail.

Please let me know if there are any questions regarding the track or how to reproduce the issue.


Edited by Yurgon
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I guess priorities @ @Vibora are still in further developing the F1 and it's variants.

I had some longer range flight lately but didn't experience the bat over temp situation. I suspect it not only is a thing of OAT but of your flight level. Being lower at temps around 20°C you will not get it when being not higher than 15000ft. But I also got the over temp frequently when being in Nevada. We can only speculate, what the cause is, maybe a wrong counter or one that will not correctly reset itself after flying higher, where OAT should be low enough to help cooling IRL.

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3 hours ago, Vibora said:

Thank you for your reports, it is in our to-do list, but still queued due to tasks in the Mirage F1.

Thank you for the reply!

Is the C-101 still in Early Access? The store page no longer mentions Early Access.

Reports about this battery issue seem to date back to late 2020, if not earlier.

We are establishing the C-101 as the primary trainer in our squadron and ask new members to purchase the module (this will be the first student class to train on the C-101). It would not look good if we get into repeated emergency situations in training flights (or if we ignore the battery overtemp problem) when this is a known issue, and has been known for years.

We're not talking about a huge number of sales here. But I am disappointed to read that development of an Early Access module is prioritized higher than fixing a long standing issue in what I believe is a feature complete module.

If I can help narrow down the battery overtemp issue in the C-101, please reach out and I'll try my best to support the troubleshooting effort.

Edited by Yurgon
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