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The ME and necessary tools are there to do just that. Have you attempted to build missions fitting your desired scenario?


Kinda stinks to put hours into a mission and fly it how many times? I'm a big fan of mp, but it sucks not being able to do certain things and having the same thing all the time.

i7-4820k @ 3.7, Windows 7 64-bit, 16GB 1866mhz EVGA GTX 970 2GB, 256GB SSD, 500GB WD, TM Warthog, TM Cougar MFD's, Saitek Combat Pedals, TrackIR 5, G15 keyboard, 55" 4K LED


Sorry haven't been around in simming that long. I've heard mentions of EECH but never known what it is.


In a nutshell, EECH excels in many aspects where DCS is lacking, and vice-versa. DCS is a better sim, but on the other hand, EECH is a better game. It has a DC, 5 and a half helicopters fully modeled (the "half" is the AH-1Z, which is a work in progress from the mod community). To me, EECH's "decent realism, lots of replayability" is a better tradeoff than DCS's "realism first and foremost, little replayability". That's my personal preference, of course, YMMV.

  • 2 weeks later...

I would pay for such a DC modul that combines the dcs planes. I am coming from the Falcon community. The only reason, why i buy A-10 is the info about developing a DC. Yes, i want to play the most realistic Simulation, but i need a sandbox system around me. I dont know why, but to play a dynamic campaigne over weeks is really fun. If you have ever played a dynamic campaigne it gets to one of the most important reasons, to buy a new simulator. Perhaps not for all, but for me.

  • Like 1

"The only reason, why i buy A-10 is the info about developing a DC"


sorry to rain on your parade, but there are no plans to develop a dc.

  • ED Team
Sorry to rain on yours, but there are. Just not a quickly as you'd like apparently.




Yeah, I would think when we see Combined Arms that will be a step in that direction... need to see all their cards before we can make the cards attack each other then bomb the poop out of said cards :)

Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

1146563203_makefg(6).png.82dab0a01be3a361522f3fff75916ba4.png  80141746_makefg(1).png.6fa028f2fe35222644e87c786da1fabb.png  28661714_makefg(2).png.b3816386a8f83b0cceab6cb43ae2477e.png  389390805_makefg(3).png.bca83a238dd2aaf235ea3ce2873b55bc.png  216757889_makefg(4).png.35cb826069cdae5c1a164a94deaff377.png  1359338181_makefg(5).png.e6135dea01fa097e5d841ee5fb3c2dc5.png


the game crashes with more than 100 units in the game, so i'm quite doubtful of a dynamic campaign.


as far as i know, there has been no official announcement of an intention to do dynamic campaign.

  • ED Team
the game crashes with more than 100 units in the game, so i'm quite doubtful of a dynamic campaign.


as far as i know, there has been no official announcement of an intention to do dynamic campaign.


Perhaps the EDGE engine will fix some of those issues, and Nate might be more in the know than me or you ;)

Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

1146563203_makefg(6).png.82dab0a01be3a361522f3fff75916ba4.png  80141746_makefg(1).png.6fa028f2fe35222644e87c786da1fabb.png  28661714_makefg(2).png.b3816386a8f83b0cceab6cb43ae2477e.png  389390805_makefg(3).png.bca83a238dd2aaf235ea3ce2873b55bc.png  216757889_makefg(4).png.35cb826069cdae5c1a164a94deaff377.png  1359338181_makefg(5).png.e6135dea01fa097e5d841ee5fb3c2dc5.png


It's been stated lots of times that ED's goal in the long run is to implement a DC; however, they are taking an iterative approach. Hence the mission generator system, nodes, etc.


as far as i know, there has been no official announcement of an intention to do dynamic campaign.


It has always been the intention to develop towards a DC in increments and at a pace that is economically viable. This has indeed been announced a few times in the past, search for EB1's posts in the mile long DC thread.

Good, fast, cheap. Choose any two.

Come let's eat grandpa!

Use punctuation, save lives!

"The only reason, why i buy A-10 is the info about developing a DC"


sorry to rain on your parade, but there are no plans to develop a dc.



No problem. Your rain never arrives here. Only reading the last page is not enough.

And if it takes 3 years to develop it, no problem!


First of all congratulations for the World! I'd like to have the opportunity to save time during the mission. In the simulator can take a picture of the situation to be able to take it up later. I think it's very important to give a future to the dynamic campaign! thanks :thumbup:

  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, please back on topic. This thread has pointed oout some great thing that are new in DCS:World.


Yeah but the greatest thing is still missing since 12th December 1998: A dynamic campaign for a complex combat flight simulator.

FC3, Ka-50, A-10C, AJS-37, MiG-21bis, F-14A/B, F/A-18C, F-16C, NTTR, Persian Gulf, Super Carrier, TacView Advanced

Next in line: F-5 II , MiG-19 , MiG-23 MLA

Wishlist: PA-100 Tornado, F-104 Starfighter, MiG-25 Foxbat, A-6 Intruder

Posted (edited)

As it is with many things out there, old school guys must have some real good patience-ability regarding everything complex while the market gets overflooded with arcade. Nobody hearing, nobody seeing, nobody caring but everyone destroying many game series with mainstream bs. Waiting for like 6-14 years for something nice to come out is not nice so I will mention what misses especially since over a decade everytime I can. It's my holy duty that great things will not be forgotten in times of the arcade half-brained mess. ;) As a "missing dynamic campaign" doesn't count as an achievement, I think it rather is. In the end of this year, it will be 14 years! The Falcon 4.0 dev's deserved a statue.

Edited by TheCabal
  • Like 1

FC3, Ka-50, A-10C, AJS-37, MiG-21bis, F-14A/B, F/A-18C, F-16C, NTTR, Persian Gulf, Super Carrier, TacView Advanced

Next in line: F-5 II , MiG-19 , MiG-23 MLA

Wishlist: PA-100 Tornado, F-104 Starfighter, MiG-25 Foxbat, A-6 Intruder

As it is with many things out there, old school guys must have some real good patience-ability regarding everything complex while the market gets overflooded with arcade. Nobody hearing, nobody seeing, nobody caring but everyone destroying many game series with mainstream bs. Waiting for like 6-14 years for something nice to come out is not nice so I will mention what misses especially since over a decade everytime I can. It's my holy duty that great things will not be forgotten in times of the arcade half-brained mess. ;) As a "missing dynamic campaign" doesn't count as an achievement, I think it rather is. In the end of this year, it will be 14 years! The Falcon 4.0 dev's deserved a statue.


Just so you are aware a DC is in the plans - however it will be implemented iteratively. The First two componants of which, are the Warehouse systems and the Mission generator. More will follow in time.



The Falcon 4.0 dev's deserved a statue.


Not without some mixed feelings. Yes, they did accomplish a DC that is an asset to gameplay, but also one that the community has spent these last 14 years fixing and there are still some major shortcomings, even though there is some great talent working on it. Besides that, they were a nail in the coffin of Microprose and therefore played their part in the demise of the simulation genre over all, so think again if absolute praise isn't a bit inconsiderate.

Good, fast, cheap. Choose any two.

Come let's eat grandpa!

Use punctuation, save lives!


Also Falcon's DC is based on statistic way bubble effect? How far statistic effect is from "real"?

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D



A dynamic campaign isnt the greatest thing for a complex flight simulator to have, you know. I for one enjoy a scripted and storied campaign. A dynamic campaign eventually feels like a series of repetitive missions over and over...


That being said, if you want one so badly, go learn how to use the mission editor and frankenstein one into being. It'll take a lot of work and effort, but I'm sure it'll pay off with enjoyment in the long run.

Posted (edited)
Yeah but the greatest thing is still missing since 12th December 1998: A dynamic campaign for a complex combat flight simulator.


The flight sim/game Aces High does and has done it for over 10 years online, at several different arena type events that usually last an hour or a few hours over several weekends, 3 or 4 times per year based on a WWII battle involving hundreds of people; or they do mini-scenarios based on a specific battle, usually one a week, that last an hour or two, involving tens of guys to maybe a 100 players. They try to equalize the sides' numbers to be equal.


I've been with AH since 2007.


All the aircraft have a clock in them that the sim bases the actual time to start a scenario be it me in NY or guys time zone anywhere in the world, everybody commences the battle at the same time. Usually it is two sided, Red against Blue or Knight against Bishop and then the various squads have specific missions, on each side, to accomplish, based on aircraft type, weapons carried, and target priorities. Usually there is a "General" in charge on each side handing out suad missions. It is based as a squad thing. Lone wolfs coming in, not in a squad, will be placed in one as to availability. These scenarios usually start at a prescribed time to be there. You can come early, but do not come by late. Then they take about a half hour getting it together. Then the message, "Go, Go, Go" comes up and off we go. AH has an internal, server side, radio with several channels they use. Plus other guys once we get going either use the in game radio; or Team Speak or whatever else is out there as to being more secure.


Like the 104th Phoenix does it, no cheats to know where the enemy is.


DCS' aircraft are more realistically complex modeled than Aces High, but FC2 is pretty close to that other sim as to similar flight modeling and how the flight controls are set up.


If I want to do that I have the other sim to go to.


You need a big server to have much fun at it that can handle a few hundred people at a time.


There are guys within that sim (AH) that concentrate on developing new maps, aircraft skins; and building these big multiplayer big battle scenarios and why they only take place 3 or 4 times per year.


What DCS decides to do is OK with me. I like DCS and I like Aces High.


(It is nice DCS made this a sticky. I thought the moderator dumped my post in the other thread.)

Edited by ErichVon
Posted (edited)





Originally Posted by Druid_

It would be great if we could resupply the warehouse via

1. Applicable transport aircraft with loads modelled (I.e. amount of real world cargo possible)

2. Road transportation cargo carrying vehicles that can remove warehouse inventory from one airfields warehouse (therefore deducting that's warehouse inventory) via road to another airfields warehouse (thereby adding to its inventory).

3. Coastal ships to ports and then onto road transport vehicles to airfield warehouse.


Capturing an enemies base would also add their weapons to your inventory but can't imagine it would be of much use.


The facility to do all of the above via triggers and Lua would be the most flexible approach imo.


As chromium said this can be made with triggers. But can also be made as an unique convoy/ground group mission.


Another aspect that come with this idea is what effect will cause the Communications Infrastructure (cargo airplanes, roads, railways, sea ports...) attack and subsequent destruction, and how the use (or destruction) of Combat Engineer groups can be managed in infrastructures repair or construction.



This remembered me of the Total Air War (TAW) campaign system. There were objectives, tactical and political, which their achievement ended with victory; in a practical way it was quantified by the relative amount of destruction or neutralization for one or a combination of variables: Fielded Forces, Population, Infrastructure, Key Production and Leadership. The management was in choosing our forces application in each of this variables.


I advice the devs to give a look (if they didn't that already) in the TAW manuals and game, for some ideas.

Edited by Xpto

104th Cobra



Some ideas:


Political targets: Villages, cities, etc. Control them can raise or lower enemy morale (victory conditions and manpower (Logistic, production), Morale put a bonificator or penalitation to total morale (ascend or descend) and can make to surrender side. manpower, affect to ammo and weapons production and reinforcements (to recover damage units or make new), up is capture targets, destroy enemy units.

Logistic targets: POL, Warehouses, refinery.

Production targets: Dams, coal or petroleum energy central,

Transportations targets: bridges, port, airports.

Military targets: airbases, radars, CGI, command post, naval bases.

For Work/Gaming: 28" Philips 246E Monitor - Ryzen 7 1800X - 32 GB DDR4 - nVidia RTX1080 - SSD 860 EVO 1 TB / 860 QVO 1 TB / 860 QVO 2 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Warthog / TPR / MDF

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