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Sound modding


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My [DCS World: ATC] Female Voice for ATCs mod doesn't work in that way (in User/DCS/Sounds/ folder). It must be installed in Program Files/DCS World/Sounds/ folder... :\

Intel i7-14700@5.6GHz | MSI RTX4080 Super SuprimX | Corsair V. 32GB@6400MHz. | Samsung 1TB 990 PRO SSD (Win10Homex64)
Samsung G5 32" + Samsung 18" + 2x8"TFT Displays | Saitek X-55 Rhino & Rudder | TM MFD Cougars | Logitech G13, G230, G510, PZ55 & Farming Sim Panel | TIR5
>>MY MODS<< | Discord: Devrim#1068

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  • 7 months later...

Hi guys, I have been trying to figure out how to mod the Huey blade slap sound. From my research I have found out this occurs in forward flight at or above 110 kts and when flying over 80 kts while turning or descending. I have made some nice sounding wav files for this effect but I was hoping I could find some way to mod it so it only plays the wav under the above conditions. Any ideas?

Liquid Cooled i9 11900K | GeForce RTX 2080 | 32 gig RAM | SSD Samsung 850 EVO | HP Reverb G2

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  • 3 months later...

sound file P-51D


where is the sound file that P-51D uses. I need to install the PackardMerlinsProp file into it to mod my sound. I have tried Drag Drop, coppy and paste, JSGME and nothing works. Once I had the sound mod working but the next time I started the plane the sounds were back to Original???:cry:

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  • 6 months later...

Is this still true?

--[[ example Source DEFinition file



inherit = ""

-- name of .sdef to get settings from




wave = "default"

-- the sound sample file to use

-- relative to $ROOT/Sounds/ directory

-- if no .ext given, .wav and .ogg are tried

-- 1/2 channels, any pcm format (loaded as 16-bit)



-- If you provide a list of samples, in this way:

wave = {"sample0", "sample1", "sample2"}

-- on each playback a random sample from the list will be used.




gain = 1.0

-- gain multiplier (linear)




pitch = 1.0

-- source frequency multiplier




lowpass = 24000.0

-- source lowpass filter cutoff frequency




position = {0, 0, 0}

-- position relative to the host in meters {forward, up, right}





inner_radius = 1

-- inside this radius the gain is at maximum (as given in gain field)

-- is also called 'reference distance', i.e. distance where source has nominal gain


outer_radius = 256

-- outside this radius the source is not heard


-- if ONLY one of the radiuses is set, the other one is calculated automatically

-- outer_radius = inner_radius / silence_threshold

-- silence_threshold is set to 1/256 (-48dB)



-- CONE:


direction = {0, 0, 0}

-- the direction relative to the host {forward, up, right}


cone_inner_angle = 0

-- inside this cone (given as halfangle in degrees 0-180) the gain is at maximum (as set in gain field)


cone_outer_angle = 0

-- outside this cone (given as halfangle in degrees 0-180) the gain is at cone_outer_gain


-- to set up an inverse cone (symmetrical around a plane with direction as a normal)

-- set cone_inner_angle > cone_outer_angle AND both <= 90

-- useful for rotors

-- example:

-- cone_inner_angle = 80

-- cone_outer_angle = 60

-- will set up an inverse cone with +-10 degree inner angle and +-30 degree outer angle


cone_outer_gain = 1

-- the gain outside cone_outer_angle


cone_outer_lowpass = 24000

-- the cutoff frequency outside cone_outer_angle




trigger = false

-- set to true if the sound should always play the whole sample (explosions, gunshots etc.)


streaming = false

-- if set to true, the samples will be streamed from the disk

-- false (the default) value means the samples are kept in the memory (uncompressed!)

-- implies trigger=false


listmode = RANDOM

-- play one random sample from the playlist

-- other values:

-- SEQUENCE - sequantially play all samples from the playlist

-- ASR - (Attack, SustainRelease) - plays the first sample on start only, loops everything else



Edited by GumidekCZ
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to set up an inverse cone (symmetrical around a plane with direction as a normal)

inverse cone? what is it? if i take cone in space and inverted, than I have whole space except the original cone. Which is not the DCS result.

Also if I make cone symetrical around plane (somthink like mirroring) you can get many shapes but again not the one you get here in DCS.


After DCS reading _example.sdef confusing me very much. I finaly know the result, but only after one hour of mine testing.


So for future sound modders here is it:

search what is toroid shape, you will find that it is circle rotated around axis 360°. Now switch the circle for cone with the tip of that cone right on the axis.

Also you can imagine this as a space defined as a possible volume of helicopters main rotor movement, if you move with cyclic stick.


I hope it helped little bit.

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Can somebody explain me what these sound represent in Bf109K module:








and is there a way to increase the gain level of other cockpit sounds? like extended flaps noise, ...


I know only one way, and its thru the \Config\sound.lua

['Bf-109K'] = { gain = 0.30, lowpass = 3000 },


but this setting only lowers the engine noise in cockpit, not increasing the other sounds in cockpit.

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I haven't looked into sound modding ever so before I dig in maybe someone knows this from the top of his head. Is there a way to configure the cockpit so that all sounds are mixed to mono or better yet - almost mono? The current stereo mix is plainly wrong. Definitely worse than mono.

F-4E Phantom module for sale -25% non-Steam

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Can somebody explain me what these sound represent in Bf109K module:








and is there a way to increase the gain level of other cockpit sounds? like extended flaps noise, ...


I know only one way, and its thru the \Config\sound.lua

['Bf-109K'] = { gain = 0.30, lowpass = 3000 },


but this setting only lowers the engine noise in cockpit, not increasing the other sounds in cockpit.

ExIn is the engine sound at certain RPM levels (divided into 1-4).

ExR is hard to even notice, you can hear it while reducing throttle to idle and gliding in midflight (it's not the the engine idle sound though).


Don't know about the flap noise for sure.

Creator of the

Immersive Daimler Benz Soundmod


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  • 2 months later...

Browse: "..\DCS World\Sounds\sdef\Aircrafts\"

Find & edit: AirBrake.sdef

Edit gain parameter.


It's 0.4 by default. Trial & error is your friend. :)

Maybe you can try 0.8 or 1.

Intel i7-14700@5.6GHz | MSI RTX4080 Super SuprimX | Corsair V. 32GB@6400MHz. | Samsung 1TB 990 PRO SSD (Win10Homex64)
Samsung G5 32" + Samsung 18" + 2x8"TFT Displays | Saitek X-55 Rhino & Rudder | TM MFD Cougars | Logitech G13, G230, G510, PZ55 & Farming Sim Panel | TIR5
>>MY MODS<< | Discord: Devrim#1068

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Does the new Sounder method of sound modding allow addition of external sounds to work over multiplayer for custom aircraft? Has anyone experimented with this new method of sound modding? It looks like ED is slowly replacing the older methods with Sounders, but there has been no discussion of how it works.

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Does the new Sounder method of sound modding allow addition of external sounds to work over multiplayer for custom aircraft? Has anyone experimented with this new method of sound modding? It looks like ED is slowly replacing the older methods with Sounders, but there has been no discussion of how it works.

What are they? Any vague definition of the term?

F-4E Phantom module for sale -25% non-Steam

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One of the developer answered me how to use new sounder.

I tried, but totaly failed. I can define ed's sound classes, but no one of the method just unaviable in my c++ code.



I haven't been able to figure out any way enable the use of ED_AudioAPI in lua or how to use the Sounder sdk in C++. We need a much more in depth setup guide for this. I don't just want to be able to add new sounds, but also override existing sounds with custom ones, which I know is possible with the Sounders, but there are no examples. The sdk linked in that post doesn't even have reference to sound context (cockpit vs external) or sound play/stop, etc. I am guessing we are supposed to be using lua for that.

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Browse: "..\DCS World\Sounds\sdef\Aircrafts\"

Find & edit: AirBrake.sdef

Edit gain parameter.


It's 0.4 by default. Trial & error is your friend. :)

Maybe you can try 0.8 or 1.


Thanks Devrim, but it doesn't seem work.


I increased the volume of each wav file with audacity using gain, making sure nothing clipped.

Flaps sound louder now, but wanting to isolate everything to only hear flaps, airbrake and gear, I added "OFF" to each of the Engine wav files and the wind files. Restarted DCS, now there's almost no sound in the cockpit. Deploying the airbrake now, I could hear no mechanical/hydraulic sound at all. Then I realised that AirBrakeIn and AirBrakeEnd files don't exist, only the flaps and Gear have these files. But is this the way it's supposed to be? No interior sound for the airbrakes in the A-10C? I only hear what I think is the 'SpeedBrakeWindIn' file.


I have made copies of the 'AirBrake' and 'AirBrakeEnd' wav files and renamed them 'AirBrakeIn' and 'AirBrakeEnd'. I copied sdef files 'FlapsIn' en 'FlapsEndIn' and changed the names to 'AirBrakeIn.sdef' and 'AirbrakeEndIn.sdef'


Listening to the difference between the Flaps and FlapsIn, and the FlapsEnd and FlapsEndIn wav files, I opened the two new AirBrake files in audicity and created more muffled copies of them.


The two new wav and corresponding sdef files were then copied to their respective folders (like all the Flaps files), started up DCS, but the sounds won't run. Still Only 'SpeekBrakeWindIn' I believe.


So, is there some line of code I need to add to another lua file, or is it impossible to add this,

trigger the 'AirBrakeIn' sound on deploying the airbrake?




AirBrakeIn: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=58064288594950843993


AirBrakeIn.sdef: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=08866764749873627530


AirBrakeEndIn: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=03548433113059570432


AirBrakeEndIn.sdef: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=38478686431830797900



Original AirBrake files:


AirBrake: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=07064590944100796360


AirBrakeEnd: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=44985456034332868364

Edited by RabidRider
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Editing the Sound files volume doesnt work in DCS because the sims Sound engine brings them to one and the same gain level.


You have to edit the .sdef files to adjust this gain level.


Please be advised that different type of sounds like Engine sounds are automaticaly adjusted to a different preset gain than Airflow type or even Rotor sounds. Just to give an example.

"Blyat Naaaaa" - Izlom

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Guys,


Before updating to the current Open Beta (1.5.4) , I had a afterburner sound mod installed for the M2000 which really made the immersion better for me, but now it doesn't work anymore. I was hoping some one can help me out by letting me know which lua file I would need to modify and how, in order to point DCS to the wave file (when afterburner is activated) I still have in my DCS/Mods/Sounds folder. Any advice would be really appreciated.


Thanks a lot

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  • 9 months later...
Ok Im in office right now and havent starrted at the files long enough...


lets say for teh F-100D im working on, that we have custom sounds, and SDEFs.


if we place those in /DCS/mods/Aircraft/F-100D/Sounds/ and put a VFS Call


mount_vfs_sound_path (current_mod_path.."/Sounds/F-100D/")


is there a way to keep those sounds from over riding the default sounds for other modules/planes.


I mean, To keep the F-100D Engine Sounds for the F-100D only and not replace everything.



Has any of this changed or is it all still the same way?


I am making my own custom sounds for the Pak Fa project and already added the mount_vfs_sound_path (current_mod_path.."/Sounds/Pak-Fa/") to my Entry ,i also made a sounds folder to put the Wavs in of the real pak fa engine sounds,anything i should be aware off any tips?

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