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Everything posted by unknown

  1. It didn't crashed once for me so far *knocking on wood* If you have the problem again please attach the logs from "C:\Users\user\Saved Games\DCS\Logs\" Thats what ED/HB will ask you for or they can't pinpoint the problem.
  2. No, right now we have the F-1CE, F-1EE, F-1BE in the game and we will also get the F-1M. All versions were used by spain.
  3. That's a very bold statement considering the whole community is screaming WHEN since over 1.5 years ago!
  4. Is that also the SSD where your OS is installed on(savedgames/dcs...)? If not just copy/paste the DCS folder from the old to the new SSD. The worst that could happen is you have to run a full repair, so DCS can download missing files but you don't have to re-download/install the whole DCS.
  5. No and no. Yes and yes.
  6. So what is it now? Sue them to be right or not? You are the one telling us that everything except a court order is illigal and now everybody saying "just sue them" is incredible naive? Why? Nobody thinks that case would be solved in a couple months. Edit: To lighten up the mood:
  7. And who says this mechanism isn't part of their contract because of the above reasons you stated(time/money...)? You don't know and i don't know! But the fact that Razbam isn't suing ED in the first place but going social media with some vague statement.... I feel sorry for the devs that left Razbam because they didn't get payed but if the cause of the problem is that Ron pokered to high (military deal with some SA airforce?)and screwed up why should i blame ED? Blame Ron not thinking about his devs in the first place. At this moment i/we can't blame anybody because we just don't know the facts! And repeating the "oh but ED didn't pay them...thats bad..." statement is as good/bad/constructive to the whole sh1tshow as my statement and everybody elses, we are just wildly speculating here! Everybody here has an opinion about the whole thing based on things we read from 3rd parties! Nobody knows for shure except ED and Razbam!
  8. But if Razbam is without blame why didn't they just sue ED for breaking the contract and withholding their money? Problem solved between companies withold holding your customers as hostages and starting a sh1t show online. But they didn't ,Ron cried on social media and blamed ED. If Razbam didn't fucked up in the first place there would be no need for the second - the public - fuckup we all are involved in. I can't overlook that there must be a reason for ED to withhold the payment in the first place and i'm pretty sure the reason is not the lack of drama on the forums/social media....but something more serious. So why should i overlook that fact and just look on the resulting consequence - Razbam not getting payed? That makes no sense for me.
  9. 2 pics from northern norway(same place, 2 views), this is from the "low-res" part of the map, so texture resolution will probably increase after that part was finished. null
  10. No because i stopped flying ~mid 2022 and didn't had time for it until the beginning of~2024 with the exception of some short trips. So it looks like i missed the short periode it worked, mea culpa Yes it was
  11. That's the behaviour since the first release of the module....so even if you report it, don't get your hopes high this will change in the near future. But as the saying goes, hope dies last.
  12. Nope, that was just one point. The core issue causing this turned out to be an incredibly complex, multi-layered onion involving both the Windows GPU scheduler as well as GPU process scheduling in DCS itself, mixed in with some deep, hardware level connections across various technologies, such as HAGS, resizable bar, and even specific GPU drivers. Considering that HAGS and resizable bar was involved in the problem i think it is safe to say that 10 year old "junk" was not the problem. Do you have a link for that statement? As i understood it back in the day (no native english speaker here so i could possibly misunderstood it) they knew what the problem was, how they could fix it but had to delay the EA release because they had no time left for actually coding the new HBUI again and test it.
  13. The problem is not that there are no conifers in DCS but you would need to stack them close to eachother to get the "dense forest" feel and that would kill the performance, see the quote Corrigan posted:
  14. That didn't work for me either, still crashing(my anti virus software was also not the problem). My guess it was something in the saved games folder, which i deliberately deleted and didn't backup.
  15. I was also flying with the MT version too, i wouldn't call that - in your video - microstutters, that looks more like freezes. I had a break from flying DCS for ~1year(not much time), after getting back to it i had CTD's after 20 - 30min on every map and in every module. My guess was something went wrong on my end with the merge of the stable and beta version, so i deleted everything, downloaded DCS again and had to configure everything from scratch, now DCS runs perfectly fine on my end.
  16. I did a quick and dirty recording, i will link it as soon as YT is ready. Edit: I was not flying the Mi-8 for a long time, especially in 2D(normally i only fly in VR) so please excuse the rusty landing. They changed the rattling sound effect, it's not that strong rattling anymore i believe or it's just that i didn't flew her for a long time. I should pick her up for some Naval - slingload - resupply runs
  17. I have to agree with Volator, i'm still hearing the clicking trim and the sounds going in/out the translational lift. I'm running latest DCS without any mods(never).
  18. That could be the case, i mean it works fo ED themself(Afghanistan). I just hope that OrbX delivers a good job, i wait for the first user reports especially in regards to low level VR performance in helicopters.
  19. The only realistic option for ED would be to implement a "donate for DCS Core development" button and everybody who wants to can happily donate any amount he has in mind at any time, problem solved. But a subscription? No thanks!
  20. Looking at this: " Note that the DCS: Kola product available on Orbx Direct IS NOT compatible with the STEAM VERSION of DCS World Prerequisites Download and install the current version of DCS World from here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/world/ " I think you will only get an key which you can activate in your DCS profile, just like HB is doing it.
  21. From their website: Here are the key features you can expect from the Early Access release: ... Four high-detail areas, focusing on two airports in Finland (EFRO, EFKE) and five in Russia (XLMV, ULAK, RU-1110, RU-4464, ULMM), and their urban and rural surroundings and infrastructure. ... Looks like this is the detailed area at EA launch? Right now i'm a little bit torn. I was really looking forward to this map but i think i will wait until it is in a more finished state, despite this: The early access release comes with a special 20% discount, priced at (USD 55.99), but only for a limited time. As the map evolves with further content the purchase price may also increase.
  22. Tbh the only one i lost trust in completely is Razbam, it's not the first time they abandoned support for their products. Maybe they return and call it an "misunderstanding", but for me no more Razbam products. And i'm not concerned about ED and DCS as an "eco system" right now, but if Heatblur would leave the ship it's probably time to get back to BMS.
  23. Cobra said that there are parts used locally on your PC(UI, manual...) and that there are "specific internet related features" which will trigger your FW, so don't be surprised.
  24. The calculations are there since the implementation of the wake turbulence effect:
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