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Everything posted by Koriel

  1. I really love what you've done with this module. My sincerest thanks to all involved. I'd like to note that unlike others I'm not allowed to name, you have actually paid attention to keybindings as well. With my TM Warthog quite a few bindings were set by default. Thanks for making that effort as well. Will this module continue to be supported? If there are solutions to current issues?
  2. Hoi, Ik wil even combatflight.nl onder de aandacht brengen. Langzaam zijn we de afgelopen 3 jaar gegroeid naar een open community met af en toe 10-12+ mensen tegelijkertijd in onze 24/7 server. Op de website kun je de link naar ons discord kanaal vinden. Taalgebruik is Nederlands, er vliegen ook Vlamingen bij ons. Ik quote even wat van de website" Hallo vliegers, Wij zijn een Nederlands/Belgische DCS Groep! Iedereen is welkom, van oude rotten in het flightsim gebeuren tot nieuwe piloten. Elke dag van de week kan er gevlogen worden op onze eigen server. Vaste vliegavonden zijn: Dinsdagavond (Primair) vanaf ca 20:30 Donderdagavond en Zaterdagavond zijn ook populair vandaar dat er ook voor die avonden subkanalen zijn aangemaakt. Pick up flights zijn altijd mogelijk, dus kom gewoon langs! Als er grote missies worden gevlogen dan wordt dat van te voren aangekondigd op Discord. Join ons discord kanaal door op de link te klikken: https://discord.gg/aYkJmTR
  3. I haven't come across any references about hardware requirements. Is it possible to shed just a wee bit of light on that subject? I'm part of a slowly growing group of pilots and we are currently using a dedicated PC which might be offline in the near future. So we're discussing renting a server online, like they do for ARMA, COD etc. Just wondering if that's a feasible option.
  4. I discovered a while ago that out of the whole list of future DCS modules my list actually only had all the multi-crew planes.. any version of the A-6 will be an instant buy again.
  5. Working on my mobile here. I have tried a forum search you no avail. Chuck: I'm really looking forward to the upcoming release of the A-4E community mod. Is it an option for you to create another one of your guides for this particular mod? Apart from a SFM it's got its own systems, like rader and a clickable pit. In quite some respects it's a bit above the default FC3 planes. Just wondering. Tia
  6. I ended up setting a user curve in DCS with a -14 curve. Now the AB kicks in when I push the throttle thru the (modded, ie no lift) detent on my Warthog throttle. It's not perfect, but will suffice for now.
  7. As soo many other things that should have been fixed/added by ED, a simple AB "set" like in Falcon 4.0 would work wonders in DCS. But yeah, searched for an easy fix for the throttle, as the AG kicks in at 40% or thereabouts... sheesh...
  8. Will the "Iceman" be able to land the F-14 on land or the carrier?
  9. Follow up question. I have done the Flag 1 = on, created a new trigger with a 20 secs timer and then on action I have set activate static. It is my intention to activate large smoke and fire after an initial explosion effect. However the static object (Huge Smoke Fire) is active on mission start and I can't set it to 1 Once XXX, NO EVENT -> TIME SINCE FLAG (1, 20) --> STATIC ACTIVATE -> Huge Smoke and Fire Static object Any suggestions?
  10. Top!
  11. Not very impressive.. I get close to those fps on my 1080Ti on a 3440x1440 res. What's your CPU and Mem?
  12. Video has already been removed. But yes, a Bronco in the background ..
  13. I can relate to your reasoning. I do thank you for your other guides.
  14. Any word on wether Heatblur has involved him yet?
  15. And this will on the 7th?
  16. And they're live! Very professional setup!
  17. While I'm a fan of Razbam, I've decided not to get another delta. The Tucano and the F-15E are the ones I'm waiting for..
  18. Wow.... They have told us a date. All I'm asking for is clarification on what can be expected of that date. How's that entitlement? It's a normal request for information. If I deal with customers, I give clear answers to clear questions. (At least that's my goal.) I don't like riding a hype train. It gets very tiresome. I think Cobra847 should stop playing around and grow up. At least ED does it better, they don't tease dates and such.
  19. Why can't they just grow up and just make a plain statement. This is my hobby, the devs should be approaching this as a business. Heatblur is selling licenses to planes. I'd like to buy the next 2 (Yeah... A-6!!) But i'd also like to be dealt with on a professional level.
  20. @Cobra847 Been waiting for the F-14 for years. Have been through enough teasers for now, it really starts to p*ss me off. I've outgrown the years where it would be considered funny for the first couple of times, not so much now anymore. Now there's a "Reveal date". Would it be to much to ask as a current and future customer of Heatblur to be a bit more specific? You are running a business after all. It could be one of those announcement of an announcement. Or an announcement of the the pre-purchase date. It could even be the date where you will actually publish the F-14. So what is it? Please?
  21. I have seen this behaviour as well.
  22. Confirmed.
  23. That is a nice workaround, but doesn't fix the issue in the other control priorities. All I'm asking for is the option to bind a key to either accept or deny a request. I'll ask our serverhost to change the default prio's on the multicrew planes to set equal prio's on all. txs
  24. And I might be mistaken (probably are) about the intake pressure. but I just can't seem to get the lower prop rpm settings.
  25. The keybindings miss an easy command to allow or deny a request for control. When the pop-up appears you should be able to use a key, or hotas input to quickly allow your buddy to take control. In it's current state you can bind the [request aircraft control] to a key, but in order to grant it you have to fiddle with your mouse.
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