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Everything posted by urze

  1. I have no Vista ,but You should be able to use SoftTh to do this. Please make sure you connect your monitors on your card like I did: Than adjust your screens like this (Two options): -also set AF and AA to application controlled and use the "performance" setting in your the GeForce control panel ! Two times 1280 x 1024 ...or.... two times 1024x768 ...it depends on what your monitors are able to. -also set AF and AA to application controlled and use the "performance" setting in the GeForce control panel ! Than make sure that all SoftTh 1.07b files are in the FC root folder (mine:G:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On) After you have done this copy this text in your softth.cfg: ; ; SoftTH configuration file ; by Kegetys <kegetys[ät]dnainternet.net> ; [config] ; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor, or 'auto' for automatic ; secondaryWidth/Height: Left & right monitor resolution, or 'auto' to use same as middle screen resolution ; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left & right monitors, or 'auto' for automatic ; secondaryFormat: Secondary device image format, 'RGB32', 'RGB16' or 'YUV12'. ; antialiasing: Level of forced anti-aliasing ; anisotropic: Level of forced anisotropic filtering ; borderSize: Size in pixels of frame border between monitors that is discarded ; noHotkeys: Set to 1 to disable all hotkeys deviceIDLeft=-1 deviceIDright=auto secondaryWidth=auto secondaryHeight=auto secondaryRefresh=auto secondaryFormat=RGB32 antialiasing=2 anisotropic=4 borderSize=50 sideExtraWidth=0 noHotkeys=0 [Direct3D] ; ** Advanced setting for Direct3D games ** ; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth ; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game ; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide ; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution ; force16bitDepth: Force game to use 16bit depth buffer, can improve performance and reduce memory use ; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card ; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use ; Set to 2 to force multihead initialization even if game doesn't create device with TH resolution ; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head ; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied ; autoSquash: Automatically squash output to middle monitor if only pretransformed (GUI) elements are drawn ; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir) cylindicalCorretionAngle=0 hideNondefaultDevices=1 forceHorizontalFOV=0 forceResolutionWidth=0 forceResolutionHeight=0 force16bitDepth=0 sleepBeforeRead=2 useMultihead=1 delayedPresent=1 swapOrder=0 autoSquash=0 d3d8dll=auto [hooks] ; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes ; doHooking: Enable/disable hooks in Direct3D, with OpenGL hooks are always enabled ; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly ; doScaleFromLeftScreen: Spread out mouse coordinates from left screen to full width ; doScaleWindowRects: Scale game window rectangle to triplehead size ; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates. auto = use X resolution doHooking=1 doScaleMouseCoordinates=0 doScaleFromLeftScreen=0 doScaleWindowRects=0 mouseXoffset=auto ; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3 and border added) ; Must be last in this file [modes] 640x480x60 640x480x75 640x480x85 800x600x60 800x600x75 800x600x85 1024x768x60 1024x768x75 1024x768x85 1280x960x60 1280x960x75 1280x960x85 1280x1024x60 1280x1024x75 1280x1024x85 1600x1200x60 1600x1200x75 1600x1200x85 Next step is to edit your graphics.cfg. Use this If you are using the two times 1024x768 res: DisplayMode { resolution = {1024, 768}; bpp = 32; fullscreen = 1; aspect = 3.847; Interface { resolution = {1024, 768}; bpp = 32; fullscreen = 1; aspect = 3.847; } Simulation { resolution = {3172, 768}; bpp = 32; fullscreen = 1; aspect = 3.847; And this if you are using the two times 1280x1024 res: DisplayMode { resolution = {1024, 768}; bpp = 32; fullscreen = 1; aspect = 3.847; Interface { resolution = {1024, 768}; bpp = 32; fullscreen = 1; aspect = 3.847; } Simulation { resolution = {3940, 1024}; bpp = 32; fullscreen = 1; aspect = 3.847; And finally - for more convenience in the cockpit - change these values in these two files in the \Lock On\Config\View folder view.lua -- Camera view angle limits {view angle min, view angle max}. CameraViewAngleLimits = {} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {20.0, 250.0} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {20.0, 250.0} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {20.0, 250.0} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {20.0, 250.0} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {20.0, 250.0} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {20.0, 250.0} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {20.0, 250.0} CameraViewAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {20.0, 250.0} server.lua -- Camera angle limits {horizontal angle max, vertical angle min, vertical angle max} CameraAngleLimits = {} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0} After you hit quickstart you should see hopefully something like this(and hopefully not also so blurred like my pictures :) ): Attention !: I added already a "borderSize" of 50 to the softth and graphics cfg. This will help you to merge or reduce non-alignment of the rendered picture between your screens. In clear words: 50 horizontal pixel are missing at the edges! And I added anisotropic filtering of 4 and also a antialiasing of 2 to the softth.cfg ! Your card should handle this - even at higher res than two times 1280x1024 ! If you have problems reduce first the "secondaryFormat=" from RGB32 to RGB16 (My system crashes at YUV12!!) - If that dident help try lowering water and so on ... in FC. Keep in mind that Your card is already rendering the missing left screen - but "She" doesn't know where to put the data... ...and please don't ask me how to use the GUI after you returned from you mission.:D A hint: get a another(weaker) card and a third screen! Now Enjoy watching your wingman to the right! :)
  2. Yes 169th_Viking, Sometimes I'm just too lazy to look it up my own. Sorry for that :D
  3. I knew I read something about that before: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=568719&postcount=13
  4. I think the video is not the best reference to judge abut how fluent it is. (In my opinion is every head tracker fluent working if it's frequency is higher than that of your game. And than take also into consideration that you need a little delay for a smooth/steady tracking. ) But there are some things you should think about before buying it: Naturalpoint TrackIR 4: - 46° Field of View - 120 FPS HAT-Track of VR Insight: - 30° Field of View - 60 FPS Some degrees more or less can significant decide about if you are enjoying 6DOF or not. That means if you have to position it more in front of you or more away to stay in the beam of the tracker. Edit: 30° could be enough if you are using a single screen system. But on a Triple Head system you would have sometimes problems. But the most Important question is: Will DCS support a copycat like "HAT-Track"? -I don't know! See this thread as reference: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=33771&highlight=freetrack
  5. A game port to usb solution is a no-go.(doesn't translate all midi commands that are necessary for FFB) You need at least a cheap (sometimes less than 15€) pci sound card with a midi/game port on it to help your stick to a 'second life'.
  6. For everyone that might missed it: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2630078/New_Articles_DCS_Black_Shark_P.html#Post2630078
  7. You will find your answer here: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=2199&scr=products&lang=en BTW:I Never excepted a option like this in a simulator... so I don't know if it's possible. And please don't get me wrong - this answer is not only directed to you - everyone should have a look at this or at least print out the 6(!) pages of key commands as a reference. ;)
  8. Solution A: Remap the modifiers in the controller setup of BS to commands that the SST can understand. Solution B: Use only the ingame control configuration for mapping your HOTAS. after some "try and errors" you will see that he could be as "mighty" like a external program. Please use also the search function on this forum. It was already answered. Edit:Searched myself but didn't found it :P -but I can swear that I read it already somewhere... BTW- How sad it might sound: Don't except (a quick) support/fix from Saitek. Saitek was bought by Madcat last year and this didn't really helped to "enhance" their costumer support. I wrote them already some very polite mails - without response... ,but I didn't lost all hope up to now! Judge yourself: at their official customer support are since 2month threads that where started by spammers...
  9. I know that you and some others are courious , and I fully understand... ...read please this quote: ETA: Something I will do in cold long Winter nights. Subject closed. :)
  10. Yes! :P even unarmed! I see myself flying along the coast with the soundtrack of "Magnum" in the radio....:lol: :music_whistling: ...sorry for being off topic. (once again...). Edit:Found It ! For those that need a reminder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VIPlG8Xtq8&eurl=http://video.google.com/videosearch?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=magnum&um=1&sa=N But than (serious) we need also a Sikorsky S-58T aka "Screaming Mimi" from "Riptide" Here is the reminder: But no Airwolf! Way too fictional! see yourself:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezDIPDVH-IE&NR=1 ...Mach 0.7 and counting....
  11. Hello all! The engine of Black Shark can only display a picture that is rendered on one card! (a sli system works also like one card- from the point of view of the operating system) So a USB soulotun is a no-go to get moving pictures from BlackShark directly on a second (third,whatever...) screen while using "Fullscreen"-mode. But you can display things of other applications (that are reading the LUA files) like the "Virtual Panel" from Mnemonic in LockOn-FC on it: >>>http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=21784&highlight=Virtual+Panel So please wait for the international release before you spend money for something that might not work as you planned it ! :)
  12. sorry to Hijack...:P This are the Best paddles you can get for "affordable money" (429,90 € ) I know: The MK16-1 Ruder Pedal http://sebuga.kilu.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=54&Itemid=65
  13. Everyone has to do it - with or without FFB and also in real live. When there is wind and a different payload- you have to trim anyway. Try yourself and you will quickly become familiarised with the trim button. IHMO Its the most imported button for a controlled fight.
  14. EvilBivol-1 answered this already... I want to try to give a general answer about Trim,Centre,Neutral with my own and simple words: There doesn't exist something like "centre" or "neutral" position on a cyclic! Every little change needs a re trim -this is the only thing the pilot can do to set his own input as a "standard".So he would be able to put his hands off the cyclic -and has a stable position, until the parameter changes!(and this can happen very quick!) Trim with FFB in BS: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=33221
  15. Sorry - please forget what I wrote about the axis - I Looked it also up now... ...i wrote it because I hardly use the keyboard in BS- and also forgot most of the key bindings in the last couple of months...:music_whistling:
  16. Hi , Using two usb mice and taking them apart should be no problem. (they could be wireless -so you would get a really "clean" device that you could place anywhere you want. Or use a old joystick: The x and y pot for the rotating knobs - make only sure that the stick you will take apart has sufficient buttons. I wish you success!:thumbup:
  17. urze

    new member

    Welcome! Hi :) Finally you are able to post!
  18. Not quite right : Stable 98 FPS with a wiimote here. but not in BS.
  19. I selected the last option. Never enough!
  20. I can't speak for HPO here. But after I got some "insight" about the way you have to go to turn a Idea into reality (yup! its a dusty,rocky one)-and than also make them available for others...even if it's just so simple like mine. I can say only this: If we see a announcement of a MIG29 or Su27 for DCS - and there where no announcements about HPO's stick in the meantime. -You should post this question again In short words: It will take some time!:)
  21. Better place for this kind of questions:http://forum.free-track.net/ ;)
  22. Maybe to prevent people from starting Threads like: "I WANT TO SEE TREES !!!! - and I don't care about a collision model!" !? :) ...just a thought.:music_whistling:
  23. Maybe only to prevent redundant posting: X52 vs X52 Pro This thread can be helpful to make up ones mind. There are also many other in the Hardware section...
  24. Dear Renato71, Please don't take following as offence against you! We get "you have to wait for new XYZ" because this is the a Fact - nothing more or nothing less. No ones seriously believes here that it's absolute OK how the trees are simulated. But what would be the consequence?! Should ED hold back BS until the engine is ready ? ... and wait another couple of month or even years? Keep in mind that the A10 is already in the completion... and it will also fly in a environment without solid trees until there is a fix(probably not) or a new Engine without this restrictions is released. So should ED stop the A10 until the fact that you can not collide with trees is solved?... Would it really make the people happy to wait another couple of years for a finished engine...(keep in mind that ED probably would go bankrupt in the meantime because they are selling no product!) So there is nothing left for us to enjoy what we have and wait for a better engine. Discussing about it again and again will help not changing this. :) Just my 2cents Hopefully you all get my point.
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