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Everything posted by ron533

  1. It was really nicely done in SINAI map (Pics attached below) along with all the major power plants along the coast line. Can't miss it nullnullnull
  2. @MAESTR0 Bump.... Hi, and thank you for the 2024 update to this great map!! Are you considering adding the "Orot Rabin" power plant? as it is a major landmark seen from afar and is "sore to the eye" to fly by it and not see the 4 huge towers.. and as you've expanded it to the south with Hatzor airbase, which is not far from Ashdod and Ashkelon, their power plants and chimneys would be a welcome landmark as well... Cheers! Ron
  3. Hi, Regarding the MPCD's it worked and the color is now green with white fonts, thanks! Yet I saw no change when adjusting these values in this mod for the AMPCD HSI. Is there another way to manage the thick outline in this mod? it's hardly readable and your old mod improved it allot. Cheers! DMC_outline_thickness = 3.15 DMC_outline_fuzziness = 6
  4. Thanks, but did no apparent change. Tested with only changing the values and then restarting mission (as CapnCoke instructed in one of the posts). I hope we can get a proper guide/instructions when he's got time. Cheers
  5. Hi @CapnCoke, Thank you for your work here!! I would like to know how can I adjust the color of the MFD's to green with white fonts, like in the screenshot for example? (from your older mod) I would like to keep all your new settings, but try a mixed approach to the display... Also how can I adjust the HSI fonts to have a thicker drop shadow? In the screenshot below it is clearer to read IMO. [Maybe add a short FAQ for adjusting this in your mod? (fonts colors sizes and thickness in MFD/AMPCD/JHMCS)] THANKS! Ron
  6. wake up thread... :)) I thought I'd revisit and share my custom DCS wallpaper with you and also, another screenshot inspired by "The Cutting Edge" book, here :
  7. I made this screenshot as a tribute to C.J. Heatley, Heater. A Tomcat pilot and a photographer, who took this picture which appeared in the "California" magazine back in 1983, in an article called "Top Guns" by Ehud Yonay, which inspired the famous movie "Top Gun"! He also appeared in the movie and many of his photos are decorating the movie set. It was not trivial to arrange this screenshot, and it could get better, but it was close enough under the limitations of the sim. Enjoy, Ron
  8. I can recommend a great utility that does that and much more!! DCrealistic https://www.rkapps.shop/products/dcrealistic its a mandatory app for me once I adjusted the effects I wanted (both SFX and Visual) and complements SSA perfectly! Check it out here :
  9. Hi, I set the Sea radar mode on the right MFD, and FLIR on the left MFD. I lock a ship on the right MFD with SCS right, I then want to switch to the FLIR MFD which is on the left, Pressing left SCS I take control of the FLIR page, yet doing that - the radar lock on the Sea radar is dropped. Is that correct?? I can "bypass" it by SCS down (to the HSI) and then SCS left, which keeps the lock on the ship... Cheers...
  10. I understand now I'm already enjoying it tremendously!! Thank you so much for your efforts here Sedlo!! Cheers
  11. Regarding MT messages, I've reported in CB about a bug regarding multimonitor/ultrawide monitor users need to constraint the GUI, so not to strech across the whole screen, other wise the messages are too far to the right or the left of the monitor, but this leads to messages not seen, like mission messages/startup messages. I'm running Helios export mods, but ran the mission without any exports for testing, When I move the plane the first time, then number two rolls out, and from that point there's no stopping him and I have to hurry to the cat and launch before he does. the track I uploaded was just to demonstrate the issue, but even if I set the channels and run as intended, I'm on a race with number 2 once I start to roll out the parking position. Thanks!!
  12. Hi, It's in ST, (in MT you can't see the mission messages yet, known bug) I've just tried the mission again, went to cat 3 this time, wingman went for cat 2 took off before I did again, and when I took off after him he declared "rejoin" and jettisoned all again. External look in track replay showed his tail hook was down as well. trk file attached. UPDATE: I've tried now to expedite and takeoff before my hasty wingman, so he took off after me and rejoined WITHOUT jettison... mission 2 jettison.trk
  13. Sedlo, what a great campaign!! Finished mission 1 and started 2, and wow...!! looking forward to get back up and fly it!! Very well done sir!!! Thank you! * minor issue on mission 2, I'm taking cat 1 and my wingman takes cat 2, and takes off right away, before me, I takeoff shortly behind him and he then jettisoned all his stores trying to rejoin me... will try again on cat 3/4.
  14. @Taz1004 Hi Taz, In 2.8 it's not working well, Can you please revise it but make the pixel invisible/transparent at 5 miles or so - for dogfights? (configurable) and as GLOW here above me asked, is there a way to make those dots non-visible through cockpit walls, and sky as well? Cheers!
  15. Thanks for this mod! I've tried it first time today and looks like after takeoff (F-18), some of the rain drops stays glued to the canopy and not removed even when at high speed. known issue? Cheers!
  16. +1 Missing textures on hangars after 2.8 with 2022 mod. Thank you!
  17. Another Force Feedback question here... With FFB enabled (MSFFB2), the F-14 default position of the stick is almost all the way forward, the stick itself is physically forward... It's also like that with the RIO's HCU which is strange...and you cannot trim it for the RIO as well... I've checked calibration, reset axis settings, reset curves, trims etc... Same thing exists although much more mildly in the A-10C. it does not happen for Heli's and other WW2 planes which utilize FF. Is it known and WIP? Thanks!
  18. HI, are all the buttons enabled for the F-14? like the reset master caution is not pressed for me in the touch panel (while in game it is pressed). How can I connect it to DCS to make it work? Thanks
  19. This is great Chump!! It's real help as GCI!! I was testing it with some planes and every too often the track was gone, as seen on the screenshot, I had to jiggle with the view to make it re-appear. Can you take a look please? Also - in which line can I change the fonts color and size? I appreciate it very much Chump!!
  20. This looks much better!! * I was thinking 10 seconds of track history maybe enough? configurable in the script. * Can the track dots display color by altitude? instead of non informational black, so we can lose the altitude/vector line, and just use the Russian directional icons for direction? * What about the individual aircrafts in a group? In the screenshot only the leader shows the info, while the rest of the formation is ignored. *The direction/heading is wrong in the screenshot, the F-15 are heading East while the heading shows 1 degree, the F-4 is heading South, while it shows 3 degrees. * Can the info box be moved not to overlap the Aircraft's name? configurable fonts color? Thank you very much for your efforts!! Cheers, Ron
  21. Thanks!! I will test it as soon as possible. The vector is already implemented by default if you use Russian icons, it's directional , not speed related but good enough for now, until it's easier to implement. The problem is showing ,multiple targets with their info - simultaneously. Also in your script, can you control track history? in time there will be too many dots from too many aircrafts drawn on the map... Cheers! Ron
  22. Very nice!! looks like a promising start I've seen more scripts there...any documentation on what they do? Cheers!!
  23. That is what I generally had in mind....
  24. You're very welcome
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