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Everything posted by BIGNEWY

  1. Hi, I see your server in the list just fine. Have you tried rebooting?
  2. Please DM me with any evidence I am happy to mention it to the team.
  3. Hi, weapon work takes time, but it is on the list. thank you
  4. Hi Basqueechmo, thank you for your feedback it will help the team make those artistic choices, if you have images for reference feel free to PM me, I can share with the team. As early access progresses we will see the terrain refined further and more detail added, this of course will take time, but as you mention Iraq in DCS has huge potential. best regards Bignewy
  5. It means after a master server maintenance downtime MP servers need to be rebooted to show in the master server again. Downtime was completed quickly and everything seems normal our end, if you are having issues we will need to see the dcs log for clues. thanks
  6. Official VEAO information can be found here https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/faq/VEAO/ It has no bearing on this dispute however. We need to continue to wait for a resolution. thank you
  7. The implementation we have in DCS is correct based on the information we have, if you have public information that contradicts that please PM me. thank you
  8. servers will need to be restarted to show on the master server after a maintenance thank you
  9. It is a windows distributable, if you download it and instal you should be ok.
  10. please see the solution here threads merged
  11. Thank you for the log, I dont see anything obvious in the log that may help. It maybe worth removing the unofficial mods, deleting metashader2 and fxo folders and allowing DCS to create new ones. DLAA might be worth a try to see if you notice a difference. I have asked the team about more optimisation again, hopefully something can be done to help. thank you edit: Merged threads
  12. please email support using the same email on your dcs account, the team will assist you email support@digitalcombatsimulator.com or eagledynamics.service@gmail.com thank you
  13. We have checked with the team and this is correct as is. thank you
  14. Hi, the issue is already reported, when the rain was adjusted it created a problem for some wipers on various helicopters. There are fixes coming. thank you
  15. As mentioned already it is working as we intend it to. If you have Public unclassified evidence please DM me. thank you
  16. Hi Bucic, please provide more details and a shorter track if possible. Let us know if this is the remastered F-5E or the older one. thank you
  17. Hi, this has been reported to the team for investigation, thank you for the report.
  18. Hi, Can I ask you to do a mission with the CH-47F and then attach the fresh dcs log from that session. thank you
  19. Hi, it is a known issue and will be tweaked. thank you
  20. threads merged we are looking into it thank you
  21. Maybe something to consider for the future, but not planned currently. thank you
  22. Master Server Infrastructure Maintenance We will have infrastructure maintenance on Tuesday December 17th 2024 from 04:00 UTC. All users will lose connection to the DCS Master server and all account sessions will be reset. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this short downtime. Thank you Eagle Dynamics
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  23. I will ask the team to check, thank you
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