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Everything posted by FSKRipper

  1. Thanks for looking it up Nineline. I understood what the problem of this thread is, just an understanding question for you guys out there: When the Laser Range is limited and the Mav is guided by the reflection from the target than the Harrier should not be able to get a lock at all bevor entering the 8,5 nm distance right (I know, maybe only the DCS value)? This would mean only if AFAC and Shooter are both within 8,5nm of the target we should get a valid target lock? EDIT: Thanks Shadow, I think that was already the answer
  2. Great one, +1 :megalol: and btw, +1000 for your signature :thumbup:
  3. Oh I have some good friends but to be honest its not easy to convince them to spend hours over hours a week on one game. Two childs and a quite big piece of land make sure that my time is also limited to 3-4 hours a week. After a hard day of work I'm also not very interested in stressful hardcore or competetive play. You can rest assured, I will :thumbup:. Most of the MP guys are ok and funny blokes but a handful seem to have some kind of identity disorder believing they are just one step apart from being real fighter jocks taking everything much too serious and thinking their word is law (or their own statistic).
  4. :megalol::megalol::megalol: Such an arrogant claim without any evidence :megalol::megalol::megalol: I own every module, even the C-101 (with 0,2 flight hours total) without playing MP and I'm by far not the only one.
  5. Sure, it's Point 3453 on my must have list. Seriously, nice detail but there are far more important issues to fix...
  6. I think he means the plane callsigns in the Editor (Pontiac, Enfield....)
  7. Since playing volleyball (shirtless of course) on the beach is not an option in winter, I will try if the ejection seat works for Pilot and RIO this time with a buddy of mine :music_whistling:
  8. Hi Alerax, thanks for the new version. I really enjoyed your first script. Only a short question, are course changes by the carrier supported?
  9. Maybe this question is obsolete but did you try to send it to ED? An update for western infantry is really needed and in case of aircraft skins they already certified and used user content. Your stuff is awesome and would be a great addition to the game. :thumbup:
  10. Wags said he will do an update video before the stuff is released so I suposse we will have to wait and see...
  11. When it's done! This is the only realistic statement anybody outside from ED can offer!
  12. And so I blamed myself and ask kindly for pardon. To test the Laser Maverick, the FPAS page and the complex JHMCS, ED really needs one week to make sure it won't break the whole game. I hope you guys can keep up this time, since I'm already 39 I will do my best!
  13. So why complain today??? As you said above they didn't do that, they have still time... Do you have a mature guess how often their patch schedule worked as timed? Don't fix on old statements, if you got nothing by next week complain, but otherwise everything (even from people stating they can wait another week!) is working as scheduled at the moment.
  14. Come on guys, today is the 26th of October, next Wednesday is the 31st! Be so kind and spare your complains for next Thursday…
  15. And this you know by asking your crystal ball or a PM from Wags? See my answer above… Otherwise you would have to wait ONE more week. Hey, a guy who said he can wait two years for the final version should have no problem with 7 days, right? :huh: I won't comment on the other stuff but if you would be more in the actual development you would know that we got patches on Friday and not every second Wednesday was an Open Beta patch. This is not a law! :music_whistling:
  16. Would you be so kind to give me the exact date (dd/mm/yy) and the according feature? If it is a game stopper, an important feature like the AG/radar, the HARM or even the TWS, I will be on your side from this day on.
  17. What is the problem? What fantastic function was promised this Wednesday (nothing at all if I remember)? If they deliver next Wednesday everything is in time. Where is your problem? And maybe some of you guys didn't get it yet: ED and even Tacview are in the military business, We don't know their numbers but according to other companies of their size our part is more like pocket money. That doesn't mean we are supposed to take everything but I would expect they could be without us, other way around could be difficult :music_whistling:
  18. +1 +maybe some of you guys noticed that we had a F-18 dev news thread which was updated at least once a week... Does anybody remember the old times when patches came every three weeks or so without announcement? It would be a pity if we go back to this times where the boards were much more quite in my opinion but today people get out their pitchforks because the Wednesday patch is late or even worse, the Wednesday patch does not contain everything a specific player expected :fear: I could understand the Dev's if they go that way... Joke aside, does anybody doubt that the torches are ready to "celebrate" the Tomcat release no matter how positive the current mood is?
  19. God no, and since computer power won't scale up by 10 in the next decade we will be save from this.
  20. Really? The napkin math of the guy which was proven wrong for the M2000, the F-15 and the Su-27 at least. The guy who tried to teach Yoyo FM developing? Nice source...
  21. Hm, I'm not sure what's going on here. So the following statement from Rudel: "The programmer for the flight model has stressed it will remain as is. As stated before in previous posts, actual real-time flight data recordings from a Serbian MiG-21Bis (75B) were presented to Eagle Dynamics as requested. There were no objections towards the data presented and all discrepancies in existing documents were explained. Fret not, other bugs will continue to be fixed though." tells at least me that ED's FM guys found no serious stuff after checking it besides from some minor bugs that will be fixed, right? This would mean that either you guys are wrong, or the MiG-21 FM programmer and the according programmer at ED have no idea how to do their jobs, correct? :music_whistling:
  22. :thumbup: I can understand every developer stopping communication and fixing the stuff quite and hidden. The bashing levels on these boards reached a new all time high this year. And as it was said some above this post I rarely seeing any bug reports complying to the guidelines.
  23. Congratulations, I don't think Mods will find a better argument to close this thread :thumbup:
  24. From my POV this isn't a morale discussion. I agree that I'm more with the guys refusing the use of These weapons in General but in most (not all) cases wisdom comes with the age... For this discussion I see only the military use or better in this case the lack of it. Actions will always lead to reactions and if side a blows a combat brigade of side b with a nuke to pieces what do you believe side b will do? Even if it's only for fun purposes, whats the challenge? Some kind of capture the flag (one, nuke carrier, hast to reach the zone and the other team defends)?
  25. I think the vote is relative clear at this point...
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