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Everything posted by FSKRipper

  1. I don't remember who of the half dozen of Youtubers with a pre release copy it was but one of them advertised he is doing a livestream with Wags this Weekend so I wouldn't expect a release before :music_whistling:
  2. If I remember correctly everyone else was banging on ED's door to release 2.5 no matter what the state of the current version was. Blinded by some screenshots and not patient enough to wait for some more weeks/months :music_whistling:
  3. Sorry guys but the old system is dead, at least if you have seen the screenshots from the new map, even at night. There is some work left regarding the lighting issues but Wags said they will port the new feature also to the other maps. While there may be a reason to complain from the performance side we will see the integration of Vulcan and let's be honest, we are playing a top level flight sim so if anybody gets here and asks why it doesn't run on his 5 years old notebook without stuttering :music_whistling:
  4. Ich habe das PC360 von Sennheiser. Ist auch im dreistelligen aber wie auch schon beim GameOne erwähnt jeden Cent wert. Ich nutze es seit 4 Jahren ohne Probleme und habe selbst den TrackClip Pro dran.
  5. Please play a mission, save a track afterwards and upload it to this thread. You don't have to create a video. Without your track we can't judge what happened.
  6. Yeah but he is right. We could blame the server admins for switching to a test version but not the developers for a beta containing bugs.
  7. Will there be a chance to get this in PDF format like in other campaigns?
  8. So after the recent (today) changelog of the 2.5.1 Hotfix 1 is there any new function to the WP? Seems that Intervall settings are still not working atm.
  9. Don't want to ruin your day guys but it doesn't seem so.
  10. These targets are not intended to get destroyed at all. The strafe pit (with the brake chute) will get holes in RL but it would be stupid to rebuild the targets for every single approach or fighter. The NTTR strafe targets are also old tanks which won't be replaced after every run. You can observe you performance (optical or by a script) and do the next run without setting everything up again. It's working as intended...
  11. Thanks for the update. Sounds great Nicholas.
  12. Look closer... https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3465662&postcount=1
  13. It's in Beta state. Get it here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/world/beta/
  14. You can't simply put a NVG on your head. Your instruments (lighting f.e.) has to be at least NVG compatible. A reason why german tornado recces couldn't fly in syria at night for the first months. The problem I see with the next "option" is that server admins will loose the overview if every module has 1000 does and don'ts. That's the reason why all these mods are out there.
  15. Use a mod if you are not happy with RL restrictions? Everyone piloting a sim heli should be able to copy/paste some files but no need to integrate it into the module.
  16. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3395003&postcount=4
  17. Yeap, ordered 22 hours ago and already on the way :thumbup:
  18. For me the decision has fallen. Will be Virpil. I'm afraid that as EU customer there is no other logical choice. I know that VKB make great products and has a great team for NA and Asia and I'm a bit envious to all outside EU guys but this poor one man show called EU distribution and customer service taking 2 months to migrate a website (announced on valentines day and not complete yet) makes me cry. I can live with getting products later (1 year) than the others, I can also live with delays. But what should I think of such a support. How will I get my spare parts, will I get them at all? Last but not least I'm waiting since three months for an answer if the european store will get the Warthog adapters for the Gunfighter Pro Mk2. Sorry VKB EU, life is too short for this. I would recommend finding a new partner or better partners for the EU sale :music_whistling:
  19. Thanks for this brilliant update Cobra. You and your teammates are close to fulfil one of my oldest dreams regarding combat sims :thumbup:
  20. +1 @ Esac The same hate only in different forums by the same people. If people are so upset by the modules and even the state of 2.5. Summer is coming, enjoy the fresh air, spend time with your families or meet friends. I mean real ones, not the social media friends.
  21. Good old times. People should indeed be more thankful how things developed. From todays point FC and Lock on were nothing more than eye candy loaded arcade games. I remember times were every gaming magazine told me flight sims are dead. And a reminder for all the complainers, you find weakpoints on every single module. Not to mention multicrew promises for a helo (not Gazelle, this is working fine for a 3rd party dev) more than 3 years ago. So stop the M2000 flaming and try to add some constructive critics or stay quite like I do most of the time.
  22. Ein neuer DCS Teaser ist online. Schaut vor allem mal in die Beschreibung was an Flugzeugen kommt. Ich denke die F-16C dürfte eine große Überraschung sein.
  23. +1 Especially all the armchair flight engineers are flooding the forums during the last months... Visited Laage AFB and was able to see the Typhoon simulator in action including the computers behind the scenes... Getting this you should think about selling your house. And that of your parents and grandparents too.
  24. Not sure if it is a typo error from you but the mission briefing (at least the PDF version) says that WP9 is the ambush point where to wait for the convoy. Will play it myself the coming days and report back. EDIT: I finished the mission just some minutes ago. It is an error in the ingame Briefing screen. Stick to the very nice written PDF Briefing which tells you to wait at WP9. The convoi is moving in front of you from east to west. Spotting it is not so easy beacause of the fantastic 2.5 trees :lol: After you made your first hit they will disperse so keep patient if you can't find No.2. After 5 minutes they will continue their road march. Good luck! Very nice mission btw., 10m @ 200km/h avoiding AA sites makes the heart skip some beats :thumbup:
  25. Don't believe every s*** you read on the net. There is some minor work left but even the Huey isn't perfect (https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3274982&postcount=222) Make yourself an opinion but don't give anything on clickbait posts, Youtube channels or even my opinion.
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