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Everything posted by FSKRipper

  1. You just made my day :lol:
  2. Similar tools but more sophisticated in our version as it was handled by 3 persons. As you already said false positive is better than false negative and exactly this happens. Strength of emission can be used for an educated range guess, even from an Exocet missile. The point is when you receive a lock from a fire control channel (not relevant if on your unit or just painted from a side lobe when the enemy radar is tracking) you treat it as a lock on your unit and prepare for immideate missile defense even when you are only painted intermittent. I have no idea how the more automatic systems in planes work but since the pilot has no time to eveluate the threat over some minutes cause he is busy with flying, fighting... I would expect the RWR to expect the worst and recommend defensive measures.
  3. You made me speechless pal, you found the no. 1 source for information on military radar properties :lol: Our EW guys picked up every little spike in a 80nm radius to find the Blue Fox from our "enemies". Even when they locked something up 10nm apart from us it was possible to detect their emissions. The electronics were also not interested if a lock signal was weak or strong...
  4. Thanks Victory. BTW guys, I'm still waiting for the tracks of the 5-6G wing breaks from all your stories? Keep them coming… :music_whistling:
  5. Depends, in the debriefing screen (SP) you have the option "save track" Multiplayer will be recorded automatically if I remember correct. Normally you will find it at C:\Users\Yourname\saved games\DCS\tracks The best would be a short SP track showing the wing snap at 5G. Since tracks could be bugged and time is money it is not always suitable to go through a 2 hour MP file
  6. Don't know if it is the best option but tracks are recorded automatically. You just need to save it after your flight.
  7. I suggest posting it in the bug section with an according track/video, otherwise it is nothing but a nice fairy tale.
  8. Fair opinion. Here is mine: If the plane shakes at a specific AoA let it shake in the sim. No need to build an artifical indicator for G's. Fly 2-5h doing some maneuvers and you build some kind of muscle memory. Even a spare time pilot with 4h per week (like myself) is able to do that and in two weeks you know the limits of the cat. You need to invest some hours to learn a high fidelity fighter jet? Well, welcome to the real world, or at least welcome in the world apart from Battlefield. There is no simulation apart from a centrifuge which can give you a feeling for G's. Breathing and Blackout is already done so don't expect magic.
  9. You mean the paying customers getting their knowledge of in and out of cockpit sounds from their feelings, Youtube Videos and some wet Ace Combat dreams? I have serious doubts that more than the half of them were done with school when the plane was in active service :music_whistling:
  10. When you lock it with PAL the target is less than 10nm in a very tight scan cone. I suppose thats the reason you got 4 different radar modes as a pilot, its not Jesters job to lock targets in a furball. If i remember correctly Victory already said that the fast lock mode where the Rio directly controls the antenna (forgot the name) is near to useless.
  11. Remembering the older discussions I would say:
  12. Great timing for this ED :megalol:
  13. As the title says. The last digit is one count less than the Friday version so maybe the hotfix
  14. Maybe I'm wrong but did you guys ever tried to manage WVR combat from the backseat? With what success rate? My idea was that the pilot is responsible for the pilot shit within 0-something miles...
  15. Especially for you guys: No, it doesn't work and is not intended to do so. Iranian Tomcats were also never able to link up with russian build Awacs. Imagine, they will need the american build equipment for data processing and secure transmission. Additionaly they will need the keys which change on a daily basis (for the blue side). @Zayets: When the Tomcat flew the Ukraine was pretty sure in the red coalition :music_whistling:
  16. Respect Victory :thumbup: I hope your kept your strong nerves and your fighter pilot attitude because it could be a fight against windmills...
  17. It's easy guys, since this is the bug forum: Track/video or it doesn't happened. I just tested with 7-8G and encountered the beginning blackout after 3 seconds. Heavy breathing started before.
  18. It works with the E3. Ask yourself, why should it work with a russian A-50?
  19. This discussion is the best example why moderators should lock threads after it is obvious no longer a bug report. :doh: Community: This sound is pure horror, it can't be correct. SME: I'm pretty sure it is correct: Community: But here are Youtube videos showing it is not correct! SME: These sounds are not especially from our AIM-9 and also other systems. Community: But they hurt, therefore they can't be correct! to be continued without end... Jesus, use the volume knob, enjoy the sim or try to enjoy your real life instead of stalking Youtube channels. We already lost two RL Hornet pilots on the boards to this BS but please, continue trolls :thumbup:
  20. Personally I think there are quite a lot signals you get. If pulling steadily and slow you will get the breathing and black out (blame yourself if you switched it off, got no blackouts during catshots since the Honet bug) You get buffeting at high AoA. You have a G-Meter If you fly at Mach 1+ and pull the stick instantly into your guts, sorry guy, your mistake. This is a simulator which can't build up dozens of lbs pressure on your plastic joystick. If you would do it in RL your life would be over. No need for vocal "Over-G"'s or blinking strobes at the edge of the screen. This module already has more G awareness possibilities than all the others.
  21. Did you guys deactivate Jester (A-A-8-1) before? There is a known CTD bug.....
  22. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3854330&postcount=19
  23. Did you reduced overall texture settings, shadows? How is your experience in non VR?
  24. From the manual: If the Autopilot emergency disengage paddle on the control stick is held down the pitch and roll channels will be set to off.
  25. Working fine on my side, no mods, hotfix installed, page 3 is there…
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