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Everything posted by Raptor9

  1. UPT is used for position updates to the INU, which isnt implemented yet. The only way to edit an existing point is manually using the Keyboard Unit from the TSD>POINT page.
  2. No, it's not how it is in the real helo. But Early Access is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm personally expecting a lot more tuning to the FMC/SCAS. The AH-64 is a paradox of sorts. In the right hands, the handling can range anywhere between rock stable to aggressively agile, but that is based on a complicated logic set within the Flight Management Computer that interacts with the crew member controls to produce a very intuitive control response. It's not an easy task by any measure, and I don't envy the dev team at all.
  3. ACM functionality isn't implemented yet, for either FLIR turret, which manages this.
  4. He already does this, but wont start lasing a target until you select one.
  5. Just to ensure there is no confusion on how this logic should be, if the CPG stores a point without the TSD>POINT>STO page being displayed, it should always be a target point. When the POINT>STO page is opened, the point type at L6 will default to WP if the TSD is in NAV mode and will default to TG if in ATK mode. This option can be toggled between WP and TG, in either phase, however the only way that the CPG should be able to store a WP is if they keep the POINT>STO page displayed at the time the STO/UPT button on the TEDAC LHG is pressed. As soon as the CPG leaves the POINT>STO page, it should only store a TG, regardless of TSD phase. Having said that, the current behavior is in fact behaving incorrectly in that when a point is stored while in NAV phase, a WP is stored when the POINT>STO page is not displayed, when it should be a TG. You should be able to add Control Measures to routes (so if you can't, that's probably a bug), but Target/Threats cannot be added to a route. Target/Threat points can only be navigated to via the DIR (Direct route) function. This is correct behavior. You cannot edit the IDENT of a point that exists in the database. You can only edit the Free Text, location, and altitude. You can however create a new point and use the point file of the previous point entered in as the UTM LAT/LONG, and the system will copy the coordinates of that point into the new point being created. Then just delete the previous point if necessary.
  6. The presence (or absences) of such items does not denote Block. Block 1 is externally identical to Block 2, and both were equipped with such equipment configuration variations during the 2005-2010 time period.
  7. Not quite. The TOF is calculated based on the range/range source, period. It has nothing to do with the ACQ or any point in the database. If you have a manual range of 2000 meters, even if up LOAL-HI, the TOF is based on the range of 2000 meters. If you have a laser range of 559 meters, it's based on that range. If you have a Nav range of 5.2 km, it's based on that range. Slaving to a point in the database will enter a Nav range based on the location to that point that is set as your ACQ, but the TOF is based on the range and the range only. It doesn't matter how the range is determined, by slaving to a target point set as ACQ, by laser, or by manual entry.
  8. To clarify two points: 1) The ACQ source drives the constraints box only in LOAL-LO or LOAL-HI, not LOAL-DIR or LOBL. 2) The ACQ source doesn't determine the TOF (or at least it shouldn't), but the current range/range source of the crewmember that has the missiles actioned.
  9. I think that's a fair assessment, because you can always lean over just like how it is in real life since VR means you have 6DOF ability to do so, whereas in 2D not everyone does. And those like me that use TrackIR on a 2D monitor can set an offset viewpoint to one or the other, depending on where I want it to be centered.
  10. There's no such thing as a 600 round magazine in the US Army. I've never heard of such a thing either, but I won't speak for foreign versions. But yes, 1200 round magazine coming later in EA.
  11. No. Only way to delete a point is POINT>DEL sub-page.
  12. It's in the quick start manual.
  13. Ah, gotcha. It took me a few more minutes to type out the explanation in the 2nd part of my post.
  14. It does, otherwise there would be an AUX GALLONS INT> at L6 right below the AUX GALLONS EXT> at L5. The 230-gallon external fuel tanks under the wings are un-probed, so those have to be manually added. Not all IAFS were initially probed when fielded, but the DCS Apache is simulating an IAFS with the probe. Since this is a sim, you surely can. There are several reasons and methods for managing the internal aux tank in real life, some of them written in documents and others are based on recommendations from maintenance test pilots. Some will turn it on to make sure it is working immediately after takeoff and then switch it off until they burn off more fuel in the main tanks, some will wait until the total fuel onboard is less than 2500 pounds meaning that the entirety of the IAFS can be emptied since the main fuel tanks combined capacity is 2500 lb. As for how to remind oneself to do it, you can use the fuel check timer to keep you on top of it. A common technique was waiting for the 2nd 30-min fuel check to complete and then starting the IAFS since that would ensure enough fuel would be burned off from the mains in 1 hour of flight time. Just keep in mind though that even when switched on, the C AUX will not pump gas if external fuel tanks under the wings are in the process of transferring fuel to the main tanks, or if there is fuel being transferred between the main tanks (whether automatically or manually commanded).
  15. "Position Hold" is name of the hover hold function. What sub-mode (Position, Velocity, Attitude) is entered when the ATT button is pressed is based on the flight conditions that exist. If less than 5 knots ground speed, Position Hold is entered when ATT is pressed on the cyclic. It's just not implemented yet.
  16. This method of editing hasn't been working for me either. Looks like a bug.
  17. The option in that tab is to choose the control priority for multicrew, not the cockpit to spawn into in either singleplayer. If set to Pilot priority, the Pilot will have priority for control in that he can take it back at anytime from the CPG, but the CPG must request to take the controls and the Pilot must give consent. CPG priority is the opposite. No priority means either seat can take the controls at any time from the other without consent, and Ask Always means that consent must always be given to give control to the other player, regardless of which seat has control. @Toni Carrera There is no way to spawn into singleplayer gameplay in the CPG seat, but all it requires is a button press to immediately hop into it, regardless of whether it is a Cold Start or Hot Start.
  18. Given a choice strictly between NVG's with symbology versus NVG's without symbology, I would agree that the majority of AH-64 pilots would prefer it with the symbology. However, that is a raw comparison that doesn't take into account other factors, such as the fact that if you use the SDU, you lose the option to use the HDU and associated FLIR. At least in the US Army the vast majority of AH-64 pilots preferred to use the PNVS FLIR and not the NVG's, even with the SDU fitted. As Brad mentioned, the SDU was hardly ever used in real-life because of this, despite the equipment being available. So it is either one or the other (NVG's with SDU or HDU/PNVS), whereas with non-SDU NVG configurations you have the option of using either NVG's or HDU at any time, depending on your preference or tactical situation. NVG's and FLIR have their pros and cons, but the preference was solidly in favor of the HDU/PNVS over NVG's with SDU. The SDU was divested from the fleet because they were hardly used. On the DCS side of things, I do agree that in VR the NVG FOV should be reduced to simulate how the NVG's would be worn and used in real-life.
  19. Because TADS isn't meant to be used by the CPG when sight selected to C-HMD; as an ACQ source option, it is meant to be used when sight-selected to the FCR.
  20. I was responding to your statement here: ...and stating that the RHG MAN TRK control wouldn't respond because your selected sight is HMD, and so it would be like telling the aircraft to slew your head, to which you responded: ...in which you asked why TADS can be an ACQ option if you aren't going to let him use it? I then replied that you can only use TADS as ACQ if TADS is not your selected sight, because there seemed to be confusion with how the logic works: The statement below is what made me think you are trying to use the TADS as a Sight and as an ACQ at the same time: If the only way you can slew the TADS is by setting it as a Sight, and you are asking why you can't do that if TADS is your ACQ, in my mind that means you are asking why you can't slew the [TADS as your Sight] with [TADS as your ACQ]. Also, when the TADS isn't being used as a sight (or as an NVS sensor by either crewmember), it is supposed to slave fixed forward. Currently in game it just remains in it's last commanded position, which isn't accurate behavior. So in effect, you aren't asking why you can't select the TADS as an ACQ source while sight-selected to C-HMD (which you can, obviously, we both know this), you are asking why the MAN TRK controller can't slew the TADS under the conditions you specified (which is not possible in the real aircraft), in order to perform the type of attack you outlined in this quote. To this I will say that such an attack procedure is illogical, which is why I was confused as to what you were asking, but understandable given the current state of the DCS AH-64D behavior. Let me explain: If I have time to slew my TADS onto a target for a gun engagement, I should engage that target with the TADS as my sight anyway, since the TADS is a more accurate method for engaging targets with the gun. The only time you should be engaging targets with the gun while HMD is your selected Sight is for short-range defensive/suppression shots. The CPG's HMD (as the inaccurate/short-range Sight option) should be used to cue the TADS (as the accurate/long-range Sight option) to enemy locations for targeting/engagement, not the other way around. It's one thing to use the TADS as the ACQ in the pilot's seat since the pilot can only use the HMD as a Sight, but it wouldn't be a logical use of sights/sensors in the CPG seat to use the TADS to cue the CPG HMD to a target. __________________________________________ TL;DR 1) The CPG using the TADS as an ACQ source to cue the CPG's HMD to engage something is not a sound procedure since it means engaging targets at much shorter ranges with a more inaccurate Sight option. 2) When the TADS isn't selected as a Sight or NVS sensor, it should slew fixed forward anyway, despite the current behavior of just remaining at last commanded heading/elevation. 3) The MAN TRK controller only moves the selected sight, so if TADS is not the selected sight, it will not move when MAN TRK is used.
  21. Alright, calm down. I never said I was ED team, and I wasn't targeting you or anyone in particular. I missed that little nugget, I was only trying to help.
  22. I didn't mean just Azerbaijan. Others, like Australia (although they are getting AH-64's in the future), Spain, France, Marines (assuming USMC) never existed. I wasn't saying anything against the liveries, they are all very well done, but I was simply trying to clarify.
  23. Because the RHG Manual Track controller slews the active sight manually (whether it be the TADS or FCR), not just the TADS. This is why it only slews the TADS when TADS is your selected sight. If you select HMD (Helmet-Mounted Display) as your sight, it is non-functional because it can't slew your own helmet. Any of your sight select options (HMD, TADS, or FCR) can be set as your ACQ source, but not if they are your active sight. This is why these options are selectively removed from the ACQ source list when they are selected as the sight. Why would you need to slave the TADS to the TADS LOS? How do you slave the TADS to where the TADS is pointing? This concept is illogical. This is why some have suggested that you have a misunderstanding of how "Sight" and "Acquisition source" relate to each other.
  24. Try adding the BP as specifically a CM type (don't let the system choose for you) when in ATK phase and see if you can add it to a route. If that doesn't work, it may qualify as a bug report.
  25. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but you all realize that the second criteria in the contest is the livery must be of a current or historic AH-64 paint scheme? From reading the OP by BigNewy, it is my understanding that liveries of countries or services that have never operated the AH-64 don't qualify. Don't get me wrong, these liveries are awesome-looking, but not all fit the criteria for the contest.
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