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Everything posted by Strikeeagle345

  1. example: Target altitude is 6,000 ft, your altitude is 27,000-30,000. What we have found is pickling the GBU-XX when the target is about at your rudder pedals if you can imagine where it is located through the nose. The bombs drops right into the laser cone.:thumbup: Do it too early, the bomb will not fall into the lases cone and it will not track and fall short. Drop it too late past the pedals and the bomb will over fly the laser cone and fall long.
  2. Works fine here. VF-41 has been doing this quite often without issue. When in CCIP, make sure you drop it not too close and not too far away or it wont track. Has to be just right.
  3. Same happened to me yesterday. I connected right away, didnt miss or take too long, and he just went off.
  4. with your current CPU, upgrading the GPU wont do much. yes you will get a bit more performance, but your CPU will be bottle-necking the GPU. Get the CPU, Mobo, and RAM first, built a solid foundation for a new more powerful card. Going with a better card now will not net you that much more FPS. I had a 3rd gen i7 at 4ghz, 32gb DDR3 ram and my 1070. I would get maybe 20-25 FPS on the ground at Nellis with all setting set to low, and maybe 40 if I was lucky away from Nellis. I upgraded to what is in my signature now, but kept the same video card, and I am now getting 45 FPS on the ground at Nellis with about all settings set to high. I have even hit 60+ when away from Nellis. This is all in VR btw. A good, fast CPU, good mother board and RAM will make a big difference in the end.
  5. Hmm, I do not have any issues in MP. Only time it doesn't work is when I am not in range or do not have line of sight.
  6. There is a fix in the Tomcat Bug section of the forums..........
  7. Thats a DCS shadows issue. Putting them to Low or higher will fix this.
  8. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=239636 Fix is in there.
  9. use the fix posted in the other thread...
  10. Same here. I use CMS left on my WH stick.
  11. i have run into this issue as well. mainly on MP servers that are running a ton of scripts.
  12. Yeah, I had a hard time with the Oculus too. Once I got the Odyssey+ I was able to spot and see things at a distance without issue. It's really just a headset resolution limitation, so your best bet is to do DOT only labels.
  13. the fixed file has been uploaded in the F-14 bug section. page 2 or 3.
  14. TACAN is working fine here as well.
  15. ED probably changes something and HB was unaware. So when they sent over their working build, it was broken when integrated into the new DCS build.
  16. I understand what you are saying, however, you are not flying the E-Bracket at that point since you are on speed. You are watching you VV and decent rate approaching the groove.
  17. *you then use throttle to move the VV up and down to correct your altitude / rate of decent. :thumbup: E-bracket doesnt move as you have trimmed for AoA.
  18. Tomcat tracks don't work anyway. Would be a waste to upload one.
  19. 100%, if your speed changes, so does your trim. :thumbup:
  20. Good on Virpil. Smart move, beat your competition to the punch because they want to lolly gag.
  21. I just built a new system, specs below. The MSI MPG's are a nice series. I have the Gaming Pro Carbon, 32 gb of Gskill trident RGB RAM. I purchased a Corsair H115i Pro, and with the 9700K overclocked to 5 ghz, my temps barely hit 60*C. Its extremely fast and boosted my DCS performance WAY UP. Next on the to do list is a better GPU. Also, the MSI board has an easy overclock one touch button, going with a water cooler like that, you wont burn up your CPU. motherboard https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813144212 RAM https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232748 Cooler https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181138
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