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Everything posted by RED

  1. Copy, then I might be not a bug.
  2. The Elevation Caret is not stabilized in pitch and roll. E.g. with a co-alt target at 30 ATA and a 90° bank angle the caret will show 30 up/down. It should show 0 with a co-alt target. The track attached. ElevationCaret.trk
  3. Can confirm. We probably need a track in the latest OB. edit: Can't confirm in the latest beta. Symbols change after loosing lock. Check the track if you want to confirm we talk about the same thing. JHMCS.trk
  4. It's only realistic for the Maverick. It's made up for the other weapons.
  5. Fixed in current OB
  6. @bignewy May you take a look at this? It would be nice to sort out the whole HUD slewing thing.
  7. The HUD TD Diamond should be stabilized in roll and pitch while slewing (TDC depress). In the current DCS version it follows aircraft attitude changes. In the track attached the aircraft is rolled and pitched to show the behavior. HUDTDCPitchRoll.trk
  8. Ah man, you deserve better! Enjoy the weather this weekend and drink your helles.
  9. Didn't they say that humidity will be simulated with a new model? Let's see if they can make the laser ranges depends on that.
  10. The ruler is disabled by disabling user objects in the MAP options. Likely not intended as the ruler is not a user object from the view of a user.
  11. Structure on road. See image for coordinates.
  12. When clicking down the gain all the way to a black background, you can't click it up anymore. HornetAMPCDGAIN.trk
  13. Thanks for the feedback! Looks strange but i don't have more info either.
  14. As title Steps Select Gun Select an ACM mode e.g. VACQ Lock a target Loose the lock (exceed scan limits) Radar returns to the GACQ but HUD shows VACQ. Attack display shows the radar scanning GACQ. GunACMVertSearch2.trk GunACMVertSearch1.trk
  15. Sorry about that. Didn't check the unit I placed. Other recent tracks also updated. Let me know if there is something else not working.
  16. The triangle indicating seeker LOS moves in pitch when exceeding HUD FOV. The triangle probably follows the round HUD FOV as much as possible instead of stopping at the edge of HUD FOV. edit. Track will be updated to require no mods. Track updated 65EScanHUD.trk
  17. See title. Track shows that after taking away the INS designation, the missile only restarts the scan when caged and uncaged. Might also be a problem with managing designations from different systems. edit. Track will be updated to require no mods. Updated track and added one more to show the designation problem. Seems like the the TGP or radar is a source for a designation even if only the waypoint is designated. 65EscanStop1.trk 65EDesignation.trk
  18. The track shows the problem. While keeping the TDC depressed, the scan continues as long as slew inputs are 0. Did not test with key inputs, may be way worse experience. edit: Track will be updated to have no mods.
  19. There are many comments on how good the aircraft can estimate its altitude. This is not really too important as we know that system altitude error is probably relatively small for the discussed application. We don't know what altitude is presented to the pilot on the attack display. We would need to know what NATO or US doctrine is. FYI manuals for aircraft with the same navigation system show that the GPS can be used for updating the system altitude and GPS can be used as the primary navigation source and for computed deliverys. The error of the GPS is stated to be equally to 100 ft or less which is in line with e.g. the Vipers GPS.
  20. Nicely put together @Harker. Agree that the Baro altitude warning should use the same "BARO" altitude that is presented in the HUD. It is unlikeley that the attack display shows Baro altitude for ownship and another reference for tracks but possible. Track correlation could be done with system altitude and Baro could still be the displayed altitude. Right now you can't really know what the real altiude difference is between you and your track. That's a bummer at the merge.
  21. Hab die Tracks nicht geschaut, aber ich lese, dass du versuchst manuell zu lasern. Das funktioniert eventuell nicht mehr. Maverick auswählen, Codes prüfen, Laser an, mit TGP Ziel designieren und dann Pickle gedrückt halten. Der Laser wird dann aktiviert und sobald die Maverick aufschaltet, wird sie abgefeuert.
  22. When entering the backseat after another clients took the front seat, I wasn't able to see any external lightning of our aircraft. I could see the lights of other C101s also occupied by two clients. Anyone seeing the same thing?
  23. He is talking what could be modeled before the launch. So it is about acquiring the correct target and not switching between them after launch. I see you mean this seriously. Try to keep things in order and do not throw everything together. And also keep in mind that the sensors in the missile and the other different systems don't do magic.
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