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Everything posted by RED

  1. As per title. I could not find something related with the search option. It feels more pronounced than this video might make it seem. I was testings settings so camera is a little bit pointed up. The flickering is at the bottom between the close and far clouds. There is fog in the mission. Mission attached. Note: I don't use any shader mods or anything. This is pure DCS with a Reverb. AV8_FARP_nomods.miz
  2. Go with advise that is provided here Some stuff will not apply because of the different CPU/GPU but mostly it will. Don't overclock CPU/GPU at first or only if you 100% know what you are doing. MSAA or any other anti aliasing disabled. Motion smoothing/vector off in wmr4steamvr settings. Start with pd 1.0 and 100 steam resolution.
  3. When changing the audio settings in WMR while DCS is running, DCS keeps using the old audio source. I had selected my normal headphone audio -> wmr option "off" and started DCS. Then I turned the wmr option "on" for headset audio and e.g. the browser audio played in the headset while DCS kept outputting to the headphones. This might not be a DCS issue but windows/wmr/steamvr thing. I was able to select a different audio source in DCS, save and re-select the default option in DCS and that fixed the audio without closing DCS. Same for SRS btw.
  4. @streakermake sure you input the coordinates from the kneeboard.
  5. As per title. It only lets you enter two digits. AV8_QuickAccessTOT.trk
  6. @KreutzbergThat is a 3rd party app running independent from DCS e.g. you can run it without DCS in steamvr. That you can load any pdf/jpg/png is pretty handy.
  7. During the BDA we noticed that I was seeing the one remaining MK 83 on each CVER on the inside and my wingman saw them each on the left side. Can't tell how soon I'll be able to provide a untainted MP track.
  8. This has been reported: You can't set it on the ground as it gets reset at an instant. The MC not registering that you are going through the set altitude in different situations.
  9. I mostly use this app as it is much easier to use and i can write on it:
  10. Does resetting the wmr environment and using the DCS centering helps? I have the problem that I cant click stuff anymore when there was an admin prompt after launching steamvr. Then i not to tab out, hit window key to brink up the wmr menu, wiggle the mouse and hit window key again. All good after that. Win+Y option disabled
  11. The pitch ladder/VV offset from the caged center position when yawing. This is correct at zero bank angle since the aircraft yaws with them. At any other bank angle they still move in the horizontal plane however the aircraft now moves in the plane of the bank angle. I think it's calculated using the total offset between vv and ghost vv however it should only use horizontal component. Track attached shows yawing at ~90° bank angle. AV8_YawingPitchLadderAndVV.trk
  12. The heads up that this is not fixed in the Nov18 update. Just found this in the jet and then found this report.
  13. @AlphaJuliet This problem is still happening, at least this part "SSS FWD Long press activate LTIP". The underlying issue is that the short press action happens as soon as the button is pressed instead of released. Can also be reproduced for AFT long with TPOD. AV8_ActionOnPress.trk
  14. I think I flew on this server back in 1.5 the last time. Nice to see there are little changes Thanks for the teamwork and congrats Alpenwolf for keeping it up so long.
  15. Copy, then I would still say that most people flying these missions already struggle. It is very difficult to land in consistent conditions in itself. Adding unusual situation on top of it might not be the best solution or help people picking up trends and correct accordingly. When they are more advanced they can increase the difficulty themselves.
  16. Just trying clearing things up because there might be a misunderstanding. OP was saying that the carrier tries to maneuver to get the best wind regardless of the weather and it's not doing that in the missions. The quote you provided doesn't say otherwise, it just says that there are flight operations in all kind of weather. This doesn't say anything about the carrier maneuvering for wind. It might be understood that there is a tactical reason to go somewhere else and the aircraft might just "deal with it"? If you understood the SME that way? What I know is that during cyclic OPS the carrier maneuvers optimal for flight operations during a short time to launch/recover aircraft and then maneuvers again to go where it needs to be itself. That's also where the term "Charlie" time comes from. The ship draws a big C in the water maneuvering into the wind. It just seems unlikely that the carrier would not do its best to make it safe with how dangerous those operations are to begin with. Just a heads up. Maybe double check with the SME.
  17. Copy, completely agree. That's not what I understood by your first comment. I just looked at a campaign mission with 3000 units and that's certainly different from 0 units. It's likely that op has this problem overall. Let's see.
  18. @lefuneste01 Sorry, I haven't tried that mission. There indeed could be something going on however that is not part of this thread.
  19. Something is killing your CPU frame time. Do you have anything running in the background like RGB software? You need to find why that is so high. I get 8 ms in SP compared to your 18 ms.
  20. The eyes working is noticeably in VR however they do it all the time only that we don't pay attention to it. Using the eyes to look around is not optimal in VR because of the sweet spot. I got used to these two things and they don't bother me anymore. Especially moving your head when looking somewhere helps. It's good training for getting old and bad eyes... The sweet spot also depends if your head is good for the face mask or if you have it in an optimal position. It took me a while to get the best position. Good graphics settings also help reducing the sweet spot effect.
  21. Were there any two seat variants with refueling probe?
  22. Thanks for the write up @JayRoc. I tweaked my settings and came to almost the same conclusion as you do. DCS settings look the same. The only difference is no FidelityFx, no Reshade and 110% resolution in steamVR.
  23. Your 3700X should do fine. Check your frame times with the fpsVR. GPU should be higher. You don't need a 5900X for DCS. A 5600X will be no different. Looking at representative 3DMark benchmark shows the 6800 roughly 1.5x the performance of a 1080TI. So a noticeable performance increase for you.
  24. Do you use the CPU for work or why do you want to pay so much for the CPU? Also look into AMD GPUs. How much is a 6800 for you? It will be faster than 3070 TI in DCS
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