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Everything posted by ustio

  1. so in this thread . it explain that the smokewinder is too heavy. however i went a bit further to test all of the wingtip payload. the testing method is simple. have an F-5 with a single asymmetrical wingtip loaded with smokewinder as a baseline and see how the aircraft would react without touching the controls. and then compare it to other wingtip payload. as you can see with the track below, it seems the aircraft react the same way(in terms of roll rate) as the smokewinder when loaded with asymmetrical pylon for every loadout which brings to the conclusion that all of the wingtip payload weight are incorrect. now if i were to guess, in the original thread, it was found that they input the wrong weight of 200 Kg instead of 92kg, I believe this is a unit error that they assume they put 200 pounds instead of kilo smokewinder.trk 9b.trk 9p.trk 9p5.trk ACMIpodtrk.trk catm.trk
  2. Well i was refering IFF by VIDing the type of aircraft since again like you said, Pilot can't IFF so TCS os the next best thing My experience is a bit longer than 2 seconds. But even tho it was 2 seconds its still crucial. I got killed many times because idk what im locking with frindlies arounds.
  3. Yeah unfortunate. Problem is the Pilot only has the TCS to VID and IFF a locked target. Jester unfortunately is very unreliable on IFFing. I wish jester automatically switch out from TCS everytime I change my HSD to TCS
  4. So when the Jester use TCS, the front seat cant use its preventing me from IFFing. Is there a way to make him not use TCS?
  5. I hope they add the C maybe as pay (down)upgrade since it saw a lot of action from Vietnam to Iran-Iraq, Falklands all the way to war on terror. I might skip this until they add the C
  6. its not just the smoke pod. carrying any missile asymmetrically on the wing tip will cause it to unstable roll. it wasnt like this before
  7. Not RPing. If they want RPing they can do that with the current Hornet by not turning on the system. But in MP, you cant disable JHMCS. It gives you a good SA doing while you are cranking in BVR. And also The JHMCS ground designatiin is pretty strong
  8. I understand that Mig-29 is canceled or on hold due to current events. I wonder if F/A-18A possible since most of the 3rd party module that are coming out sets in the Cold War. And there isn't any good red plane set any way to counter any modern blue aircraft. It also would help the MP scheme for a pre 1990 scenario. Currently the F-18 is difficult to balance because it has a capability that cannot be disable. JHMCS is one of them making it tricky to balance them. Also funny enough, I think when the F/A-18 was first release during EA, it was more closer to the A than C in terms of capability. With that said i would definitely go for a (down?)upgrade price like what you did with BS3 and A-10II
  9. will you guys consider this again? Razbam is making an F-15I exterior model for the just for the Israeli skin. and besides I dont mind if its unrealistic since you guys are making BS3
  10. This is probably just me. I wouldn't mind if you guys just make the system to full fidelity but still using FC3 sensors with reduce price that is. It would be fun to be able to finaly learn the Mig-29 system and learn the full start up procedure.
  11. You know, I know that HIP multicrew is probably long way away. But I wish we can have multicrew for the door gunner first instead of waiting for the cockpit multicrew.
  12. is it me or does it seems the HUD brightness is a bit dimmed now? difficult to see in the early morning flight
  13. First of all apologies, I dont know if its ED or you guys that handle weapon so im gonna post it here so you guys are aware. Currently the RB-24 still behave like the old AIM-9B where the missile start tracking way to late Here is the original threa explaining the bug and also includes the documentation And here is the track file rb24.trk
  14. a While ago the Aim-9B was fixed because the activation time was wrong. it seems the RB-24 (which is a licensed copy of the AIM-9B) from HB Viggen module still behave like the old AIM-9B here the old AIM-9B thread here is the RB-24 track rb24.trk
  15. the 1991 VF-31 skin that was mentioned on the previous patchnote isn't in this patchnote and in the game yet. Is the skin canceled?
  16. some server have roadbase. however if they are damage, they cant be repaired. so this option is a good work around so the roadbase can be use again
  17. Is it has to be FAA license? My country license is only FAA CAT 2
  18. so after the 30 seconds dialog, you have to fire gun next to him to trigger the next one
  19. +1 on the 2 seater. It seems everyone always look down on a 2 seater version without seeing the potential. We had a lot of new player that just recently got DCS but are reluctant to join in a mission or play together in a public server because they are not comfortable enough. While if there is a 2 seat version he/she can just seat in the back and enjoy the experience while also learning. For example i was flying with a new guy on enigma server in an L-39 he didn't do anything other than help spotting and we had a blast You can't do that in a F-14, apache, Hind because you are required to know how to operate the RIO/Gunner seat which why I'm excited about F-15E since everything can be done from the front. Granted you wont be as effective as having a competent WSO but atleast he get the taste of what DCS mission is.
  20. IMO we are almost reaching the limit on the type of modern aircraft they can make and most of the well known 3rd gen aircraft are already taken by 3rd party dev so sooner or later they have to go for add on Variants(even Razbam are going to do this with their Harrier and M2000). Regarding to SUFA i think it would sell well if they sell as an add on type DLC instead of seperate module simply because, it's a 2 seat F-16, more weapons(having 360 python missile would be fun), it can fill a stand in role for Turkish, Greece, UAE F-16. Now Mr.Finke from truegrit was an F-4F ICE pilot that can Carried amraam before he fly the typhoon. So if its going for amraam F-4 its going to be that and i would believe it would sell well and i would love it too However with that being said, if we take a step back and look at HB development, we still have yet to get AI draken, AI A-6 which was already teased, and 2 tomcats variant on top of the typhoon they are making. So i doubt we'll be seeing any other variant other than E and navy one
  21. People buy an old 737-200 and then fitted with garmin GTN instead if buying 737-800 on the civilian sim. So there are market for it
  22. loaded some mk20 with ripple quantity to 1 and 8 but still drop 2 bombs ripple 8.trkripple.trk
  23. not LANTIRN related. but is it possible for the jester to stay in beyond visual range sub menu after using one of the ACM mode. i think if you use ACM modes, the next time you press Jester wheel is on Within visual modes.
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