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Everything posted by AeriaGloria

  1. Mi-8 has different trim system, its trim button doesn’t interact with AP at all. The only way to set the attitude the AP holds in Mi-8 is to turn it on at that attitude or use adjustment knobs When designing Mi-24 the Mil bureau realized why not combine the job of the engineer in resetting the AP channels to be done by just pressing the trim button, which the pilot needs to do often. Ka-50 does the same thing
  2. It it’s realistic, the trim resets the attitude hold of the autopilot. Let’s say you turn on AP on ground, becuase nose angle is +3.5 degrees it holds that attitude. When flying you pitch down to -5 degrees, and pitch AP gives nearly full authority to fight this and bring you back to +3.5 degrees. You are then fighting pitch AP to books that negative angle When you press trim button, AP deflection goes to 0. You release trim button and now it wants to hold current nose attitude of -5 degrees. That means the AP your were fighting to hold -5 degrees is gone, and your forward stick is too much now So you kinda have to remember that when you trim, you are also telling pitch/roll AP what attitude you want it to maintain Solutions are 1. trim after every major attitude change 2. hold trim button while you manuever before releasing trim, when holding trim pitch/roll AP will be nuetral 3. trim multiple times to get rid of the “jumping” I do a combo of methods 1 and 3 personally
  3. 200 kmh is only when the phenomenon begins to happen. It only gets severe at 250 kmh, and gets its worst above 300 kmh. Its severity directly correlates with airspeed. Dutch roll is the same I believe the blade stall here isnt from overspending blades, the rotor tipsgo about Mach 0.6-0.7 at the tips at full rpm. I believe this rotor stall is from positive AOA. The rotor needs air to come from above it. When the air comes directly from the side, it is more difficult to have smooth airflow but still often okay. But as AOA increases and the air from the airspeed is hitting the rotor from the bottom, then it will really begin to stall as air hits the blades from higher angles.
  4. It still happens to me, it's just more smooth the transition. You hear the blades begin to flap, sometimes some shaking. You will see AOA rapidly increase per G load. It should be a range of 1.6-1.8 G at low altitudes, and 1.4 G high up. I still find maintaining those numbers to avoid the rotor stall (rotor flapping noise) and to keep speed the most efficiently. Not sure how you are testing, but a huge part of the phenomenon is rotor stall, so the higher your rotor pitch, the more aggressive it will happen. Sometimes I still find just decreasing collective 1-3 degrees is plenty to stop it when it happens, which is accurate. Before the patch you speak of, it would "snap" forward in an oddly quick way when you reduced collective during it. Now it is much more smooth
  5. The manual warns you to raise collective 1 degree/second to stop rotor droop (rotor rpm decreasing). This usually works unless you have collective near bottom (1-3 degrees), you want to gently increase it until engine rpm is 90-95%, then you have more freedom to be rough with collective. In normal conditions you can pull 13-14 degrees without rotor droop The engines themselves take 8-9 seconds to spool up from idle, and the governor only commands this when rotor rpm is below 95% (unless you mess with turbine rpm adjust.) So a other way to raise collective when it’s really low is just raise collective until rotor rpm is below 94%, then your engines will start accelerating
  6. There’s also the 740-8,000 PRF range in addition to 7.5-16.6 GHz carrier frequency For fan song for SA-2, I see it in E/F/G band, which is below the 6.6 GHz minimum frequency.
  7. MiG-21 SPO isn’t modeled with the limit of frequency range, it sees everything that is radar When I looked it up, SA-2/SA-3/SA-5 radars are all too low frequency to be in range. But these SAMs almost always used very low frequencies because frequencies that are lower travel farther Patriot radar is definitely out of frequency range For SA-13, its radar isn’t modeled, if it was modeled it would still be out of range. Shilka radar is in Ku band, which means it could be in range or not depending on what side of the band it’s on. Idk about Vulcan, hard to find info on its radar, same for SA-15 Tor
  8. They could also add SPO-15…….Give me thermobaric S-8. Single ATGM loaded racks. Maybe a few years after official release……
  9. The MiG-15 manual (IRL) also speaks about elevator being very light until you get to Mach 0.85, at which point the force increases from 1 kg per 1 G, to 25 kg per 1 G at Mach 0.92
  10. I believe the encyclopedia had it at 75 km. The designer however also says it is 70 km for a 10 km co altitude shot on Mach 1.2 target by same speed shooter. Funny looking at what Ed forums used to look like
  11. Yes, in real life their manuals are also very similar…… description of how to perform maneuvers are basically identical. You have same radios. Functionally same doppler. Multiple same gauges such as RMI-2/VSI/altimeter engine/oil gauges. The Ri-65 alarm system is very similar except we get extra rotor rpm low warning. While autopilot is similar, you have much more aggressive pitch channel, with roll and pitch channels being adjust with trim button. Altitude hold is the same. Yaw is more similarly in reality but very different in DCS due to how they were simulated If you keep Mi-8 in GPK and Mi-24 in MAG their directional gyro systems basically work the same except that Petro automatically corrects for magnetic deviation. But if anyone has any questions just ask here. If I don’t know there will probably be someone else here who does.
  12. Your rotor rpm is always above 87%? You might just be being too heavy on collective
  13. If you look on user files, someone translated the 134 page Russian quick start guide into English. Has a lot of extra good info. There is also a Cold War air museum manual for Mi-24D/V/F, it is about 100 pages. Covers a lot of good stuff. Can’t seem to find it as easily by google search anymore, but I would think it is okay to share since it was given to civilian operators after FOIA request
  14. No, but the wing is at 6 degrees incidence and thus produces a slight thrust forward from the rotor downwash. The rearward tilt probably Atleast partially overcomes this
  15. Спасибо большое, это очень информативно. Мне очень понравились различные эффекты центра тяжести на планере, такие как изменение положения носа на определенной скорости. Мне особенно нравится, как часто в крейсерском режиме нагрузка на пилоны крыла может фактически увеличить скорость и эффективность использования топлива. Поскольку расположение крыла позади оси несущего винта означает, что вес, добавленный к пилонам крыла, не только увеличивает угол тангажа для определенной скорости, но также увеличивает угол атаки крыла и, следовательно, эффективность на более высоких скоростях. Итак, если я смогу рассчитать приблизительный вес и момент плеча экипажа и масла коробки передач в DCS, добавив к этому цифру 0,095 м прямой балансировки, я смогу получить центр тяжести DCS. И, вычислив затем на основе незагруженного топлива, вооружения и связанного с ним вооружения, я смогу рассчитать центр тяжести для различных ситуаций в DCS. Спасибо большое за информацию, она очень познавательна Thank you very much, that is very informative. I have really loved the different effects of Center of Gravity on the airframe such as nose attitude changing for a certain speed. I especially love how often at cruise, loading weight on the wing pylons can actually increase speed/fuel efficiency. Since the wing being positioned behind the main rotor axis means that weight added to the wing pylons not only raises the pitch angle for a certain speed, but also increases the wing angle of attack and therefore efficiency at higher speeds. So, if I can calculate the the approximate weight and moment arm of the crew and gearbox oil in DCS, adding it the figure of 0.095 m forward balancing, I can get the DCS empty weight center of gravity. And by then calculating based off loaded fuel and weapons and their associated weapon arm, I should be able to calculate the center of gravity for different situations in DCS. Thank you very much for the information, it’s very illuminating
  16. Yes that’s what I meant, it toggles which ARK is displayed. You likely won’t be able to get ADF from the R-863 or have ED add it, it seems it was added because of common equipment with other aircraft and is non functional in reality
  17. SD-10s can sometimes go to same target even if two separate ones are designated. Sometimes the seeker finds another target first. It shouldn’t be in DTT unless it says so and you have SPT/HPT
  18. I definitely agree it’s likely possible, idk what radios they use, but their weapon system is identical to ours with the exception of being able to use UGP-23-250. Unless they also have different radios, the changes needed would be fixed gear, short wings, black cockpit with NVG compatible lighting, and SPO-15
  19. Это белая кнопка на Коллективном рычаге. После нажатия пилот может свободно перемещать коллективный рычаг, при этом высотный канал отключается, и коллектив будет свободно перемещаться с усилием 1,5 кг. Если кнопка на коллективе для него не нажата, то Коллектив будет двигаться только с усилием 20-25 кг, а высотный канал включен. Это сцепление можно регулировать с помощью маховика у основания. It is a white button on Collective lever. Once pressed, the pilot can move the collective lever freely and altitude channel is disabled, and the collective will move freely with force of 1.5 kg. If the button on the collective for it is not pressed, the Collective will only move with force of 20-25 kg, and the altitude channel is enabled. This clutch can be adjusted with hand wheel at the base Credit Chucks guide:
  20. I think there are problems with ADF homing right now, but for RMI-2 HSI, it will show ADF from ARK-U2 if you select the “ZK” on the bottom right of the HSI gauge. The “2” needle will then snap from default position of bearing 000 to ADF homing from ARK-U2 if the beacon can be seen Credit Chucks guide:
  21. I like how talked about the fake R-60s on the wingtip joke. Very interesting the one Mi-24 interview is someone with personal experience of it
  22. Петрович любит нажимать коллективный выжим сцепления и не давать включиться высотный канал. Нажмите «F», чтобы переключить коллективную муфту и снова использовать высотный канал. Petrovich likes to press collective clutch release and stop altitude channel from initiating. Press “F” to toggle collective clutch so you can use altitude channel again
  23. Even if it was possible to use them on inner pylon, I’m not sure they could uncage the full 4 degrees with the nose in the way
  24. When? What makes you think it’s possible? Every photo we have, the R-60s are on pylons 1/4. It would seem to me be realistic. If you believe so becuase of the empty spaces on the pylon selector for R-60 panel, that is a standard panel that I believe was used on a few aircraft for R-60 update, some of which did have 4 pylons for R-60 Our ADI PKP-72M has functions for telling you drift laterally and vertically from course, glide slope, AOA, but none of those are used becuase it from a Tupolev with ILS and other fancy gadgets We have an ADF position for R-863 that was meant for another aircraft. Many lights on Greben don’t work but are used in other aircraft. The auxiliary tank positions on fuel meter don’t work becuase they were intended for Mi-24D/25 with barrels in the cargo cabin. If they were intended to work, I would suspect that if only outer pylons had R-60 it would instead be pylons 1/4 we use instead of 1/2. Our gunsight ASP-17V is from Su-17 and Su-15, which do use all of its lights I believe, unlike us who only get two lights while the other two just sit there. Dont underestimate the Soviet ability to re use parts from other aircraft Atleast we don’t have the gun turret from a Tu-16!
  25. In my experience the misplaced map marker between scales always happens after you adjust it. Sometimes I feel turning it off and doing the adjustments while it’s off work best, or sometimes it seems like only if I make the adjustments before the first time I turn it on does the map marker work properly between the two scales
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