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Everything posted by Astralnut

  1. I guess I had the safety in the wrong position or something it worked when I tried again.
  2. Hello; I tried the Aerial Gunnery training mission and the guns worked like they should. When I start the K4 or get it Hot the same confiig does not fire the weapons. I am sure I am doing something dumb maybe.
  3. I find the M doesn't have the power to hover anymore. I pulled into a hover and it just kept falling. I had to pull full colllective and then the pedal had no authority and the engine overspeeded and died. Throttles and Rotor set correctly and no bind conficts.
  4. Thank you for the reply. I did get it all working it is a blast to do.
  5. Hello; I configurge the L with a Rocket and a gun. I could shoot the gun but when switching to rockets, I can see the trigger light going, the Arm working but the rockets don't fire. I do not know what I could be doing wrong.
  6. I could not get the HOOK to start up so went back to the tutorial and found it won't start in that either. The turbine motors but never catches on. Found out I was pushing the starter switch wrong direction. Dopey me Got the ship started and flies nice. Thank so much for the CH47
  7. I can confirm unlimited weapons does not work. Treid the mission only setting then the global game setting an neither worked and they don't work together either. Would be nice for getting the gunnery down.
  8. I have stuggled with this as well. I opend the track file for an oh6a helicopter mission and could scroll and move the camera around like always before. Ran the same mission configured to use Huey's and opened the track file and can't move the camera with the mouse and NONE of the key binds will fix it. I wish it would work becasue I also would like to make some videos of my missions and screen shots but with this broke it's impossible.
  9. Well, I found out the Virpil Mongoose TM50 cable had two pins dead in it. So that is one thing that went haywire. I haven't tried without the throttles, now that the Kiowa is out. Got back in and mapped the twist throttle to both power levers. They moved together but not really smooth but also not unpredictable jittery. However, if I move the throttle all the way to the lock out position it blows up the engines, so that has to be a bug.
  10. I am not new to DCS. The Kiowa tutorial for startup stops responding to the spacebar after the throttle reset step and will go no further. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I sure don't know what it is.
  11. I have a green cursor in MT and a black one in the normal exe. I use SteamVR since Opne is not supported. The black curser in non-multi threaded is really bad and can't be seen much even in daylight.
  12. Same thing happens to me. I have both levers bound to my Virpil Throttle. One lever does left one lever does right. Worked perfectly until this patch. Now nothing happens until the levers are at 50% then they jump to 50%, then they jump to past the fly position and I get an ENGINE OUT Warning. This has to be a bug because it worked fine before and noting on my end has changed.
  13. Hello Folks; I watched Wag's video; I can't get the FCR to bit test or the FCR page to come up. I have the radome fit and it does give me the option to unpinned lke I did but there was no bit test after that. So my Apached does not work like the videos suggest and I do not know what is wrong.
  14. I set all the graphics to high and laoded up the Apache on high and the system ran buttery smooth down low in the trees. I have an AMD 2950 and a NIVIDA 4080 16g and all openXR worked great. Thank you so much to the DEVs and all for a great update. Things are gona be a lot more fun.
  15. I applied my work around for the engine two failure and ran into 2 starting up and one failing then 2 failing right after that. I tried several fresh birds but failure every time. Not sure why?
  16. I am also interested in the VR performance of the 7900 XTX which is now 899.00 on the AMD web site. PIMAX support told me to wait until they test the cards.
  17. Hello Eagle Dynamics; I know you see lots of issues from people but I just want to say thank you so much for sticking with this game and it's development. I'm an old guy who experienced flight sims from when they were just dots flying formation. This game is way beyond in detail and possibility for players to make their own game. All of it takes time to learn but what worth doing doesn't take time? Have a very Wonderful Holiday Season and New Year Astralnut
  18. I used the Proflight Puma then changed out later to Virpil all the way around. Virpil seems to have a higher resolution so the Huey runs nice and smooth now to fly.
  19. I have been aligning the concentric circles with my Pimax 8Kx and it seems to work. The bullets land were my aim point is, sometimes a little short or long but I think that is helicopter motion compensation.
  20. I was flying yesterday and practiced keeping the ball centered while making level turns. The result is a very gentle bank and turn. If you are "yanking and banking" the ship around the ball doesn't mean much.
  21. I would say George is just unreliable, I noticed he fires the first time but swinging around and selecting a new target and he doesn't shoot. This happens with the gun and rockets but he hellfires he will sometimes shoot without a target. It is almost like George is experiencing lag or missed ques from the system.
  22. I noticed the gun cannot be switched to George if I the pilot had selected it that is also true of all weapons. I had to safe everything and unselect the gun to have George use the gun. I am still testing but it seems I'm messing him up by selecting the weapon I want him to use and forgetting about it.
  23. I also found George will not fire the gun or rockets. I also found he sometimes shoots the hellfire too many times.
  24. I have the 8KX and Leap tracker. I could not get the mouse action to work. It seems the implementation is not all there yet. I put an order in for PointCTRL which looks like a much better solution.
  25. I tested my collective and center stick with ruder pedals and all worked fine in the HUEY. It does feel better and the lift transitions are much better to handle. I have tried to assigned axis like in the HUEY but the AH64 reverses the axis and does not recognize my rudder pedals correctly. Everything works in the settings page like you would expect but in the game the AH64 won't use the throttle correctly and the rudder has no authority. I have no idea how this could be. I have seen other people flying this but I have not been successful. Do you have different experiences? Cheers and happy flying. Hello Folks, well it looks like it was some kind of Windows issue. I did get my collective and throttle to work like it is supposed to. It just took more trial and error. Thank you for the looks and suggestions.
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