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Flight Simulators





Found 18 results

  1. Dynamic Campaign While a hangar of great aircraft is certainly a wonderful thing, having an engaging, exciting, and dynamic combat environment is equally important. We have been developing the inner-workings of a dynamic campaign system which will continue into 2019. Based on the strategic goals and tactical situations, the systems will create dynamic Air Tasking Orders (ATO) that players then join to help their side to victory. This work is non-trivial, but we believe the addition of this system should be exciting for DCS users. Dynamic Campaign We now have a basic test version that works within DCS World to evaluate the real-time strategy element of the system. We are using this to debug the system. In parallel, work is now underway on the UI interface and the AI machine learning code. This is complex and is receiving a lot of focus at the moment. Dynamic Campaign The basics of the dynamic campaign simulation engine are working in the map view and we’ve been using this to test the RTS element of the system. To support this, we’ve been adding new icons to the map for items like factories, warehouses, logistic units, and more. Work is also underway on providing visual indications of ground force movements and emplacements in the map view. Dynamic Campaign Work on the dynamic campaign has been underway for over a year, and the progress has been steady on this very complex task. We understand that this is one of the most awaited features in DCS World and we are giving it the attention it deserves. Much of the work is focused on the dynamic campaign creation tool layers as part of the Mission Editor, developing machine learning mechanics, and creating an AI neural network for the RTS element of the system. The machine learning and neural network tasks are particularly challenging, but we believe they should provide a unique dynamic campaign experience. We expect to start testing this feature in the latter part of 2020. Dynamic Campaign Engine For DCS World The DCS World Dynamic Campaign Engine combines a Real-Time Strategy (RTS) engine with military forces and economics layers (production, logistics, use and transfer of resources) that pitch two opposing sides aided by advanced strategic and tactical AI. We have now completed the core RTS logic and have connected it to DCS World. We are currently finalising the basics of the in-game economic models. We will be working on the combat tasking logic and certain win-win situations in the near future. The last stage will be the Client - Server architecture needed to support large campaigns with on-going online sessions. We are certain that you will have many detailed questions and look forward to revealing more information on this module as and when we are in position to demonstrate some of the features live. Bye Phant
  2. DCS Retribution has been around for a couple of years now, but we've never gotten round to making a post about it on the official forums. I think it's time we rectified that! So, here goes. Introduction Retribution is a dynamic campaign generator for DCS that provides a turn-based persistent combat environment where the outcomes of each mission influence the following turns. This creates an evolving campaign that reacts to your actions. Aircraft that are lost have to be replaced, front lines shift as ground units battle it out, and air defences can be degraded or destroyed. Your own resource sites have to be protected while you attack the enemy's. However, think carefully before you blow something up, because as you capture territory, you might miss having that oil refinery that you turned to rubble on Turn 3. Control points (airfields, FOBs, FARPs) can be captured, squadrons re-assigned to new home bases, and SAM sites repaired. You can choose to cripple your enemy by bombing their runways, or destroying their factories and ammo depots. Or perhaps you wish to cut off their resources by bombing their offshore oil rigs, bridges, or train stations. Intercept and destroy ground convoys, cargo ships, or air transports. Send in choppers to capture enemy airfields. Plan long range strikes to destroy their reserve forces on the ground. You can do all these and more. Retribution was originally started in 2022 by a group of Liberation developers and content creators who wanted to place a stronger focus on campaign customisation, mod support, and an expanded mission set. Retribution was built upon the Liberation code base, but has evolved significantly since then. We owe a great deal to former Liberation developers like ColonelPanic, Khopa, and ShdwPrince (who have all since moved on to other projects) who laid the original foundation. I should note that Retribution is not a replacement for Liberation, nor is Liberation dead. The Liberation code base is still being maintained by X-ray, who very generously offered to take over this task when the rest of us moved on (some to Retribution, some to other things). The Retribution dev team and X-ray still collaborate when we find major bugs that affect both. Retribution currently has over a dozen content creators with our head honchos Stoner and Ghosti at the helm, as well as a 40-man testing team that helps us test new features and squash bugs. Development is very active, with typically at least one new build per week. Just in the past week alone, we have implemented support for Currenthill's USA Asset Pack, improved 3 existing campaigns, and added a new faction. We currently have over 120 factions available, covering everything from WW2 to the modern day. If this interests you, check out our Github site below. If you wish to use Retribution, please read the Getting Started Guide on the wiki (link is below), which will walk you through the process. Please use a preview build, NOT the release build (which at this point is very outdated). While we will at some point release a new release build, the very rapid pace of development means that any release build is just outdated within weeks if not days. Pretty much all of our current users are on the latest alpha or beta build. We also have an active Discord community (link below), so feel free to pop in to say hi! Questions and comments are always welcome. Features Retribution is usable in singleplayer and multiplayer, supporting both PvE and PvP. We have 64 campaigns available right now, with more in development. These come in a variety of sizes and intensities, covering a broad range of eras. All official aircraft and terrain modules are supported. We support 40 different mods at the moment (including most of the popular ones like Currenthill Asset Packs, A-4E Skyhawk, Superhornet, Grinnelli's F-22A, Codename Flanker Su-30, IDF Mods, Vietnam War Vessels, OH-6, OV-10A Bronco, C-130J, UH-60L, Frenchpack, High Digit SAMs, Bandit's Weather Mod, etc). We also support a number of plugins, including CTLD, Mbot Artillery, Splash Damage, Skynet IADS, EWRS, etc. A large number of different mission types are available. Some of the mission types you can fly are BARCAP, Escort, SEAD Sweep, Armed Recon, Air Assault, Anti-Runway, DEAD, Close Air Support, Anti-ship, and Strike. You can set up squadrons with primary mission types (these come by default with the campaigns but you can change them as you wish). Each squadron has pilots that can be replaced and can level up in skill as they survive across missions. We have about 350 preset squadrons (with appropriate liveries or livery sets) available right now. Mission planning can be fully automated where you simply fly your assigned missions, or can be planned manually (for either or both sides). Mission planning is performed directly in the Retribution UI where you can create missions and set targets, click and drag waypoints, easily change loadouts, set TOT offsets, etc. You have a great deal of control over how much is automated and how much you can fine-tune manually. We offer support for multiplayer squadrons who wish to use their own livery sets, radio frequency settings, and pilot names. Retribution can be used to generate Pretense campaigns using standard Retribution campaigns as a template. This dramatically increases the number of Pretense scenarios available to Pretense users. You can create new campaigns (and submit them for inclusion in Retribution). We have a comprehensive guide on our wiki that will walk you through the entire process. No coding expertise is needed. All you need is the DCS mission editor and a text editor. Our saves are forward compatible. This means that if you are in the middle of a campaign and update to a new version of Retribution, this is no problem. Your save file will load normally and you can keep playing. Links DCS Retribution Github Page Official Discord Channel Wiki with Getting Started Guide, Tutorial, Manual, and Documentation
  3. I think a dedicated post would be usefull to find all the DCE campaigns -MBOT CAMPAIGNS : The Origins : Mbot first dynamic campaign system (Caucasus) : - Gardians of the Caucasus :Fly the MiG-21Bis in its point defence interceptor role to guard the city of Tbilisi against a two week long NATO air offensive out of Turkey in 1980. Mbot original Campaigns (Nevada) : - Screaming Eagle : * Fly the F-15C Eagle fighter for the 58th Tactical Fighter Squadron in the 1991 Desert Storm air campaign against Iraq. (See Eagle_01 below) - Desert Tiger 76 : * Join a F-5E Tiger II of the 57th Fighter Weapon Wing at Nellis AFB, Nevada and participate in a 1976 offensive air war exercise against period Warsaw Pact air and ground threats. (See Eagle_01 below) - Desert Fishbed 76 : * Fly the MiG-21bis interceptor for the Warsaw Pact in a 1976 simulated air war exercise in Nevada. (See Eagle_01 below) - F-5E Dynamic Campaign : Wild Weasel : * Join the F-5E Tiger II of the 64th Fighter Weapons Squadron at Nellis AFB, Nevada and participate in a 1976 combat exercise to train Wild Weasel anti-SAM tactics in the Nellis Air Force Range. (See Eagle_01 below) Mbot New Campaigns (Persian Gulf) : - F/A-18C Dynamic Campaign: Battle Group Delta December 2019 - F-14A Dynamic Campaign: Battle Group Delta December 2019 - F-14B Dynamic Campaign: EastMed Fleet Defense January 2020 -NG CAMPAIGNS (Working with DCE MANAGER) : My (CEF) Campaigns (Nevada, Persian Gulf, Syria and Caucasus) : LAST VersionCAMPAIGNS USING LAST MBOT'S DCE VERSION MODIFIED AND TO USE WITH DCS WORLD OpenBeta 2.9 VERSION (but easy to adapt to released): Please read the instructions PDF Those campaigns will use LAST Miguel's DCE MANAGER you will find : here - War over Beirut : (NG) V9 - choose your squadron to fly this campaign (many possible planes and different campaigns each time) -Crisis in Persian Gulf - Blue : (NG) V9.3 - choose your squadron to fly this campaign (many possible planes and different campaigns each time) - Iran-Iraq War - IRIAF : (NG) V9.4 - Chose Tomcat Phantom or Tiger to fly this Iran-Iraq War like Campaign. - Iran-Iraq War - Iraq : (NG) V9.3 - Chose Mirage F-1 - MiG-21 - Sa-342 Gazelle or Mi-24P to fly this Iran-Iraq War like Campaign. - TF-71 - Blue : (NG) V7.5 - Chose F-14B, FA-18 or AV-8B NA to fly this Aeronaval Campaign. - TF80s - Blue : (NG) V8.2 - Chose F-14A, FA-18 or AV-8B NA to fly this Cold War Era Aeronaval Campaign. This campaign will need MODS. - War over Tchad 1987 - Blue : "Operation Manta" French Mirage F-1EE (F-1CE still possible) or Gazelle against Libyan forces in desert - (NG) - Cyprus Incident - Hind : Mi-24P Hind campaign on Cyprus Island (Syrian map) - (NG) - Cyprus Incident - Gazelle : SA-342M Gazelle campaign on Cyprus Island (Syrian map) - (NG) - Cyprus Incident - Mirage : Mirage 2000C campaign on Cyprus Island (Syrian map) - (NG) - Cyprus Incident - Tiger : Turkish F-5E-3 campaign on Cyprus Island (Syrian map) - (NG) - Hornet over Caucasus-CVN :F/A-18C campaign over Caucasus (CVN-71 T. Roosevelt) - (NG) - Tomcat over Caucasus-CVN :F-14B campaign over Caucasus (CVN-71 T. Roosevelt) - (NG) - Harrier over Caucasus-LHA :AV-8B NA campaign over Caucasus - (NG) - Mirage over Caucasus-CVN :M-2000C campaign over Caucasus - (NG) - Falcon over Caucasus-CVN :F-16C campaign over Caucasus - (NG) - Eagle over Caucasus-CVN :F-15C campaign over Caucasus - (NG) - Viggen over Caucasus-CVN : AJS-37 Viggen campaign over Caucasus - (NG) - Crisis in Persian Gulf IRIAF Tiger : (NG) - Crisis in Persian Gulf IRIAF Fulcrum : (NG) - Crisis in Persian Gulf IRIAF Tomcat : (NG) - TF-71 Fishbed 80s : Russian Air Force against US Navy Task Force in Georgia. Oldies version flying Mig-21Bis against Hornet and Tomcat (NG) - Mirage over Persian Gulf : Mirage 2000C campaign over Persian Gulf -Multirole missions (NG) - Falcon over Persian Gulf : F-16C Falcon campaign over Persian Gulf (NG) - Hornet over Persian Gulf : (NG) - Tomcat over Persian Gulf : (NG) - Harrier over Persian Gulf - LHA : AV-8B NA squadron in the Persian Gulf based on the LHA Tarawa (NG) - Viggen over Persian Gulf :Viggen in the Persian Gulf : Antiship and air to ground strikes in the Persian Gulf ! (NG) - Eagle over Persian Gulf : F-15C in the Persian Gulf (NG) - IRIAF Tomcat over Persian Gulf : Iranian F-14A campaign over Persian Gulf against US and allies (NG) - India-Pakistan War 1971- MiG-19P : Fly the MiG-19P in a small but deadly campaign against Indian MiG-21 ! (NG) - India-Pakistan War 1971- F-86F Sabre : Fly the F-86F Sabre in a small but deadly campaign against Indian MiG-21 (NG) - India-Pakistan War 1971- MiG-21Bis : Fly Indian MiG-21Bis in a small but deadly campaign against Pakistan F-86F Sabre and MiG-19P (NG) Eagle_01 Campaigns : - Afghan Bear Trap - Viper : (NG) Updated by Bonfor Polia historical Campaign : - IRIAF Tanker War : Historical campaign in the Persian Gulf 1980-1988 with Iriaf Tomcat F-14A. (NG) Roll Campaigns (Caucasus) : - Hot War In The Cold - Fishbed : War in Georgia in 1981 : fight against Turkish and an azeri militia in two fronts flying MiG-21Bis Fishbed (NG) - Hot War In The Cold - Frogfoot : War in Georgia in 1981 : fight against Turkish and an azeri militia in two fronts flying Su-25 Frogfoot (NG) - Hot War In The Cold - Hind : War in Georgia in 1981 : fight against Turkish and an azeri militia in two fronts flying Mi-24P Hind (NG) - Hot War In The Cold - Tiger : War in Georgia in 1981 : fight for Turkey against Georgia with support of an Azeri militia, flying F-5E Tiger (NG) -OLDER CAMPAIGNS (not sure they still work) : Eagle_01 Campaigns : - Eagle over Persian Gulf : (20.38.01) - Tiger over Persian Gulf : (20.38.01) - Fulcrum over Persian Gulf : (20.38.01) - Warthog over Persian Gulf : (20.38.01) - Desert Tiger 76 : conversion to new DCE of original Mbot campaign (20.38.01) - Desert Fishbed 76 : conversion to new DCE of original Mbot campaign (20.38.01) - Wild Weasel : conversion to new DCE of original Mbot campaign (20.38.01) - Screaming Eagle : conversion to new DCE of original Mbot campaign (20.38.01) - Desert Warthog : (20.38.01) - Desert C101 : conversion from Mbot's Desert Tiger 76 campaign with C 101 : be careful it will be a difficult campaign For the first time for DCE : WW2 campaigns ! - WWII Normandy BF-109 : (20.38.01 - Updated to v1.2) - WWII Normandy FW-190D9 : (20.38.01 - Updated to v1.2) - WWII Normandy FW-190A8 : (20.38.01 - Updated to v1.2) - WWII Normandy P-47D : (20.38.01 - Updated to v1.2) - WWII Normandy Spitfire : (20.38.01 - Updated to v1.2) - WWII Normandy P-51 : (20.38.01 - Updated to v1.2) - WWII The Channel BF-109 : (20.38.01) - WWII The Channel FW190-D9 : (20.38.01) - WWII The Channel FW190-A8 : (20.38.01) - WWII The Channel P-47D : (20.38.01) - WWII The Channel Spitfire : (20.38.01) - WWII The Channel P-51 : (20.38.01) - WWII The Channel I-16 : (20.38.01) Afghan Bear trap campaigns ! - Afghan Bear Trap - Su-25A : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Viper : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Fishbed : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Mig-15 : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Sabre : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Huey : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Ka-50 : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Mi-8 : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Farmer : (20.38.01_S-AW) - Afghan Bear Trap - Gazelle : (20.38.01_S-AW) Cristofer Campaigns (Caucasus) : - Operation Red Bear : Su-25T campaign over Caucasus - Nordic Battle : AJS 37 Viggen Campaign - The Last Squadron : Su-27 Campaign DAVE317 Campaign : - RAF Harrier over Caucasus : DCE dynamic campaign highly modified to try and represent as best as possible being an RAF pilot flying the Harrier as part of a NATO task force in the Caucasus region. You will be joined by European, Canadian and US allies fighting alongside the Georgian air force. You will be flying with 1 Squadron in 1996 out of Senaki Kolki. Your allies include British and German Tornado's, Georgian SU25's, French Mirages, Swedish Viggens's, Canadian FA/18's, Dutch F16's, USN F14B'S and a few others. You may also have AWACS and refuelling aircraft. FALCAW F/A-18C Campaigns : - Desert FA-18 86 **: F/A-18C conversion for Desert Mirage 86. - FA18 over Caucasus-Multirole **: F/A-18C conversion for Mirage over Caucasus-Multirole. HISOTHIRO F-14B TOMCAT Campaign : - Tomcat over Persian Gulf : F-14B in the persian Gulf taking off from the CVN Stennis LuSi 6 F-16C FALCON Campaign : -Falcon over Persian Gulf:see here for changes
  4. Join CVW-5: The Navy's Elite Digital Combat Simulator Group! Are you ready to take your virtual flying skills to the next level? CVW-5 is seeking dedicated pilots and crew members to join our ranks in the world of digital combat simulation. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the simulator scene, we want you! Why Join CVW-5? Team-Based Operations: Experience the thrill of coordinated missions with a supportive community. Advanced Training: Receive top-notch training from experienced instructors to sharpen your skills. Realistic Simulations: Engage in realistic scenarios that mirror actual naval operations. Competitive Environment: Test your skills in friendly competitions and events. Flexible Participation: 50% attendance, life comes first, if you have to step away we understand What We’re Looking For: Passion for aviation and digital combat simulations. A team-oriented mindset and a willingness to learn. Basic knowledge of flight operations and tactical procedures (training provided). A commitment to teamwork and communication. Whats needed: F-18, F-14 , super carrier and base knowledge of jet and boat ops. Maps needed Syria How to Apply: Ready to soar with us? Visit https://discord.gg/cvw5. We can’t wait to welcome you aboard! Time and days: 8pm PST(11pm EST) start time, Every Tuesday and Thursday. At the moment we are recruiting for the F-18C Experience the thrill of the skies—join CVW-5 today!
  5. The 2025 and Beyond trailer showed a bit about the dynamic campaign. I don't know how far in the future the and beyond part is going to be but with focus on the dynamic campaign does this mean we might actually see it in the near future? If so could we get a discussion thread for the forum?
  6. Hi all, I use my AFB´s crowded with statics and objects to give them some life, and my carrier deck is populated. My question is, will we be able to use statics and objects on our airbases with the Dynamic Campaign? like, won´t they be erased by the next mission for example? Thank you, Bruno.
  7. Campaign Update – Next Mission Scheduled! The first mission has been successfully completed—great job to all participants! Now it's time to prepare for the next challenge. 🗓 Next Mission: February 17, 20:00 GMT Make sure to coordinate with your faction's MCs for mission planning and briefings. As always, stay sharp, communicate effectively, and adapt to the evolving scenario. See you in the skies! The 10° Stormo Phoenix, in collaboration with the Joint Air Task Force (JATF), is proud to invite you to the new dynamic warfare campaign, Operation Levantine Ghost! We are an Italian community operating in the Central European Time Zone (CET). This PvP campaign is not just a combat flight simulation but a unique RPG experience. Each participant will not only be a pilot but will also embody a role within a complex war machine, where individual decisions and teamwork will shape the story’s evolution. The campaign immerses players in a realistic conflict with a detailed and dynamic narrative. Every mission has tangible consequences on the unfolding events. Pilots, commanders, and AWACS operators will collaborate to plan, execute, and adapt to emerging scenarios, following standard aviation communications in English and assigned roles. The goal is not just to complete missions or win battles but to live your role in a shared narrative universe. Strategies, moral decisions, and character fidelity will make every flight an immersive and unforgettable experience. Get ready to become part of history and write your chapter in this unique campaign. A Campaign for All Skill Levels You don’t need to be an extraordinary pilot to join Operation Levantine Ghost. What truly matters is your desire to fly in an immersive and realistic environment, embracing the spirit of teamwork and role-playing over the pursuit of victory at all costs. This campaign isn’t about who has the most kills or who wins every engagement; it’s about living the role of a pilot, making thoughtful decisions, and contributing to a shared narrative. It's also a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, forge friendships, and become part of a passionate community united by the love for aviation and simulation. While this is a PvP campaign, it’s not competitive in nature. Instead, it’s focused on creating a simulation-rich experience, where every mission is a chance to grow as a virtual pilot and immerse yourself in the dynamics of a realistic war scenario. So whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to DCS, you’re welcome to take part in this adventure. What matters most is the commitment to fly with respect for the rules, your fellow players, and the immersive atmosphere that makes this campaign unique. Mission Schedule Frequency: Once a month General Structure The campaign consists of interconnected missions, each influenced by the results of the previous one. Objectives: Each faction has primary and secondary objectives defined by Game Masters. Execution: Missions are live events conducted on official servers with required mods. Mission Flow Pre-Mission Briefing: Posted on the Discord server with all necessary details (ATO, ACO, objectives, threats, etc.). Operational Coordination: Faction leaders will coordinate operations through dedicated communication channels (Discord). Mission Live Event: Conducted on official servers, with all pilots adhering to the rules. Debriefing: Between missions, results will be analyzed, and strategic decisions will be adjusted for the next mission. Duration and Victory Conditions Duration: The campaign has no fixed end date and concludes when one faction achieves its primary objectives. Rules of Engagement (ROE) ROE will be provided in the mission briefing. Participation Guidelines Each player chooses their faction at the start (cannot be changed during the campaign). Players can select a module for each mission, as long as it’s available in their faction’s inventory. Fair play and adherence to campaign rules are mandatory. Available Modules per Faction Blue Faction F-4E, F-14A, AJS-37 Viggen, F-86, Mirage F-1, A-4, UH-1H, CH-47 Red Faction MiG-21, MiG-19, F-5, F-86, F-4E, Mi-8 Each pilot may change their module between missions, provided it is in the faction’s inventory and available. Aircraft losses during the campaign will influence future missions, emphasizing the need for strategic asset management. Standard Communications and ATC/AWACS/GCI To ensure maximum realism, proficiency in standard aviation communications in English (it is mandatory for the formation leaders). Missions will include: Human ATC (Air Traffic Control): Managing takeoffs, landings, and transitions within controlled airspaces. Human AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System): Providing tactical support, radar guidance, and coordination during operations. How to Register Registration must be submitted as a comment on this forum post following these guidelines: Players can only register themselves. Each player must select a single faction for the entire campaign. Provide your DCS nickname, Discord nickname, and flight group (if applicable), specifying the country of origin. List the modules you’d like to fly during the campaign (can be changed between missions). Example: DCS Nickname: [10°PHX] Cammox|081 Discord Nickname: Cammox Faction: Blue Group: 10° Stormo Phoenix (ITA) or LW Modules: F-4, A-4 Join the Discord Join our Discord server to access all necessary materials, accept the rules, introduce yourself (like "Hi! i'm here to join the Op.Levantine Ghost in the RED faction!") and receive your campaign discord roles. Discord Invite Link Resources Rules (English): View Here <------ Rules (Italian): View Here <------ Current Registrations: View Here <------ Trailer Check out the campaign trailer on YouTube:
  8. Operation Mountain Gate by DCS Indonesia - Garuda Virtual Air Wing Dear @everyone We are excited to present *Operation Mountain Gate, a dynamic campaign designed for DCS enthusiasts. Set in the Caucasus map, this campaign focuses on *capturing objectives such as airbases, FOBs, logistics hubs, and key towns. Join forces with fellow virtual pilots to achieve victory in each mission! This campaign was meticulously crafted by our community and we would like to hear your feedback and comments! It was intended as a place for intermediate players to enjoy an engaging Dynamic Campaign experience on a light map (hopefully delivering an optimized experience). Features Include: Dynamic Campaign based on airbase capture and supply area capture, demanding coordinated Strike, CAS, SEAD and CAP efforts. CTLD helicopter transport system and ground units insertion. Points-based deployable AI air and ground units. CARRIER FLEET IMPLEMENTATION, with naval airframes available for Carrier Ops. <-- TRY THIS # Server Information: Theater: Caucasus Server Name: *Op Mountain Gate [PVP] | Dynamic Campaign by DCS Indonesia - GVAW * Server IP: ** Simple Radio Standalone IP: ** Mission Running: *24 Hours* Restart Time (UTC): *06:00 | 12:00 | 18:00 | 00:00* For more details on *Operation Mountain Gate*, visit our web https://gvaw.web.id/operation-mountain-gate-omg/ If you have any questions, find the complete information here https://discord.com/channels/312940365504184331/1302072262731497532 Join now and prove your skills in this dynamic battlefield!
  9. Enigma's Dynamic Cold War Campaign PVP/PVE Server The purpose of this server is to provide a dynamic campaign server that is set in the cold war that is accessible and avoids frustrating mechanics. The focus is air to air and air to ground activities. Some highlights: -PVP/PVE with a dynamic frontline that moves in real time and does not require a server reset for it to move. -Overlord GCI Bot -Curated Equipment set in Early-to-Mid Cold War -All WVR Fighting no FOX-3 missiles and a focus on iron bombs and unguided rockets with some air-to-surface missiles. -There will be an abundant of helicopter missions that do not focus around slinging but are more about having an impact on the frontline. -There will be strategic targets that impact the frontline movement. There are AI bomber flights too. Map Area: null null Trailer Guide Explaining how to Play How to Use Overlord This server community is mostly Discord based. I do not check the forums daily https://discord.gg/3ZMttnKmkh FAQ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1I-aD-s3zoEpV4gGu7QIrEdywkpklfT40te-mYlX3zk8/edit?usp=sharing We consider ourselves in open beta. We are not at v1.0 yet. This outlines the current priorities: -Adding more helicopter missions -Player Stats / Campaign Point Restrictions How can you support the server? Please check out our Patreon https://www.patreon.com/enigma89
  10. Dear Everyone We are proud to invite you all to join our upcoming event in the next ten days to commemorate Aerospace Day and celebrate the 78th anniversary of the Indonesian Air Force. The event is "10 DAYS WAR - Operation Desert Fury" and you can find the guidelines here Guide Here There are 2 Official DCS Modules awaiting you, featuring the best PVP and Ground Attack categories. These parameters will be calculated using the DCS Bot. Let's invite your friends along and make this event a memorable one! Sincerely!
  11. After many tests, I'm announcing a new server series: The Syria Offensive, and The Kaukasus Offensive What Makes This Server Unique? This server is perfect for smaller groups of players, allowing for quick engagement in action. With average distances between FARPs being just 30-50 km (16-25 nm), you’ll be in the heat of battle in no time. nullnull Even a single player can make a big difference and change the way the campaign goes! The community is small, and thus very helpful and friendly, you will find your flight mate easily. You may already be familiar with The Caucasus Offensive—it’s been running for over 7 years. However, under new development, the server has seen substantial upgrades, including a move to better hardware. It now runs smoothly even with 16 players online. Some details about the server: Map Rotation: After each victory, the server switches to a new map. Realism Settings: External views and labels are disabled. On the F10 map, you only see your position and objectives. JTAC functions within a fog of war scenario. Challenging Objectives: Targets are heavily defended (e.g., S-300s at airfields, Roland systems, Tunguskas), so knowing your aircraft and its capabilities is crucial. High-Performance Hosting: The server is hosted in Poland on a 900/900 fiber optic connection for optimal performance. Simple, Accessible Gameplay: No overly complicated mechanics—just straightforward, engaging scenarios. Campaign info: Win conditions: enemy has got 2 objectives left. Life system, to prevent doing solo kamikadze runs, you get 5 lives. If you loose all of them, they reset in 4 hours, counting down from your first takeoff. Antenna objectives, which allows to place wild SAMs. To capture objectives, bring a CTLD crate, and unpack it. Syria mission is themed to be 1990s, most SAHRs are removed, no advanced weapons. Kaukasus mission is cold war. Scripts used in the game: CTLD - all helicopters have the option to do simulated sling loading of SAM, artillery, JTAC, and other crates. EWR script - if your team has deployed a EWR, you will get messages about any threats in the air. CSAR - rescue ejected enemy and friendly pilots, to give them their live back, and also to get some cash. AI planes - enemy AI planes spawn when you attack a objective. Convoys - when near friendly objective, send a SAM, groundcrew, or armored convoy to support it. Convoys cost money, depending on convoy type. Support aircraft: AWACS and tankers. Call them anytime, they last until server restart, they also cost you cash. The server is still under active development, feedback and bug reports are much appreciated! Thank you, and see you in skies of DCS Discord: https://discord.gg/EGV7VFuceY DCS IP: dcs.legitscoper.net Server websites*: https://tso.legitscoper.net/ and https://tko.legitscoper.net/ Look for "TSO", or "TKO" in the server browser *Server has 2 websites, but only 1 shows the correct real-time data, the one of the current campaings. If Syria is played, then Syria website is the correct to check. But the long-term statistics work just fine on both.
  12. until
    Dear Everyone, We are proud to invite you all to join our upcoming event in the next ten days to commemorate Aerospace Day and celebrate the 78th anniversary of the Indonesian Air Force. The event is "10 DAYS WAR - Operation Desert Fury" and you can find the guidelines here Guide Here There are 2 Official DCS Modules awaiting you, featuring the best PVP and Ground Attack categories. These parameters will be calculated using the DCS Bot. Let's invite your friends along and make this event a memorable one! Sincerely! Forum Discussion
  13. Welcome to OVO by DCS Indonesia Operation Voltar Odyssey is a PVE Dynamic Campaign for DCS World organised by DCS Indonesia - Garuda virtual Air Wing. It features a persistent campaign on a Caucasus map. OVO is a dynamic campaign based on mission. Every player can choose their mission that is available for each slot. It’s environment is created to provide a realistic (within the limitations of the DCS engine) simulation of the depicted scenario. In OVO that most important, It was created to introduce realistic operations in flight patterns, communication, and goal achievement together. We hope you enjoy flying on Operation Voltar Odyssey, good luck and happy landing! DCS Indonesia - Garuda virtual Air Wing Campaign Lead : Eagle Eye Campaign Advisor : Jupiter, Cendrawasih, Dalva, Pocong Lord, Pseudocatz, Hakha032 CINEMATIC TRAILER Background Story The territory of the Republic of Velcon is increasingly suppressed and now not only the PLAF but Russia and Ukraine are increasingly cornering its current position. This position seems to be under pressure. But some air defenses are still working well. GvAW and the UN Coalition asked to kick back the people's liberation army that continues to pressure the Republic of Velcon. The current conditions of their movements are monitored in several places. Find them by choosing missions according to the available slots. How do we prevent the People Liberation Army from helping the Velcon Republic? Be a part of OVO! More information about this campaign can be found here: https://bit.ly/OVO2GVAW Server Information Server IP : server.gvaw.web.id:10330 SRS IP : server.gvaw.web.id:10331 __________________ DCS World Indonesia Garuda virtual Air Wing Instagram : @dcsindonesia_official Youtube : DCS World Indonesia - GVAW Website : gvaw.web.id Discord : https://discord.gg/g5updJrd2Z __________________ Note: Our server location is in Asia it might be get a ping around 100-200 around Europe & USA.
  14. I think when we get a dynamic campaign we should have to mix eras. For example we might have a final count down campaign where we go back in time to fight the axis in a (more) modern equipment or we could fly a Vietnam era campaign using our favorite warbird as a substitute skyraider.
  15. [BRAND NEW] RED STORM RISING - BATTLE FOR CYPRUS __________________ Introducing brand new of the Red Storm Rising - Dynamic Campaign PVP/PVE. We are kicking off things again here at RSR with a primarily helicopter based mission with also fixed wing. Before we release the server, we first wanted to discuss and receive feedback regarding our new mission. The server features brand new from scratch code aimed at improving performance. No old RSR code exists anymore, so you should notice increased performance of the mission. RSR 2.0 also includes many behind the scenes features such as automatic campaign resets and configurability. Brand New RSR Goals Provide a fun, simple, engaging experience. Scalable maps as players return. Fair dynamic PVP/PVE. Performant design. Battle for Cyprus Summary The objective is to capture all bases on the Island of Cyprus. Helicopters have been given a significant advantage with the kinds of units they can encounter on the island in addition to being the only aircraft slottable on the island. Fixed wings are limited to Incirlik and Beirut. To capture a base, all units must be destroyed on the field and a group of 5 command infantry units must be present. In addition, players can utilize FARPS, but must first capture them. All of the FARPs start with squishy insurgents. Bases will replenish after restart. Basic Server Rules Weapons are limited to only Fox-1, Fox-2, Laser Guided, and Rockets Cyprus has two FARPS for blue and red that are not capturable. Helicopters will always be able to spawn here. Incirlik and Beirut are also not capturable. Limited CTLD. You can sling some artillery, APCs, IFVs, and support/logistical crates. Don't expect much from them. Initial State __________________ Server Information Documentation of the RSR Dynamic Campaign PVP/PVE can be find here Communication Join Red Storm Rising Discord HERE __________________
  16. Hello Everyone! We are excited to share with you exciting new updates to Conquest DCS! Server Name: CONQUEST DCS - DYNAMIC PvPvE - 90s Caucasus Our Sever Features: Dynamic campaign based on the Caucasus map Our own website featuring a live map showing the current situation and a stats page! https://www.conquestdcs.com/ CONQUEST Style Gameplay: capture the objectives and deplete the enemy team of tickets to win the campaign. Destroy all ground based units and radio towers at capture points to neutralize, then capture via transport helicopter or AI Capture team airlift using your points (more on points below!) CSAR - Get your pilots back and replenish tickets for your team! CTLD - Place units on the field, resupply, and capture control points! RECON platforms - locate and recon enemy objectives - big rewards for finding and destroying these objectives. Additionally, recon enemy convoys, trains, and SAM sites as well as player placed defenses. Naval Convoys Each team has a single convoy with escorts en-route to a friendly port (Sochi for Blue and Batumi for Red) A 3% ticket bonus will be awarded for each cargo ship that safely arrives in port Sink the enemy convoy before it reaches port to prevent your enemy from collecting the ticket bonus! A new convoy will spawn at the start of each mission FAC (Forward Air Control) platforms - help your friends using buddy lasing, directed artillery fire, or good old fashioned smoke. Call in bombing missions to soften the Capture Points up and airlifts to finish them off! CURRENCY POINTS system - earn points by flying recon, fighting, destroying and buddy lasing targets in the FAC role, and placing objects, and capturing objectives Use these points to spawn EWR installations, AWACS aircraft, create an AI bombing mission, airlift ground units, and more! Points are persistent and continue to accumulate even after mission restart! We are very excited to serve the DCS community and look forward to flying with you soon. Join us on discord - https://discord.gg/dRqdFwRCt9 FF Conquest DCS Server Trailer PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Capture and defend the capture points: - Eliminate all enemy ground units and the two TV towers within the control point zone - After this is done, deploy troops via helicopter or call in an airlifted capture team to capture the control point! SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: • Intercept enemy cargo flights • Use the FAC slots to call in artillery strikes • Use the FAC slots to smoke targets and buddy laze for your teammates • Use the RECON slots to locate the enemy's rear factory and any ground units on the map • Once reconned, destroy the enemy's rear factory to stop the cargo flights from spawning • Use the RECON slots to discover enemy vehicle convoys • CSAR: recover downed pilots. Each recovered pilot is worth a 2% ticket bonus • CTLD: haul troops and crates to bolster your coalition's air defenses and capture the control points HOW TO PLAY • When one coalition controls fewer capture points than the opposing coalition, they will lose tickets at a constant rate • When a coalition's ticket count reaches zero, that coalition loses and the campaign is over • Takeoffs in player aircraft cost 1 ticket • Successfully landing at a friendly airbase or FARP will refund the ticket • Cargo aircraft deliver new tickets to friendly airbases on a regular basis. Intercept enemy cargo flights to prevent the tickets from arriving • Destroying the enemy's rear factory prevents future cargo flights from spawning PLAYER POINTS You can earn Player Points points by performing various actions such as: - Destroying enemy air and ground units - Performing logistics via CTLD - Discovering new ground units using RECON slots Earned Player Points can be redeemed via the f10 menu to: - Spawn AI bomber strikes against enemy targets - Spawn AWACS aircraft (will remain airborne for 2 hours) - Spawn airlift flights that deliver ground units to a drop zone - Convert points into tickets for your coalition
  18. Hello v-Pilots! Our squadron is looking for other fellow squadrons to arrange and organize PvP meetings and a Dynamic Campaign. Lock-On Greece | DCS World Greece™ is the oldest Hellenic v-Squadron in the field of flight simulators! Its creation starts from the era of LOMAC (LockOn Flaming Cliffs) and its course in this area continues until our current DCS World. The v-pilots of Lock-On Greece | DCS World Greece™ have active presence both on the public servers of DCS World and in missions created by its own members. We have (and still do) participated in various tournaments and PvE missions such us: Joint Thunder by AMVI, SATAL, SATAC... An example from one of our missions is “Perseus’s Sword” a Sequential PvP Mission created by =GR= Panthir https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3331143/ (See the video flying against Grim Reapers YouTube Video) Now we go public to any SQN that is interested in PvP (or PvE) missions with us. We can provide around 25 slots for these events. If you are interested, feel free to join our Discord https://discord.gg/ArBppm5CFx and speak with one of our representatives for more information. If you are a Greek v-Pilot and you are looking to fly together with other Greek v-pilots read here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11D1PmNorQPBnTa9bvuIm2AgqKeWttgoW/view?usp=sharing and if you full fill our standards, feel free to check us out!
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