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Eurofighter Typhoon by Lechuzas Negras Dowload: Option 1 Manual: Document Oficial Livery Template: Option 1 YouTube Channel : Discord EvilASV # 8641 Start-up TUTORIAL: VIDEO This mod started development over two years ago as a personal project to join the DCS modding community. Its developers, as the name suggests, belong to the virtual squad Lechuzas Negras. We started with the VSN model and then added and improved it. We are currently working with Qbit Simulations on a spectacular new cockpit even more amazing than the current one, 100% true to the real one. And we'll keep working on the mod to fix bugs and add new content. Happy New Year 2022! Developers: Gonzalodesanta EvilASV Qbit Badger for internal textures in the cockpit. Vader for the texture template linked above. Contributing Developers: We want to thank our mentor Hawkeye60, the entire Gripen Team for their immense help. Vinedog for all the support. Grinnelli for inspiration. Badger for his cockpit textures mod wich we have implemented with his permission. Freebird on the coding information and Neoshot for help regarding textures. Vader for texture template work. Testers: The entire squadron Lechuzas Negras (Chirri, Martin, Pablo, 2DKUN, Darcos_06 ...) Emiliano Growling Siderwinder LongShot Special thanks: We would like to thank D3W, especially Deliverator for supporting our project through the Airshow Mineralnye Vody 2021. Growling Siderwinder for being interested in our mod and supporting us by testing the plane and making videos of the mod. C.A.L.L. Campamento Aeronautico La Loma (Alberto, El Comandante) for so many years of passion for the air, to be the base of this and give us access to the air base of Albacete Los Llanos. Jaume and Alex, formal mechanic and pilot of the Spanish air force. LucasGitanoFamily for the main menu music. Ildsjel07 For the instant action missions. Features: Clickable cockpit Custom NAV HUD Startup procedure Shutdown procedure Custom external lights (different modes) Damage model Liveries for each nation that operates the aircraft Custom DASS (RWR) Custom HMD Custom Radar (not working yet) Rias Animations: Canards Flaperons Leading edges Air intake Canpy EJ-200 Wingflex Wing vapors Updated exterior model (currently using the VSN model as a base, we added more details) AAR refueling Real weapons loadout: A-A Weapons: Meteor Iris-T Aim-132 Aim-120 C-5 Aim-9M A-G Weapons: Bombs just CCIP and CCRP MODE: Mk-82 Snakeye Mk-82 Mk-82Y Mk-83 GBU-10 GBU-16 GBU-24 Paveway III GBU-31 GBU-38 Antiradiation missiles: AGM-88C ALARM Gun: BK-27 150 rds 27mm ammo PELE/PELE-T LITENING Smokewinder (all colors) Installation: Download the latest release at "link" Unzip the zip in C:\ Users \ username \ Saved Games \ DCS (el nombre de usuario variará en su máquina y DCS podría ser DCS beta) \ Mods \ Aircraft FAQ Preguntas frecuentes: Do I need FC3 to use the module? Yes we use SU33 avionics so only SU33 works. Is there any plan to make it independent? Yes, but without promise as we are still exploring the limits of development without the SDK.. Is there any plan for a two-seaters version? Surprise. Pass the IC? Yes. Known issues: [Incompatibility with the JAS39 MOD] Terrain units and ships will disappear. AI doesn't shoot our custom missiles. Changelog: v1.0.1 [Add] New instant action missions. v1.0.2 [Removed] Mach cone for better fps performance. [Fix] Gear animation. v1.0.3 [Fix] FM -> Engines performance. v1.0.4 [Fix] FM v1.0.5 [New] FM engines and SFM data more realistic Top supercruise (no afterburner) speed at FL400 (standar cruise altitude): Mach 1.3 Less "Over G" sound Max Speed at sea level: Mach 1.33 Max Speed at FL400 (standar cruise altitude) : Mach 2.21 T/W greater than 1 with light loads T/W less than 1 with heavy loads Optimum turn ratio speed: 220-300 Kts v.1.0.6. Hotfix for controls. Added new cockpit textures wip: Creation of texture Paint Kit for v 1.0.69. v.1.0.69. Hotfix ejection/death causing CTD (Crash to Desktop for non nerds) v.1.0.7. Flight model performance Cd0 High g turns Slats movements improve Canards movements improve v1.0.72. Flight model performance ROADMAP: (NO PROMISES) WIP: Add A/P and it's cockpit buttons Fix custom RWR New 3D cockpit and textures Two seater 3D model Add disorientation recovery button A-G version with guieded weapons Break axis Nose wheel animation MAYBE: New Working in a EFM Add Mach cone Add Interior lights Add operational custom radar Add new A-G weapons Fly by wire Fuel page HSI Independent HMD Thanks for all the support, see you in the sky!
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About vLuWa | Virtual Luftwaffe Are you interested in the German Luftwaffe and military aviation? vLuWa is a new project that focuses on recreating the current and future aircraft fleet of the Luftwaffe in a virtual environment. Procedures and missions flown by vLuWa are set as realistic as possible. The knowledge is based on real Luftwaffe procedures from publicly available documents, real life civilian and military air traffic controllers, and if not available, adapted from NATO/USAF procedures. We’re looking for people who share this passion and want to help build something exciting. Whether you’re a military aviation fan, enjoy working with others in a realistic setting, or have special knowledge to share, you’re welcome to join us! Whom We’re Looking For: Staff members: You got the experience, want to work in a team and are willing to make vLuWa great. Subject-Matter Experts: You have the expertise and wish to contribute to such a project like vLuWa. Why Join vLuWa? Be part of a growing project focused on the modern Luftwaffe. Work with others to build a realistic and fun virtual squadron. Bring in your own ideas and help shape the future of vLuWa. How to Join: Reply to this thread, contact me on Discord (kuezy) or email me: Kind regards. Sven “Bolter” H. vLuWa | Lead Staff
Hi, I would like to ask the TrueGrit or Heatblur team if we will have when the EF will release next year what I would guess and this year we will get the AI model of the Typhoon , we will get German spoken tutorials where the Instruktor probably Gero will speak to us like their would be speak to their students in the typical manner like in the Luftwaffe, I am myself a IRL glider and GA Pilot and had a lots of ex East German Air Force and Luftwaffen flight instructors one flew the F4 and I always liked their story’s and to fly with them. So it would be great to German tutorials because a lot's of Heatblur EF Pilots I would guess can speak German too and with a German version of the EF it would bring so much realism to the EF !
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- eurofighter typhoon
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DCS Air-to-Air Grundlagenkurs by GTAG Es ist wieder soweit, die GTAG bietet wieder ein Draftee Air-to-Air Grundlagenkurs für alle begeisterten DCS Piloten an. Welche Kenntnisse sollte ich mitbringen? Du solltest die Grundlagen und Steuerung deines Flugzeugs prinzipiell beherrschen. Zudem solltest du dein Radar, deine A2A Bewaffnung und deine Gegenmaßnahmen bedienen können. Welche Inhalte vermittelt der Kurs? Gemeinsam fangen wir bei den Grundlagen an, können aber deutlich schneller zu den wirklich spannenden Themen kommen, sofern das Wissen dafür schon vorhanden sein sollte. Nachdem Euch die Grundlagen von Commits, Cranks, Notches, Shoots, RWR und SA in der Theorie vermittelt wurden, wird dieses Wissen Stück für Stück mithilfe von betreuten 1vs1 Fights gefestigt. Das bedeutet, dass Ihr während euren Fights durch einen Flightinstructor unterstützt werdet, der Euch live „über die Schulter schaut“. Anschließend werden die Fights gemeinsam mit TacView analysiert, Schwächen, gute/schlechte Manöver identifiziert und die Situational Awareness geschult. Nach ein paar Wochen werden wir mit den 2vs2 Fights anfangen, dort werdet ihr durch einen erfahrenen Flightlead an die Hand genommen und erlernt den gemeinsamen Luftkampf im Team! Wann geht’s los? Geplanter Start ist in der 41. KW, also zwischen dem 11. und 17. Oktober. Generell finden die Termine am Dienstag und/oder Donnerstag statt. Es ist ratsam mindestens jeden zweiten Termin dabei zu sein. Wie melde ich mich an? Wenn Du schon jetzt weißt, dass du die Zeit & Motivation mitbringst, kannst Du gerne @Papa Saubär#8642 anschreiben. Dieser lädt Dich zum GTAG Discord ein, dort erhälst du anschließend die @Draftee Rolle. Alles weitere erfolgt dort. Bei Fragen, Sorgen, Nöten oder Anträgen könnt ihr ebenfalls @Papa Saubär#8642 anschreiben. Stand: 19.09.2021
Apache Piloten/CPG gesucht! Deine Voraussetzungen: du machst Dich gerne dreckig bekommst in großer Höhe Nasenbluten Affinität zur Entschleunigung du brauchst stehts ein Ventilator über dem Kopf Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig, das vJaBoG32 braucht dich. Für weitere Information siehe bitte in unserem Vorstellungsbeitrag oder direkt auf unserer Homepage nach.
This was a commonly used aircraft shelter type used in dispersal areas of Luftwaffe airfields. I'd expect to see it in Normandy 2.0, or at least a place-able asset of it through the mission editor. This was used on about half of the airfields used by the Luftwaffe, it's a MUST-have for Normandy 2.0. This is from page 314 of the JG26 War Diaries (part 2)null
Sale old Simulator Software: Enemy Engaged, Gunship!, Jane's F/A-18, Team Apache, Carrier Strike Fighter, IL-2 Forgotten Battles, Pacific Fighters, Lock-On, Luftwaffe Commander Please make a offer. Shipping from Austria (Österreich)
- enemy engaged gunship! janes f/a-18
- team apache
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