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A reason to fly mirage at blue is combined AG and AA. AG with mirage on red is boring, whereas blue mirages also must deal with f5 coming from Khasab. Red is outnumbered because of f18s and that doesnt really count as the f18 can be fought very well until it gets a proper radar stabilization and TWS mode...



Why is it boring? Are the 18’s and 15’s too small a challenge? Is it not boring joining 25 blue looking for 2 red?

If it is boring that’s a mission design issue and should be addressed differently from mixing the MC2 IMO.

It will be a lot more boring when the F5’s leave cause they can’t tell friend from foe.

Also love the F18 “one day we will be great chat” haha it’s a beast already! Just use it right

First it was wait till we get IFF

Now I hear wait till we get datalink and full radar lol

The F18 doesn’t count is a terrible argument man. It carries 6 aim 9’s aim 7s, has radar and flys like Jesus on crack! So what does count? An F5 with 2 aim 9’s and a shitty wee radar?

Edited by comie1


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Why is it boring? Are the 18’s and 15’s too small a challenge? Is it not boring joining 25 blue looking for 2 red?

If it is boring that’s a mission design issue and should be addressed differently from mixing the MC2 IMO.

It will be a lot more boring when the F5’s leave cause they can’t tell friend from foe.

Also love the F18 “one day we will be great chat” haha it’s a beast already! Just use it right

First it was wait till we get IFF

Now I hear wait till we get datalink and full radar lol

The F18 doesn’t count is a terrible argument man. It carries 6 aim 9’s aim 7s, has radar and flys like Jesus on crack! So what does count? An F5 with 2 aim 9’s and a shitty wee radar?

your right, its a mission design thing. the red objectives are too far away from the battlezone which is around khasab AB. so its just flying dropping bombs and returning. additionally the red tankers are too far away...on blue mirages could do AG, AA and Air refueling in one flight. thats why i want to see the mirage back on blue, or give red the same Environment.

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Its not about making it harder for the Red side, we added the Mirage to Blue primarily for the A2G role, that is why there is only 4 of them.

We had several requests from Mirage drivers to have France added and I don't see a problem with it.



The mission is not set up for be a 50 / 50 fair fight, no one has claimed that from our Squadron, so the mission should not be looked at like this.


You guys are doing a fantastic job, its not about you 'holding your own'. The mission is not finished development yet and there are lots of features still to be added on the Red side to improve the A2G side.


Red has...




3x EWR Sites,

:cheer3nc: >>>>>> DATALINK! <<<<<<<<<, :cheer3nc:,

A base 30nm away from the enemy coast line,

A base 30nm away from the enemy Ground Objective,




We are not going to start going down this road of Blue has this and Red has that.

We are not interested in chasing some perfectly balanced mission that will somehow please everyone. We are trying to make a semi realistic mission set that people will enjoy and I am sorry but France is part of the NATO coalition and so is the Mirage!


The current mission layout is playing out fantastically!


Yes Red are always outnumbered but they are still doing some heavy damage!


Yes it is going to make it more difficult for the F5 with its 'shitty radar' to IFF these Mirages... but that's not a good enough reason for us to remove the aircraft because one of your aircraft will have a harder time with IFF.


All the Blue aircraft have to deal with IFF from a German Mig29 on our side, now the Red will have to deal with having Mirage on both sides and the problems that will cause.



I'm also not going to start dumbing down the missions because Red has less people on comms.

The guys that fly on Red need to start stepping up and leading by example on the comm usage.

I KNOW most people on Red dont bother but that is NO excuse for you not to be on Comms.



Same with the GCI side, no one seems to want to step up and actually do GCI for Red. I did it for 6 hours for Blue the other night, not because I wanted to but because I want to encourage other people to do it!



Behaviour breeds behaviour, if you want people to start doing something, get out there and lead by example and start doing it yourself!



We got 104th_Presing set up with GCI as he has shown a keen interest in providing more regular services to the Red side, so we hope that will slowly start a trend of more people doing Red GCI.

But again... we are not going to start dumbing things down because the Red side traditionally won't work together.



Instead of doing this we need to find a way to encourage more Red guys to fly together.



The more people that use Comms the more people will start getting on board.



I hear your concerns though, they have not fallen on death ears, you just misunderstand my intentions. The intention is not to make it more difficult for the Red, while I can 100% understand why it does make it harder for the F-5.

The intention was to increase the NATO asset inter-operability with the M2Ks A2G capability.




We'll re-evaluate the Mirage in a few days and see how its playing out, its not off the cards that it would be removed from Blue, but at the moment there are is no one on the Blue Mirage and 3 people in Red ones so ... I don't think its having the negative effect you are worried about.





What we'll probably end up doing if it becomes to much of a mess is removing the M2000 from Blue until we get the Mirage skins for all coalitions. That way the Egyptian Mirages can actually be a Desert skin to help with IFF.





Fairness and balance are no longer concerns in the 104th server... however with that said we still want to provide a platform for people to enjoy so hang in there for a day or two... let's see how this plays out then we'll make a call on it.



Keep up the great work F-5s, you guys are doing better than 'holding your own!' ;)









I will make time this week to look at LotATC. Hopefully this can bring more GCIs to the server!

Edited by [Maverick]


104th Phoenix Wing Commander / Total Poser / Elitist / Hero / Chad

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Mav thanks for the response. :thumbup:


I'd never ask for it to be "fair" that's too easy :smilewink:


To quote you:

"The current mission layout is playing out fantastically!"


I just worry when I saw a change that could impact this.


But like I said I'm not offended in the slightest and respect the 104th's decision.

All I'm saying is watch out Baguettes cause if you're not on coms I'm firing! Pew Pew


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I've just bought the Baguette, and just been shot down over the Gulf. I wondered, what do REDFOR do for radio channels, as it seems the Bag can't tune to GCI and Guard at the same time. Or have I not RTFM'ed enough?


Been awhile since I've been on the 104th with the baquette, but look on the radio (and I'm using the English cockpit so yours maybe different) for the PoL + G selection is what you are looking for I think:



Win 11 Professional, I7-12700K, 32GB DDR5, 3090, 2x 980 PRO PCIe 4.0 NVMe , 2x VKB Gunfighter mk III, MCG Ultimate, SCG, Orion 2 Throttle, Thrustmaster TPR pedals, Pimax Crystal 

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Any chance for more helicopter stuff? I kind of want to build (radar) SAMs around the target areas to defend strikers. Poor (blue) strikers have it bad a lot of times, but I am a big friend of Transport/A2G cooperation to secure areas.



Radar SAMs since I think transport placed IR sams are always quite annoying and don't kill me for using the word, unfair. My reasoning is, that most airframes either on their own or by cooperation can get a rough location on a radar SAM in advance. While an IR SAM most often just suprises somebody from a blind spot.



Alteast for securing areas via CTLD I think this is sensible.




There could also be transport jobs around the map that could do various things, like repair a destroyed asset, unlock new ones, knock something out from the enemy etc.



Just some stuff for the future, I guess there are other prioritys first, like Hornet flying. :)

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One idea I got while making the big track to the tankers: Maybe you could offset shell/texaco 1&2 so one is always heading towards you and one away from you? Basically start one with the route already halfway done.



Also would be great if some briefing pictures would make a comback. One basic overlay of friendly/enemy Airbases & TA's, one for Carrier/East tanker tracks, one for feet dry tanker tracks etc.



Doing some GCI I couldnt help to notice the total lack of coverage for a lot of parts of the map, is there something that can be done about that, or is it still the old 'GCI can only see what clients see'-thing?




TTI-Server has those cool ingame kneeboard pages, have you considered those for frequencys etc.? I really grew to love those! I know it's a lot of work, especially to keep them updated and maybe they are too big. But the kneeboard is for glancing at info even better than the briefing. At that point big props for the briefing! Very thorough.




Only things I can think of to improve there, is at the AWACs part, would be great to know which callsign they have... And MGRS coords for the Deepstrike targets.




Thanks again to Mustang for pointing me to the F18 NVG mod (http://www.mediafire.com/file/74kqmlku2i00ekl/FA-18C+NVG+Mod+for+ I had great fun in the night-mission. Maverick I heard you hurt your back I hope you are fine.




Growing to love OP Clean Sweep more and more!

Edited by ApoNOOB
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Running LotATC on the server to see how it goes! :joystick:



For now logins can be made using:-

Blue Pass - blue

Red Pass - red


Maverick, for a moment there I was wondering what kind of setup you're running and was going to complement you on the David Clark's


2x X5675 hexacore CPUs for 24 cores | 72GB DDR3 ECC RAM 3 channel | GTX 1050Ti | 500GB SSD on PCIe lane | CH Products HOTAS | TrackIR5 | Win 7 64

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Huge thumbs-up!

Finally having somewhat realistic radar coverage will be a game changer for human GCI/AWACS operators and their customers.

I just hope the integration works well for 104th Public Dedi, technically & rules-wise!

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Unfortunatly I can't fly on your server...


don't know if this is a DCS bug or depends on your Mission.


Well, when I join your server all wen't right....until I select a slot.

After pushing fly DCS hangs....


This also happens when I try your mission offline or on my server


Last log entry:

2018-06-29 07:01:42.420 ERROR COCKPITBASE: ceSLineFont: unable to read fuzziness parameter


This happens only on your server/mission and on Kirks Hangar....


Any Ideas?


After shader recalculating I got this:

2018-06-29 07:26:18.318 WARNING COCKPITBASE: Cockpit: MapObjectsBuffer . Specific element 24 not implemented, map may be incorrect

Edited by Quax456

My Rig: Windows 11 Pro, Intel i7-13700k@5.4GHz, 64GB DDR5 5200 RAM, Gigabyte Z790 AORUS Elite AX, 2TB Samsung 990 PRO, RTX4080, Thrustmaster HOTAS WARTHOG Stick + WINWING ORION 2 + MFG Crosswinds, LG 32" 4K 60FPS, ACER 30" 4K 60FPS GSync Display, HP Reverb G2 V2

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Sounds like you need to do an update.

Well, I'm running the latest DCS Version which are pretty much the same stable and open beta.

All my drivers are up to date.....

The only missions/servers are causing this error are "OP_Longbow" and any mission on Kirk's hangar :cry:


So what do I need to update?


EDIT: found the the little f.... who caused me a whole day...


Edited by Quax456

My Rig: Windows 11 Pro, Intel i7-13700k@5.4GHz, 64GB DDR5 5200 RAM, Gigabyte Z790 AORUS Elite AX, 2TB Samsung 990 PRO, RTX4080, Thrustmaster HOTAS WARTHOG Stick + WINWING ORION 2 + MFG Crosswinds, LG 32" 4K 60FPS, ACER 30" 4K 60FPS GSync Display, HP Reverb G2 V2

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We will... As soon as RAZBAM fix the bug with the skins so the Egyptian Mirages are not flying around with the French skin on.



At that point I dont mind having them on both sides, but at the moment having them on both sides flying with the same skin is no bueno.


104th Phoenix Wing Commander / Total Poser / Elitist / Hero / Chad

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Sadly guys LotATC kept on crashing the server after about 5 hours.



Total transparency, the logs don't mention anything about LotATC causing the crashes however it is the only thing we have changed. We ran the mission last night without LotATC and it hosted for over 6 hours without any issue.



So I'm afriad for now until we can work out what is causing the issues we are going to leave LotATC offline, sorry.


104th Phoenix Wing Commander / Total Poser / Elitist / Hero / Chad

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ts50.gameservers.com:9132 - password - phoenix



The old one will remain up for another few days however can you guys all start connecting to the new one! Thanks!


104th Phoenix Wing Commander / Total Poser / Elitist / Hero / Chad

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I did some GCI for RED, for a brief time.


Gotta ask... The briefing says one frequencies but the F-5 can't use those. so people kinda use 257.8 for everything ....


So that might need some addressing.


I see that the ATC channels for blue are still on the VHF :lol:


A question out of curiosity... how have you made so the FO doesn't see any friendly ground targets ?



Everybody gotta be offended and take it personally now-a-days

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Can't connect to your TS channel. When I click on the link posted above I get an error in the new tab. No access to the channel.

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You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

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