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Yes, we hope to include a JA-37 (even Di) as an AI companion to the AJS. Doing a full-fledged JA-37Di is a lot of work. Perhaps a lite (FC) version down the line or something. No decisions made yet.


Careful! You might accidentally open the flood gates! :lol:

The Viggen is for the most part feature complete. Mostly bugfixing and missionbuilding in progress.

Artwork has been lagging behind, hence the delay.


Yes, we hope to include a JA-37 (even Di) as an AI companion to the AJS. Doing a full-fledged JA-37Di is a lot of work. Perhaps a lite (FC) version down the line or something. No decisions made yet.

The main reason we've spent time with the Di lately is because it's the only Viggen around my parts (Graz). As mentioned previously, we've spent a lot of time in various AJ/AJS cockpits already.


Hi Cobra,


I suppose that you are referring to the instant missions and a few single missions, and that the campaign will take place in the new map that you are creating. So, is crazy to expect a some form of early access in the upcoming weeks without the new map and the campaign ? :noexpression:


For now, all Viggen content will be on Caucasus.

We'll announce concrete theatre plans as we draw closer to a development close on that area.


The Viggen will come with training missions, single missions and two campaigns (mini & extended- extended may be post-release).

Nicholas Dackard


Founder & Lead Artist

Heatblur Simulations



The Viggen is for the most part feature complete. Mostly bugfixing and missionbuilding in progress.

Artwork has been lagging behind, hence the delay.


Yes, we hope to include a JA-37 (even Di) as an AI companion to the AJS. Doing a full-fledged JA-37Di is a lot of work. Perhaps a lite (FC) version down the line or something. No decisions made yet.

The main reason we've spent time with the Di lately is because it's the only Viggen around my parts (Graz). As mentioned previously, we've spent a lot of time in various AJ/AJS cockpits already.


Ouuh, that sounds great, take your time with the release though ! :)

The mirage was indeed fun to fly around but tbh, I had more fun with the release model Polychop was going for, release the practically done thing. :)


But whatevar, cant wait to sink possible future fleets with RBS15 and close Airfields with MJ2 loaded BK90s. :))


JA37 would be lovely, especially a variant with AIM120s. :D



*unexpected flight behaviour* Oh shiii*** ! What ? Why ? What is happening ?


Thanks for the update, Cobra! I'm really looking forward to the Viggen.

Mission: "To intercept and destroy aircraft and airborne missiles in all weather conditions in order to establish and maintain air superiority in a designated area. To deliver air-to-ground ordnance on time in any weather condition. And to provide tactical reconaissance imagery" - F-14 Tomcat Roll Call



That was a good update Cobra. Thanks.


And of course we want a JA37, a FC3 variant would be just fine if you feel like that. Better than no one at all.

ASUS Z370, i7 8086K @ 5,2 Ghz, ASUS Strix GTX 1080, 16GB Ram, TM HOTAS Warthog, TrackIR 5, Saitek combat rudders, 25" 1440p monitor, Oculus Rift


As much as I want to fly it yesterday (yesteryear even :P) I am of those who prefer a development studio to polish an fix until they decide it is good enough even for a early release. We may criticise LN for some stuff may be, but they have been flagbearers of releasing a module feature complete. A bug free release is obviously an impossible bar to jump over, but some DCS releases like MiG-21 and Gazelle has shown utmost effort to keep things feature complete, and mostly pulled that off, and I appreciate that :).


Viggen is currently my most anticipated aircraft to fly in DCS :).


Oh, and yes, thanks for update :).

Wishlist: F-4E Block 53 +, MiG-27K, Su-17M3 or M4, AH-1F or W circa 80s or early 90s, J35 Draken, Kfir C7, Mirage III/V

DCS-Dismounts Script

Posted (edited)

Fpl 37 aerodynamik III : Manöverprestandabegränsningar : Halvroll : Kompendium


So I heard you guys were interested in the Viggen's split S performance...? Well, here you go, read 50 pages about it, (tl;dr: no I'm pretty sure you can't do it from 500m) and remember to eat your spinach:




If anything happens after you've reached 60° dive angle, continue the maneuver but exert yourself (on the stick) (eat twice as many slices of bread + spinach) and reduce throttle to flight idle.


Also, gonna quote myself for the previous part because nobody reads the last post on a page when the next page has a Cobra post on top:


Aerodynamik fpl 37: kompendium


Discovered yesterday that this was declassified and received photos of it from an acquaintance. There's another part forthcoming too that may solve the silly split S debate forever.


Lots of cool illustrations too, my favorite might be this one:




Use the afterburner, fool!

Edited by renhanxue
  • Like 1

Releasing a feature complete Viggen sounds way better to be honest! I like that approach a lot. For my taste, the M2000 release was a few months too early and there are tons of things still missing/not working as intended etc. That's why I decided to put it aside and fly with it once it is out of beta :)

Ouuh, that sounds great, take your time with the release though ! :)

The mirage was indeed fun to fly around but tbh, I had more fun with the release model Polychop was going for, release the practically done thing. :)


But whatevar, cant wait to sink possible future fleets with RBS15 and close Airfields with MJ2 loaded BK90s. :))


JA37 would be lovely, especially a variant with AIM120s. :D


Viggen with AIM-120s? Was that even a thing? :huh:

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

Tornado3 small.jpg


Yes. The AIM-120 was procured with the intention of using it on the Gripen, but it was also integrated on the JA 37D(i?) very late in its life. In the late 90's they were still figuring they'd be running the JA 37 in parallel with the Gripens for many years to come, like the Draken had been kept in parallel with the Viggen, and they wanted to keep it "operationally relevant". It never turned out that way because a ton of air wings got disbanded after 2000, but it wasn't a bad idea.

Viggen with AIM-120s? Was that even a thing? :huh:


AFAIK the JA-37D was capable to use the AMRAAM.

Mission: "To intercept and destroy aircraft and airborne missiles in all weather conditions in order to establish and maintain air superiority in a designated area. To deliver air-to-ground ordnance on time in any weather condition. And to provide tactical reconaissance imagery" - F-14 Tomcat Roll Call


Posted (edited)

Hmm, that's interesting, thanks. I guess there are no pics of such a loadout?


Has it just been wired to use AIM-120s or have there been flight and maybe even live fire tests?

Edited by QuiGon

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

Tornado3 small.jpg

Hmm, that's interesting, thanks. I guess there are no pics of such a loadout?


Has it just been wired to use AIM-120s or have there been flight and maybe even live fire tests?

It was cleared for operational use so there's got to have been live fire tests. Test flights started in fall 1997.


The photo mattebubben posted is from 1999.


I was almost the 3rd to post the same pic :D. Haven't been able to find an in flight pic of it but, JA-37D and Di were AIM-120B capable according to many sources.

Wishlist: F-4E Block 53 +, MiG-27K, Su-17M3 or M4, AH-1F or W circa 80s or early 90s, J35 Draken, Kfir C7, Mirage III/V

DCS-Dismounts Script


The AMRAAM is named RB-99 in Sweden

Mission: "To intercept and destroy aircraft and airborne missiles in all weather conditions in order to establish and maintain air superiority in a designated area. To deliver air-to-ground ordnance on time in any weather condition. And to provide tactical reconaissance imagery" - F-14 Tomcat Roll Call



Thanks very much guys! I don't know how I missed this information for so long.

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

Tornado3 small.jpg

For now, all Viggen content will be on Caucasus.

We'll announce concrete theatre plans as we draw closer to a development close on that area.


1:st Viggen release, then some time after Swedish theatre, that's still the plan right ?


Terrain & Theatre Development

Currently we have three separate theaters in development, one of which we have previously announced and will be released together with the F-14. The other two are slated for release either with, or directly after the release of our other two aircraft.

Our goal with theaters is to not only build a great environment to immerse the player in the game world, but to also try and provide an appropriate framework for the aircraft we create.

To achieve this framework, we have to spend a lot of time creating AI Aircraft, Ground and Naval units, all of which represent a huge investment of time and effort.

Thus, we hope to avoid aircraft that are 'misplaced' in the wrong theater and environment. Naturally, the main campaign for each module will take place in their respective theater.


Current Art team focus on the front of Theatre development is the creation of everything from terrain textures (many based on Photogrammetry), environmental models, props & buildings, airfield objects, and 'unique' terrain features (Some terrain features require extra detail, an unrelated example would be Mt. Rushmore).

We're also creating custom models and artwork for e.g. trenchlines, defensive installations and unique coastlines.

i7 8700k@4.7, 1080ti, DDR4 32GB, 2x SSD , HD 2TB, W10, ASUS 27", TrackIr5, TMWH, X-56, GProR.


And the reason for a lack of in flight pictures of JA 37s carrying Aim-120s is most likely not because they could not.


But because i suspect there was a lack of Dummy Aim-120 missiles.


Most of the Viggen pictures you see with missiles in flight is with Dummy missiles and not live ordnance (there are some with live weapons but most are not)


So the Viggens would likely only have carried Aim-120s during real missions and not for training (except for life fires ofc)


So they would not have been carried as commonly.

(as not to drain the flight hours for the new missiles that were supposed to be kept in service for a long period of time)


And its also a fact that they would probably have wanted to use up the Skyflash missiles already in service (for routine missions/training etc) and save the Aim-120s for a real combat situation (or for use on the Gripen that could not carry Skyflash missiles)


Me, trying to figure out swedish documentz: b13c1a489fdb90d47d12383edf3a5d74.png


Me imagining to play the Viggen:



Result of me playing the Viggen in the future:






*unexpected flight behaviour* Oh shiii*** ! What ? Why ? What is happening ?

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