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I am at mission 5...

The famous one (I read the book so no spoiler for me :) ) I know what should happen, but i just think that some trigger don't play as after prince calls knock it off for joker fuel ( i was still at 7500 pounds so i didn't call joker fuel from the menu) he remains red and try to kill me as best as he can as I was trying to climb to 28 angels as asked via the radio voice over...

So what went wrong?

🖥️ R7-5800X3D 64GB RTX-4090 LG-38GN950  🥽  N/A  🕹️ Realsimulator FFSB MKII Ultra, VKB Stecs Max, Winwing F-16EX Throttle, Winwing Orion (Skywalker) Pedals, Razer Tartarus V2 💺SpeedMaster Flight Seat, JetSeat



Not sure, some people have reported that but I can’t reproduce (works OK for me). Use F10

radio to report you are hit as a workaround to make him continue as he should. Sorry about that, one of the AI quirks I guess...

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.


Experienced the same, not sure if it helped or just a random timing but I flew towards wpt 3 and set up an orbit. Prince finally transformed back and climbed out.

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Virtual Thunderbirds, LLC | Sponsored by Thrustmaster


Z390 Aorus Xtreme, i9 9900k, G.SKILL TridentZ Series 32GB, 1080ti 11GB, Obutto R3Volution, Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog, TPR, Cougar MFDs, FSSB R3L, JetSeat, Oculus Rift S, Buddy-Fox A-10C UFC, F/A-18C UFC, Tek Creations F-16 ICP


  • 4 weeks later...

I've played this mission 6 times now and the only time I got past the BFM part was the very first time. Every other time Prince goes into the drink. I think its maneuver kills, instead of him running out of fuel. Just 5min ago (as I am writing this post) Prince ran out of airspeed and went down (Prince disregards the hard deck everytime, I guess that's the AI limitation). The second to last try he called tapes on for the second gun BFM and as I was turning back in I saw the splash in the water.

I'll try again a few times.


May I suggest a couple of possible solutions?

1) Put a save point before the BFM part, so you wouldn't have to go through the entire start-up and transit part.

2) Place a trigger at the BFM place somehow connected to Prince, that will understand if he's still alive or not and based on that spawn in a new Prince if need be.


Got it done. I just gave up on the BFMing and just "spacebar-d" my way through. AI being wonky, just took everything away from this mission and me from the story and campaign.


Hey guys, sorry about that. I spent dozens of hours fine-tuning this mission (and the beta testerst can testify to that, flying this mission dozens of times) and in the version that was prepped for release all worked well. Going to dedicate a whole evening to this one soon and fine - tune it again. Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.


I've flown this one today and all worked fine here


After 3 or 4 "kills", he called out Joker and started ascending to Angels 28. Rest of the mission was epic!


Just thought I'd share..

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM - Realsimulator FSSB-R3


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH


Yeah, this looks like a random thing that some people experience, and for some Prince does what he is asked to do. I checked the mission trigger-wise and it looks OK, everything is as it should, but that is not a guarantee of anything when it comes to DCS... Maybe I'll be able to add some kind of safeguard via F10 if this happens, I'll check.

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.


Yes I’m having the same issue he hits the water on the second missile engagement. I can still space bar through the guns as the calls still come from prince. Ie tapes on etc. but after that nothing progresses. I flew back and landed in the carrier but mission doesn’t progress


About to fly this and noticed a typo in the briefing, thought id mention it here rather than start a separate topic.


Prince's brief sets Joker at 6000. Designer notes reminds to call Joker at 7000. :thumbup:

Discord - Psycho#8075


Heh I just flew it and Prince broke the Hard deck after I had killed him four times in a major way! He flew right into the drink :/ Shouldn't he have called it quits after the first "guns kill"?


It's a great bunch of missions @baltic_dragon , must be frustrating to have them break in so many infuriating ways non? Well you take your time taking care of it, I'm in no hurry. I'll just try again tomorrow and be more gentle with him the next go ;-)

I5 9600KF, 32GB, 3080ti, G2, PointCTRL


Thanks guys. If you experience trouble with this mission (which seems to be random and will require a lot of testing from me), just use F10 radio menu to call Prince hits you several times. This should do the trick.

Splashing into the water is something that started to happen 1-2 patches back. Perhaps try to keep the engagement higher :)

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.


<Update> Your tip to keep altitude high in the training fights worked great. On my 3rd attempt on the mission I kept angels above 20 and kept Prince alive in order to proceed with the mission. Glad I gave it another go and played through to the end. Well worth the effort!


[original post]

Yes I’m having the same issue he hits the water on the second missile engagement. I can still space bar through the guns as the calls still come from prince. Ie tapes on etc. but after that nothing progresses. I flew back and landed in the carrier but mission doesn’t progress


Exactly my problem as well. Both times I've tried it tonight he's crashed into the drink.


The first time, I used the F10 menu to report hits until he called joker and a climb to Angels 28, but after that I was so confused as to what I should do that I just cruised back towards the carrier, used the radio callouts, landed, but still didn't get mission completion. The second time I just exited out after he crashed because I hadn't read this thread yet. How do we actually get the mission to complete successfully if Prince crashes?


I was wondering what's going on with Prince hitting the water twice. The first time was after the second gun kill, I just lost him visually. 10 min later figured he's probably gone, proven by the mission debrief. The second time we had a nice sidewinder/guns fight, I was trying to keep him high and eventually reached to the Jocker point. He started the climb to 28K/250, me just beside him, when he suddenly dropped the nose down and flew straight into the water from around angels 20... Something is making him commit an early suicide....




What channel should the radios be on? I heard very little retrying this flight this morning.. 2 and 1 right? With the primary on guard as well?

I5 9600KF, 32GB, 3080ti, G2, PointCTRL


You need to enable ground monitoring in the background to hear most of the transmissions.

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.

  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/14/2020 at 11:42 PM, skypirate said:

I was wondering what's going on with Prince hitting the water twice. The first time was after the second gun kill, I just lost him visually. 10 min later figured he's probably gone, proven by the mission debrief. The second time we had a nice sidewinder/guns fight, I was trying to keep him high and eventually reached to the Jocker point. He started the climb to 28K/250, me just beside him, when he suddenly dropped the nose down and flew straight into the water from around angels 20... Something is making him commit an early suicide....

I just had this happen. During the second bfm set, he just dove straight into the water?? Now I can't continue.


Same issue.  First guns kill fine, separate, turn in, he's gone.  Mission log show he died.  Flew back to the boat solo and got a 50% on the mission.

SYSTEM: Ryzen 9800X3D, ASUS 5070Ti , G.SKILL 64GB DDR5-6000, Windows 11, MSI TOMAHAWK X870, Quest 3, OpenHornet Pit 


There is nothing I can do about this guys - and I also cannot reproduce, he behaves OK on my end (and several other people I asked). My only advice at this point is to keep the fight above 10K and just keep pressing higher, hope this AI issue is solved at some point. I am very sorry about it, but I spent probably around 20h trying to reproduce or change it but it just never happened for me...

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.


Thanks for looking it. Being around DCS long enough, you learn there’s only so much you can do with the AI.  Great campaign regardless!!

SYSTEM: Ryzen 9800X3D, ASUS 5070Ti , G.SKILL 64GB DDR5-6000, Windows 11, MSI TOMAHAWK X870, Quest 3, OpenHornet Pit 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Baltic,


Reading through the thread I understand that this issue seems to be random but just wanted to provide you some more information. This is the third time I'm flying through the campaign but is the first time I'm experiencing the issue of Prince flying into the water. I'd never heard of this issue before so it caught me off guard the first time (and I flew into the water after him...). As I had been below 10K the first time I replayed the mission with the focus of keeping the fight above 10K. However, on the second attempt, despite being at 20K, Prince still dove into the water and I was unable to progress. As Prince had called off the fight, I tried to fly to the East to see if Prince would respawn but no luck.  Both instances occurred in the 4th engagement (second guns engagement). I'll try it again after exiting and restarting DCS but just wanted you to be aware. Thanks for a great campaign, I've really enjoyed playing it!

Posted (edited)

I'm stuck too.  I tried 3 times and its always the same. After the second engagement, Prince crashes in the water. This morning I tried to just continue and land on the carrier but it looks like I am missing a trigger.



I "spaced bar" my way trough the bfm part.And i finally completed the mission ... super exciting.  But by not doing the dogfight at the beginning I kindda broke the spirit of the mission by having too much fuel.  Still super cool.

Edited by apheks
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