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No improvement with the last update for me.

But I found something that may explain why some people see fps drops in 2.7 and the majority doesn't. I set different ingame resolutions and would expect to see a decrease in fps with increasing resolution:


DCS 2.5.6:

1280x768: +30% fps compared to 1600x900

1600x900: native resolution of my monitor

1920x1080: -30% fps compared to 1600x900


DCS 2.7.2:

1280x768: same fps as 1600x900

1600x900: native resolution of my monitor

1920x1080: same fps as 1600x900


To everyone that still sees massive fps difference between 2.7 and 2.5.6:

- Which resolution are you running at?

- Do you have the same result when setting different resolutions?

34 minutes ago, B4ron said:

No improvement with the last update for me.

But I found something that may explain why some people see fps drops in 2.7 and the majority doesn't. I set different ingame resolutions and would expect to see a decrease in fps with increasing resolution:


DCS 2.5.6:

1280x768: +30% fps compared to 1600x900

1600x900: native resolution of my monitor

1920x1080: -30% fps compared to 1600x900


DCS 2.7.2:

1280x768: same fps as 1600x900

1600x900: native resolution of my monitor

1920x1080: same fps as 1600x900


To everyone that still sees massive fps difference between 2.7 and 2.5.6:

- Which resolution are you running at?

- Do you have the same result when setting different resolutions?

Or have you been under sampling to increase your performance…

SYSTEM SPECS: Hardware AMD 9800X3D, 64Gb RAM, 4090 FE, Virpil T50CM3 Throttle, WinWIng Orion 2 & F-16EX + MFG Crosswinds V2, Varjo Aero
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Windows 11, VoiceAttack & VAICOM PRO

YOUTUBE CHANNEL: @speed-of-heat


Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, speed-of-heat said:

Or have you been under sampling to increase your performance…

No. Everything set to 1600x900

Edited by B4ron
Posted (edited)

The topic of discussion is the fps hit by upgrading to 2.7 while maintaining the same settings as 2.5 (although some of the same settings of 2.5 have now different impact in 2.7)


Reducing the resolution naturally will give an fps boost like in every other game/application ("less" rendering to be done by the CPU/GPU)


1 hour ago, B4ron said:

No improvement with the last update for me.

But I found something that may explain why some people see fps drops in 2.7 and the majority doesn't. I set different ingame resolutions and would expect to see a decrease in fps with increasing resolution:


DCS 2.5.6:

1280x768: +30% fps compared to 1600x900

1600x900: native resolution of my monitor

1920x1080: -30% fps compared to 1600x900


DCS 2.7.2:

1280x768: same fps as 1600x900

1600x900: native resolution of my monitor

1920x1080: same fps as 1600x900


To everyone that still sees massive fps difference between 2.7 and 2.5.6:

- Which resolution are you running at?

- Do you have the same result when setting different resolutions?

To further sustain the argument of this topic, in 2.7 if you lower the resolution you should still see an fps boost, which in your case you don't. This is bizarre and could be an indication of a poor optimization of 2.7

Edited by Snakedoc

ASUS ROG STRIX Z490 F-GAMING | i7-10700K | RTX3090 TUF OC | 32GB DDR4 3200Mhz | Windows 10 64bit | Acer Predator X34P | TrackIR 5 | TM Warthog | TM T.Flight Rudder Pedals

A-10C | A-10C II | F/A-18C | F-16C | FC3 | PG | Syria | SC

Home made F-16C simulator
Forum Thread: DCS World forum - The Viper Project - Home Cockpits Instagram: 1583142 copia.jpg The Viper Project YouTube youtube-icon-512x512-874lspju.png The Viper Project - Youtube channel

52 minutes ago, B4ron said:

No. Everything set to 1600x900


and that's your native resolution?

SYSTEM SPECS: Hardware AMD 9800X3D, 64Gb RAM, 4090 FE, Virpil T50CM3 Throttle, WinWIng Orion 2 & F-16EX + MFG Crosswinds V2, Varjo Aero
SOFTWARE: Microsoft Windows 11, VoiceAttack & VAICOM PRO

YOUTUBE CHANNEL: @speed-of-heat


24 minutes ago, speed-of-heat said:

and that's your native resolution?

Yes. Its a gaming laptop Monitor.

34 minutes ago, Flappie said:

Or FPS capping due to some Export.lua call?

Is there a possibility to test/fix that?


how is performance with the last update?

i have 32gb of ram and i was very confortable before 

now, especially with the a10 II i was just flying around in the instant action free flight in syria averaging 28gb, the peak was 31.2gb.

Vram totally full too, 8.1 gbdcs.log

Posted (edited)

I have noticed a decent hit to the FPS from Open Beta to  I only fly in VR (Pimax 8K).  Update ****7139 actually increased my FPS.  Recording in OBS was outstanding.  When ****7910.1 was updated a few days ago, I have noticed a weird jitter with all aircraft when looking around the cockpit in VR and a hit to the FPS.  I have also noticed OBS recordings are now stuttering pretty badly.  Below are some videos I posted demonstrating the difference.


Video 1 is Open Beta ****7139 with the P-51.  There was a decent amount going on and the FPS was awesome.  The effects after getting shot on my run were nothing but amazing in VR.  Smooth FPS as the video demonstrates. Video recorded awesome.


Video 2 is a side by side of the Mig-15 training mission landing the aircraft.  I did the left video as soon as 7139 update released and I shot the right video today with the 7910.1 update.  You can easily tell the differences.  


Video 3 and 4 were both shot today in the 7910.1 update flying the Hind and the Huey over Cypress.  You can see the jittering I am experiencing in cockpit.  FPS counter is displayed in each video, top left.  The game is still playable and I will not stop flying, but the ghosting/jittering effect is annoying when looking around.  The video recording looks a little worse than it actually is in the VR headset.  This is by no means a trash video towards ED.  I absolutely love the Hind and everything that was updated.  There is no other way to fly than VR.  I was blown away by the immersion when I jumped in the cockpit.  Take time to look behind you in the Hind if you have VR on, pretty awesome what you have going on behind the pilots set.  I think with a future optimization patch, this will fix the issues.  I have noticed over the years FPS is a roller coaster with updates.  I also noticed that when NVIDIA does a driver update, it can sometimes cause issues with ED updates.


On another note, all drivers are updated for the graphics card.  No setting have been changed in game or out between the two patches.  The "fxo" and "metashaders2" folder were emptied as soon as update was applied.  After every update I always empty those two folders.  The only mods I have installed are as follows Anubis C-130, A-4E, T-45 Goshawk, and the Bell 47 V6.  Please let me know if these mods have anything to do with performance issues.  All are updated to the most current state.  The only one I have flown in update 7910.1 is the T-45.  Same issues with the jittering/ghosting effect when looking around the cockpit and FPS hit.  PC specs listed below.  Any assistance or confirmation of known issues would be greatly appreciated.  Again, thanks for making my virtual aviation dreams come true.  Please continue the hard work.  It is beyond appreciated everyday after I get off work.



Intel i9-9900K CPU @ 4.68GHz 16 Processors
32GB of RGB Dominator Pro 2133MHz Ram
885 GB SSD
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti w/latest driver version 466.77 (released 06/10)
PIMAX 8K with latest Pi tool and firmware for headset






Edited by Devil 505
  • Like 1

I’m surprised at this topic because I feel like I’m getting better smoother performance in Stable v 2..7. Running max settings plus SSLR and SSAO and ultra clouds etc. on a 4K monitor. I did run a complete repair after upgrading. Don’t know if that helped or anything. But 2.7 looks and runs beautifully. 

13 hours ago, B4ron said:

I set different ingame resolutions and would expect to see a decrease in fps with increasing resolution:

If you are CPU limited, which DCS is in many cases then changing resolution will have no effect on performance. 

i9-14900KS | ASUS ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO | 64GB DDR5 5600MHz | iCUE H150i Liquid CPU Cooler | ASUS TUF GeForce RTX 4090 OC | Windows 11 Home | 2TB Samsung 980 PRO NVMe | Corsair RM1000x | LG 48GQ900-B 4K OLED Monitor | CH Fighterstick | Ch Pro Throttle | CH Pro Pedals | TrackIR 5


just reading this thread  it seems that 2.7 runs better if you have a high end gpu and a recent cpu and play at very high settings.


Those who are struggling are the ones playing with medium-high settings at  1080p on lower end systems.

My system is a bit old (ryzen 3600, 32gb ram, nvme ssd and rx480 8gb)

most of the time i am gpu limited but i have the same -25 30% less fps that others are reporting here.


My PC (2700X, 32 GB RAM, 1080Ti 11GB, SSD) is older than yours and it doesn't struggle with DCS 2.7.
I still don't know why you guys have less FPS with 2.7 and why others have more, but it's not an old/new PC thing, that's for sure.

  • Like 1



Im running an older rig xeon 1650 3.2 ,32gb ram ,rx550 4gb two different ssd drives ,win 10 pro 64bit latest update. C drive has windows and D drive DCS.  I got a fps drop after updating to 2.7 stable, enough that I won't invest in any more mods all that I have right now is super carrier.  I downloaded the free trial of the f16 in freeflight I'm barely holding 30 fps thats at 1600x1200 . All setting low or med no mssa, AF at 2 shadows flat .   I have a A4 refuel mission just me and a kc130  2.5 vers I would get 65fps with 1080p  with 2.7 35 fps at best. I've read a lot of posts here and tried some stuff. deleted saved game files let it build a new one, moved the page file to the dcs drive increased the size 16gb /32. Standard dcs repair, slow repair. Hope they do something to get it back up to speed for us on slower rigs.



Ryzen7 5800X3D. 64 gb ram, 6950XT 16gb,  Winwing Orion F18, MFG Crosswind Rudder, 42 inch lg tv, Quest PRO

USN  VF31 F14A  AE2 1985-1989 CV 59 NAS Oceana

IL ANG 183FW/170FS F16C Block 30 Big Mouth 1989-2006 Full time tech Retired E8


15 minutes ago, Flappie said:

My PC (2700X, 32 GB RAM, 1080Ti 11GB, SSD) is older than yours and it doesn't struggle with DCS 2.7.
I still don't know why you guys have less FPS with 2.7 and why others have more, but it's not an old/new PC thing, that's for sure.

Well, like i said, i believe i am mostly GPU limited and yours is 2.5 to 3 times more powerful than mine and with more vram. Also Nvidia so much better dx11 drivers. 


I also put all of the settings to low or off plus the lowest resolution. F16 free flight  23-24 fps.

Ryzen7 5800X3D. 64 gb ram, 6950XT 16gb,  Winwing Orion F18, MFG Crosswind Rudder, 42 inch lg tv, Quest PRO

USN  VF31 F14A  AE2 1985-1989 CV 59 NAS Oceana

IL ANG 183FW/170FS F16C Block 30 Big Mouth 1989-2006 Full time tech Retired E8


Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, SharpeXB said:

If you are CPU limited, which DCS is in many cases then changing resolution will have no effect on performance. 

I'm definitely not. GPU utilization is at 99% (in fullscreen).


It appears to me that 2.7 always renders at high resolution (1920x1080?).

If that's your native resolution (which I assume for most people is) you'll not see a major performance difference compared to 2.5.6.

If you set a lower resolution then the GPU would have to sample it down.

But like I said, that's just a guess from what I see on my rig...

Edited by B4ron
Posted (edited)

Game is almost unplayable atm fps jumping all over the place and the loading times are insane, lost around 30 fps with this patch

Edited by Eroxz564

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] :pilotfly:

Pierre Thuresson

13 hours ago, MattCri said:

just reading this thread  it seems that 2.7 runs better if you have a high end gpu and a recent cpu and play at very high settings.


Those who are struggling are the ones playing with medium-high settings at  1080p on lower end systems.

My system is a bit old (ryzen 3600, 32gb ram, nvme ssd and rx480 8gb)

most of the time i am gpu limited but i have the same -25 30% less fps that others are reporting here.


Which resolution have you set in game?

On 4/14/2021 at 12:16 PM, flankerjun said:


I just fly a quick mission,which with no clouds,and have 90-110fps in 2.5,but now only 60-70fps


通过我的 V1955A 上的 Tapatalk发言






That's really weird. I generally find that 2.7 performs better overall, not worse. I'm using an aging computer by today's standards, but I'm still getting good performance overall in 2.7 as long as I don't overdo it with the AA.


i5-6600K, 4.5 GHz all cores


Zotac 1080 Ti, 466.63 drivers

2560x1440 (I don't use VR, but those who do are having performance issues in 2.7. Try a regular screen if you do)




B550 Aorus Elite AX V2, Ryzen 7 5800X w/ Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE, 2 x 16GB Kingston Fury DDR4 @3600MHz C16, Asus ROG Strix RTX 4070 Ti Super 16GB, EVGA SuperNova 750 G2 PSU, HP Omen 32" 2560x1440, Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS fitted with Leo Bodnar's BU0836A controller.

--Aviation is the art of throwing yourself at the ground, and having all the rules and regulations get in the way!

If man was meant to fly, he would have been born with a lot more money!

On 5/20/2021 at 5:15 PM, RedeyeStorm said:

The difference between Stable and Open Beta is that the first has known bugs and the latter new bugs. When the new bugs become old bugs you get a new Stable version. Rins and repeat.


Still love this game though.


That's the way it goes with flight sims. If it doesn't have any bugs, you better not crash it--because you're flying the real aircraft and not a computer!


Come to think of it... The last time I ran any game that seemed bug-free to me, I was playing Dope Wars.




B550 Aorus Elite AX V2, Ryzen 7 5800X w/ Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE, 2 x 16GB Kingston Fury DDR4 @3600MHz C16, Asus ROG Strix RTX 4070 Ti Super 16GB, EVGA SuperNova 750 G2 PSU, HP Omen 32" 2560x1440, Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS fitted with Leo Bodnar's BU0836A controller.

--Aviation is the art of throwing yourself at the ground, and having all the rules and regulations get in the way!

If man was meant to fly, he would have been born with a lot more money!

12 hours ago, Flappie said:

My PC (2700X, 32 GB RAM, 1080Ti 11GB, SSD) is older than yours and it doesn't struggle with DCS 2.7.
I still don't know why you guys have less FPS with 2.7 and why others have more, but it's not an old/new PC thing, that's for sure.


Probably cause they have like 3060TI and then they have i5 6600k and they think its gonna run good at high settings cause of the new GPU, or they have bad memory etc:P


Your comp is very well rounded, so it runs good, I'm running the game good too (Strix 2060Super, i5 9600kf, 16GB RAM 3600MHz), I had problems with page file dislocated but that's settled now, I did notice increased memory usage tho,


How much memory does the game use on your computer, on avarage?

56 minutes ago, B4ron said:


Which resolution have you set in game?

1080p, i tried 900p a while ago and the performance increase was small. Not worth for me, 1080p without antialising is already a bit of a mess

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Furiz said:

How much memory does the game use on your computer, on avarage?


I've just done a quick test flying an A-10C II at night taking off from Ramat David.

  • FPS: between 65 and 80 FPS.
  • RAM: ~30 GB was being used (this is where Windows pagefile comes in handy, since I only have 32 GB of RAM).
  • GPU: 98%,
  • CPU: between 20% and ~40%.
  • Resolution: 1920x1200 (no VR)

Here's my track if you want to try it out.





Edited by Flappie
added my settings
  • Thanks 1


Posted (edited)

Thank you for the track, i made a detailed csv of the replay here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EkA0dBrXkHLVsssqXG-C3ZspiTgv-9LbhzHniZ7AUS0/edit?usp=sharing


in short

  • FPS: between 40 and 60 FPS. Average 48
  • RAM: ~26 GB was being used 
  • Vram: 8gb, all of it
  • GPU: 60 to 100%, but average 98%
  • CPU: between 11% and ~17%. Average 13%
  • Resolution: 1920x1080 (no VR)

 Settings are a mix of medium-high without antialiasing

Pc is: ryzen3600 / 32gb ddr4 3600mhz / rx480 8gb / dcs and pagefile on nvme ssd


Not too bad i guess but the track was quite light. I have issues mostly over cities and large forests, i get 25-to 30fps on helicopters and any amount of antialiasing just cripple the perfomances to unplayable levels.


20210619-152047.CSV dcs.log

Edited by MattCri
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