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Splash Damage 2.0 script (make explosions better!)

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I still don't understand if all the modifications suggested in this thread are merged in the github repository linked in the first post or if I have to go hunt for the latest version somewhere else. Github lists the last update three months ago, is that correct? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if yall are getting errors loading in when this script is attached. Can anyone else confirm this? or do I need to see why its not loading the script correctly? (even if it is isolated to my system, i wouldnt know a thing about fixing it lol)

Ryzen 7 5800x w/ PBO on, RTX 3070ti w/ OC, 32 GB RAM @3000 | Quest 2, Virpil Joystick, Throttle, and Rudder

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  • ED Team
3 hours ago, termi_te said:

Thank you man for fixing what ED couldn't care to get done.
This is a really important part for any cold war era scenario!

You can enjoy this mod without taking shots at us. We want to do this properly, but a proper fragmentation model needs to wait on updates that we are doing such as Multithreading. Also, some of the things listed in this script are already done in DCS. Thanks. 

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1146563203_makefg(6).png.82dab0a01be3a361522f3fff75916ba4.png  80141746_makefg(1).png.6fa028f2fe35222644e87c786da1fabb.png  28661714_makefg(2).png.b3816386a8f83b0cceab6cb43ae2477e.png  389390805_makefg(3).png.bca83a238dd2aaf235ea3ce2873b55bc.png  216757889_makefg(4).png.35cb826069cdae5c1a164a94deaff377.png  1359338181_makefg(5).png.e6135dea01fa097e5d841ee5fb3c2dc5.png

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/25/2023 at 10:12 PM, NineLine said:

You can enjoy this mod without taking shots at us. We want to do this properly, but a proper fragmentation model needs to wait on updates that we are doing such as Multithreading. Also, some of the things listed in this script are already done in DCS. Thanks. 

Perfect is the enemy of good. A simple % damage based on distance from the epicenter of the explosion is good enough (perhaps using a generated table to account for different dropoffs depending on munition type and mass), especially when vehicles are little more than sacks of hit points anyway.

The fact this simple script is such a massive improvement in gameplay, with so little effort, is proof enough.

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On 3/26/2023 at 5:12 AM, NineLine said:

You can enjoy this mod without taking shots at us. We want to do this properly, but a proper fragmentation model needs to wait on updates that we are doing such as Multithreading. Also, some of the things listed in this script are already done in DCS. Thanks. 

NineLine, it would be interesting if we could know what is in, what is left out, what the plans are for integrating this stuff. No pressure, just being curious.

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Am 11.4.2023 um 06:41 schrieb Xeno426:

Perfect is the enemy of good. A simple % damage based on distance from the epicenter of the explosion is good enough (perhaps using a generated table to account for different dropoffs depending on munition type and mass), especially when vehicles are little more than sacks of hit points anyway.

The fact this simple script is such a massive improvement in gameplay, with so little effort, is proof enough.

I think the older S-24 missiles in the Mig-21 even got some splash damage implemented. That alone is a big part of what makes the mig fun with bombing.

A primitive system that works is better than something not working because someone is trying to make a great system. Even a placeholder would be nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

edit: See post below, found the problem. DCS weapon naming wasnt quite intuitive^^

Small question, I dont quite understand how the damage works, so idk if normal or bug:

The AGM-154C behaviour seems basically unchanged by this script. Ive hit one basically 3 feet besides a T72 and it did 90% damage, as well as no damage to other close targets. That seems weak, considering they have a multi-purpose 500lb warhead? (or maybe multiple warheads, idk) 

Theyre in the list as "["AGM_154C"]  = 305,". Idk how that number interacts with game mechanics, but it looks high enough to do more damage^^

Am 18.4.2023 um 23:55 schrieb JeffreyC:

Totally agree. It is far better to have 'working' first and 'better' later instead of nothing while waiting for 'great'.

Thing is also, ground combat, tank movement and AI in DCS is also extremely rundamentary. I dont really see why we need to wait years for some advanced fragmentation system? Not like I dont want a great weapon damage system, but why we cant have a basic, but ore functional system in the meantime?


Especially when currently a lot of weapons are near useless because of the lack of AoE damage. Both compared to other weapons and reality. Like 2000 pound bombs are almost comical how weak they are. 

Edited by Temetre
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edit: Cant remember how to do pull requests, but Ive created an issue for the AGM-154Cs incorrect naming:


Am 8.10.2022 um 13:16 schrieb leonardo_c:

if you let me know the log message it will be a simple thing. I'll correct the AGM65 values and add the rockets you mention.
To find the weapon name just look for "splash damage" in your dcs.log file.

I've added also a couple of missing bombs of the Mirage F1, will soon update this 3d.

Did that for the AGM-154s, since I noticed the C doesnt seem to do any AoE damage:


2023-04-29 14:40:28.779 INFO    SCRIPTING (Main): AGM_154A missing from Splash Damage script

2023-04-29 14:45:59.940 INFO    SCRIPTING (Main): AGM_154 missing from Splash Damage script

After firing the AGM-154C, I get the lower of the messages, so I guess internally the weapon might be called "AGM_154" without the C?

edit: Yup, renaming the "AGM_154C" to "AGM_154" fixed the issue and now the JSOW is even more glorious than before 😄 

Until this is implemented, you guys can fix it yourself by opening the file with a text-editor and removing the C.


This makes me happy (tbf it only killed 1-2 densely stacked tanks, but at least they dont survive 1m miss anymore). Thanks to everyone that wrote/added to the script! This legit makes my planes loadouts so much more versatile. Doesnt feel like im limiting myself outside of Maverick/CBU-105 Vipers, even if theyre still best against armored columns.

Edited by Temetre
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On 3/26/2023 at 1:50 AM, termi_te said:

Thank you man for fixing what ED couldn't care to get done.
This is a really important part for any cold war era scenario!

Agree, many thanks to author. Amazing when single person can do better required things than dev company.

Edited by ZaHaDum
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"Ніяка в світі сила нас не зламає, бо нас коріння наше в землі тримає"

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hey Guys

First of all: This is a must have, amazing Script!!!

Now, did anyone add a function so that the damage or destroyed objects are credited to a player when logging the kills?. meaning on version 1 teh splash damage was not assign to any player, it "just happens",  does 2.0.2 assign the kill to a player? if not is that posible? to log who dorp teh bombo or projectile that made teh kill with the splash?

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
16 hours ago, mcspancy said:

Ive tried taking a shot at adding a fragmentation model and generally improve the model, located in this fork: https://github.com/aradzekler/DCS-Scripts/compare/master...aradzekler:DCS-Scripts:develop-realistic-explosions

Its not tested yet!

How easy would it be to set a filter in the script to exclude some weapons from the effect of "larger_explosions"? As if it is ON, the first explosion that deploys the submunitions of CBUs like Belouga or MK20 damages the aircraft deploying them as in the screenshot.


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6 hours ago, mimamema said:

How easy would it be to set a filter in the script to exclude some weapons from the effect of "larger_explosions"? As if it is ON, the first explosion that deploys the submunitions of CBUs like Belouga or MK20 damages the aircraft deploying them as in the screenshot.



If there is a list of those specific weapons, shouldn't be a problem 

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16 hours ago, mcspancy said:

If there is a list of those specific weapons, shouldn't be a problem 

As far as I could test these are the potential CBUs affected by this effect. All from modern aircraft, if anyone knows of any other CBU missing please reply to this post.


I´m actually wondering if this script could modify the damage of the submunitions of the CBUs, mainly because the script is not reporting the model of any of the submunitions when they hit any unit as missing in the script.















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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Montykoro said:

Hi! This issue is confirmed? Because our Group fly the A4 as main aircraft (we are from Argentina 🙂 ) 





I don't think the size of the explosion is a function of explosive power -- it's always the same size as near as I can tell.

I've made multi-megaton yields and yields of like 0.0001 kg of explosives -- all the same size (or barely any difference in size for what you see graphically).

Likely you have weapons with small warheads (e.g., rockets) so the spherical spreading falloff results in something like 0.01 kg explosive equivalent yield at the secondary site, which causes barely any damage.

With that all said: we've used the A-4E extensively with this script and there's nothing special about the A-4E, it all works (this script operates based off the munition, not the platform which dropped it).

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Maybe somebody can help me out, I'm getting the following errors at mission start-up, one for the IADS script and one for the splash script. After that the mission resumes normally:




Any help would be very much appreciated, this script sounds awesome.

Kind regards,


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1 hour ago, HawaiianRyan said:

I don't think the size of the explosion is a function of explosive power -- it's always the same size as near as I can tell.

I've made multi-megaton yields and yields of like 0.0001 kg of explosives -- all the same size (or barely any difference in size for what you see graphically).

Likely you have weapons with small warheads (e.g., rockets) so the spherical spreading falloff results in something like 0.01 kg explosive equivalent yield at the secondary site, which causes barely any damage.

With that all said: we've used the A-4E extensively with this script and there's nothing special about the A-4E, it all works (this script operates based off the munition, not the platform which dropped it).


Before your reply i do a quick test, IA vs Ground vehicles, Script on vs Script off  working flawless 🙂null

Script ON 


Script OFF


Edited by Montykoro
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