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VR unable to align IHADSS

Go to solution Solved by Gizmo03,

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Whenever i try to boresight my IHADSS, i can not be aligned correctly . I have to contort to get the circles centered with my cross.

Then , when i test with the gun, the impacts are way off sight.

In the F18 or F16 i don't have this problem.


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vor 9 Minuten schrieb Spirale:


Whenever i try to boresight my IHADSS, i can not be aligned correctly . I have to contort to get the circles centered with my cross.

Then , when i test with the gun, the impacts are way off sight.

In the F18 or F16 i don't have this problem.


this must not be an problem of your borsighting. The Gun itself is an area weapon. your airspeed, angle, hight are effekting the gun very heavy. also like razo+r mentioned, the distance you set in the Weaponpage effekts that also.

I may try to help you with the way i use the gun. I think we are talking about using the Gun as Pilot 🙂

i always use auto distancing.

i never shoot the gun while flying higher speeds than 100 knts

i try to get the helo in nose to tail trimm an have my target slightly left or right.

then its best to aim a bit shorter than the target. you fligh towards it so your sight will always be a bit delayed with the gun line.

shoot short bursts at first, about 3-5 bullets. then check where the impact is and adjust.


its not easy to describe 🙂 hope you understand what i try to say 🙂 no native english man here 🙂

Casmo made a very good video in wich he explanes the Gun very good. this may also be helpfull.

And as all things, praktice praktice praktice .)

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57 minutes ago, Grennymaster said:

this must not be an problem of your borsighting. The Gun itself is an area weapon. your airspeed, angle, hight are effekting the gun very heavy. also like razo+r mentioned, the distance you set in the Weaponpage effekts that also.

I may try to help you with the way i use the gun. I think we are talking about using the Gun as Pilot 🙂

i always use auto distancing.

i never shoot the gun while flying higher speeds than 100 knts

i try to get the helo in nose to tail trimm an have my target slightly left or right.

then its best to aim a bit shorter than the target. you fligh towards it so your sight will always be a bit delayed with the gun line.

shoot short bursts at first, about 3-5 bullets. then check where the impact is and adjust.


its not easy to describe 🙂 hope you understand what i try to say 🙂 no native english man here 🙂

Casmo made a very good video in wich he explanes the Gun very good. this may also be helpfull.

And as all things, praktice praktice praktice .)

Thank you so much, you are very kind 👍

In fact i already use  auto range. I don't fly fast indeed for a better accuracy....but i can not obtain the 3 concentrics circles to be in front of me. I have to way down my body it is not natural, not normal. The best way i've found is just look into the circle without looking for an exact alignment but the result is awfull...weird i find.

ps: excuses for my english it is not my native speaking too ^^

1 hour ago, razo+r said:

In what way are they off sight? Too long/short? Have you adjusted the range of the gun to the appropriate value?

I shoot in auto range and my impacts are way above, far above...

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3 hours ago, Spirale said:

In fact i already use  auto range. I don't fly fast indeed for a better accuracy....but i can not obtain the 3 concentrics circles to be in front of me. I have to way down my body it is not natural, not normal. The best way i've found is just look into the circle without looking for an exact alignment but the result is awfull...weird i find.

So,you are boresighting incorrectly.

I don't care if you find this kind or not.

If you do boresight correctly, gun will shoot accurately, nothing more, nothing less.

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4 hours ago, Spirale said:

....but i can not obtain the 3 concentrics circles to be in front of me. I have to way down my body it is not natural, not normal. 

Adjust your seating/camera position (rctrl+2, rctrl+8) if you find it difficult to do the correct alignment. It helps

"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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I find that it really helps using the VR recenter headset command (in the UI layer) every time I get into the cockpit...so much so that I have it bound to a button on my HOTAS.  Once you recenter, it seems to "fix" your position in the seat and keeps you from having to contort to boresight.

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6 hours ago, Toad McFrog said:

I find that it really helps using the VR recenter headset command (in the UI layer) every time I get into the cockpit...so much so that I have it bound to a button on my HOTAS.  Once you recenter, it seems to "fix" your position in the seat and keeps you from having to contort to boresight.

I do this too ( i fly whith VR since 3 years) and everytime i hop in my cockpit i recenter. That said, the 3 circles aren't aligned et for make them aligned i have to go way of my position in the cockpit. Am i alone or it is working for you?

I read the 10 pages of this topics:

And i've found people in the exact problem as me. Alas no real solution provided into this topic...

Edited by Spirale
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i got an idea how you could veryfy your borsighting

start up as usual, fly to your target, best in training mission.

set your helo to a good stable hover. about 800m away from target. Use the TADS as reference with laser 🙂 jump back to PL seat.

When the Positon is correct. and you have set the range to 800m in your PL Weapons Page. fire a smal burst.

you should be able to hit the target within a circle of about 1-3 meters.

if nothing helps, we could get on my discord. and hop in a mission together. mabye i could help you. If you whant that feel free to PM me 🙂



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you start cold i guess?

how to explain that 🙂 when i sit in my setup, my real position is realivly near to the Pilot positon in VR. In thermes of Joysick, rudder, collektiv etc. so if i do the alligment my head has the right angle to the Boresight. Means i look in a relativ strait line to the boresight itself. Mabye you will have to complety reset your VR base position? if i think back, i got a problem with racing sims in VR. my sight was always slightly to the left, even after recentering the Headset in the sim. This also may be a point to considre

in the Front seat i have to move my body to get the angle towards the Boresight right.


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Hey, i've got the same problem and was just about to ask the same question when i saw this thread.
Are you using the left, right or both eyes for the IHADSS?
If i do everything according the manual with the right eye it works as intended. If i use it with the left eye it doesn't. The TADS image in the IHADDS is always offset to the left.
I would like to use the IHADSS to slave the TADS in order to point it in the rough direction of the target but it doesn't work because the offset is way too big. On longer distances the TADS is not even close to the reticle of the IHADSS which makes it pretty useless.
I always need to close my left eye in order to see the IHADSS image on the right eye, while it works pretty nice with the IHADSS image on the left eye. Probably i have the same problem as the guy in the movie we all know pretty good but i don't have a HMMWV to fix it - so.... is there a way to fix it in the game?

Edited by Gizmo03
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Well the System itself works very good in DCS.

i have the IHADS only on the right eye. simply because its the way its in the real bird. there is no option for lefteye in the real bird as you mentioned.

A Tipp to get used to the right eye sight. Fly at absolut darknes. as less light as you can set. this way you will get used to the picture and your left eye dominance is much less noticable.

I have an dominance on the left also. Had to train it for my military carrier.

try to use only your right eye. you will get used to it in a couple hrs of flying.

if you both whant you can contact me, we have a small group of apache pilots, all relativ new to the bird. every wednsday we have training from 20:00 till 22:00 EST. Im from Germany, but most of us will be able to speak english, not perfekt but it gets the job done 🙂 feel free 🙂

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1st thing i do upon entering the cockpit is to press numpad 5 to recenter my view. Also make sure to bound cursor depress on your joystick. If you enter boresight from the weapon page, the cursor is already on the right button and you only need to press the button to align, if the cricles are centered.


I have never had issues boresighting the helmet using this way

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  • Solution
vor einer Stunde schrieb Grennymaster:

Well the System itself works very good in DCS.

i have the IHADS only on the right eye. simply because its the way its in the real bird. there is no option for lefteye in the real bird as you mentioned.

A Tipp to get used to the right eye sight. Fly at absolut darknes. as less light as you can set. this way you will get used to the picture and your left eye dominance is much less noticable.

I have an dominance on the left also. Had to train it for my military carrier.

try to use only your right eye. you will get used to it in a couple hrs of flying.

if you both whant you can contact me, we have a small group of apache pilots, all relativ new to the bird. every wednsday we have training from 20:00 till 22:00 EST. Im from Germany, but most of us will be able to speak english, not perfekt but it gets the job done 🙂 feel free 🙂

Changing the eye is not an option for me 😉
I had a little workaround which worked fine but was a bit complicated thus i wanted to know if it's me or if there is another procedure to align the IHADSS when not using the right eye.
But.... it was me. The first thing i do when entering a cockpit - no matter which module - is to recenter the VR POV and the adjusting it according to the pilot body (if there is one).
In the CP/G cockpit it's not really a good position to do the IHADSS alignment. You need to lean back a lot more than the pilot body in the cockpit in order to do a proper alignment.
I think i gave up a bit to early. After trying different combinations and different kinds of alignment the problem is (at least for me) solved.
Aber besten dank für's Angebot 😉 👍

@Spiralemaybe it also helps for your problem - just lean back much more during the alignment.

Edited by Gizmo03
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Result of the try: i leaned back slightly and the point of aim is way better, not totaly accurate, i have to compensate a bit but it is better:)

The advise vas good i think but it is not natural as in a F16 or F18 😉

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I've found sitting in a certain position before recentring the view helps me during the Boresighting process. I sit in Different positions to centre the view for Different Modules. What works for me in the Apache is to sit pretty much in the spot where I'm comfortable then learn my head back slightly while keeping the headset pointing forward and also centred on my stick. I then recentre the view and sit naturally again. I find i'm in pretty much the perfect position for boresighting.


Oh hell, let's go nuts. Swords for forty eight thousand

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