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Tel Nof/Ovda Airbase Project, Ideas, Thank you, New 3D Model screens


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First off, a big thanks to the developers of the Sinai map. I posted nothing for a long long time.. but I'm kinda back i guess. Thanks to the Sinai map, and thanks to the incredible mission editor, the realistic sounds that we have now (love the distance sounds so damn much), and all those nice camera settings. The feeling is just "there".

Honestly, this seems to be the first map that i'll keep. I've erased all other maps since I got the Sinai map. I bought all the other maps excluding the WW2 map (always hated WW2 stuff) so i skipped it.

The Problem with almost every DCS map is that the Ground looks too simple, mostly no good Satelitte images, missing acsess ways to the building, missing or wrong buildings on every Airfield. A lot of "copy/pasted Buildings and many missing Parking lots for Vehicles, no main Gates, missing roads and so on.

I've created tons of building after gathering hours and hours of informations from Nellis AFB, Falklands, and so on you name it, but i never finished one Model because the lack of ground detail in DCS was always frustrating. I started to use the scenery removal tool but this is also extremely limited and too much time consuming, more about this later. Looking on Bing maps/google, then back in DCS.. and the frustration was there and it was overhelming. I always wish that DCS will oneday use real Satelitte images to "create" buildings kinda like MSFS2020, but i don't wanne go into this topic right now. Another wish is that we (the community) will oneday be given the option to edit Airfields, add Landmarks etc much easier (MS2020 is a prime example here).

Now we got DCS 2.8xx, and the Graphics have improved. Let me say that i can only play games or any Simulation in VR, looking on a screen no matter how big it is is too boring for me. There's still my room, and nothing is life size, the depth is missing etc. But in VR..one word, thrilling, insanely amazing. I've not yet made it to fly in DCS because i just "sit" outside the base with my VR Headset and big headphones on watchig everything like a spotter in real life.. simply astonished.
Now... Tel Nof Airbase... again, a lot is missing, and i hope the Developers will hear me cause i really wanne push this Base to get more and more realistic. There's some stuff that could be erased from the map, and some simple stuff that the Developers could add. I would try to get as many buildings and stuff done as possible. Sure i need time, and time is rare cause i'm a full time artist and maybe i would need some support in the long run.
Lets start with the Main Gate where i found a pretty good image on google, then i checked the spot in DCS... and sadly there's almost nothing at this place. Just the parking lot..and one lamp Pole...i was like.. anyway lets try it.
I started with the Base guard "F-15", which is placed on some stands.. i played around with the Collision Shell and i was suprised to see that it finally worked out..

after that i was thrilled to create the 2 Spotlights on the ground which should illuminate part of the Bottom of the Eagle... and that also worked out pretty well..Call me nuts but to be honest, checking this location in VR is so damn nice, i played some chill out music and i was sitting for an hour on the fence watching the F-15 in VR from every angle.. incredible. Thanks to ED again, you bring a feeling back that i had the last time a very very long time ago.  Next step would be to create the Main Gate buildings in the background
As some of you may has noticed, the fence was from @Massun92, the palm tree and additional trees was done by myself, also the Light Poles on the Parking spot, you'll see much more later. The F-15 is the original Static Model from ED.
Sorry for making this post so long but there's so much on my mind right now...

Next post in a minute...


tel nof gate.jpg





Edited by Ghostrida9
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There're Bunkers at Tel Nof that are missing... I've created a model with the correct size. The Textures are not final, some placeholder for now. Hope the developers can fix the area around the tower, which is placed wrong at this time in DCS.. more about that later

The Bunker model is only 35kb. with collsion shell probably 40kb..







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On 6/23/2023 at 12:37 PM, Ghostrida9 said:




Wow, nice details! :thumbup:

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Thanks alot, and Thx to @OnReTech for chiming in, i wanted to ask you some questions anyway.

So far this is all work in progress. Later we could think about some ideas. I think we could make a "lets try" it project out of TelNof Airbase to see whats possible with DCS. Regarding Aircraft I think DCS is allready oversaturated so I think looking at the Maps is much more important now. I hope we get a Nevada 2.0, Syria 2.0.. and so on in the future. Anyway back to topic.

There's a lot that could be erased from TelNof Airbase and replaced by stuff that is actually there. but i gone ask you about it in a privat message or following messages of this thread here @OnReTech.

Next: Many of the Shelters are protected on at least one side. I checked in on youtube and Bing maps and kinda found it. I think that's important because it will protect the Aircraft much more. The Problem is i cannot create a damage model because the KI is pretty "scared" and will not taxi out of the shelter because the object is too close. it would need to be part of the official map to make it fully work, otherwise it's only nice eye candy but will miss it's effect of protection. Without a collision shell it works as a placeable object..




protection overview.jpg

protection closeup.jpg

Screenshot 2023-06-19 004254.jpg




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Since i'm looking into some israeli Airbases on Bing maps and gathering some info, i figured that there's a golf ball type radar dome on almost every base, maybe a Meteo radar, not sure  but it looks important. It's yet also completely missing in DCS. So i worked on a  model and add some first textures...




meteo radar.jpg

ovda Radom.jpg



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WhatS UP ??


Война, как и смерть, такое обычное дело
Горит и танцует картинкой в твоем букваре
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6 минут назад, Minsky сказал:

Why are you posting this here and not in the bugs section?

This has been reported btw:



I didn't find where it was..


Война, как и смерть, такое обычное дело
Горит и танцует картинкой в твоем букваре
Когда-то ты верил, что жизнь не имеет предела
И ты самый мудрый из всех дураков на горе

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17 hours ago, Ghostrida9 said:

Since i'm looking into some israeli Airbases on Bing maps and gathering some info, i figured that there's a golf ball type radar dome on almost every base, maybe a Meteo radar, not sure  but it looks important. It's yet also completely missing in DCS. So i worked on a  model and add some first textures...

Great stuff! I hope you´ll find a way to get these in the game and enhance what we already have.

We´re also in dire need of some hangars that fit the F-15 comfortably ... 


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Thanks you all.

A small update and test concerning a lesser-important area in the southern region of Tel Nof Air Base. Such areas exist in abundance across all airbases, regardless of the map. I believe it is possible to enhance these areas with more details to deepen the immersion and realism in DCS, without compromising performance. This could involve removing all the stones, bushes, and grass from these areas and instead add concrete, roads, or parking spots for vehicles. These additions would also benefit Combined Arms but also showcase the potential for achieving authentic levels of detail in airbases, airfields, and airports—key locations within DCS.

Sadly I don't have access to the Terrain editing tool, i would do it myself with joy.

One example:

Reality and DCS:




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I've created some stuff quickly and you can see what i mean by: removing all the stones, bushes, and grass from these areas in the second screens @OnReTech I could provide a picture where all the places are allready marked where to remove the grass, bushes and stones for the whole of Tel Nof AB. Like i said i would do it myself if i would have access.








Screen_230627_231101 EDIT.jpg

Screen_230627_231124 EDIT.jpg

Screen_230627_231240 EDIT.jpg

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Working on missing buildings that should also replace wrong buildings based on real satellite images, a lot more variation is needed to make the bases look "up to date" and not abandoned. I hope that the access ways, missing concrete spots, and roads will be added. As stated before, grass, bushes, and stones would be completely removed from those spots. Good for performance, good for realism.




storage 1 loc.jpg


Concrete small building.jpg

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12 hours ago, flybull said:

Is OnReTech going to implement this great work?

I sure hope they can work with Ghostrida9 on some of this because...wow.  That about sums this thread up.  Wow. 

Not sure how much is applicable to other airfields, but the improved object models should be applicable to more than just Tel Nof (which coincidentally is my primary airbase on this map right now...at least it's in !desert).

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Thx @flybull@Raisuli. My idea would be to enhance all airfields, it's a long shot and a lot of trial and error, and only with the help of OnReTech and ED this could become the first map with a much more realistic detail regarding airfields. I sayed it once i'll say it again, removing stuff that is not there in real life and adding stuff that is there.

Most annonying right now for me is the small stuff (grass,stones, bushes) it makes my work much much more difficult, It would be a tremendous amount of help if ED @SkateZilla can add this small feature to the Scenery remove Object zone (Trigger Zone -> Remove small stuff, grass, stones, bushes..)

I've allready requested this feature in the ME wish list !

Back to topic, i keep on working on the northern part of Tel-Nof.. the cars are from different mods. Sure it would've been easier if @OnReTechwould have added the road and parking lot allready.. but anyway. All WORK IN PROGRESS

Proof that it's possible @OnReTech


reality n1.jpg


Office building Tel Nof North.jpg

Office building Tel Nof North 2.jpg

Office building Tel Nof North 3.jpg


Edited by Ghostrida9
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