Total Khaos Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 The fan speed doesn't go over 83%. The gauge at 100% was a bug. Ok, thank you for clarifying this. :thumbup:
upupandaway Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 Mavericks have never been 100% accurate, nor are they intended to be. However, my first shot in 1.2.4 with a D model Maverick did miss. If not a bug, an interesting coincidence. Strange, I don´t recall that they ever missed if properly locked on. I read just like you that they do miss sometimes, but it never happened to me in the sim. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Deedle, deedle!
Kuky Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 SU-27 ECM light doesn't work. RWR is displaying lights in reverse or is the joke on me. Can someone confirm? confirmed and already reported No longer active in DCS...
xcom Posted May 1, 2013 Author Posted May 1, 2013 New bugs - 1. Regarding the new addgroup function, if i use this function and make a new group with the same name of a deactivated group or a destoyed group, the next time this new group would be destroyed the message will say that a building has been destroyed instead of the new groups name. example - coalition.addGroup(, Group.Category.AIRPLANE, { ["modulation"] = 0, ["tasks"] = { }, -- end of ["tasks"] ["radioSet"] = false, ["task"] = "CAS", ["uncontrolled"] = false, ["route"] = { ["points"] = { [1] = { ["alt"] = 1524, ["type"] = "Turning Point", ["action"] = "Turning Point", ["alt_type"] = "BARO", ["formation_template"] = "", ["properties"] = { ["vnav"] = 1, ["scale"] = 0, ["angle"] = 0, ["vangle"] = 0, ["steer"] = 2, }, -- end of ["properties"] ["ETA"] = 0, ["y"] = 536171.42857143, ["x"] = -201337.14285714, ["speed"] = 138.88888888889, ["ETA_locked"] = true, ["task"] = { ["id"] = "ComboTask", ["params"] = { ["tasks"] = { [1] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = true, ["id"] = "EngageTargets", ["number"] = 1, ["key"] = "CAS", ["params"] = { ["targetTypes"] = { [1] = "Helicopters", [2] = "Ground Units", [3] = "Light armed ships", }, -- end of ["targetTypes"] ["priority"] = 0, }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of [1] }, -- end of ["tasks"] }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of ["task"] ["speed_locked"] = true, }, -- end of [1] [2] = { ["alt"] = 1524, ["type"] = "Turning Point", ["action"] = "Turning Point", ["alt_type"] = "BARO", ["formation_template"] = "", ["properties"] = { ["vnav"] = 1, ["scale"] = 0, ["angle"] = 0, ["vangle"] = 0, ["steer"] = 2, }, -- end of ["properties"] ["ETA"] = 180.32590903528, ["y"] = 556742.85714286, ["x"] = -215622.85714286, ["speed"] = 138.88888888889, ["ETA_locked"] = false, ["task"] = { ["id"] = "ComboTask", ["params"] = { ["tasks"] = { [1] = { ["number"] = 1, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "Orbit", ["enabled"] = true, ["params"] = { ["altitude"] = 1524, ["pattern"] = "Race-Track", ["speed"] = 115, }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of [1] }, -- end of ["tasks"] }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of ["task"] ["speed_locked"] = true, }, -- end of [2] [3] = { ["alt"] = 1524, ["type"] = "Turning Point", ["action"] = "Turning Point", ["alt_type"] = "BARO", ["formation_template"] = "", ["properties"] = { ["vnav"] = 1, ["scale"] = 0, ["angle"] = 0, ["vangle"] = 0, ["steer"] = 2, }, -- end of ["properties"] ["ETA"] = 352.47877892787, ["y"] = 533457.14285714, ["x"] = -210194.28571429, ["speed"] = 138.88888888889, ["ETA_locked"] = false, ["task"] = { ["id"] = "ComboTask", ["params"] = { ["tasks"] = { }, -- end of ["tasks"] }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of ["task"] ["speed_locked"] = true, }, -- end of [3] }, -- end of ["points"] }, -- end of ["route"] ["groupId"] = 238, ["hidden"] = false, ["units"] = { [1] = { ["alt"] = 1524, ["type"] = "FW-190D9", ["unitId"] = 399, ["psi"] = -2.1777839908415, ["alt_type"] = "BARO", ["skill"] = "Average", ["y"] = 536171.42857143, ["x"] = -201337.14285714, ["name"] = "190D9 - 1", ["payload"] = { ["pylons"] = { }, -- end of ["pylons"] ["fuel"] = 461, ["flare"] = 0, ["chaff"] = 0, ["gun"] = 100, }, -- end of ["payload"] ["speed"] = 138.88888888889, ["heading"] = 2.1777839908415, ["callsign"] = 112, ["onboard_num"] = "10", }, -- end of [1] [2] = { ["alt"] = 1524, ["type"] = "FW-190D9", ["unitId"] = 422, ["psi"] = -2.1777839908415, ["alt_type"] = "BARO", ["skill"] = "Average", ["y"] = 536211.42857143, ["x"] = -201377.14285714, ["name"] = "190D9 - 2", ["payload"] = { ["pylons"] = { }, -- end of ["pylons"] ["fuel"] = 461, ["flare"] = 0, ["chaff"] = 0, ["gun"] = 100, }, -- end of ["payload"] ["speed"] = 138.88888888889, ["heading"] = 2.1777839908415, ["callsign"] = 110, ["onboard_num"] = "54", }, -- end of [2] }, -- end of ["units"] ["y"] = 536171.42857143, ["x"] = -201337.14285714, ["name"] = "190D9", ["communication"] = true, ["start_time"] = 0, ["frequency"] = 124, }) If i destoy the new 190D9 group I'll get a message that a building has been destroyed instead of the group or unit name. 2. BF109E4 mod, if you have this mod installed and you host a multiplayer server, people without the mod installed won't be able to join the server (Connection Interupted error), even if you don't have a BF109E4 in your mission. I'm not sure if this issue is relevant to all the mods, I just tested with the BF109E4 mod. hopefully not more to come :) [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] BuddySpike Website | Live Map & Statistics BuddySpike Twitch Channel Buddyspike Discord Buddyspike Facebook
Esac_mirmidon Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 Kh-25 MPU antiradar missiles always fails the target by excess ( 20 meters more or less ). No matter what SAM type target. Only Kh-58 hit SAM targets. " You must think in russian.." [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Windows 7 Home Premium-Intel 2500K OC 4.6-SSD Samsung EVO 860- MSI GTX 1080 - 16G RAM - 1920x1080 27´ Hotas Rhino X-55-MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals -Track IR 4
r3m Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 A-10C Wingman after RTBing attempts to take off from parking ramp, onto grass surrounding runway and destroys own aircraft+ejects after colliding with a building. Steps to reproduce: 1. Have wingman RTB to Batumi 2. Wingman lands and is standing by at the parking area 3. Tell wingman to rejoin formation 4. Wingman does not take off from the runway, but instead crashes into a building as described Crosshair VI Hero | Ryzen 3900X @ 3.9 Ghz | eVGA GTX 1070 Ti 32 GB G.Skill Trident Z 3600 MHz | MS Force Feedback 2 | TIR 5 ASUS VG248QE
Mazzic Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 in the Su27 russian HUD landing mode the ПОС is drawn over the K sign in the lower left
Spectre_USA Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 A-10C Wingman after RTBing attempts to take off from parking ramp, onto grass surrounding runway and destroys own aircraft+ejects after colliding with a building. Steps to reproduce: 1. Have wingman RTB to Batumi 2. Wingman lands and is standing by at the parking area 3. Tell wingman to rejoin formation 4. Wingman does not take off from the runway, but instead crashes into a building as described FIX: Don't ask him to rejoin after he returns to base. :D It happened in 1.2.3 as well, as I forgot, and did the same. He actually had a clear patch and almost got airborne, as I watched, but clipped some object and cartwheeled to a fiery death... :cry: [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] A tale of 2 hogs
johnv2pt0 Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Selecting 160*KOM in the dropdown list of the SU-25 refuel rearm window loads you with 160*TsM
Paganus Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 In CA first person mode, neither Strela type will lock on targets. Even if they are inside 4 miles. Since they can't lock they can't fire.
Guest Izoul123 Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 (edited) Minor text menu dialog error for ATC after landing/warm boot of CDU/download: Now, thankfully you don't have to 'abort mission', 'request start-up', etc anymore after landing! It's basically defaulted to 'taxi to runway'! There is just an error in the text display that says 'request takeoff'. The first time you select it, it will then say clear to taxi to runway x, and the second 'request takeoff' functions as normal. Just needs to be altered to standard "Request taxi to runway" dialogue! Nice little fix! Now, if we could just get Falcon or FSX level ATC.... I know...wish list. JTAC worked just fine for me on Dragon's "The Dam" mission. No delays as others reported. PS: I dig the blue on the MFD's on A10C power on, is that actually how they are in real life on power-up? I'd give my left nut to be able to sit in a real A10c and compare start-up vs this sim, someone go buy me one for my 37th birthday coming up. ;) Also, I didn't always see the CBU's in final 'parachuting' stage, but they would hit still. The CBU97 was visable after drop via F6 view, but not in the final 'parachute' stage, was unavailable. Sometimes I was able to see them float down on the TGP, other times not at all, but they still 'hit' just fine...maybe this is a workaround to help issues some have with CBU and their PC's performance? Dunno... Edited May 2, 2013 by Izoul123
Viperrm64 Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 O.K. I'll put it in this thread.Still no "multiple skins"showing in M.E.for the new A.I.FW-190D.In the armament screen there are no options for other skins and I cannot find a FW-190D folder for skins in Bazar/Liveries,is this the problem?(I have tried FW-190D in all countries this makes no difference).
Nemesis302 Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 In the P-51, I cannot hear the sound of the battery disconnect being on and I cannot hear the primer.
ptako Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 A-10C RWR Indications or some SAMs search radars are gone Did anyone already noticed that in A-10C you wont get info on RWR about radars being nearby in search mode? It happens for Dog Ear, Buk, Kub, Tor and probably some others. Effect is that first thing you get on RWR is info that you've just started to be tracked by SAM. Also when you look in Tacview ACMI for that flight some radars doesn't have "bubbles" showing their range. So now we have a situation when we are "stealthy" painted by search radars, and when we get in tracking/locking range we have first information on RWR that we've just been tracked/locked. I'm not sure if it's problem with A-10C's RWR or radars themselves, but based on Tacview visualization it looks rather like something was broken in radars behavior in 1.2.4. There are also major changes in missilles behavior, but it's still under testing. Main question is : what's wrong with SAM radars in 1.2.4? During flights we're feeling like walking on minefield:doh: [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] -- "The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good shit. A night carrier landing is one of the few opportunities to experience all three at the same time."
westr Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Should be fixed in next update. Good News, glad its not a problem with my DCS World. Loving 1.2.4 and all the new stuff though:smilewink: although im finding the UH-1 very difficult to fly. I need lots of practice!..... RYZEN 7 3700X Running at 4.35 GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti 32gb DDR4 RAM @3200 MHz Oculus CV1 NvME 970 EVO TM Warthog Stick & Throttle plus 11" extension. VKB T-Rudder MKIV
Sn8ke Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Wanted to report that in Greywolf's seperatists aggression mission there are two mision that require static object to be blown up. Two Ammo depots and a command center. The trigger to determine they are dead are "unit dead" Ammo depot and "Unit dead" command Center. i believe the unit's are under structures wharehouses.(sorry at work right now) The issue is when you begin seperatist agression these two missions report as completed. it appears as though these static units are considered dead even though the Dead check box is unchecked. removing the condition for unit dead in these missions resolves the 'completed' at the begining of the game but then you can not determine when the ammo dumps or the command center are destroyed. Can someone please verify: place an ammo dump or a command center on the map set a one time trigger for unit dead ammo dump set action to msg all "trigger is evaluated as true"i set plan on map and start mission see if the trigger is evaluated as true at the start of the mission. thanks 76th Falcon TFB I experienced the same exact thing. I went so far as to delete and reinstall the missions as well as a clean install if the SL mod, neither fixed the issue. As far as I know, the missions were created with a great deal of sophisticated triggers etc., I'm sure something is out of whack after the update. Asus Prime Gaming Wifi7 // Intel 14900K @5.5GHz // 64Gb DDR5 6000MHz // 3090 RTX // 4TB Samsung NVME M.2
Sn8ke Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 I have the TM HOTAS Warthog stick and throttle. I know the UH-1H is in beta, and must say this helicopter is eccentrically difficult to fly. When I take off, to just do a pre-takeoff hover check requires almost full left pedal and extreme aft cyclic movement. The cockpit seams to vibrate greatly when coming out of translational lift. Other than that the bird is beautiful and I'm getting addicted to it! Asus Prime Gaming Wifi7 // Intel 14900K @5.5GHz // 64Gb DDR5 6000MHz // 3090 RTX // 4TB Samsung NVME M.2
HocusPocus Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Minor issue, but this just broke with 1.2.4 so i report it: The hydrolics indicators remain at zero in the su27. This is a bit scary when you look down and think you have lost all hydro :smilewink: Also, after shutting down the engines on the ground, the red 'hydro' warning light does not light up as it was on previous releases... it does however when you loose both engines in flight.
howie87 Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 (edited) A-10C - TAD ownship symbol disappearing randomly for unknown reason (moving map continues to track and all other TAD functions continue to work as intended). No damage to aircraft was sustained. Fuel flow test button still shows right tank as slightly empty and total fuel at 5900 instead of 6000lbs (bug introduced in 1.2.3) Regarding the RWR behaviour, I've noticed F-15 spikes are appearing again now after being broken in 1.2.3 and that the RWR seems to be functioning much more reliably overall. Is it possible that SAM behaviour has been tweaked to be more realistic? (i.e. not flooding the sky with search radar emissions) Edited May 2, 2013 by howie87
locoidal Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Some EDM model are not yet optimized (harbor cranes, small cranes, small boats, etc). This causes Big FPS drops when harbor is in the field of view. PLease, recheck Asus P6T deluxe V2 | I7 950@3.8 | 6 GB DDR3 (@1600 Tri-channel) 2x ATI 5850 (crossfire-->OFF) | Creative X-Fi | SSD OCZ Vertex 3 | OCZ ZX Series 1250W PSU | TrackIR 5 |
St3v3f Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Did anyone already noticed that in A-10C you wont get info on RWR about radars being nearby in search mode? It happens for Dog Ear, Buk, Kub, Tor and probably some others. Effect is that first thing you get on RWR is info that you've just started to be tracked by SAM. I have the same issue, SA-11 Search Radar does not appear on A-10C RWR. It appears however in the F-15C and the A-10A BEFORE it is deployed. And it also WORKS before being deployed. aka: Baron [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
ptako Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 (edited) Is it possible that SAM behaviour has been tweaked to be more realistic? (i.e. not flooding the sky with search radar emissions) Might be, but when i looked at SAM's radar via TGP, it's antenna was turning around. And i don't think SAM is able to point tracking radar at some point in space where I just happened to be at exact moment, without having any idea of my presence in that direction, and track/lock on me momentarily. It might happen for Buk with it's independent radars on launchers but for sure not for rest of mentioned SAMS. Edited May 2, 2013 by ptako [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] -- "The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good shit. A night carrier landing is one of the few opportunities to experience all three at the same time."
howie87 Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 Yeah, sounds a bit funny. Seems like there are definitely still some kinks to be worked out with SAM behaviour and RWR detection.
laheugan Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 The Huey [all comments are about in 1.2.4 in Win 7, over Kobuleti, with no buildings or trees, on the default "high" setting, no changes] is about 3 to 5 times worse frame rate for me then ANY other DCS product at exactly the same point and map. Additionally, the Huey takes over 15 seconds to load, compared to 1 or 2 seconds for any other DCS aircraft, and it will crash if you tell DCS to stop, or if you wait it loads properly, but it looks like a crash screen, but you can see it loading. When the model loads it is very slow to load, and you can see many different parts loading (some users may know what I mean when you use a recording program, the textures load up slowly, however there is no recording program being used) The framerate of the Huey deteriorates over time, and after maybe 10 minutes the framerate is under 10, compared to over 40. And yes, I know it's a beta release.
billeinstein Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 F-15C quick mission can't kill any Mig-23, they are invulnerable. Training lessons can't be installed correctly, reporting a "can't find path" error in the temp folder. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
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